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in 2018 i was able to draw and write how i saw inside amua an androgyneous human being travelling with animal friends to become an accomplished being picture one and two are part of archive.org/details/drawingstudies sometime later i asked a fellow drawing artist to interprete upon the amua story, picture three is part of 8interpretations.net/eigth_interpretation.html


Are they animal friends or Sirian Felinoids? I see Lions, Tigers,and someone resembling a Maine Coone. All Felinoids from Sirius


the observer changes the observed by how one looks at it possible that everyone looking at drawings and characters described in a written story also open up new parallel universes and or quantum entangled superpositioned tunneled multiple levels of experiences create themselves with every instance of the one cosmic soul looking trough a fellow pair of eyes thank you for interpreting my drawings with your perception and sharing with what you see