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Dont let the darkness bully your light off this planet! You came here for a reason! Heal yourself and learn to put up healthy boundaries, cut off toxic people and practice energetic hygiene. Starseeds came here to be FULLY embodied divinity! You will have to learn how to find your way in this world and I promise, the light will win! People who are treating you like shit will have to face their own shit eventually. So don't even judge them and just let them go, fully knowing that only hurt people hurt people. And in order to not get triggered by those people anymore you need to learn how to love yourself by connecting to your higher self and healing your hurt inner chilldren. You are suffering mostly because you are still carrying unresolved trauma and are therefore not fully connected to your soul and it is up to you to reestablish this connection to your heart and shield yourself with that invicible love that you in essence are. Please don't blame everyhting on this world because it is cruel to starseeds. We did not come here to complain, but to face the darkness and transmute it via our light! πŸ”₯πŸ˜Žβœ¨πŸ’œ


I think the world is beautiful, πŸͺΌπŸͺΌπŸͺΌπŸͺΌπŸͺΌπŸͺΌπŸͺΌπŸ˜ŒπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒŽbut the people aren’t like. I experience psychic attack from a lot of people and then want to harm me and stuff like that like people say I don’t deserve my spirituality and things like that.. they want to take it from me basically. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜ž- I love the beauty The planet holds and everything. I love going out in nature and meditating and practicing holistic health. Just don’t want anything for me. I’ve actually had transportation powers since I was about like eight years old actually like I would dream about reptilian and monsters, and I would transmute them to the light. πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—


Yes thats awesome! πŸ₯³ You already got what it takes, really you just need to heal your own heart, cut off those toxic people and take good care of yourself (expecially with whom you want to engage, poeple are preying on naive and loving people. Don't be naive, know your own self worth and dont let others near you who are not able to love you unconditionally. I see a lot of these experience of you really to be a reflection of your emotional wounds/the hurts of your inner children still being stuck in trauma-response. So healing those and becoming more whole will automatically only draw people into your life who are beautiful and kind souls like you. Don't let those poor bastards taint your love for humanity. There are amazing souls out there and you will find your tribe eventually following and healing your own heart.


I hope so!!!!!!!! I have to join other groups on the internet to find others!!!!!!!! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜ŒπŸŒŽ


Here are my guides about self healing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bkp7qz/the\_ultimate\_guide\_to\_selfhealing\_and\_becoming/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bkp7qz/the_ultimate_guide_to_selfhealing_and_becoming/) ..and about astra self-defense/energetic hygiene: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral\_selfdefense\_entity\_removal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral_selfdefense_entity_removal/) (note that negative entities often are pushing people towards strife so your family members who treat you badly probably have some entities attached who put pressure on their emotional weakspots so they project it outwards and hurt others. So being aware of this dynamic can help you shield yourself energetically and easier forgive those people ase they are themselves hurt and ontop of that partly controlled by demonic forces.) Really its about growing up and taking control over your own life and energy. No being in existence is allowed to interfere with your life if you do not subconsciously give permission/offer an angle of attack via unresolved trauma. You are in charge over your life and nobody else, you need to claim it!


I'm in the same situation as OP, too, and I think that is because I've been experiencing traumatic events since birth (my birth is traumatic, even), and so thanks for your advice that I need to heal my hurt inner child, so that he can flourish and attract kind souls like me, Raphael❀❀❀


You are very welcome! And yes, sadly many of us had a very traumatic life and especially childhood.. I can definitely relate (even the traumatic birth). If you want some input for your healing journey, you can check out my guide on it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bkp7qz/the\_ultimate\_guide\_to\_selfhealing\_and\_becoming/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bkp7qz/the_ultimate_guide_to_selfhealing_and_becoming/) I am sure, we will all be able to heal eventually and be finally free. Wish you all the best! πŸ’œβœ¨


I think a lot of times how you feel about yourself is reflected by others. Is there something that you hate about yourself?.. Just my thoughts but I feel there's some deep healing needed. You can always decide today, if you'd like, to start changing things for the better if you'd like?.. Who are those truly toxic people in your life? You can cut them out if their energy doesn't resonate w you.. I'll meditate, do Wim Hof breathing exercises, Qi-Gong, yoga & chanting as frequently as possible, daily is ideal to keep myself balanced. The world won't effect you as much also.. Lastly this video has been amazing for my healing process in case it helps you too 🀍 https://youtu.be/2q3HPRBUdks?si=ZrCs9y3m1xRToFAt


Yes. Like the way I look and everything. the toxic people within my life are my family and people who I thought I was friends with online. I meditate quite frequently as well. =))))))) but I still get bad energy from others.


Maybe ignore those w that energy & gravitate towards those that share the type of energy you embody or would like to embody.. I do think, just like many of us, myself included, that there's healing to be done & possibly when you do that healing you might look at yourself differently & so will others. If I had to give my best advice this would probably be it


Ohhhhh ok. Yes πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ˜ŒπŸ™




Do you feel hate coming through people's *energy* or their actions?


Yes =(


Which one?


Their energy.


But they behave normally with you otherwise? What does hateful energy feel like for you vs loving energy?


Just hateful dark thoughts I can feel. Like most of the time I can hear their intentions for me if that makes sense o.o


It sounds like you might be depressed and your mind is justifying it by tapping into your spiritual beliefs. If you also feel their hateful energy when you're alone then I'm sorry to say but that's coming from you. There are psychological outlets for depression. If you convinced yourself of your current belief more then you'll feel better, but it likely won't be backed up by your physical society. You could transfer to a religion. They have strong foundations that have lasted millennia and many physical communities with many members. If you convinced yourself their religion is true, you'll feel better if you do what they say will make you feel better. You could also believe in naturalism and use science to guide your thoughts and understanding of the benefit of health and hobbies to curate your behaviours. You could also not change your mind on anything and just go to a doctor and get prescribed medicine. But it can be removed with just thought so it's worth consideration. You'll become a different person, but with the same memories you have now, you may just look back on them differently. If this version of you hates yourself then strive to be the version that loves themself. Genuinely, take care hombre. Aim for self improvement and your insecurities will melt away over time.


Loving energy I feel is calm and peaceful. πŸ’—


I've got a little message for you: My friend the love of your soul is impenetrable, because thats who you are, no matter how much hate you recieve, you still hold love in you, and let this love shine your way. No one can take it away from you, let it comfort you. Everything else is just some motions on the surface. When you feel bad remeber your love.


Do not allow others to make fun of you or cross boundaries. Sometimes souls who may come from higher dimensions do not know how the human society works. It took me decades to graps this society. I cut my ties completely with my only close living relative just because he treated me like garbage. Asides from this, even if I had 20 amazing friends, this reality is not a place I enjoy and will not appologize for it. You just learn to deal with the feeling. One day at a time. Keep growing despite how much you wish you were somewhere else. This harsh real of duality pushes us to go deeper and deeper. And as painful as it is, we must keep going. There is no such a thing as a pain free stay in 3 D. Even those who seem to be ok here, deal with tones of issues.


Yes, I agree. And really o.o?????? Higher dimensions? I didn’t know that….. yeah my entire family treats me horribly ;.;


And yes. πŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸŒŽπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ i want to keep going.


I use to think the same thinking that if I die ima just be starting a new adventure but it’s not as quick and easy as it seems. In my honest opinion fuck them people dude what they hate and don’t like have nothing to do with you. Nothing in this life is that serious in the bigger scheme of things brother. Don’t worry about others thoughts and don’t let someone feeling affect you, your the one in control. Live life bro find what brings you peace even if it’s just watching anime and smoking weed just do whatever your whims take you and just don’t whatever you like literally and who ever causes you any type of negativity instantly distanced yourself. I got depressed for 2yrs literally stayed only in my room and when mute for months at a time and what got me out of that loop is a therapist and staying far away from anything that’ll make me feel the smallest bit of negativity


But it's temporary, not permanent. It doesn't last and definitely not forever.


To add to the great comments already shared, understand the expectation cycle. Most humans are sleep walking. They are unaware of how their energy affects others. For example, they mat sit and stew on something, trying to sort it out, failing, but sending out flailing negative energy nevertheless. We get into energy patterns with others. We start carrying expectations, they begin living up to them, and the cycles perpetuate. You may have even experienced this as kid. Example: getting in trouble for something you didn't do and wondering if you should now live up to that expectation and retroactively do the thing you didn't do. You, as an energy aware human (living in a world not designed for people like us), are very aware of all the patterns and outbursts. Hate is very strong word. And when expectation cycles get entangled with hate, it us no fun for anyone. The good news is that regardless of whether there is actual hate, or perceived hate, we can harmonize it. Sometimes the experience of being hated was not resolved in other lifetimes and shows up in this as mirror - a perception of being hated that colors how the behaviors words energy are being interpreted. Sometimes it is tribal rejection that manifests as hate from this lifetime, sometimes it's both. Tribal rejection, othering - this comes from levels of consciousness that cannot see past binary thinking. "With us or against" types of thinking. If you're off being a weirdo from their perspective, they may feel compelled to reject you - sometimes strongly, sometimes just by keeping their distance and boundaries. If they and/or you are still sorting through emotional evolution, the ride is going to be alot bumpier. I need to finish this later, but we can direct energy harmonize and it serve as the "third note". (two musical notes clashing, add a third and suddenly is sounds ok) Reply to remind to dig up the link to the ancient Hawaiian tool.


Not OP, but wondering what Hawaiian tool you are talking about?


Once you reach adulthood, you are no longer part of that family. You were put there so you could grow. They've served their purpose. You are a superior being of unconditional love. Your light intimidates everyone around you, so they project their insecurities on to you. You can transmute all that "bad, stagnant, negative energy into unconditional love." If you want to become unfuckable with learn to not react to anything that triggers you. The outside world will always try to dim your light. You are way more powerful. Keep your heart pure. Send unconditional love to all the haters. They need it the most.


I don’t hate you at all, actually, I love you. But only you can decide what kind of energies you want in your life. You have the choice




I hear all about how starseeds should unite. No. If you look up at the night sky you'll see the stars all separated but shining bright. Just. Like. Us.


I hope you find your way, don't give in to the dark matter that does exist. I feel your pain ❀️ Gods Speed


I think you need to move somewhere else that's what I'm planning on doing cuz I've been dealing with a lot of horrible things where I live but I want to live somewhere closer to natureΒ 


That’s what I’m doing




What feels good for me to do? What ever has felt good in my life? What memories do I have of feeling good? What do I believe makes that feel good? What feels good about believing that?