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No, and I would highly advise people to not blame their misfortunes in life on being a starseed, because that keeps you in a victim mentality. There are tons of starseeds who are extremely popular and I myself have no trouble finding friends. The reason why people are experiencing loneliness is not their origin, but the fact they need to heal their own heart first in order to be able to magnetize loving relationships into their lives. Granted, we starseeds have higher "standards" as to which level of cousisouness we resonate with and some starseeds whose race is not so prevalent on earth right now it might be more difficult to find those who they really vibe with. But still, I believe it is not a starseeds fate to be lonely and we can and will find our tribe along our journey of self-healing and realization. So yeah, take responsibility and learn how to love yourself and you will attract people who love themselves and you too. Edit: Also, consider that being a starseed doesn't mean its the first time for you on earth and every soul is unknown to you. Some of us had hundreds of lives on earth even back to the times of atlantis and lemura and have since connected to a ton of people. I myself probably couldn't even count the people in my life I know from previous lives.


Thanks for the insightful comment


me too i am friend with the plants, the animals, with life, with everything, but im not attached to any of it or anyone


Same šŸŒ±


I couldn't be friends with a human even if I tried. I am done with 3D in all its forms. Contrary to others opinions - I asked my higher self about this, and he told me our race has a very interesting inner world and we can spend hundreds of years immersed in it, without talking to another soul He also told me there are infinite shades of love, and our love is allowing people to experience themselves on their own. Sometimes, some races are quite the loners. I would like to share this so that people know not every race is meant to be surrounded by people, or even have a single friend. Some races do fare better on their own. pd: every starseed is unique. We would do well not to put a blanket on all of us, or reach for generic understandings. I am extremely happy on my own.


Yea friends are fine, but Iā€™m completely content being alone. I wouldnā€™t go out of my way to keep a friendship intact because they moved away. Goes for family too. Thereā€™s so many people on the planet, I donā€™t see the point in picking a select few to call ā€˜friendsā€™. Just like I donā€™t have a favorite tree, I feel the same connection with everyone.


Wat race is urs


We are observing and reporting telepathically - that telepathic connection doesnā€™t require human bodies to be close to us or away from us. All is well. The human-made conflagration on planet Earth is being assessed and managed in a way that will limit the extent of the damage and will allow for eventual renewal of Spirit for humans on planet Earth. All is well.


Maybe manifest your spirit/soul family that's here on earth? :D


I womder how


Well you want to believe they are there, which they are. So no need to worry about manifesting something hard like a billion dollars, because your soul family is indeed here. That's a difficult aspect at times, trying to manifest something that seems hard to do. So from what I've learned it's important to manifest in a positive light, w optimism & that your wish has already been fulfilled & you are just waiting for the universe to catch up because if you are anxious, worried about whatever you want to manifest the universe won't care & perceive it as lack, as you are not worthy. Also it's said to be best not to worry about how things will happen, just the belief that it will happen. To request your manifestation a certain way is to limit the possible ways your wish could be granted & it's like telling God, the universe how to grant your manifestation when there are so many possible ways. That would limiting your desired outcome. That's all. They are there & you can request their presence in your life through your guardian angel, archangels, galactic family, the universe, Source/god. Well there you go & you're already making friends w me too :o)


I've got a handful of absolute ride or die goodies, I just had to make sure to pick what resonated with me. Do they all completely understand me down to the nth degree of my experience? No. But that's ok, I love seeing them thrive and support that, enjoy our conversations and receive of their good intentions towards me and feel their love and respect and we build each others self respect and esteem in return. They help me know myself better, heal myself better and can share joy. They are all very good beans.




Oh yah. And single as well. Haha how do u spend ur time daily




Woah new account spotted U created this yesterday interesting




Are u close to yr family members. Btw which starseed u r :)


We are all Divine beings and thus part of the divine creation which is all around us. You can be alone but not necessarily lonely as long as that Divine connection is there


Ive felt like an outsider regardless who im around, family, best friends, people at my job, even my own fiancƩe sometimes


At least they exist


They do but if you knew me how i did i feel so far from them all like its hard to have a conversation with any of them bc most topics are very worldly idk how best to explain it but im always a friend to everyone








If you need a virtual friend I can chat whenever Iā€™m available to. You cant make an excuse for not having friends now!


Thank u. I do think it may be a self consolation thought as well. As im sure tjere are other starseeds who habe former meaningful r.s with other earthlings


Not me but I have been here in the cycle since the last harvest, I got trapped in the ā€œkarma gameā€. We move in massive groups, even us Starseeds. There are millions here we each know and just canā€™t remember.


I tend to be a more lonely individual, but I'm always open to chat.


We need to stop this. Everyone is a star seed. We all need to communicate and help each other rise Sorry if that comes off harsh but i frequently see the i am chosen one narrative and it is the polar opposite of the true meaning. Detach


I much prefer the term wanderer from the Law of One: https://www.llresearch.org/wanderers


Me too! Law of One is the best way I believe āœØ


Well said šŸ™


I agree, we were all seeded here at one point. It seems to me people associate Starseeds w those of us that are new to this 3d incarnation, doesn't bother me personally though. Either way someone wants to look at it, I get it


Not everyone on earth is a starseed. You need to see this. edit: always amusing how people have nothing but downvotes against uncomfortable truths šŸ˜‡


All matter and energy is constant and cannot be created nor destroyed. Neither our matter nor mine is new, its all of the same origins, same as every particle of matter and energy. No humans dna is of this earth and trace it back further it derrives from the same flux of colliding forces eons ago, it transcends beyond one stage of life.