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They envelop each other, and the higher up it goes, the less explicable it is, because things like words spoken (like with a mouth and a tongue) become very strange outside of very dense reality (like 3D). Even thoughts become something a little different; you dare to ponder and you just know what wanted to know..except "knowing" is also a little different.. Maybe it's just my experience, but the higher up you go, so many things are revealed to be more menial than you could possibly imagine, while some things are revealed to be more collosal than you could have imagined. The reason why: because--of everything, all of it, nothing uncounted. It's all the butterfly effect and an infinity of willpower influencing it from all directions into all directions places. "You" also expand a lot, in less-dense spheres, which might explain the abject feeling of unity with "all the things" You didn't really ask that, but maybe it's worth keeping in mind in your seeking, that the answers tend to get pretty vague when you bring them back here.


Could you explain menial and collosal a little bit more please?


Nope, not really. That was kinda my point


HA, some music just gave me a perfect example: Imagine floating up up and away from Earth, it'll get smaller right? But never actually changes size. In the same way, travelling out to the immeasurable expanse of space, it's bigger than you'll ever see. Something like that. It's all relative to itself and each other and everything else


I think a lot about the use of perspective in art. I was always really impressed by how artists will manipulate perspective in their art to achieve a look, tone, story, or composition. I never really thought to do that. Recently, I couldn't stop thinking about how interesting it is that if you go really far away from something, it appears smaller. It just confuses me for some reason. Like I couldn't accept the "lie"


It's kinda like how the idea of up and down are just theories that work for us.


I love this medi


It's gonna be so fun 😁


All of the Dimensional Planes overlap and are almost identical in physics and celestial bodies. Here's the dimensions or planes I have been to over my lives, keep in mind that only the foolish or naive think any plane is "better" than another. They all have problems and conflict, as the Universe permeates all of them. Some things are easier depending where you go, but there is no "Corruption/evil/darkness" free zone. That is just part of how reality works. Every Dimensional Plane has the same traits. Celestial bodies, stars, etc. Every plane is a mirror of the Universe we see, so they all have variations and similarities, common planetary placements that frequently overlap, planar shifting (meditation or otherwise) allows you to see, interact with, and visit these other places. 3D: Technically a timeloop, Earth has be trapped in a pseudo-3D space for millennia but we are still exposed to 4D timeflow. The "dimensional exclusion zone" was artificially created. (Technically, it shouldn't have been possible to cut a world or solar system off from "Normal Space" or 4D). But 3D always repeats with the same result, no matter what choices are made. An example would be video games with choices. No matter what decision you make or where, it will always have a set of predetermined outcomes/endings. 4D: "Normal Space" where time and energy flow naturally and freely from the Dawn of the Universe to the Dusk before the Universe reinvents itself for the next life cycle. Energy here is more tangible, and colors more vibrant. Space is more than just "Blackness" and has a wider range of colors that can be seen with the naked eye. (Look at Voyager 1's distant view of Earth for a sort of sample of this.) This is also what most energy work (chi, reiki, Reishi, ki, etc.) taps into, believe it or not. Beings here can possess powers because of the free-flowing and easily accessible energy. Energy here is as real as the wind or sun on your face, and you can feel it without nearly the same amount of effort needed on Earth at this time. Myth of magic and such stems from here and the 5th Dimensional Plane. 5D: This is what most religions call the "Astral" or "Ethereal Plane" and it's very colorful, most mythic creatures can be found here where they don't have to "hide" from other beings. Powers greater than the aforementioned energy work reside here, but otherwise, like the others, it has its issues as well. 6D: The High Plane, or "Heaven" as described in some religions, often portrayed as a "land of unending light" (false, but beside the point) beings here are an elder breed, often possessing greater power and age than the other planes. However, this place is actually a cesspool of corruption and "light will cleanse all" mentalities. I left this plane over the corruption because I watched some of the "Beings" here (technically "gods" but I will not give them that respect) literally play "chess" with their followers, betting which side would win and absolutely not caring how their people suffered at the hands of one another for these beings' entertainment. This place is typically reached by "ascension" (thus their exclusivity and arrogance) and, friends, it's not worth it. They try to rope you into their same games, and tend to be highly manipulative and sneaky. 7D: The Abyss. This place is often described (inaccurately, by the way) as "Hell" or a "Land of unending Darkness" (Also false) beings here, also elder than 5D or below, are often called "demonic or evil" based on how they look or what they do. The specific planet I have often visited (the name is forgotten to me) has a set of "Abyssal Lords" that rule over different sections of the world. This planet is the "typical hell" often described in myth. Each lord has a sphere of influence, often common vices for various beings. This specific world is purely lit by starlight, so it's dark. The desert I visit (home of a friend of mine) is made of ash, and the trees of bone, but the water, though it looks as black as night, is pure and clear, also safe to drink. However, the Abyssal Lords often fight over territory and influence as all power hungry beings, (High Planers included) do. But at least they don't try to be sneaky about it. They are honest in their intentions and straightforward with it. 8D: This is actually the "Collective Unconscious" or whatever you call it. This is the place where Souls can go into Stasis if they need a break from reincarnation. Nothing happens here except for the occasional soul waking up and returning to the cycle. Sometimes the Universe calls for a specific soul, not to torment you as some might initially think, but because it trusts you and has a specific place for you to do some work you, specifically, are well suited to. The Universe will pull such relevant souls out of stasis to do what needs to be done, always giving a choice after the work is completed to return to Stasis or linger in reality reincarnating until rest is needed. This is also the bubble the Universe places all souls and energy into during the Dawn, Dusk, and Reconstruction to protect them, even though the memories that apply to the current Universe are wiped when the new one begins, as they are no longer relevant. I know nothing about the 9th Dimension at this time. But thought I would share what I have learned (at least for me) since the question was asked.


I'll explain dimensions by levels of consciousness. 1D: A rock. Anything we consider "nonliving" (When in reality, nothing is "dead"). Some have used a certain drug (I forgot which) that transports them into the consciousness of something "dead," such as a crayon. They experienced the life of a crayon and remember physically lowering their vibration to prevent some kid in the room from being drawn to them so as to use them to draw. 2D: A plant or animal. Your cat or dog could be a starseed/spirit guide/have a soul so as to guide you in some way. Other cats or dogs may simply be on their way to progressing into a human in the next life. 3D: Human. 4D: Astral projection/Dream state. Ghosts and other entities may be here. 5D: Minecraft. In the sense that it is a plane solely for creation. 6D/7D: I get confused which but one is tied to unity. 8D and beyond: At a certain point, a human mind couldn't comprehend anything without evolution. This is why some simply see geometry and colors. Higher dimensions are not free of conflict: "More levels, more devils." Astral Legends TV (on youtube) explains this, so I added to it. Those are the basics but no concensus on how many dimensions there are. For all we know, it could be infinite.


Thats the comment i was looking for! That answered my questions, thanks!


From my deep exploration, it is the world we all imagine in movies and comic books. We are still people, but we have all of our powers and knowledge restored. We work as a team to build a better place from scratch.


I wonder why thats the reason behind starseeds having this insane thirst for knowledge - because we are used to having it on other planets.


Imagine that thirst being quenched infinitely, plus more wisdom yet to drink in. Like a constant knowledge-gasm


Take me there pls😂


We'll get there, no worries 😉


I think you're right PLUS we want to bring it here to this dimension Which I think we do just by simply existing here and vibrating at the frequency we do :3


I've also seen a light dimension, where everyone was still on a time schedule, like going to work and sleep. However, there was no feelings. Just like clock work and everything was shapes of stringy lights and block lights.


And they drank ether? Whatever that is.


Could you tell more about your experience? I would be very grateful


For sure, I have it all written down. What do you want to know? I was watching myself in this other dimension live my alternate life where I sit in a chair in my block light house, get up go to an office looking job where it felt like i was logging into a server and it took me into a different dimension each time I accessed this realm. I would know when it was the end of the day because all of the lights in Light World retracted to their respective houses and these giant gears appeared and then it felt like a computer shutting down and then blackness. Then I'd have to go to sleep in the physical world because I exhausted my mental capacity with my repetitive daily all day dmt usage 😆 I was trying to figure it out. I did, but that's a whole story.


The cool thing is it's all connected. 1st is a line but think of it as a wavy line(the universe waving at you). You can only go forwards or backwards. 2nd now you add width and length. Now you can go left or right. I call it flat earthers paradise. 3rd now we add depth. We can go up and down. Many collisions happen here, but we can also dodge and jump. 4th time travel becomes the common. Now you can watch your life or others like a moving comic book. 5th would be adding alternate timelines. All possibilities will be unlocked. Annnddd that's as far as I can understand lol


That makes sense tho, except the part about 4D in time travel? Appriciate you


4d is past present and future at the same moment, why it is basically time travel. I often seem to associate ghosts and such to this. As you can go to any part of your lifeline or anyone elses in spirit.


Ahh makes sense now!


Great summary. Although, I think you skipped a dimension, friend. I used this short documentary to help me keep them straight. https://youtu.be/XjsgoXvnStY?si=p4RcNDFs6mvdYBS4


I think that by the time that you're sixth (or higher) dimensional the idea of living on the outside of a planet seems bizarre and wildly exotic. Thats a game for beings having a lower dimensional experience in a realm where there's a strong sense of separation and a long lag between intention and manifestation. At that level (6th or higher) you (probably a plural you as you would tend to be part of a collective) would be able to manifest/co-create any environment you chose to inhabit.


I cant wait to get back to a 6D + planet, sounds so fun and exciting 😍


I also saw a dimension of reptiles like giant toads and dinosaurs.


Maybe you saw inner earth


Tolkien does keep coming up and I'm not a fiction person so I had to look into it and it may be.


I once had a dream that was too vivid and beautiful too have been a mental construct, it was so beautiful and it had dinosaurs and there was a beautiful light above and it was so gorgeous.. only later did I feel like maybe that was inner earth.


I bet the 5th currently looks like mall world. The enormous, world sized shopping and living center that tens of thousands report dreaming within every night, and which occupies the surface of the earth's 5D space. Above that it gets weird. A lot of them are just additional perspectives and ways to look at and experience lower dimensions. Like, they aren't entirely different universes. They're all connected. You're a stack through all of them at once. You arise from your first-dimension spec of experience all the way up through what I *think* is currently the 14th dimension, which represents the expansion of the initial state of the universe when all dimensions bled into each other without borders or lines.




The heart chakra and the astral realm are "4d". The dream/astral body wanders around attached to body by a silver cord. (while we sleep, during certain shamanic practices, lucid dreams, etc) 5d is where sound affects matter 6d is all things psychic (Celestial plane, everything is light rather than shapes we are used to in 3d and 4d) 7d is causal - and our first peek into nondual awareness (as a way of being rather than just conceptual) 8d we start getting into Divinity / oneness consciousness (7d and 8d are largely non-functional - e.g. monks being brought food so they do not need to pull themselves back down to cook) 9d is avatar territory - fully human, fully divine, 1000 on Hawkins map of consciousness Humans were meant to be 12d and 12 strand dna activated as our baseline - some of us are even meant to be 24 or 48 strand activated (depending on starseed origin). But for now, most start at/near zero and live short lives so getting back to our baseline is a challenge. I don't really care what anyone else has to say on this topic. I am curious about many many things, but this is a knowing. This is my opinion based on a lifetimes worth of data. I trust my higher self above all else, and this is the construct I am meant to be working with at this time. And it too will likely change over time. It is the nature of useful constructs. Shadow work, personal growth, spiritual development, healthy relationship with emotions, conscious evolution, and for some working with energy - these are the tools that lead us to 9d/avatar - as we once were, and will again be as a species and planet.


Wow thats absolutely amazing knowledge and it resonates with me deeply - i learned something new today because of you so Thank you so much


Ah well if you astrally project into the spirit world or something, it takes a minute for your eyes to adjust and at first everything looks kinda like you can see every side of every shape. Also the colors are weird.


What's the difference between knowing and imagining all those dimensions? No one seems to be able to tell me.


I really dont know, these answers got me more confused than anything lol


Is there a difference between imagining and dreaming?


Agreed, I genuinely wonder how people in the replies got their knowledge (if they didn't just read about it elsewhere).


I don't think my mind is able to fully understand the complexity and beauty of it all, but this short video on YouTube always helped me conceptualize it in a way that I could understand. https://youtu.be/XjsgoXvnStY?si=p4RcNDFs6mvdYBS4


For me personally I think as humans we tend to attach materialistic things to other realities and dimensions because that’s all that we know, when you are experiencing a dimension of pure energy there is nothing there could cause you to landmark it so to speak, it’s almost as if you are infinitely flowing through time and space. When I think of other dimensions I do think of sacred geometry and the quantum physics behind it. I also believe that with movement to each higher vibrational energy the material world slowly dissipates. Until you are left with source or pure vibrational energy.


2d dimension is like living a life only being able to move your eyes. 1st dimension is like living a life 9nly being able to looking forward


A fundamental second dimension has one side. Is it enough for you to ponder a while?


3D - like it is here, now. Although, truly, our visual cortex creates a 2D representation that we infer 3-dimensionality as virtue of having binocular vision - that is, two eyes, through which we have "depth perception". 4D - Like how we can see everything in a 2D environment, so a 4D being would see a 3D environment. Where we see static objects, a 4D being would see everything in constant motion. As someone else mentioned, what we call Time is actually a shared dimensional axis between 3D and 4D realities. The 3rd dimension is folded within the 4th dimension, as the 2nd dimension is folded within the 3rd dimension. 5D - There is no more time/space as we can think of it. In fact, at this level, the human mind cannot comprehend nor imagine what it would be like. It is that foreign to us. Same with all other levels of dimension. Do not believe what anyone says, our imaginations are limited to 3D space/time, we literally cannot imagine what this would be like. I will give an example. You know the Flower of Life as it is drawn on a paper. That is 2D. Now, take that image, and make it into 3D simply by using your mind. You can do this, although it is incredibly difficult, because you have a reference point. Now, take that 3D image and put it into 4D. Do you see? It is impossible. Our minds are limited to the dimension we exist in right now. It is impossible to imagine 4D properly, how much more impossible it is to imagine 5D or beyond.


I wrote a poem about this. It starts off: the first dimension is the speaker. The 2nd dimension is the listener. The 3rd dimension is the conversation. I'm still working out the other ones


I can share a little what I remember, when I woke up from my dream, I went through and mapped these different densities in my sleep, fully aware what was happening. This happened to me in a state where I was not awake, and not sleeping, but between the sleep states, my body completely relaxed, but my mind fully aware that I was out of my body. I would travel through these dimensions like ascending through a series of interconnected huge ring structures, like those you see in the videogame Halo, but each of these ring structures had a hole in them, and I had to find where that hole was rotated at, on each separate level it was in a different place. Through that hole I could travel through the different dimensions, ascending up to 12D and even seeing what is beyond 12D, or getting a glimpse of that. What I saw, was that when we go to sleep, we can travel from these different dimensions and densities, as our astral body leaves the physical one. I will try to explain to my best some of the things I saw on these levels, just to share some details that might fill the bigger picture: 4D - On this level we can see ghosts, dead people, those who are not tied to the time anymore, wandering around outside the physical, yet not transcended into the higher levels. Here you can see also these what Buddhists call "Hungry souls", seeking what they had in 3D, but not having a physical body, they will never attain it, unless somebody helps them or they somehow miracously find their way out. 5D - Level of pure creation, you can travel through time and space, just like taking a stroll in the woods, time and space can be bent, things can be created and manifested with just your thoughts alone, everything is connected and can be seen through with ease. 6D - Where things get more complex, there is also a lot of darkness here somehow, this is the level that so called dark souls hit their level cap, you can represent darkness as 6D beings, but you cannot surpass this 6D level if you want to continue evolving as a soul, after 6D it's all light, or at least that's how I have seen and understood it. 7D and after not a clear idea, but these are the realms of gods, demigods, and I think either 11D or 12D is where Angels reside, probably 11D. I was also shown, that as an Arcturian, we have access to 5D - 12D, but not all of the Arcturians can go to 12D, I think 9D was somehow easily accessible, and I was shown that we also have methods to go higher than our "natural state of being", with the help of technology, they showed me that there exists technology that can "boost our projection", like you throw a fishing bait into the water with the power of the rod and string, somehow like this the Arcturians can also throw themselves out higher there, to 12D and even beyond. Beyond 12D I saw this huge void, like a huge space of creation potential, that where somehow you could with free will create anything you want, and I somehow got the idea that this was the space where creation truly happened outside the existing rules. Perhaps the existing Universe and it's 12 dimensions follow a set of rules, that probably are the rules of sacred geometry on all levels, but beyond that there is also space for new creation to happen, but to be honest this is all very difficult to understand with the human mind, so won't even try to do it :) Anyway, some of my thoughts on these levels and their meanings, just some glimpses, no definitive answers here as these are coming from my memory and human mind.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The First Flame quickly fades. Darkness will shortly settle, but one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness. Like embers, linked by Lords’ past.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Its all the same shit ✌️




Density and dimension are separate things. 3D/5D/Etc refers to density.


They're not dimensions, theyre frequency bands. It's about energetic interference. Rate, scale, scope. A dimension is a straight line in space, and only 3 are needed to encompass space, anything more is just redundant invisible = sightless, every time