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Or hull restoration, hull restoration is good


Man sometimes the prices on that are nuts. I don’t want to have to sell my colony planet to make this destroyer work again, lol


Allow me to introduce you to the elite skill that just passively removes a dmod from your fleet every month. Can't remember the exact name though.


Oh I’m that skills lil biotch. I take it out to Taco Bell every date night. Like seriously the best skill to get without question 


Same. Derelict ops is a good idea but I play with UNGP so there's no incentive for me to run dmods since they just get SO MUCH WORSE lmao


see like, i KNOW a derelict operations build can be good but seeing those little orange bars and seeing the numbers on my ship stats screen go down fills me with a white hot rage


Same, it's so fucking good.


Sounds like something a poor person would say. Money to remove D-mods is generally faster to get than story points, unless you're farming 500% XP multi-ordo fights, but at that point you should have effectively unlimited money anyways.


Passive d-mod removal even while moving? Exquisite


Hull restoration is reddit's favorite skill, but it's actually terrible from a combat power perspective. Especially as it drags several other non-combat skills along with it! It has its uses in the early game, but I think it is the single most overated skill in the game at present and would take any capstone over it.


The hull restoration effect isn't great and actually can be counterproductive when D-Maxxing, and you can just throw money at the problem anyway. However, it DOES give +15% CR fleetwide. Which is honestly the real perk of the skill.


For me, the real perk is being able to always salvage my ships. In station battles there is always those ships that suicide towards it or the ship that gets mined, saves SP and credits


I play modded with increased level cap. (A new level of confidence) Vanilla lvl 15 cap takes same amount of xp as normal so takes a while to get those levels up. I also use "quality captains" that changes skills a bit. Being able to get a expensive/rare derelict up to full capability, and not having to replace smaller ships you have kitted out because they get a lot of d-mods is just convenient. I hate scrapping ships i have gotten attached to. The exception is if you go for full d-mod gaming and commit to derelict ops which is a completely different way of playing. Also a lot of the skills on that line are essential for resource management and improving your finances which is the biggest hurdle at the start usually. The most buffed and overpowered combat ship is a paperweight if you cant afford to buy (or recover it from the edges of the map) and run it.


Yellow and blue tree earlygame > Skill reassign with 1 SP > Red and blue tree lategame, every time, normally when my colonies are printing money and I can create a new hull/restore whenever necessary.


Sick pro tip! I'll have to check it out in game. o7


And why would you want to go through all this hassle when you can just throw money at the problem to make it go away? Like, yes, it's a good idea to keep your XP gain boosted, but this is not the way to do this. You may as well just frivolously blow SP on random encounter disengages.


>You may as well just frivolously blow SP on random encounter disengages. You're right and joking, but I doing this with Ruthless Sector and HMI installed, you can hit level 5 from level 1 in one battle vs the Mess, it was something like a +400% xp battle just me and the station and I had no officers. Since running is always +100% xp, it's a nice little speed run to level 15.


This is pretty bad advice TBH. Money rolls in much faster than XP does, even with the bonus.


hull restoration or derelict operations. dmods arent that bad.


[is this skill a joke to you ?](https://imgur.com/lrW8ZJx) also, money is SO easy to get... like srsly


I know you are memeing, but YES, that skill is a joke to me! Past the early game it is a waste and a trap. As you say, money in late game is so easy to get... so why waste a precious skill point (more like 2 or even 3 skill points!) on it? In the early game when money still matters, the skill has marginal use but is still a trap for 90% of playthroughs. In that case, get that bonus XP and get that cash savings by scuttling and rebuying!


Holy moly, are you serious about it? So what is alternative to this skill? Trashing entire fleet every few combats? How am I supposed to keep my fleet operational without this skill? I could argue its too strong or should be revamped, but calling it trap is madness.


It's hard to tell how hyperbolic you're being; do you really mean trashing the whole fleet every few combats? As in you are losing almost every ship every combat? The key to not falling into the trap of this skill is realizing that having a ship accumulate a few D mods over the course of its useful life is fine. It gets a little bit weaker, but really not that much, and then after 3 or 4 losses you replace it. But this assumes losing a reasonable number of ships per combat, often 0. If you're really losing so many ships every combat, well, something else is very wrong and you really shouldn't be doing those fights.


why scuttle and rebuy an entire ship ? just restore it


Does this works with salvaged ships with s mod already in it ? You can't recover smod when selling them to contacts.


It does not; back in 0.95 Industrial Evolution (I think it's that mod) would let you sell ships to contacts and it would return story points regardless of the source, but it's since also been patched so it only works for story points you have spent just like scuttling.


I stick my old fleet in a museum planet cause I'm stupidly sentimental. I'll make up for it by pushing to kill more remnants to make up for the xp But yes, read the tooltips for how story points are handled, it'll save you a ton of xp! I think Starship Legends even treats selling ships with S-mods with extra care as well, allowing the player to recoup xp if the ship sold has them.


Good super lategame when you’ve burned your bonus xp but unless you’re going full caps (a problem in itself) getting your fleet smodded will gain bonus xp


Or wait for a ship sale bar event to get the SP back