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This is not satanic, people are just dumb


It's not satanic but rather sacred geometry.


no!!! not sacred math!!! /s


Geometry, the branch of mathematics concerned with the shape of individual objects, spatial relationships among various objects, and the properties of surrounding space. It is one of the oldest branches of mathematics, having arisen in response to such practical problems as those found in surveying, and its name is derived from Greek words meaning “Earth measurement.” Eventually it was realized that geometry need not be limited to the study of flat surfaces (plane geometry) and rigid three-dimensional objects (solid geometry) but that even the most abstract thoughts and images might be represented and developed in geometric terms. Sacred geometry is essentially the study of the spiritual meaning of various shapes. It can be applied to the forms, numbers, and patterns seen throughout the natural world. The spiral of a snail's shell, the captivating pattern of a single snowflake, and the branches of a tree can all be examples of sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is also thought to exist beyond the naked eye, both on a cellular level and in the stars and orbiting planets. Sacred Geometry not math.


I agree and it’s sad tbh


My mom thinks anything I say is satanic devil talk. It's frustratingto say the least!!!😅


What's your mission?


i thought we were supposed to raise our vibration and lead humanity out of darkness, slavery and 3rd Dimensional hell. is there another mission?


Yeah but we have different avenues to achieve that aka missions


even if it was satanic.. hail satan.. who cares. indoctrinated nut jobs.




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Religious people are the worst. Yet they think they're such good people. Even when the continually cross people's boundaries. Cool shirt though. THE ARIES




Were you ever a ‘dick’ before going to new age/spiritual route? Just wondering because I’ve noticed some people got more harassment by the world after new age. They use anchorage a lot. I am not saying it’s actually Christians or not but they might use fake Christians because that’s something that already annoy you in the first place. Why? I don’t know. Maybe the pure hearted ones who enter new age are obviously at peace with the spirits versus people who are more dick at one point in their life may have some bad spirits hovering over them.


It's not new age. It's actually quite ancient 😅


I know but I don’t want to say ‘ancient age’ it might get confusing for the general audience. I could say alternative spiritual beliefs but it would be similar. Star seed believers.


They aren’t “dumb” though, they are brain washed and need healed. They’ve placed their faith in stories and habits from their childhood. They should place it in one another (humanity). Together we are “god” And should act accordingly. Stop expecting some savior to fix us. That’s only something we can do together.


There will be no together, its only a question how big the tribes - we build - are.


Old way of thinking


We are already together. there's no separation. To think anything different is an ego trap. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. Everything is connected.


LoL. Come back to earth and have a look out of the window. There is separation everywhere and as long as we have individuality and dependance from ressources there will be shortages and no such future like in Star Trek. Our soul might be eternal, our bodies are decedents of primats. With all those traits: - building communities with own rules (TRIBES!) - get in communication or get in touch with other communities - emotions moderate those connections (peace, alliances, trade, war, separation, friendship) Were is that a violation of "everything is connected"? You simply ignore the social aspect of human communities or the "real" world out there. I like your sentence: "To think anything different is an ego trap." - could reverse that easily, but ...


You have a photo of skinny bob, nice. Everything you are talking about is the ego trap. Just because earth as a schoolhouse doesn't mean what I say isn't true tho....


What you do on this planet when it comes to those situations you list above is really what matters. Not freeing humanity from slavery and the ego.


What are you gonna do when the movie theater catches fire. You gonna trample over everybody to save yourself, or you're gonna make sure everyone gets out even if it might hurt you.


But it’s easier to just hate them and pretend we are better. It’s like watching the Jerry Springer show and feeling better about one’s life.


im confused. what is the difference between starseed stuff and some person’s religion? aren’t you also brainwashed?


Tell me you don't you don't know what the hell you're talking about without telling me you don't know what the hell you're talking about.... I applaud your ignorance.




They’re not truly religious because a big part of being religious is being humble and not thinking you’re better than everyone else. Even if they didn’t have religion they’d find something else to look down on people for. There’s some non religious people that are the worst too, they cuss at or assault people for simply wearing a hijab or turban because they don’t agree with it. I think some people are just shitty people and they use whatever to back their shitty stance up.


Very true. Like wounded animals. They hurt and are scared and confused so react aggressively to show they aren’t weak and scared.


this is EXTREMELY true!!! I know the times I’ve been mean to close loved ones mainly stemmed from being scared to lose them. My therapist told me it’s my bodies natural response to losing my father at a young age so it tries to protect me from the hurt I experienced from that. These hateful people are scared and wounded for sure.


I applaud you. My family is going thru some shizz right now from some "religious" people we know that are obviously not applying what they are learning at church.


Is this symbol connected to Aries? I’m very curious.


Well, THE ARIES is the name I go under on my social media. I'm simply signing off on my words. Though the 11:11 part of the design DOES have meaning to me personally , I can't say that the design has anything to do specifically with the sign of Aries in general


smh, people are so rude! i had a similar experience at work- I was wearing an evil eye necklace, same one i wear everyday, and two young ladies came in. One looked at it and turned to her friend “oh dont talk to her. shes demonic” and then both walked out without ordering or speaking to me 🤦‍♀️ the ignorance on this planet is unmatched.




thats SO true!! thanks for pointing that out to me lol.


Good point!!🤣


At a glance they thought it was a pentagram most likely.


That’s still terrible for them to say anything, let alone scream at me if front of my kids.


Absolutely terrible. I’m so sorry that happened.


I mean, I’m grateful worse things weren’t said, but still.


I know it. Still very confusing for your kids and hurtful toward you for absolutely no reason. Using religion to hurt others is a HUGE part of what’s wrong with people.


I agree, I was just saying what I think provoked them to say something. Could be a good teaching experience for your kids depending on how old they are.


Their Old Testament gods symbol? Yeah google the tetragrammatron. Same as the pentagram lol


Googled it, turns out: Tetragrammaton holds deep theological importance within Judeo-Christian beliefs. Its invocation is often associated with the idea of worship, offering praise, and seeking divine guidance. The name signifies God’s authority, righteousness, and His attributes such as mercy, compassion, and justice.


They used to use inverted Pentacles/Pentagrams Christian and Catholic pentacle pt 2 https://imgur.com/a/Mv01c1L Christian and Catholic pentacle pt 1 https://imgur.com/a/yBC6oVe From this book whoses stencils date back before WW2 and WW1 https://imgur.com/a/yGama0L They had it down to symbolize being shwered by Holy light raining down upon them by God. It was taken from the Healers, Witches, who they later demonized.


It angers me so much when people say they will pray for me. It doesn’t matter the context, if I wanted prayers I would do them myself. I hope you gave them the finger. I personally think god, Jesus were aliens so those religious ones are just worshipping aliens anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was going to but by the time I had realized what happened and was said(was listening to music in one headphone at the time), he was already too far down the road. I wish a mofo would roll back by though.. 😁


This is when you tell them that you'll "let God deal with them".


Next time, tell them that Jesus can’t hear their prayers.


Then you should pick up books that even atheists write. Next to no scholar of the Bible, including those who don’t believe in God, do not deny that Jesus was a human being who walked the earth. You can dispute who or what you think he is but nobody denies his existence.


As I stipulated, it’s my own PERSONAL opinion, not yours. You don’t have to agree but you should try to stop preaching to others that really don’t care what you have to say.


It’s not preaching. It’s no difference in debating you if you are a flat earther. The truth is the truth.


You don’t know the truth & thinking you do is no different to the rest of us with our own opinions. You cannot prove you are correct! I can’t prove it either so what’s the point of debating. At least we both agree the earth isn’t flat!! 😊


Guess so. But just to make up a theory out of thin air with probably 0.00001% evidence requires faith also.


But just to be clear. I do think it’s a cool idea and love the movie Prometheus!


Ooh I do love movie suggestions lately thanks. I’m running out of sci fi. I googled this one & it looks interesting. I haven’t watched any of the alien franchise yet but this is a prequel so do you think I do need to watch the others first. Thanks 😊


You could totally get away with watching this and not the aliens. Up to you obviously.


It angers you when people pray for you no matter the context? So if they pray for you to be happier…that angers you? Thought we are spreading love and positivity…anger doesn’t really fit that vibe


They pray “for you” to get points from their god.


Most say “ I will pray for you” in a condescending way. I have had that comment just in a thread about meditation. I was abused as a kid & threatened with Jesus to keep it quiet. I do not have to be comfortable with religion & this is a very common reason why alot of people go the way I have gone. You may be spreading love & positivity but I am not here for that.


Oh okay. As long as you’re aware you’re not spreading love and positivity then I understand! Forgiveness and positivity usually go hand in hand.


I certainly don’t believe everything should or can be forgiven


That's to be expected from every person who thinks they have a monopoly on truth, even in our own community.


A lot of people are just ignorant with no personal boundaries. However I LOVE your shirt!! Where did you get it??


Christians are being taught that ‘new age’ spirituality is part of the Luciferian agenda. Never mind the fact that technically spiritual belief would predate any organized religion. 🤷‍♀️


Noticed some people who get awakened spiritually are welcomed with more positive vibes. Others here get a lot of negativity. My theory is that maybe the ‘purer’ ones who get along with the spirits are less likely to get negativity. For the ones who were a dick for a time period there’s dark things waiting if you go to new age.


Wait, huh? If I’m understanding what you are tossing is that those with a purer spirit/has more positive vibes & will have less negativity because they aren’t affiliated with new age? Is this correct?


No I’m saying if you were an asshole or a dick at one point in your life it may be better to stay away from new age. This normally does not include defensive behavior. The spirit guides may not be as kind and there could be negative spirits lurking.


Considering the reality & structure of our society it is pretty much impossible for someone not to have been an asshole or dick at some point in their life. Now step in shadow work & healing from within. If you believe in this form of ‘New ‘Age’ or spiritual practice or whatever label you want to apply, does that mean we are bound to draw in more negative outcomes? Again, not sure I’m understanding what you are saying. I believe we are the creators of our own reality. What you put out you receive. Be at peace within & with source (creator). Your journey with our creator is quite frankly none of my biz. I simply was pointing out that a very real movement is being pushed against what a lot of self proclaimed Christians in society view as the new age luciferian agenda.


I appreciate your answer. No it’s just because I seen some people who ‘awakened’ and at first it was smooth, beautiful even. Then suddenly it just gets super negative. I wonder what their background is like prior and how this happens to so and not others. I would had thought if they are on a positive route it would be positive. This led me to think maybe certain people were negative but changed for the better. In most cases these things get let alone but awakened individuals might then interact with spirits of animosity who had been hovering. Again this would believe that there are 1) entities involved or 2) having some kind of angered energy from others for some reason. So one clear cut example. Say you were born into Christianity-but say you were lukewarm. Then one day you happened to anger someone that happened to be spiritual or even a magick practitioner. Summoned an entity to stalk you. At the time you belonged under the Christianity spiritual branch so you can ward it off. Suddenly you quit and became a new ager so you essentially have no more back up then the awakening turns negative. I see this a lot in those ‘born again Christian’ testimonies where they were born into that religion but became lukewarm and eventually left for some other religion. However I don’t see this happening as much to Atheists who don’t believe in anything but born into a Christian family. Once they leave they get no negativity. This means that there also has to be some other catalyst.


The thing about your questions is really about your system of beliefs. For example, I believe in quantum physics & what it means spiritually. Here is a great article about Carl Jung, quantum physics, & spirituality that sums it up. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4217602/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4217602/) I personally practice christ consciousness, In my reality everything is about energy. We are all open to 'entities' no matter the background, or religious/non religious beliefs. The power of your conscious will influence what you receive. So your beliefs IS your reality, which is why shadow work is so important. So no matter the world in which you were raised, taught, influenced, etc, if those beliefs are ingrained and not looked at objectively then one can say that the reality you are creating is based off of everything inside of you. So I suppose one could research/study (appears you are) of how christians/other religions vs atheists beliefs shape their reality & experiences. The catalyst you are referring to is YOU.


Prior to me heading down the negative route, nightmares, and having odd stalker people harassing me out of jobs and schools, there was a time period I thought I was going to win the lottery for sure. You are right during this time period it was positive, life seemed more beautiful. However, the crossing point was that I didn’t win the lottery despite I have been playing 5 years prior plus the additional 5 years where I journaled that ‘ I won the lottery.’ Other times it was about buying loads of tickets and letting it go and out of mind. Yet my chances of winning didn’t increase at all. During such time I then experienced external events of people harassing me then tossing me off route. Example running into the same guy at the gym no matter what time I went. He’d come after me by ten minutes so it gave stalker vibe. At first I thought it was funny, however coupled with multiple events such as a group at school followed me. I moved schools then later on they showed up at one of my favorite places. Trashed my car. A week later spray painted my name then a week after that bashed my car and destroyed the land lord’s property. You could say I was one of the catalysts but then something else was throwing in other ingredients too to point me towards negativity.


🤩 love the shirt!


Should've told them you were saving the prayer for the morning after.




need to pray? was there a recent update on the mission status on Earth?




We ALL need time spent with others sharing that good good energy! ( aka “prayers”)


I do agree with this wholeheartedly.


Awesome shirt 💙💜💙💜💙💜💙


This shirt is the prayer


Idk, never really understood that type of mentality myself, even as a Christian. Who're you gonna convince about anything by yelling out of your car? Unless its "get out of the way!" Or something like that. That said, is prayer something you're against OP? Just curious.


No it is not at all. I was just taken aback by how they hurled prayer at me like it was an insult.


Ah, well I share the bewilderment lol. I don't think I'll ever understand people like that


That’s why I believe maybe you had some beef with a Christians at a point. Were you ever a bully of some sort? (Not to Christians but in general) I noticed some get more harassed after awakening.


That kind of behavior yells “fanaticism”…. Scary


People are way too rude and judgemental


I agree and happy cake day!


Love the shirt, where did you buy?


Amazon , search Starseed shirt, it wouldn’t let me post link for some reason.


Thanks 👍


111 comments 222 likes :)


These are the people who will need you the most. The family you haven’t disowned, the friend from school, or the elderly person who wants to know better but has no idea how. If they’re in your life, they’re in it for a reason and try not to forget that even in the toughest of times.


Hilarious. Your shirt symbolizes the Star of David ✡️ esoterically. The fact that people are so stuck in stupid is hilarious and shows you no one knows what anything means anymore


What’s does the shirt even mean?


Sacred geometry...3-6-9..


Praying for you now


Preciate ya




Where you get the shirt?


Found it on Amazon unlikely as it sounds


That shirt is awesome and awake, ignore them


Was your wiener out?


Not shocking that ignorant folk tend to be loud and obnoxious. Nice shirt, by the by


Awesome shirt! What a weirdo, sorry that happened


As a former religious person, they probably thought it was a pentagram. lol


And here I’m wearing whole ass astrology shirts to my school job through the church with my three moon and star tattoo xD if anyone said anything I’d ask their maturity level, if they said prayer I’d say “good, you’re supposed to wish the best for all gods children, right? Thanks for adding me into that fine fine luck my dude” like fuck it. Ppl need to grow up it’s silly


Some Christians seem Hell-bent on turning people away from Christ. It's gross. I don't get it.


Fundamentalists will fundaMENTAL, unfortunately.


There is nothing satanic with this shirt. Unfortunately, religious extremism is spreading and it’s instilling fear into its followers. They are encased in so much fear, that anything that isn’t there exact flavour of religion - is automatically seen as a threat.


Maybe they should be praying instead of screaming out a window lmao


Indirectly related - What is the significance of 11? I saw / see it so much I have counted the number of times I see repeating numbers during the day (because I thought I was messing with my own head) and found I saw it that day well over 20 times in 8 hours. I have tried looking around in the internet but not sure what a solid reference would be to dig into this. Thanks in advance! Numbers will either be 11 or equal eleven if added.


Hmmm, I guess it's esoterical or something... 🤔 IDK


They simply can't accept that their beliefs are just as silly as yours


No worries... remember, we're not on a mission to convert others. We're here to heal, and let that healing ripple, and support the journey of the STARS


What is the significance of 11 11 here? Been seeing 11:11 and 111 a lot…a lot a lot.


Every time someone says that to me, I think to myself, "How did they know what I was thinking?"


Found a decent sized piece of black obsidian at the same time that car drove by again today, but it was an older woman driving this time..


As a Christian myself I can say that it's none of this person's business everybody must make their own choices


Sometimes people just need to mind their own business


Sacred Geometry. Post Kabbalah imagining. Cool design. Cool shirt. Don’t feel bad. I was kicked out of youth group for wearing a Grateful Dead shirt. No one seemed to have a problem with my Megadeath, Metallica, and Slayer patches all over my jean jacket.


I love wearing this shirt to get the fundies in a bad mood: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805291939084.html


You grill in the front yard? That would be way more fun!


A quote in regards to the idea that you, or anyone for that matter "are" starseeds: "All truths are but half truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled." - TTI So I'd say if one person "is" a starseed, then all people "are". I'll add that this whole starseed movement seems very much like a psy-op to me. A way to increase the suicide rate. I say that given the disturbing amount of people in the movement who are clearly suicidal, make grand claims such as "my real family is waiting for me" and whom see this existence as hell. I do not believe that life is a heroes journey, though opportunities to take actions that can be defined as heroic may present themselves in our day to day lives.


Yell back . I AM PRAYER


That shirt is fucking rad!


That shirt is amazing


People are strange.  They say all sorts of crazy ridiculous shit. The fact they yell out of windows says it all 🤣 


As a Christian, how is this shirt bad... 💀💀


🤣🤣🤣 Idiots P.s I adore this shirt


Pray for them 🙏


Religion is satanic is anything is.


It's not even a Pentagram And if it was, it wouldn't matter, because people couldn't tell the difference between an upright Penragram or a Satanic one.


Yes sir, you certainly do. 🎶 I love jeezus, yes I do. I love jeezus, so you should too 🎶


I’m new to this Starseed thing but have been a Christian most of my life, saying someone needs prayer is not usually a negative thing. Generally speaking everyone needs prayer regardless of their spiritual fitness or maturity. It’s like sending positive thoughts or energy. Of course the tone of the way it was said to you may have revealed a negative intention from the comment. That said, I cannot think of any reason your shirt would cause them to challenge you if their intentions were negative. Though out of curiosity, is their known opposition to Starseeds? Reptilians or Shadow People? Perhaps the answer is more nuanced, like factions within all people that oppose the Earth mission. Curious if the comment (if negatively intended) was ignorance or direct opposition?


Yep, looks demonic to me. I hope everyone realizes this was supposed to be funny sarcasm.


I don’t understand it man, it’s weird


Imagine it’s just shapeshifters patrolling neighborhoods looking like normal humans. Like in the neighborhood watch movie or like the worlds end where they’re not humans but in human suits. Just yelling things at people with symbolism like this on them


I almost felt like it was something like that. As vibrations continue to rise, there will continually be push back, but we must go on..


the wheeeeel in the sky keeps on tuuuurninnnnnn






I mean Christianity is the perfect set up to trick ppl into submission. You put them in a matrix. You guilt trip them for things they do in the matrix. You perform signs and miracles to make them think you’re divine. Then you demand worship and submission or else torture forever. Also you set up demons but those demons work for you and they only pretend to be scared of your name.




Well if you talk to some converts of Christianity they’ll have a story were they expelled a negative force or being from reading a psalm or saying Jesus name. I myself have a personal story like this. Even the Bible has a story like this. King Saul had demons haunt him, and King David would play the harp and sing him psalms and those demons would go away. But guess what, the Bible says that God himself put those demons on King Saul.




It’s weird that they call starseed demonic but are a okay with the idea of hell and eternal torture.




Lol who’s J Man?


I’ve expelled negative energy. Never with a Bible or religious terminology. I used light energy. I’ve always just sensed how. I still do it for others. Have for decades. Others and myself. Including the kids at work.


Now the bigger picture I’m trying to paint is this. If we are in a simulation, ANYBODY who is not in the simulation and has the ability to alter the simulation can claim he is God. Even if he isn’t.


Hmm. I feel like psychedelics temporarily let us out of it.


I personally subscribe to the idea that the base reality to this reality is brain in a vat or pods like the matrix. What is the base reality to that reality idk.


People are just too much haha