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You can tune down the extra bloat in LunaLib settings. >!Even then, the Sindies still job to anyone because they're the speiss balkans.!<


The Diktat is, against the player, already *decently* tougher than average. But Diktat Enhancement increases their power to an insane degree. Their High Command gets an Extreme Heat Cryo Engine and an Alpha Core, and the overlapping worlds of the Salus system provide a lot of patrol coverage for each other. What it generally means is that they'll be extremely difficult for the player to do anything against without late-game faction-backing, and it's practically impossible for Nex invasions from the AIs to succeed. I've honestly not actually ever seen the Diktat get rolled in my games with Nex, but that may be because I tune down invasions (decreased sizes). In my experience what ends up happening is that they buddy up with one other faction, and use their absurd fleet size stats to support them often with expeditions. It is indeed overtuned mainly due to the colony items, but unfortunately the Lite Mode itself is an undertuning. Honestly, one thing that *as far as the player is concerned* makes them quite a bit stronger is their new ships and variants. The Executor is a mid capital, and its \[SUPER ALABASTER\] variant makes it a bit crap. But, the Executor is relegated to Lion Guard fleets, and is replaced by the Impinge, which is a surprisingly decent capital.


[SUPER ALABASTER] is the doritos, not the Lion's Guard. Lion's Guard can be visited on a normal trading run a minute into the game.


Probably referring to Gigacannon Executor variant, which has a reference to being derived from dorito tech in it's description? But I don't play PAGSM or Diktat Enhancement because the Diktat normally always holds on in my playthroughs, so maybe he means something else.


This time I am running with both PAGSM and Diktat Enhancement. Not because the faction feels weak or anything, but I just feel the additional features such as LG submarket is nice to have). Wonder just what I have unleashed this time...


In my experience they are quite alright when boosted. They still managed to lose one of their planets in askonia to the persean league.


It certainly makes them more powerful and they often will join at least one other faction and become a powerful force. In my games with them they aren't normally too overwhelming but I run mods that enhance every faction (Except Heg) and add a few more factions with decent power. Though I don't run any particular overpowered factions that I have seen besides probably Exalted and Tri Tac Special Circumstances. Those are mainly overpowered because of a few very particular ships and weapons they have but overall not bad. However it is true that even on normal invasive size their system is basically immune. Not for lack of trying mind, I had one game where Heg and a few other modded factions went to war with them all at once and the fighting was pretty intense. The Diktat Lion guard and primary defense fleet got cut down to just a few ships so it's not completely impossible for them to lose but even so it will make them extremely resilient.


Interesting thing is, in my campaigns, Dictate usually holds pretty well on it's own. If you don't intentionally sabotage them by stealing their nanoforge, they can usually fight off practically any invasion. And if they join an alliance with any other faction, they're usually among the last factions standing in the endgame


I play with the settings that restrict the sindrian diktat just to Askonia, and I’ve only ever seen them lose a planet once, and it was to the 13th battle group. Almost every invasion ends before it gets to the orbital station and raiders always retreat when they reach the system. Surprisingly enough the diktat keep to themselves and I almost never see them actually attempt an invasion, but maybe that’s just my experience.