• By -


While I do agree men's empowerment will help, both sexes need support and understanding on what real power is. I'm saying this for a reason. I'm seeing an evil take over this planet by not only setting people against each other, but by undermining their sense of personal power. If you don't have a sense of you're own power, it's hard to set personal boundaries or stand up to the evil causing so much harm on this world. Lesson 1 for both men and women: stop with the idea that personal empowerment is obtained by depriving it in someone else, especially the opposite sex. The deprivation is usually through guilt tripping and humiliation, and both sexes do this to each other. The only one benefitting is the evil taking over this planet, while two sides weaken each other so badly they forget who they are.


💯💯💯💯 I believe love, and the frequency of love, is what will set us free from this control.


Words of wisdom


Beautiful and powerful sentiment, thank you. :) <3


Yours too


dear starseeds moderation team - all divine feminine and female focused threads are allowed to exist and thrive in peace, as we realise it's an important topic. please, let's have the same energy for the divine masculine and male focused threads, as it's the other half of the same coin. We must not allow these threads to be used to attack one gender or the other - it's essential we have a space where we can acknowledge all of these as fragments of fractals of the whole.


I absolutely agree.. both perspectives should be met with acceptance and compassion.. because it is true, both the divine feminine and divine masculine energies are heavily distorted.. perverted, twisted.. most people are not even aware what it means to be truly empowered, in a balanced way.. which does NOT mean control over others, certainly. Being empowered means you empower others.. indeed, support each other.. we also need to understand divine masculine does not also=male.. as well as divine feminine does not= female.. they are traits and energies.. not sexes.. they also just happen to manifest as such as a tendency in this way.


Well stated, thank you. :) <3


Well-said, thank you. :) <3


While I do agree there are some ways in which men are pigeonholed into having to be a certain way, it is by and large, done by other men. For instance, not being too feminine or risk name calling by men. Not crying or being laughed at by other men. Toxic masculinity is a thing but it is better than it used to be. I have a son who is very sensitive. He gets called names for it. He gets ridiculed by other men. His own horrible father didn’t think he was tough enough so he abused him endlessly. So I do agree that this is all wrong and it does happen but it is caused by men themselves. Men do need to change, but nobody but themselves are repressing them. A couple additional comments I want to add, I am a female with a lot of male traits. I’m not a girly girl. I embrace both sides of who I am and appreciate both. I would not choose to be male as I have loved being able to give birth and nurture the lives of my children more than I ever thought that I would. In essence I feel well balanced internally. As for your comment on the homeless, you don’t see women because they hide. They are at great risk of being victimized, but there are many, many women on the streets.


No one is an island. Men's and women's issues are both interconnected. It is not just that men are the cause of mens problems, neither that women are the cause of women's. I hear this every time either side is brought to focus. Can we not just acknowledge the difficulties we are facing without dividing and taking sides? 


Everyone causes problems for everyone. Men for men. Women for women. Men for women. Women for men. Children for men and women and other children. Dogs pooping on our rugs and cats pooping in our sinks.


Have you ever considered that you’re maybe androgynous? I spent most of my life in a female body while very masculine and heavily embracing my masculinity when I was in low vibration and unhappy. I also had some judgements towards women. Once I healed and began to ascend, I started embracing my more feminine traits. Now I embrace my femininity, but still have very many masculine traits about me, and I feel balanced. I do not judge either gender and accept both as equal and each having their own benefits to society, and reject any idea of “male empowerment” saving the world as I know it’s not true. We need union and acceptance of each gender as equal, not as one being above the other as it only creates further division between us. We are all individuals as well; as you’ve experienced yourself, just because you’re male doesn’t mean you have all masculine traits. Gender roles are something only existing on Earth to divide us. Being androgynous is also common with starseeds (especially Andromedans). I hope you find acceptance within yourself and within others, my friend.


"my message for you is to fully Love and treasure yourself."  How? Every relationship I cultivate explodes, and I become the villain. When I plead for emotional support among fellow men, my question is ignored until I feel so ashamed I delete it.  When I beg for forgiveness, the answer feels like no.  When I tried to love myself, my fiance started imploding our relationship because I was too extra I guess. I keep reaching a hand out, and my arm is tired.  I hope your journey is going smoother than mine. You remind me of someone I love dearly.


Hugs, thank you Brother for sharing your voice. Blessings to you. :) <3


Our society programs men and women to be weak and ignorant in numerous ridiculous ways. This prevents us from seeing the bigger picture; that we are being pitted against each other in order to divide us and keep us weak. It is true that toxic masculinity is harmful to all. It is also true that the subjugation of women has held back humanity in countless ways. Love is needed to heal from this. We must understand that love for one does not mean love can’t be had for the other. Men should rejoice in the empowerment of women - it helps us all. Women should rejoice in the disillusionment of the false masculine ideal for this too helps us all. It is together that we grow stronger. Understanding the Devine Masculine and the Devine Feminine energies helps guide us towards this healing source. So does understanding wounded masculine and wounded feminine energies. We must heal from these wounds. If we feel defensive over gender issues then there is work to be done within. The challenges we face are a reflection of this. When we find the balance within ourselves, we honour our experience. We do not need to force others to grow, we need only to demonstrate through our own growth.


Thank you for sharing. :) Shalom <3


>:) :)


One word of advice to you is not everyone is called to be warriors. There is a great powerful innocence within the inner masculine that I emplore you to explore. But you're very palladin and that's fierce. You're on a good path but don't stray too far in herecy, allow space for yourself and others to grow within the movement; allow for softness as well as the strength a lot of men would like to empower. there are divine masculine energies in us all, in different forms <33


We're all warriors, but not only to fight evil, but to spread love as well. Warriors can be strong, soft, or anything else.


ugh thats a good point whoa o:!!!!


i just think the labels kinda denote certain energies a llt of the time; so we just need to be careful and make room for more ideals and concepts yk, keep the pathways and portals open


Thank you for the advice and encouragements. :) <3


thank you for advocating for the masculine!!!!!!! ur doing so amazing muwah!!!! <3 🪐👼🏻


I hear you bro. I’m sorry about comments you’ve received on previous posts (I haven’t read them.) Reading this, though, I feel like you’re bringing much needed balance. I really appreciate your courage in doing so knowing folks don’t respond well to calls for male empowerment. Really, it’s a hot mess out here. Folks might not realise how far down the line all this stuff goes… if women feel like women are oppressed by men, they’ll see men as the oppressors - and there’s a lot of social pressure to support this one sided narrative. However! Everyone starts out as a sweet little baby, right?? Whatever happens to males or females between birth and adulthood shapes who they become. Little kids don’t have much say, if any at all, in what comes up within that time frame. So what’s the use in arguing over who’s more traumatised in this world? 🤪 It’s always both! When it comes to huge “either / or” matters like “male empowerment vs. female empowerment”… it’s both, right?? So, thank you for your post here. Not everyone is healed enough within themselves to embrace “both” at the same time, a lot of us are still divided within, so it comes naturally to take the path of division without. It’s a huge inner process we’re all undergoing and it’s not always pretty. I hadn’t thought about what you brought up in this post for a long while. My little brother is going through a lot, has been for a while. So it’s good to talk about and you clearly already know that and have the balls to bring it up. Thank you g!


Thank you for sharing your voice and for the kind words and encouragements. :) Shalom <3


You just listed your personal traumas, some of which are highly specific and pretty individualized, and projected them onto *the entire world, saying it will only get better if they are solved*. And you preface this all with a sob story about how you're not a narcissist, but people unfairly call you one, and they're so awful, and look how mean they are to you? And then proceed to project yourself onto the entire world and say it's our responsibility to heal your trauma including *loving the physical appearance of your penis*. So, that's Narcissism. It's assuredly true that *everyone* needs more openness and love. *Body shaming* is a huge issue, for everyone. Suicidal ideation is rampant, and it's hard to argue with. Here's another way men are abused: *By other men trying to convince them that they've been mutilated and their equipment is now deficient and broken*. No it's not. It works fine. Sometimes, better! This POST shows what happens. You start looking for a solution to your shameful, mutilated penis. But you don't *have one of those*, in all likelihood. You have a circumcised penis, *just like the one that conceived you, effectively*. Your penis is fine. **You** are the source of your own feelings of mockery and lesserness. *Why are you putting your penis places where it's being criticized?! Stop sending and posting pictures of your cock? This insanity is self imposed. **Stop acting like your cum is made of magic**. If you're so worried, then get a vasectomy, and then you'll retain every sperm you ever make until your body dies. Really! You'll never let another one go. But you won't, because it's just copium. You're *making yourself ashamed of enjoying orgasms. You're making yourself ashamed of your penis' surgical history. You're making yourself ashamed of the way it looks.* Your post says "every penis is amazing and we need to embrace men" and then shares **shaming rhetoric regarding HAVING a penis or USING it, or ENJOYING IT**. Yeah. Why are you so depressed? 🙄


You put my exact feelings about this post into words!! I find this OP to be just very misinformed on many of the topics they speak about. Like yes, men should be empowered to make changes, but not at the expense of women's empowerment or by minimizing women's experiences😒


Men will convince themselves not jacking off will save the world instead of going to therapy. No, you just have internalized shame feelings around orgasm, and likely sexual trauma in your past fueling those feelings. Hashtag MeToo


I love this sassy energy.


I'm not really a big fan. I think it makes me off-putting and unlikable. It's something I'm working on. I'd be better off just not engaging when I'm annoyed, and working it out another way that doesn't put negativity into the world. Even if I'm 100% correct, I'm *still* putting negativity into the world, and that's not helpful to anyone. Sure, you can criticize someone into realizing something, but it's not the best way to do it. Being kind is. Hmm. I should be kinder to people like this. OP is obviously suffering. They're just not communicating it very well, but that's not necessarily their fault. If they'd found a loving support group with healthy coping mechanisms before they found wherever they got these ideas, they'd be better off. And my comment might be someone else's first thought into this issue, so I should try to be like the support group. Yeah, bullies always suck, especially if they're right. Then it's just arrogance. I know you didn't mean to give me this realization, but thanks anyway. For all I know, you did. 💜💙


I pointed out the sassy energy, as it gives no space for people to feel safe enough to be heard. You're actively attacking them or their beliefs, breaking rule 11 of this sub. it is ideal if we can find a way not necessarily to agree, but to be respectful when presenting a differing point of view, that no one is rejected without a fair chance at being heard. I hold full respect for you. pd; for what is worth, I've made the same mistake. Cheers.




Would you kindly tell me how this post minimises women experiences? I would like to know for future reference. I am asking kindly and sincerely.


For one thing, female children *are* having their genitals mutilated- literally! Far beyond comparison to when male infants are circumcised. My ex had to be circumcised at 16 due to health issues, and he can't understand why so many men who've been circumcised in infancy are so angry about it. He insists that there's no real loss involved, unlike the millions of female children who have their entire clitoris removed, and are then SEWN closed, like some obscene gift for a future man typically 5 times her age to tear open! "The world would lose its mind..." Or something along those lines, you claim, were females to be subject to what male infants are... Well, THEY ARE. And the world has consistently failed to give two sh*ts! And that's just the beginning. I've been homeless and addicted. The reason you don't see as many women out in public is not because they aren't around, it's because predatory men typically come in to exploit them for money or sex, we are pulled off the street, and wind up in different and often worse situations. Additionally, there are EXPONENTIALLY more programs for homeless and addicts men than women, be they shelters or halfway houses. I'm not here to say that men don't have their own issues, it's clear that they do, but surely you can think of a way to empower men that doesn't involve denying the lived reality of women all over the world!


Exactly, thank you for saying this! I've also heard that many women won't stay in shelters BECAUSE of the men that go there to take advantage of them. But hey, OP hasn't seen them, so they must not exist, right?🤦


> The reason you don't see as many women out in public is not because they aren't around, it's because predatory men typically come in to exploit them for money or sex, we are pulled off the street, and wind up in different and often worse situations. Additionally, there are EXPONENTIALLY more programs for homeless and addicts men than women, be they shelters or halfway houses Are you in the US? The stats say there are more homeless men than women. My intention by posting the above is just to say that OPs point backed up by stats. You're the 2nd person in this thread to dispute OPs conclusion that there are more men homeless, despite the stats being freely available.


There are already a zillion posts about women's issues. Growing up, it's all I ever heard about. It is time men's voices are heard, as well. I choose to give voice to men's issues. Like I said it is time that men's voices are heard, and I made my post about men's issues. :) Shalom <3


Yes, of course! The first one being the OP claiming women's suicide attempts may not even be real attempts because they aren't "successful". There have been many studies that show that when women attempt suicide they are more likely to use methods that leave less of a mess behind such as overdosing or poison. These methods leave more time for them to be discovered/resuscitated. While men are much more likely to use more direct methods like shooting or hanging. Another thing to add would be the complete dismissal that there are still countries that currently practice female circumcision. Then there's the topic of body shaming. OP is right in that men are shamed for their bodies, but seems to forget that that also happens to women. As if there aren't billion dollar beauty/diet/etc industries (headed by old men) specifically targeted at women.


There are already a zillion posts about women's issues. Growing up, it's all I ever heard about. It is time that men's voices are heard as well. I choose to give voice to men's issues: I'll say it again: it is time that men's voices are heard as well. I choose to give voice to men's issues. :) Shalom <3


Men's voices and issues have overshadowed womens for centuries.


I'm extremely well-informed. :) Shalom <3


There's always more to learn.


Thank you so much for reading and replying so that someone else needn’t


I'm so sick of being told I should stop being ashamed, *as if having an orgasm or circumcised penis is automatically shameful*. It's not... it's just what these men have convinced themselves of. That sucks. It's obviously hurting them. A lot. But the solution isn't to go out and cure my shame over my circumcision, because I'm not ashamed of my body or what it does or looks like. That's *their* neurosis. That's *their* trauma. For me to agree with this, I have to adopt their position, and I refuse! Note: For some reason, my little baby body actually decided to store the sense memory of being circumcised. I actually had to relive it many times (feeling it happen) in therapy to release it. Even so, my little guy is *fine*. I don't like that they do this to babies without anesthesia, OBVIOUSLY. That sucks. Not like who is advocating for that position? OP's parents in the past, that's who. No one here!


Hugs and Blessings to you, Brother. Shalom :) <3


I'm unsure if the above person even read my post. Because the things they were saying were their own interpretations and opinions of things. Which as I just said above, all are entitled to their interpretations and opinions; they just need to remember that they are their OWN interpretations and opinions. :) Shalom <3


Thank you, I was about to abandon ship with OP's post. Maybe he's just a kid, but it seems quite a lop-sided statement, and off topic for the sub? I hope


I'm mid-thirties, well-informed and on-topic. :) Shalom <3


I'm so much older than you. No wonder the young women are choosing 4B. Gaia Rising indeed. Thanks for the data


Yea this post really rubbed me the wrong way and it's not because it's about men's issues, it's because he tried to invalidate women's struggles to leverage his own issues up. This is like Patriarchy 101 kind of stuff.


I center women in my work and personal life, I am very fortunate that I can pick & chose what clients I take (I know most cannot). So all these manifestos coming from men I see online & in media, are one of the few ways I read any info/data from them, seem like the last gasp of the Patriarchy. I was given a vision by the star people that visit, of women all over the globe, walking away, joining together to find their future. It's seems to be unfolding.


That sounds amazing 🤗 I look forward to returning to our matriarchal roots ❤️‍🔥


Any self mutilation is horrible. Especially when they're using the foreskin of children that couldn't decide for themselves on the industry of cosmetics and other nonsense. The situations he is describing are wide enough to be talked about. Homelessness. Rates of suicide. Forced circumcisions (what about consent) it's not narcissistic bringing these issues to light. especially on a Starseed sub, which is focusing on helping and healing humanity. All issues are important to address holistically. Even the trans situation deserves to be analyzed. There are plenty of kids that regret transitioning, and plenty of adults that encourage them without a second thought of the consequences. Another problem, by the way, is users that demean and mistreat others, or minimize their suffering. Circumcision is fucked up. Having a rabbi suck the blood out of it is weird too. wtf. \*\*\* What he spoke about here, I've heard plenty of other times. It's a good thing we can be open and patient enough to discuss it and avoid falling into abusive patterns. Cheers. Edit: you may downvote me, but can't say I'm wrong


Again, thanks for sharing your voice. :) Shalom <3




Say, [https://youtu.be/1\_yWwVPS3AY?si=\_tFp1ib5S6\_64NsU](https://youtu.be/1_yWwVPS3AY?si=_tFp1ib5S6_64NsU) would you happen to know if the Korean babies that they got their foreskin from got paid their royalties for the cosmetic they helped manufacture? Asking for a friend.








Please be kind and respectful to community members .


You're entitled to your interpretations and opinions. Just remember that are your own interpretations and opinions. :) Shalom <3


Please read your comment to the mirror and take it to heart. 🙏🏻


I love both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. I love that both of them are coming to their power. I love how this duality is a perfect complement. I love how both of them will be in love in the Age of Aquarius. \*\*\* Am I the only one that finds it silly to place one above the other? I've heard many channelers speaking about the return of the divine masculine or the divine feminine, and I respect their words. I am always left unsatisfied with the thought "Why make it about only just one? why not both? this is silly"


>However my reply is:  if the rate of suicide failure is THAT high, how many of those are actual attempts?  I'm not sure what kinds of data are being assessed, so the bottom line is that we actually do not know what percentage of those are actual attempts of suicide, and not something else.  If so many males have been succeeding at suicide, then why have so many females been failing at alleged suicide attempts? Former suicide hotline worker here. We were given training on this specific issue. Firstly, it feels pretty icky to be judging whether someone made an "actual" attempt or not. Let's not gatekeep suicide. An attempt, even one that is guaranteed not to be fatal, is STILL an attempt. It's not the outcome that matters, it's the intention. The reason behind the disparity in deaths is that a higher percentage of men choose more surefire lethal methods such as firearms. Women tend to choose methods that are less messy, less likely to upset others who find the body, like overdose, but those methods have a lower fatality rate. Additionally, suicidal ideation is generally considered to be more common among women than men, meaning that there will also be a higher number of attempts survived among that demographic due to a higher number of attempts overall. Regarding the bulk of your post, in essence, yes. We need more support and kindness for men. The partiarchal systems that define our society hurt everyone. Not the same hurt, but hurt nonetheless. It's a big reason why men can and should be feminists too. It's not about devaluing men to support women, it's about fixing the system that devalues and restricts us all.


Most of it, MEN(who are and have been in _control_ of most aspects of "Western society") are the ones who will have to fix it.


Men’s empowerment? Explain to me how that is not the patriarchy we live in? Ground yourself and put yourself in contact with the heartbeat of the earth, with the heartbeat of mother Gaia. What you will feel is the divine feminine rising. we make sure everything is balanced as it should be and no one sex should be empowered over the other and all will come into balance. I wish you healing. ❤️‍🩹


we have been governed by a world wide nefarious cabal. it's neither patriarchy nor matriarchy, all humans are equally fucked, unless you sell your soul and are part of the subjugators. We cannot deny men have suffered their own side of negative energy. Its good to acknowledge these things to raise awareness that they may get healed. What's the issue with this? What's the problem with having both divinities, both sides of the same coin, rise in unison?


Agreed. Both are under attack. Women are given impossible goals, they should never depend on a man and should have an excellent career, yet they will regret it if they miss out on having babies, staying home with your babies is very important but don't be a waste of space and depend on a man you need to be independent and bring home $$$ because that is what is valued. Be sexy at all times but not too sexy or you're a whore and no man will marry you. Your looks are the most important thing about you but don't be vain or conceited. Do everything a man does but don't be butch. Etc. With men it's the same unachievable goals. Don't be a toxic caveman and learn to embrace your emotions but not too much or you are weak. Support your family and be willing to die for them but you shouldn't challenge your wife because you are a dumb man who can't do the simplest household tasks or even dress yourself right. Workout and be in shape but don't be a gym dude. If women have women's groups to support each other you should be glad and celebrate it but men should not be allowed the same because it's toxic. Be an involved dad and good with children but don't be too friendly to other people's children or you're a pedo. We need to celebrate that there are some core differences between men and women but also that we are all individuals and fall on a spectrum.


Poetry. :) Shalom <3




Men are also victims of patriarchy. Men also need balance. 


I explained thoroughly in my post about these issues. Lol they tend to become rather lengthy posts, simply in order to just cover the basics and have all basics covered. So yeah I've written some novels, at this point lol. Thanks for the kind words, Shalom. :) <3


So glad to see this post. This is what I believe as well (that healing the Masculine is the key to peace and survival). I ran a monthly discussion group around Masculinities for about 5 years and we ranged from the topics of Masculinities as it pertains to Race, Religion, Technology, Intimacy and Nurturance culture , etc. So much experience and vulnerability it was awesome. We we inspired to start the group after reading bell books’ The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love … highly recommend if interested in this topic or in gender dynamics at all. It’s true most of the world’s hurts are a result of men who are desensitized as a result of their own wounding. I also agree that some of modern cultural attitudes as “as men are pieces of shit” (while acknowledging that women have had negative experiences) is counterproductive and even harmful. And there are so many forms of Healthy Masculinities, men are deep and feeling and amazing. We paused operations but have been meaning to create a starter pack for if people want to hold their own groups , if that is of interest to anyone. 💚


Thank you for sharing. :) Shalom <3


You see more homeless men on the streets because homeless women go to shelters, homeless men prefer the streets to shelters because they don’t face the same threats on the street that women do


No, statistics (in the US and UK) show that the majority of homeless people are men. If you think I'm wrong, please check the statistics.


Homeless men prefer the streets? Did you ask them? 


I've seen WAYYYY more unhoused men, in shelters. Men. Not women. Men.


Yeah, bc they’re in separate women /children only shelters so the men don’t rape them


Love this post.. 💛🦋✨ thank you for sharing that.


Thanks for the kind words. :) Shalom <3




Thank you. :) Shalom <3


You lost me at trying to say that women's failure attempts means that they weren't serious. This is BEYOND insulting. The hypocrisy in this post is out of this world. Also, can you please refer to women as women and not females? That's dehumanizing and again, insulting. Is it possible for you to explain your position and message without insulting women? I hope you find true healing by opening your heart to the Divine Feminine, the creator of Life itself.


The only suggestion I can make is that you re-read my original post. :) Shalom <3


My reading comprehension is just fine. Signed, A previously homeless WOMAN that has attempted suicide before.


Often times when you feel like you should be a women/man or have gender dysphoria it is because you have mastered that sex in previous lives and are testing the water with the other side. I agree with everything you have said. It is incredibly brutal to be a man on Earth. That difficulty needs to be transmuted into stronger men. And I am not just talking about stronger in a masculine way, often times discussing feelings and emotions while being vulnerable is true strength.


Thank you for sharing your voice. :) Shalom <3


No community; no camaraderie; no purpose. Many of us are awful at seeking out relationships and are reliant on no longer existing structures to give us these things and we just don’t seem to be wired to be the squeaky wheel. Add sitting in front of a desk doing TRANSACTIONAL work with all humanity stripped of it replaced by production metrics-ALIENATION Thus hopeless and then suicide. :::This may no longer be true but at one time men used guns and succeed in the attempt.. probably out of shame they would ensure annihilation. Women traditionally would OD or make an attempt as a cry for help::: again this may have been bad information but was commonly stated/believed. I can say for sure, I will not make an attempt. If I do; I’ll make damn well it will succeed. Men are not allowed to be weak even 2024 and we lack the tribal-communal infrastructures to live fully. Church once gave us this, Freemasonry, helping another with a little work on their home, the VFW, campfires etc, These things have been going extinct. Many of us need and have options but are just too damn exhausted. We need to get out more and be LESS productive and less transactional and at least show our kids there’s a better way to live before they are ensnared by the same alienating systems of control.


What would be so wrong with transitioning? You seem to hold a lot of self shame.