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Can you give them my contact info, please? I'd very much like to channel for them !


Ha your contact info? What does that even mean


Well it was my attempt at a joke . But I am very much interested in being in contact with them . I try to contact them during my meditations


Well, they are very pesky. So I hope you like constantly being directed as you try to enjoy your day.


Look it up, there are videos that offer activations and/or are contacting various alien races and it would make sense that you would have an easier time chatting with them if they had already been invited in by someone who "knows their number". There may be a good reason they are not responding. Maybe as simple as you wanted your star family to have first dibs and designed you life that way. May be as complex as growth you are reaching into but not quite there yet. Or perhaps they can tell your mission is different from theirs. Or something else entirely. But this is the free will universe, if that is what you want here and now, the internet is full of potential ways to help make it happen. Careful what you wish for, but if you really want it, that is what I would recommend trying.


Hello, I'm also someone who is very skeptical and requires concrete proof to believe anything. I'm still new to all this, but the last few weeks I've been focusing mainly on building up spiritual shields and setting up blockages for anything that wants to contact me, as I've been tricked before. Now, anything must get past my barriers and get my direct permission before it can speak with me. I don't know if you do this already, but it may help you to protect yourself from any entities you don't want to connect with! I'd recommend working with the white flame and the violet flame to make protective shieldsšŸ¤šŸ’œ


I think you sound based


Thanks? I don't think anyone has used that word to describe me, but pop culture I guess ha Yes, Ive been through a lot.


I have read a few of your comments on some other subs now, because I was intrigued. I cannot really relate much to your experience (atleast not yet) though, but I do respect that you are being true to yourself, that is what I mean by based. So much nonsense flying around, and I think the healthiest way to approach things is through your own experience. So good for you. I am also a bit envious of you I must say, but hopefully someday soon I will be done with all this burning and move onto the next chapter.


Hey, well thanks. But if you knew what I had to go through to get here... Well, you wouldn't want that. No wonder not many obtain true enlightenment since the majority of people would much rather choose suicide.


Yup yup yup this šŸ’ÆĀ  I told my therapist last week that I have looked into the abyss and it stared right back and I said: okay, then. Here we go, this is the moment. Had an out of body experience and a realization that all of the suffering and pain and trauma and bullshit I have had to endure in this lifetime had ALL led up to that moment, and to prepare me for what is to come.Ā  I am still standing here ready to fight. Ā Either it destroys you or forges your mettle. Unfortunately I have lost some cosmic siblings who were too damaged by the trauma and didnā€™t make it, which saddens me but I understand it completely. I wanted to check out many times, could not understand what the universe wanted from me, why it kept taking and taking and taking. I kept breaking and breaking and breaking. Rebuilding to become stronger. Need to be strong to help those who are seeking enlightenment, want to love and be loved.Ā  What a beautiful thing to embrace. Who cares if none of this is real, and we are all just searching for meaning in this starange dystopia. If it means some of us become better people and try to spread love and light, who are we hurting? If the idea of starseeds and lightworkers give some of us peace and inner harmony, so be it. Humanity needs us and I am all about doing everything I can to help us ascend.Ā  Be well, we are OneĀ 


I commend you for getting this far, well done. But my goal is to dispell all illusions by the power and will of source or more unpopularly known as God. I do believe in Christ and think that is a fine example to lead, I will not let His death go in vein.


No I hear you, and I am well aware, I am myself in my last stretch as far as what I have been shown, although I could be wrong, of course. Enlightenment is certainly only for those where it is the only option left, as it is with me. Where the hunger for truth eats up your whole life. I have no family or friends left. I have been through my own hell and now we shall see. If I knew what I was in for when I started and said "yes" that is what I want (enlightenment), I don't know, it is also impossible to say as I am not on the other side yet.... Would not want that for my worst enemy although I have none. Cool to meet you


Yes, I see. I myself have no fulfilling relationships other than the general love from family. Most everyone else is playing games. Be well, nice to meet you also.


Well my family is certainly playing games too, but i digress. Good luck to you although I am sure you create your own. What was the purpose of your original post if I may ask?


I shared my experience the way that I interpreted it. In hopes that maybe someone can maybe shed some light on it and maybe provide a perspective that I missed... So far, it seems like most that haven't commented yet think that the idea of aliens and that they themselves are aliens sounds good and can provide a purpose in a world where it is hard to get a scrap of inspiration for yourself.. but sadly, the reality is that no one here that has yet to speak have gotten to this point. What I am really trying to get across is that there should be some caution involved if, say, you do get to this point.


Yes discernment is crucial, and takes a lot of pain and effort to develop. And so most people don't have the courage or capacity to develop it. Have you ever spoken to your future self, do you know that that is a possibility for you?


My higher self speaks to me in multiple ways. One of which is more direct is through a specific tarot deck in which I have had many reading that indicate that the deck is endowed with my higher selfs consciousness.. some cards reappearing repeatedly to prove the point.


Why do you think the Plaedians motives were less then honourable? They are much higher frequency beings so I would take that into consideration.


I feel what you're saying. Reminds me of the song "policy of truth" by Depeche mode, which I've always resonated with. It's as if I promised myself to the truth long ago and now I can't go back, even if I want to. There have been many times I've felt regret about "choosing" this path; I've tried to forget, tried to let it go, but I quickly found out, that while I can resist and delay, it is my inevitable, and it doesn't let go of me. The road has been long and lonely. It feels as if everything that is not of truth and Love must be reconciled and burned away. Burning is a painful and tumultuous process, riddled with dense layers of confusion, isolation, and doubt (in my experience), but moments of peace and clarity and cosmic Love continue to deepen and become more frequent for me. I look back at all I've been through and see the incredible progress I've made stumbling on my own through the dark; it's difficult, but for the heart that wants freedom, it is the only way. "Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. Itā€™s seeing through the facade of pretense. Itā€™s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true". -Adyashanti


yes šŸ„¹ Such a tremendous and brutal process. The other day I thought about what it has taken from me to get to where I am today and I just had no words....


I remember a time where my only comfort was knowing I'd eventually die lol. Happy to report things are a lot less bleak today. Over time we come to see how resilient we truly are and recognize our strength. New hurdles still suck, but they are a lot less frightening. I get more curious about them now.


Being able to stand on your own. What a refreshing energy. I have my own suspicions about the galactic federation. I would entertain the conversations to see how much info I can extract from them - but I would also reject working for them. I am on the same situation as you - I have been able to be ok on my own, I don't need help from any extra dimensional entities now.


I would suspect that they would feed you lies to further their agenda.


Most likely. A cunning mind would be able to hold that info without following it as it allows to pierce into their intent. Cheers phoenix - I like the energy you have regarding this.




I believe I have always had contact with the Pleiadians, however life/trauma/survival obfuscated the connection until recently.Ā  Went through a torturous dark night of the soul starting in 2020 (things started to get weird 2016/2017) and by 2023 I was beginning to heal and certain things in my life started to reveal themselves to me. A relationship ended that exposed my codependency and my tasty empathic supply to narcissists, which led me to twin flames and lightwork, which led to the realization that my entire life had been built around that dynamic. While I learned about starseeds and how they insert themselves into families to dismantle generational trauma, the words Pleiades, seven sisters, nine muses, Nordic aliens etc kept bouncing around in my head until I did research. Link after link (almost guided) of new information I had never heard of before.Ā  TL/DR forgot about my psionic connection with light beings, was forced to hit rock bottom to begin serious spiritual awakening (was never really asleep), Pleiades / 7 sisters called to me, now I am gearing up to get to work to elevate humanityĀ  My life makes so much more sense now, I have purpose and drive, no more fear.Ā  Also I have to say that for those who are asking ā€œam I a starseed, how do I know?ā€, probably are not, but are lightworkers beginning to awaken. All are welcome, of course. Itā€™s the old adage of ā€œif you have to askā€¦ā€ Definitely not trying to gatekeep - how ridiculous to do so about something that is speculative, but I did want to possibly help others who are looking for answers.Ā  Personally I did not go seeking for this, it was always there and I had to lift the veil and really take a leap of faith to come to terms with this. I am a hard scientist, atheist, need proof etc and yet have always had woo experiences. I still have no problem bridging these dichotomies, who am I to know how the universe works. Iā€™m just enjoying the ride right now on this gorgeous planet šŸŒĀ  Be well, take care of ourselves, spread the light and loveĀ 


It's just all of this starseed/lightworker business brings me vast speculation. I've been told that I was these things. However, the concepts are too new and too new age movement which I believe is a large deception. So, I am glad you are doing well and I hope that you accomplish great things. But just be careful who you listen to.


You want to share this on r/experiencers. They talk about actual contact whereas here, it's more people who believe they are actually aliens in human form.


Starseed is supposed to be an alien?? I definitely did not realize that's what this wasšŸ˜‚ I thought it was spiritual and light... That's why I have an issue with the space feds, it reminds me of the space force here on Earth... because for what reason are we spending billions to waste resources when people are homeless. Then I did a little research on the GSF(Galactic Space Federation) and confirmed my suspicions as well. I'm good off of them if they're even real. I understand and empathize with the need as long as no one is harming anyone off of their orders.


And yet, none of them have spoken on this yet? Ha some delusion that is.


Have spoken on what exactly? I have meet the pleadians during meditation. I don't really have contact with them. My contact is a mantis being named klatu. And I've seen many people talk about the "pleadians." Keep in mind, there are many names they are called but when most people talk about them they are referring to extremely beautiful humans. I personally distinguish between two groups of these "beautiful humans." I call them the pleaidans and the nordics and I believe one group is service to self while one is service to others. Keep in mind, I have never heard these beings use these terms. These are the words I've picked up over time that described my own experiences. The only being I have direct contact with is the mantis being.


Spoken to bring clarity to the situation preferably by experience. And that's fine, I just hope that it is helping you rather than intrude on you as I was.


Most people are still scared to talk openly and honestly about their experiences. When it's happening to you, like you know, it's difficult. Even with benevolent contact... it's difficult. Mine helped me overall but yes, there were times when it sucked and I wished I had never meet klatu. I'm glad he didn't listen though because I couldn't see the end of the path I was on like he could. I'm sorry your contact isn't going so well and they are intrusive. I've had bad along with the good. It sucks and I genuinely empathize with you. If you ever get overwhelmed and need to chat, remember I'm here and reach out. Seriously, having people just listen to you that actually know what your going through works wonders. I remember the first time I talked to someone on discord about it and they said to me "I believe you." I broke down in tears and cried for like 6 hours after the call ended. It really does wonders for your mental health.


Thank you for your kind empathy. This world/reality is more than it seems.. and perhaps one day you will outgrow that beings influence. Maybe that's not what you want.. but regardless, that might be what it's trying to teach you. I will keep you in mind. Be well.


It's funny you mention that. I literally said to my buddy just the other day, "it feels like he's teaching me how to reintegrate back into society and trust humans again." Have a truly blessed day!


You as well.


What do you mean?


I have multiple contacts. A Pleiadian male named Kara (communications officer), a Sirian who has me call him Isaiah (Earth Humans often have difficulty pronouncing our names), the Great Apes of Sirius (a collective like the greys), some fish beings also from Sirius, a variety of Sirian Felinoids (they appear in the form of lions, tigers, and a Maine Coone), and some benevolent octopus beings from Orion. Unfortunately I've also had run ins with negative beings (who are not allowed near me), namely pig beings from Alpha Centauri (Kara says they eat Reptilians) and blue avian hybrids (not to be confused with the blue Avians who are benevolent). Although Kara says the evil pig beings aren't allowed near the planet because they are really evil, they can influence the planet. Someone told me Harvey Weinstein is a pig being incarnate. There are small groups of benevolent pig beings. I got visuals of them. They don't have ears like earth pigs, but they have long, cylindrical heads with a snoot on the end. Short and skinny. They're embarrassed by what their evil breathen do and behave and are very shy when they first meet people. The one I saw was hanging his head very sadly. But I have seen them when happy and they do this cute piggy dance. . I won't eat pork anymore just from seeing them. I will say, I briefly saw a small group of evil Pleiadians which I had no concept of until I saw them. Glad they were moved on quickly. If you took a picture of Charles Manson when he was younger and especially crazy looking and slapped a Prince Valiant Platinum blond wig on their heads, that's how they looked.


And what is the pleidian agenda?


They haven't pushed anything on me or forced me to agree with anything. They're just here along with the Sirians and rebel greys to see me through this life. They have asked for nothing in return.


Are you aware if your being are part of the federation?


I am part of the federation, yes


Right now, not much. I got picked up early on in Milab unfortunately I survived...kicked out actually for being uncontrollable So I had to heal from that, had to heal from some evil beings who combined their power with Milab's to try and tear me down or murder me outright. Right now they're treating me with kid gloves. The hope is to have peace on this world and peaceful relationships with them. No agenda, just welcome to the club and realize you are divine beings I gotta a lot of protection including some intergalactic cops (!) Sent by the Felinoids for my protection.


That's great and all but doesn't it bother you that they are not a physical presence? Also, in what ways have you confirmed these claims they have?


Well the fact that I had beings trying to kill me and tell me things like, 'We know you, we remember you, we will not tolerate you on this world,' was kind of my first hint. When I was in MiLab, the perps started me out by repeatedly killing me and resuscitating me over and over. If you're going to ask me how, I don't have memories of the full details of the process other than remembering me fighting and screaming against several, large, military types that were forcing me down. After that was done to me several times, there was 'an intervention' and a firm 'this will not be performed again' That was the one thing that got my attention. There were people who underwent horrific things in Milab up to and including death. I had terrible things done to me, was tortured, but they could only take the torture so far. Same with harassment campaigns. I had vandalism and mail disappear, crank phone calls, weird messages on my answering machine and then it suddenly and abruptly it stopped, but I didn't know why. Meanwhile I watched other Milab victims undergo the horrific. I knew there was a reason why my torture and punishment could only go so far, and not as far as others, but I didn't know why. Now I do and I feel a tremendous responsibility given that so many others didn't have the protection or support I did. I don't see it as a free ride. If you don't believe me, I grant permission for you to talk to Kara, Isaiah, the benevolent Sirian Felinoids, the benevolent Great Apes of Sirius, the Andromedans (I keep forgetting them, sorry guys, you do so much for me), heck, look up the benevolent Great Dragons of Sirius, they are super awesome. You can ask if I'm telling the truth, but you cannot ask for my real identity, location, job, family, or official titles in standing. There is no permission for that. I came hoping to bring peace like a lot of others, but the evil had a different agenda. Main thing: we are ALL Divine, all part of Creation. The dark has no right or say over us.


That is all, thank you.


Well one quick thing There are multiple galactic federations, some negative If you talk to them, make sure you're talking to the ones that are in service to the Divine One Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Presence (or Christ consciousness, or God, or however you want to put it. Like I said, there are negative Pleiadians, albeit a small group of them. Also, Cherubim are an angelic order. There are nine angelic orders total: Angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, thrones, virtues, powers, principalities, and dominations. Only fallen angels lead people astray. Edit: Benevolent ETs are service to other while Malevolent ones are service to self. Benevolent ETs refer to God as the One Infinite Creator, the Infinite intelligence, Infinite Presence Christ or Buddha consciousness also works Benevolent ETs recognize the divinity in themselves and others. Malevolent ones do not. They look down on others as inferior or consumable garbage easily disposed While my ETs have a job they want me to do, they have never pressured me, made me feel uncomfortable, or asked me to make pacts. All my pacts and agreements , protections, etc were pre-incarnate. They allow my free will to exist with regards to timing and actions. If someone isn't doing that, something is wrong. Also, beings do impersonate other beings, fyi Second edit: In reference to the Divine, I have also heard, I Am the Divine I AM, the Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Presence When God has addressed me, He announces Himself as, I Am the Word


And what is it that they have you do?


Not what you asked, but The Pleiadian Agenda is a book from the 90's.


That is most likely not whom they claim to be. They even violated your free will. Discernment is very important, beloveds. šŸ„°


Not necessarily. They just seemed as if they were trying to recruit.


They do not need to recruit. Trust your heart. The only ones looking to recruit any are those of the dark. Take this only if it resonates. šŸ’œ


I would be wary of anything affiliated with the Galagtic Federation, as they are one of the main reasons things are the way they are. If you would like to know of a non-affiliated Federation Pleiadian source of information, try Cosmic Agency on YouTube. Gosia has had written direct contact since 2017.


As I would suspect. Demons in alien form.


Iā€™d love for that chance


I feel like one just reached out to me today but I need them to prove itā€™s not a scam


In all my 8 modalities of energy training: in every single one of them I was taught permission, respect, honoring free will, and that beings of light are there to assist us and would never demand, pester, harass, interfere with free will, or be of the perspective of making deals to influence our free will. The best we can do is learn how to hear inner knowing of the way and follow it. In recent months I have come to believe that people in/near enlightenment are targets. And I believe part of that has to do shadow we are healing - whether this lifetime or previous lifetimes, timelines, dimensions. The kahuna nui of oneness (high priestess) teaches that we are here working a 7x7 matrix of 49 "chakra lifetimes" that we are here to master. I am not really in resonance with this teaching beyond it being an interesting and potentially useful construct. I mention it because one of the 7 levels of the 7th chakra is about entities. And logically it makes sense that is something we would we need to sort out that exists in duality on our pathway to the nondual. So I ask myself, why would they contact people who are near being able to sustain enlightened states - what might be the reasons. And I proceed from there using the emotional tools I have gained, the cognitive tools I have honed, the energy awareness I have nurtured, and the clear communication I practiced and refined with knowing of the way. The astral realm is still a world of objects, and appears very similar to earth objects. In higher realms the objects fall away. When I shift realms, only beings truly of the light are able to shift with me. As a shifter yourself, I highly recommend using that tool to help determine the calibre of those visiting uninvited. Any which way, no means no and it must be honored. If they suck at boundaries, the help they need most from you is you showing them what healthy boundaries look with your firm no. That is how I see it.


Hmm, yes. Although I do say it was borderline annoying, I never said no and I was more or less intrigued by the experience.. However, they never offered up anything that was valid in my perspective. Maybe they would have if I engaged more, but I didn't. It was likely an attempt to just show me their nature as they often were trying to encourage me.. I asserted that if this were a pressing matter to come visit me in person, they did not.


Ah, yes, my apologies. In a longer rambling draft of my reply I had spoken of needing to say no 3 times which is different from your experience.


Elizabeth April on YT has some clarity around this and always brings back news of conversations she has with the GFL and Pleiadiansā€¦ from what sheā€™s shared. their goal in working with humans and starseeds is to create UNITY consciousness because supposedly the fate of the Universe depends on how we do on Gaia , if the majority will choose to free themselves of darker forces and help others do that same in order to get back to the Divine, that helps all beings be liberated and the Light wins, but they do make mistakes in their efforts. Your energy feels stubborn and protective, but for good reason, I would look at something in your being that needs to be healed, maybe the trauma around your other intrusions? Unless you really are in touch with your intuition and it is wrong for you to be involved. But enlightenment for enlightenments sake reads as isolating and hoarding self, when truly we are here to serve, but only with our full willingness and consent so you have a right to do whatever feels best for you. Thatā€™s my take anyway.


I serve others with light in my every interaction. On here, in life and on my own personal social media. I am known for spreading a very relatable message to those that have yet to begin any sort of path.. most of my audience has committed themselves to a career after a education, are married, have kids, are single and have no direction and some are at risk individuals.. I've not needed any assistance in my work thus far and would like to think I've got a good grasp on what people need.




Did they say exactly what it is they wanted? My apologies if I missed this somewhere. I've had contact with them before, if you DM me I'll discuss further.


Hmm. I haven't had contact with Pleiadians and I don't know anything about that topic, but I do hear things in a similar way to what you describe. Often, I intuit that I am hearing my own higher self, or subconscious thoughts. On other occasions, what I hear carries an essence that is distinctly different from what I would attribute to be "me". They seem random, but helpful...usually providing bits of insight or guidance into something I am questioning. I've also heard what I believe to be a guardian/spirit guide while going through a difficult period in my life. I didn't have any belief system/structure associated with angels/guardians at the time, as my truth is based on personal experience and intuition. I'm so grateful for that experience and the inner knowing/comfort it inbued into my life, but at one point, I heard what I took to be my higher self say "I'm usually guiding myself when I walk through the gates" lol. It was as if something in me was saying thanks, but I got this now. (Im not sure that I do, and welcome any guidance I recieve). I would definitely be intrigued if I experienced what you're describing and would be curious to know more about what was being asked of me and what it is all about. I have had the sense that being open to receiving communication may make me vulnerable to things I don't want, but I don't lend too much energy to that thought. I simply make it clear what I am inviting in before I enter into that state - god, beings of love and light/soul family, divine guidance etc. That said, I do occassionay get random clips and phrases that are unprovoked throughout the day, but they don't bother me. Sometimes I get clairaudient premonitions/telepathic information. Personally, I enjoy every bit of the clues and insight I recieve.


Forgive my ignorance, but is this direct contact? This sounds like telepathic contact to me. Direct contact to me implies physically encountering a non-human entity - not just one that looks human and claims to not be. Maybe I'm just not familiar. I *talk* to a pair of Pleadians all the time, but telepathically. I've never touched them.


If you don't currently resonate with the pleidians you can try taking a business person's approach and give them a "don't call me, I'll call you approach" . I can see why you'd consider them equivalent of demons if they're pestering you like that. No one should try and convince you of your own unique expression of the one infinite creator, even if it means not being in service or working with pleidians as much as they're dedicated to human ascension. Also kinda wild you also have had contact with demons. I'm sure they're quite a nuisance. Lol. Just an optional reminder that you're right to not need their guidance if you choose as you're ultimately an indivudsted expression of the one infinite creator and carry the same power that any other being carries.


Yes, I see. Thanks


Interesting. The Pleiadians have contacted me as well a few times in the past few months. Iā€™ve never gotten any names or specifics. They show me geometric images in light that my conscious mind cannot comprehend right now. But it feels like they are helping me heal. Theyā€™ve only ever asked me to raise my own vibration and keep it high.




What color were those strange lights?


White, blue, yellow


Ah. A couple of weekends ago, I saw four red lights in the sky that lined in a big dipper-ish way. Looked away for 5 seconds, and 3 of them were gone and one was elsewhere in the sky. Not sure if military aircraft or alienz.


I stay in contact. Surely not just with them.


Did you try invoking the name of Jesus Christ when talking to them? You can usually get a reaction, good or bad.


So many people are having experiences with Pleaidians lately it seems


No I like your assessment, excellent work!