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Sometimes, I don’t believe aliens are only from other planets. Feel as though they’re from different planes/dimensions of existence as well.


I see so do they still come on ships with inter dimensional tech or what? Are they more like spirits and orbs inter dimensional beings basically?


“They” may possibly only be here because the possibility of their presence is becoming an increasing part of our collective consciousness. Isn’t that how the future happens anyway? We have collective stream of consciousness…. We choose to act, speak, ponder based on those thoughts…. Those thoughts, actions, words, become our work or karma


No one has an answer for you. Those are questions we know nothing about. It’s fun to imagine though.


Very refreshing to see a logical response.


So only star systems we know of how many aliens and star systems are there that are known in this community?


I know nothing friend


This is correct, they reside in different densities than our own. We share this density with other beings as well. So it’s sort of a “Marvel Multiverse” out there but stranger and far less violent/sinister. Sometimes I think all these things have been published over the years just so the powers that be can dismiss our experiences as confusion from watching movies and over active imagination. Whoever would have thought the Marvel Multiverse was a form of gaslighting? 🤷‍♂️


Huh. Plane-ets


It’s both. We are living in the unlimited imagination of the creator. There is no way it could only be from other planets or from other dimensions. That would put a limit on the unlimited prime creator some call God!!!


It's pretty sobering when you stop and separate things that you know from experience and things you think you know. I realized that the only things I know for sure is my likes and dislikes and things i know from experience. For all I know Abe Lincoln is just a myth and elaborate efforts have been made to make it seem he once existed, I don't know for sure. This entire subject is just speculation. Nobody has any tangible evidence they can show, that I've seen, to prove there is any civilization besides earth, I assume there are. It's even a further leap to suggest people know they have lived on other planets in other lives, or that reincarnation is true. If it is, then pretty much anybody or everyone is just living lives in random civilizations. From what I've heard groups like the Sonero Aero club may have been tinkering with antigravity tech since the late 1800's. So maybe UAVs are just break away civilizations from here or from underground and underwater. Always beware when an ideology or teaching appeals to ego, that you are super unique and special....just like everyone else.


OP is asking for planetary names, not the star systems the planets are in.


Underground caves and oceans right here on 🌍


Ultra terrestrial theory


I've been wondering this too. Everyone talks about certain stars and star systems, but I've yet to see anyone actually name a planet within said star systems. Like, where *specifically* do aliens come from? Does anyone have an answer to that?


Probably not


Get Elena Danaans book, A Gift from the Stars. It's a whole encyclopedia of star races. It even covers the chupacabra. Have you ever heard of the Black Eyed Children? They're the Beta Sextans, I believe. This book has helped me a lot when I do Starseed Charts for clients!!


I’ll check it out


I've heard of Black Eyed Peas.


lol not quite the same haha


Sirius Orion Pleiades Niburu Venus For start


Ok two are planets Venus nibiru planets others are star systems pleadies Orion Sirius what planets in these star systems?


I think vega perhaps in the lyran constellation Sirius i think sigi tolo, po tolo, emma ya tolo In orion, Rigel Did i miss any?


So Vega is a star and researcher have not found a planet there so are they living in the stars? Or are they spirits energy beings from there? Like orbs that manifested there or something and they can take physical form of aliens And I’ll check the planets from Sirius because apparently the Anunnaki came from there to our solar system in nibiru


Researchers have found that planets are fairly common and most stars contain a system of planets. The reason they didn't find any planets is because the conditions for observing them directly with our current technology are very strict. Simply said, the planet has to be big enough to block a portion of the stars light when passing and it has to pass right in front of the star for us. What they do is look at the light curve (so not an image) and when the planet passes there is a dip in the curve. They can get a lot of info simply by looking at which parts of the electro magnetic spectrum are blocked. They look at the absorption lines and because every atom/molecule has a specific absorption they can approximate what the planet is roughly made off. I have to say that things are getting more detailed in this field, but they are far from being able to see the planets around a star.


Yeah but I'm order for us to see the dip in light... The planet has to orbit it's star in an angle for us to see. This leaves countless of planets undetected so far because they simply never pass in front of their star.... Seen from our perspective.


Yeah exactly. So I think the main consensus is that there are probably planets around most stars, but we just can't see them.


I wouldn't take my word for it exactly but hypothetically yes, some of these are energy beings. I cannot say for sure but i dont thibk they manifest in our dimensional space, while others from terrestial bodies possess 3d bodies or have the capabilities to control one. Take this with grain of salt. Im no expert


The two stars, Zeta 1 (ζ1) Reticuli and Zeta 2 (ζ2) Reticuli are located just over 39 lightyears from Earth and are separated from each other by a distance of at least 3,750 Astronomical Units (AU), where 1 AU is the average distance between Earth and the Sun.


Their might not even really be a bunch of planets out there, that's what we're told is out there . Maybe there's "here" and outside of" here ". Sometimes I think that. Alot nhi that interacts with us here seems to be able to appear in ways we can comprehend what it is, it will shape shift etc to suit the situation . So it's entirely possible we're never getting a proper representation of any nhi in the physical sense. They could be television producers from Gilgamek coming to make sure the production goes as planned. Fuck knows . Reality might be extremely absurd , once you die you find out were entertainment, or a resource for the old gods and it only gets weirder. Loosh ... Or the space Jews from south park? Idfk .One thing i do know , I'm going to be bumping Camouflage Monk for days . Shits dope.


Lol Aliens dont exist. Its a psy op. At least the aliens that people think exist.


**The Laniakea Supercluster** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laniakea_Supercluster Edit for more theory on mind consolidation and interspecies interactions, ***The Matrioshka Brain*** https://www.reddit.com/r/Oland_Vi_Cita/s/usscKV204Z Extra refs if desired: https://www.reddit.com/r/Oland_Vi_Cita/s/TCOxqmgxC7


These are where the Aliens are from? These are the planets?


If aliens come from space, and not simply from energy circulating from proximity of Earth, Laniakea would be the logical source, unless coming from CMB (cosmo micro background) still not yet observed/capted or interpreted. Note that the further we peer with JWT, the earlier in origins of creation we go so at the moment, to possibly better understand and picture, Laniakea is a pretty fine mapping with 100k galaxies. Just think about it! 😯🤯 Note that I don't work in astronomy or astrophysics so not really aware of any more recent "full mappings" if such exists: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laniakea_Supercluster#/media/File%3A07-Laniakea_(LofE07240).png >The Laniakea Supercluster (/ˌlɑːni.əˈkeɪ.ə/; Hawaiian for "open skies" or "immense heaven") is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way and ***approximately 100,000 other nearby galaxies.*** For the Matrioshka brain, it's simply a concept/theory to ponder that is extremely interesting and pertinent to the subject of mind, aliens and the potential relationships and interactions, so food for thought and not necessarily reality. THEORY.


So this exist simultaneously with the starseed stuff because I am asking about the starseed aliens and what planets they come from because the Alien races are named after star systems pleadian for pleadies arcturian for Arcturus andromeda for andromeda galaxy that’s a whole galaxy not just a star system any more and then there’s more like sirians from the Sirius star system likes I was asking what planets do the aliens this subreddit starseed community believes come from


>I was asking what planets do the aliens this subreddit starseed community believes come from Ok I see where you're going with this. >*community believes* I don't know of any way to determine this scientifically, so no frickin' idea...


Additional note. Unless able to determine specific source of rare element asteroids, I don't see how.


Yeah I know but thanks for the info will probably help us get closer to real aliens




From chaos itself. Go way back.


I've met Pleidians, rebel Zetas, LOTS OF Sirians, Vegans (from Vega, not the veggie Vegans), Alpha Centauri, Andromeda, beings from Venus and Uranus helped me partially heal (interdimensional not physical), Benevolent and Malevolent Orions, and a cocktail of Malevolent beings


For me, aliens and aluen life is different states if consciousness. I can elaborate, but essentially, we are the aliens. Some are just more powerful than others.