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Who are you?






But I have a thing inside that wants to be mean, rude belittling


Is that bad or just human?


Well I feel guilty for having that, it’s nonsensical why is it needed, it prevents me from having social relationships


It's your ego protecting you. It's hard but telling it that there's nothing to be worried about because you trust in the universe, I believe that to be the way. If you do it over & over at some point that'll be the new normal, the muscle memory will change. I'm currently working on it & is pretty tough for me.. Most of the scenarios in our heads are hypothetical scenarios that probably won't take place. There's no point to judge, protect yourself to the extent that the ego wants. It will never stop if you allow it not to. Aaron Abke's YouTube videos are great help in case it interest you 🙏✨


You’re scaring me how did you I was eating waffles?


Maybe you need to find out where these feelings came from. Who was mean, rude, and belittling to you first?


Ego Waffles 🐥.


No no chicken lol unless I’m the chicken


What do you think about the world?


I think I’m in a simulation so the world is a simulation.


Don't worry though New Earth/the Great Awakening is just around the corner & the energy of the 3d matrix will cease to exist for those that make the transition ✨


What do you think about the world?


Live your life with love. Starseeds plant the seed of love in the world just like Jesus did. Don't ever underestimate how one simple act of kindness or love can ripple across the world. One act of kindness extends further than you could ever possibly imagine. The world has forgotten how to love and that's why we are here.


Do you think I’m love?


Yes. You just don't know it yet 💖.


Or maybe you do 😶‍🌫️


How do I figure that out


That is your journey 🫡.


When you think of those that you care for, what do you feel?


Who said you were flawed and that you deserve punishment for it?


I’ve learned that everyone wears a mask so don’t forget yours. Yes I would like to be my honest open kind hearted self but most people do not like it to some degree. I’ve been hurt to many times and I have learned my lesson.


Who is telling you this? I was raised Catholic, was told God loved and believed in me unconditionally even if I didn't believe in Him, and was told there was nothing I couldn't achieve. Forgiveness has to exist for a reason. You have to be allowed to make mistakes in order to grow and learn from them. If you don't have that freedom, you don't grow and you don't learn. Think of it this way, in some countries on this planet, you make a simple mistake, there is not only no forgiveness or chance at redemption, you get put in front of a firing squad and your family pays for the bullets. Before I'm corrected, I'm not talking mistakes like mass murder, I'm talking simpler. Hate does not correct problems. Love enables you to move forward to address mistakes and correct problem. Also, love is an action, not an emotion.


Jesus paid a price at the cross for a reason. You and I do not have to suffer because he paid off our debt from sin. The devil is the one who has you believing you deserve and eternity of punishment but God wants you freed from all that which is why he sent his only son to save us all from the wrong we have done. No one is without flaw but if you choose Jesus to lead he will love you even if you’re not perfect and make mistakes. He paid off our sin so we too can be with our father and return to heaven once this life is over. But because of free will we must choose him first or he can not help us.