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Was a slave before and am still a slave so if anyone found a way out of this bullshit please spread


learn how the game works so u can master the matrix to go beyond. create ur own income. become financially free and ur basically free from the system


If that was the obstacle to overcome all these souls wouldn’t be trapped here. It’s time to learn the most pain lesson yet- true spiritual freedom (imho).


You have to kill your ego and surrender, to receive the gifts from the universe. Not many people are willing to do that


I’d refine this and say shed your ego, not kill it. The ego is a useful tool for while we’re walking around in these human meat sacks. 🤔😊


Both are important. Finding ones own innate freedom & also playing the game of life to create ur finances. Both are equally liberating in differing ways.


the souls are trapped because the majority of the population are not fully focused and dedicated to learning how to master the game , so they become trapped by their compulsions and impulsions. true freedom comes from mastering yourself, there is no other path to freedom other than to leave the body which would defeat the purpose of the reason we are in these bodies-- to experience freedom in these bodies this is not matters of opinion but matters of truth


Master the game? The game is love, not greed. How can you master something that is infinitely growing and changing?


the game = The earth game Why do you see yourself as a slave? Because you don't understand how the game works yet, so you find yourself aligned with what you think you need to do which is based on what you think you have figured out and what you think is all there is for you But once you learn how the game works, you'll no longer need to be a slave, because you will learn the science to becoming rich which means you wont need to slave away anymore if you learn how to generate your own income through your own way Who do slaves work for? The master, the master is the one that has full understanding of the system, which is why he is the one holding the reins Either remain as a slave or become the master


Consider there is no master or slave and just be present. Get into the flow 😁


And no "game." And no "book" with an automatic key. And no need to shed your ego. Just do your best to be a decent, caring person with the life you have. IMHO


there are universal constants or behaviors which can be identified without a book. nobody needs to read any books. but books were made by those who have experience and wisdom which act as reference points that can help you evolve faster. we dont need to reinvent the wheel if someone has already created it doing your best to be decent caring person is fine but youll still be a slave as long as you dont understand how to create your own financial freedom and create your own reality without understanding how the game of life works youll still be a pawn in the system of society. you can still love and be caring while being a slave but theres more to life than that. but thats on you im different im going to become the freest person on this planet


We disagree which is cool. For me, I perceive possibility of unhealthy direction when we try to tie financial outcomes to spiritual development. The language about slave and game signals a good possibility we are chasing our tail. We are confusing the mundane world, which we of course must live in by definition, with the world of inner consciousness where the job we do or the money we make are of no consequence. But, hey, spirited exchange of differing views and experiences is what this space is for. We share an earnest desire to encounter the truth.


going with the flow can only get you so far if you dont have grasp and understanding of how systems work. theres plenty of homeless people that go with the flow. and they can be happy and loving decent people too. but they are still homeless


Going with the glow doesn't mean responding to messages from the universe. Yes homeless can be decent etc as I went homeless for a bit and now I don't have a home persay but travel. Going with the flow doesn't mean not responding to the universe's messages. The issue is that homeless people have been created by the 1% who feel more than 80 million in assets is not enough to have a life of joy i.e. their joy is more money. If we were to divide the wealth created each day equally, we would all get $USD12.3 million per day. Working today's changing it with Pertula Life.


i never said going with the flow doesn't mean responding to messages from the universe I simply said going with the flow can only get you so far. You are missing the other half of the equation The other half of the equation is that you have to set a mission or a goal or a vision in which you want to bring or manifest into reality Once you have established a goal or mission, then you can go with the flow TOWARDS that mission/goal Because when you dont have a set goal or mission, you go through the flow aimlessly with no direction, which is not wrong to do, there is no right or wrong But to truly be free in this body in this world, you must set that as your goal which is the goal i've set As the way this life works is that if you dont have a plan, you will be a part of somebody elses plan, and its not that somebody else plan is bad or wrong, but it wont be the plan that you want, unless you have cut yourself off from all desire and if you cut yourself off from desire then you cut yourself off from abundance, and all more that could be offered in this world part of being "free" is being able to have your desires fulfilled, hence the word "fulfilled" because it leaves you feeling full when you are able to imagine something and make it a reality That is the whole mastery of this life, is the ability to bring the imagination into reality, thats the true magic of this world This very platform we're communicating on is one of the products of that magic, if nobody had desire and nobody had a goal or mission, we would all still be living in the woods scavenging for food But because we utilized our intellect and creativity along with our desires, thousands and thousands of years of efforts and evolution on top of those efforts has lead to not just the comfort and safety we live in now, but also the convenience of being able to do things and use things and produce much more effective results If there was no internet, no smart phone, no social media, there would be no global communication, and the only thing we would be aware of is our own immediate environment, but thanks to this creation of global communication we are able to learn much more efficiently about each other by being able to communicate with each other across the planet INSTANTLY, this is a true gift and blessing for us to be born in this time now where we have access to this, you should be grateful for everything, not just life and nature , but also the progress we have made as humanity


I want to begin to learn how to master the system, what is the path/where do I start?


the most obvious start is meditation. but with meditation u need a reference point. usually psychedelics is the reference point because it brings perspective beyond the ego but if u can do that without psychedelics more power to u thats why i recommend certain books that bring certain perspectives to conscious awareness one book i recommend is Master Key System by Charles haanel these are not books to read just to read. but to read to understand why he wrote what he wrote to allow u to understand where that perspective is coming from that when u do learn how to meditate u will be conscious of why u feel what u feel. why u realize what u realize that is the beginning of understanding the fundamental nature of this reality like a video game. if u understand how a video game works. then u will be able to know what to look for to be able to master what u are trying to master in that video game to be able to do what u want to do in that game


Same. This world sucks.


This world doesn’t suck at all, it’s both the greedy people hungry for more and all the people comfortable in denial that suck. You eliminate all those people (or fix their generational retardation) and I bet suddenly it’s not so bad. Don’t let your anger towards other people become anger towards god (The All) and this creation. I am thankful to god while angry as fuck (more each day) at how pathetic my fellow man is.


I don't know. There's something going on where I feel like something is deliberately trying to ruin my life ever possible change it gets. If you believe in luck you'd see I have the exact opposite of it. I'm so tired.


This happened to me. If you read my last couple of comments on profile. I derailed after 9mths of purifying my soul. Was on fruit vege water - Quit all vices. Fell into trap of a fake new age group. The things I went through, no way could it have been the universe testing me, it was really cruel and I dont believe they would intentinally derail someone to test them in such a cruel way when I was so connected to source and the oneness in everything. I was left feeling disconnected, felt the drop in conciousness/energy and 14mths on im just finding my way back again. I felt targeted. I had many lessons to learn and the biggest being go within. Stop looking for external. Look within we have all the answers we need.


Sounds similar to me. I had about 6 months and during this time was the only time I saw a ufo weirdly it hovered above me and some friends as I tried to open their eyes. As soon as we noticed and talked about it it zoomed away before I could get a good video. Anyway I fell into doing fent everyday for 3 months after almost watched my friends die in front of me. Got clean from fent but now 1.5years later I still struggle with addiction to kratom and can barely get myself to stick to a job when I’m not breaking my collarbone so I can’t work in the first place. However I’m still grateful I’m very lucky to have people that care about me. First moving to my moms where I stayed to get off fent and not crave it anymore. And now moving back to where I was before I got a wonderful gf that helps me so much. I hate how depressed/lazy and overall down about everything I am. But she’s still with me encouraging me and helping me get a job. So I pray and say thank you to god and ask for his love. I just hope I can beat this demon I still got on my back and get back to that enlightened state for my own well-being and to be able to help and show love to those around me. Best of luck this is 1 hell of an adventure.


Im so glad to hear things have turned around for you. Thats awesome. Best of luck to you friend also 🥰 take care of yourself 😊


:/ I'm genuinely just so tired. I have nothing to live for at the moment. I know I have to try but jesus, it doesn't have to be like this you know?


That’s my point, and I agree (same exact dilemma here). I’m not sure if I am on board with the whole alien and dark entity intervention or not but the one thing that’s very, very clear to me, is many humans have been working very hard to keep this broken and shitty system in place (either consciously or unconsciously). I can’t meditate and vision other worlds or beings intervening, but every single day I have to wake up and witness other people continuing to destroy what is sacred and preserve this confusion and fatigue that so many of us have been struggling with. I hope your fatigue transitions into anger and action, because the fatigue is keeping us stuck in space. Hope you find healing soon.


I have it with relationships. As if some possessive secret admire was there in heaven. Whenever am starting to have crush on someone that person always suddenly disappeares from my life. Either because suddenly some super hot chick appears out of thin air and starts flirting with them right away, or they gotta move out, or other bs reasons. And its not that i manage to get to the point of confessing my feelings or anything, enough is that i start having feelings towards them. I swear. I met super cute guy recently after big sadness and bad breakup and we went pretty flirty, it was just stupid talking, and we were on a concert. Suddenly the crowd decided to go extra wild and separated both of us in a process. I couldn't find the guy for my life after. And it was before I managed to get any contact to him, I was about to ask and the crowd went craaaazyyy. My ex was so my type its insane. But he also got separated from me in a weird way but thats a lonnngg story. And then so many troubles were thrown at him and me that we both went into deep depression. He stopped talking to me completely as result. It really is as if possessive admire was up there the "u can't be with , u must be mine" type. I can't imagine living long like that. I'm already extra tired. Loneliness sucks.


Fellow man even the ones you really really don’t like, are also gods beautiful creations


Yeah I agree at least with the capability to love and be beautiful but there is nothing shining about the fear and hate the majority of the masses are hypnotized under. I’m sorry if it sounds mean or harsh but enough is enough. Does the earth have to die just so man can have free will to hate and steal? Edit: to add to that- should all man suffer and possibly my go extinct so these men can do whatever they want on their own timelines while others suffer?


There is some truth in what u say. Earth is wonderful, animals are amazing. There is so much to explore. If people were treating each other with kindness and love it would really be a paradise.


When life is in balance I see paradise too. The earth had everything we could ever need but some want more.


Yes, chasing after possessions leads to always being unhappy, unsatisfied. I see it in my friends, they have great jobs, good living conditions, multiple cars, fiancé. If I had it - I would have more than enough for me. I just want to travel around with person I love, explore earth and admire space. My friends are always unhappy tho, they want bigger houses, better cars- all that pointless things. They don't see how amazing they already have. Cuz they see the things they would want to have, and that blinds them in a way for the greater things they already have.


Although I define a higher power a lil differently I whole heartedly agree with you and like I say alot since it’s 50 percent of Reddit I’ll assume “the world” means America. This world is sooo incredibly beautiful with its natural wonders and soo many amazing cultures, cuisine and people.


Fucking right man? I moved to Oregon a couple years ago and it’s so wild - it’s one of the front lines hardest hit by collapse but also the most fruit to harvest from the tree of life. I have ocean, mountains, volcanos, and green life I can’t even scratch the surface on in the rainforest. These days? Fuck man, when I’m ripping through nature on the technology of emtb it’s just the craziest duality. There is still growth to be found and love to be shared with good people. It’s everywhere in between all the ugly crazy painful shit. I pray all of you find that place and hold onto it dearly.


Technology of emtb??


I mean, I’m just not stoked on buying bunch of new shit these days that’s going to be a massive environmental issue adding to our problems but I have to say that bike is the coolest thing I’ve owned in my life. It flies up entire mountains leaving me energy to spare and I can ride downhill even better than a regular high end Mtb. It’s a very healthy spiritual adventure for me that i attribute my sanity this year to lol. Collapse has been pretty tough for me and there’s been a lot of impact and loss but even through my own mishaps I ended up with a positive super bike computer that has changed my life. Hopefully that makes better sense haha, if you knew how hard I am on modern technology you’d probably have a better grasp of my intent here.


This world sucks because you believe deep down you suck






Same. Please, I’m begging ya’ll 😩🙏🏼


Im looking for freedom from the rat race myself, the only thing I can think of is monetary life. I'm all ears if anyone has better ideas, I'm not looking for material wealth just break free from the system and not have to rely on society yet still have resources to sustain myself.


I think off grid commune is the only solution. A lot are going up in Costa Rica now but I am hesitant to move to latam with climate change worsening. Maybe alaska someday


Unfortunately LATAM is not very safe "there maybe a few exceptions" but generally speaking I would seek a different location. Perhaps Thailand, Philippines or Vietnam or maybe Greece or southern France if Europe is an option. It can also be achievable in the U.S or Canada, no need to travel too far from home, the issue is where to start and how to maintain it


Supply chain and logistics for the past 12.5 years. It got to a point where I had to leave for my own health and sanity. This was March 1st and I still have not taken another job. Between unemployment checks and random money miracles, I’ve been able to upkeep my bills, including my mortgage. I stopped questioning the how and focused on why I even care in the first place. I don’t. I’ve been to rock bottom multiple times, it’s a second home for me at this point. So I’ve just said fuck it and let myself trust the plan and the process. I may have to lose it all in order to gain everything, and I’m okay with that. Letting go is second nature anymore. All I do know for sure is I’m not here to work for someone else, I’m here to help change the world. I can’t do that *and* allow myself to be enslaved by the rat race of society, so I made the choice to be in full submission and receptivity to guidance from the universe and all other beings of unconditional love who assist me along my journey.


Yes. Me too.


I really needed to hear this. Thank you 🙏🏽


Glad I could help, friend. 🤗


Currently a slave at a billion dollar company that assassinates whistleblowers. I see no way out. You either work or die of exposure. This country doesn't give a fuck about you and will absolutely let you die on the streets if you don't want to work. I hate it here. Fuck this country and fuck this prison planet.


Yikes. That’s so bad for your soul. I live in a city with a big presence for the company that assassinates whistleblowers, I’m literally homeless and would not take a job from them, my grandfather used to work for them and I believe I am still paying off the karma from it


I’m struggling to integrate into economic slavery. But I don’t know what to do. What a life. Lots of fun.


I was working as a nurse in the hospital, cared for the elderly in a retirement home and worked with kids from difficult households as social worker. The amount of suffering I witnessed in the inhumane slaughterhouses that are our hospitals and the sad reality of having less than 10 minutes per senior to get them ready for breakfast because both retirement homes and hospitals are privatized and milked by greedy capitalists was shocking and pretty eye opening about the rotten state of our society to say the least. Working with kids was the most fun and fulfilling, but even there I felt I needed to prepare them to become a useful slave for the system. Its totally fucked up when you think about it. Yes, you can bring light into these places and help people individually, but as a cog in the system, you will never change the system. So I opted out and am now working fulltime on tackling the root and dissolving the matrix.




I want to know more


Worked in a hospital as an RN. Quit and went to hospice where I feel like I belong.


Interesting. I have a very strong calling to become a death doula. Currently working on my LNC as an RN…. Glad you found your niche. Hope after finding $ to do the course, I’ll be on my way, too…💐✌️


If you have a drive to help and comfort people, this is it. You have to get out of the "I'm going to fix them" mentality and to the "I'm making them comfortable and helping them pass"


👍. I’m being told from above that it is my calling. I’ve been disabled but kept my license since enduring a bunch of health crap. I can finally work again but can not do floor nursing. That would probably kill me. Glad you replied. That’s a true statement and I will remember it, always! Thank you! 🙏💐


You're very welcome. Floor nursing was sucking my soul and life dry. It was affecting my health physically from stress and my mental state so much. I was on the verge of a breakdown tbh. My family was affected also. The switch has been like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I wish you the very very best. ❤️🧡💛 Love and Light my friend.


You too . 🙏💐


OP, what do you do now? I worked many many jobs, often *more than* one at a time. Food service and retail mostly. Currently work in education and a hobby gardener which is very fulfilling but doesn’t pay too well. Better to be happy though! *edit


My husband and I are going to build our own “new world” through our own small businesses. Truly breaking free of the “American Dream” and making our own.


Do you mean in this life or the last? I relived my past life as a farming serf, a life of toiling, I had a wife, children. In this life I've slaved as a cook, working almost constantly and barely able to pay bills. Now I work In a cannabis greenhouse as pest/mold management for a large corporation. Every day I come home barely able to walk but it's the most money I've ever made. The psychological stress in this workplace is something I can't begin to explain, it's likely the super synthetic environment and lack for care of the consumer


I was an LVN ( nurse). Growing up I always felt it very important to choose a career that mattered. Helping people. In November of 2012 I lost my son’s father and love of my life to suicide. Me and my dad found him. That traumatic event completely destroyed me in many ways. I was unable to return to work due to panic attacks and severe ptsd. I couldn’t stop thinking that I might inadvertently forget to do something or give the wrong dose or med or something and accidentally kill my patient who was total care with a trach. And catheters, the whole bit. So I never looked back. I still haven’t processed or done therapy, I’m stuck in perpetual grieving although I’ve had to move on with my life and keep going, I have children that depend on me. But I so long to join him, ….wherever he is. I ruminate about him and our time together on this planet, and I savor every memory, every precious moment we shared. Change has always been so hard for me to accept and get used to. It always feels like a betrayal of sorts, just when I’m finally comfortable with something or someone, it changes or goes away or some shit like that. My circumstances are like polar opposite of what they were 10 years ago. I’m so unhappy and the suffering is immense. It’s complicated and I work harder now and longer hours than I ever did as a nurse. But it’s a job I can never quit or walk away from. Damn this shit is hard. I find myself daydreaming about end of the world scenarios and hoping some of them come true. I just wanna be free from this form from this struggle, from this torturous at times existence and from certain people that I cannot easily escape.


I’m sorry life has been so rough on you. I hope you can find some peace of mind. 🖤


Why no therapy? C-PTSD is real. Even you admitted to it. Please, for your own mental health, seek a therapist who specializes in C-PTSD. After 55 miserable years on this planet, meds and therapy have helped. Btw. He is with you, always. Just talk to him and let him talk to you back. You’ll hear him if you quiet the mind and be ready, willing and able to receive. I’ve suffered some massive traumatic events in my life as well. I’m all the more grateful for me hitting bottom, to realize I needed to change some stuff in order to be the person I’m meant to be. Therapy with someone trained to help us is invaluable. I’m also a psych nurse. Blessings, toots. 💐


You’re so right. I need to seek specialized therapy. I know I would benefit greatly. I’m just terrified to unpack all of it. I’m carrying around a shit ton of shame and blame. He has visited me on several occasions in the early years after his passing.


A therapist specializing in EMDR can help tremendously with C-PTSD. Those burdens are too heavy to keep carrying. 🫶🏾


Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.


I was an Auto Tech. I now only work enough to keep this container alive.


I still have a 9-5. The one before was rigorous and soul eating. Im in higher ed, and that school basically tried tricking students into a degree mill school and telling students it wasn't in their best interest to go to school was frowned upon. You'd see a student who requested to withdraw still be harassed be by admissions and admissions were narcissistic, and so was management. I was expected to work like a dog from clockin to clock off, and i used to feel like i only controlled 10-20% of my life even when we went WFH. I used to sit at my bed dreading getting back on the phones and lay awake at night scared for the next day. I quit that job with basically nothing lined up except a small etsy business and 2-3 months of savings. Ended up taking like 2 years off of w2 and did doordash, walmart spark, grubhub etc. Eventually, each dwindled tho and money dwindled, i needed and wanted more money and some monotony as searching for money actively each day was getting more stressful and tiring. I was seeing 11:11 allll the time, day in and day out and its seems fated by the grace of God i got a WFH job at a medical school FA, theres busy seasons but also slow seasons where we get 5 calls and like 5 emails a day. I basically watch youtube, shows, movies, and work and even lay in my bed or couch as well and just wait for phone calls if i finish my emails. I feel like life is 90% mine and i don't dread anything or am ever really scared. Next, i would like to go to back-end- data entry, processing etc where I'd have no calls.


What do you do now?


My husband and I will be starting several small businesses. I have several degrees and am finally working for myself and the ideas are thriving 🙌🏾


I feel like I’m bragging but three wasn’t the charm, 54 was. This is my 54th on paper tax paying job and I finally have one that fits and pays enough. They’ve held me through getting diagnosed with some pretty rough stuff. I’ve worked with these people through the worst hurts of my life. It is because of their love that I had my awakening. I will do this as long as I’m able and it stays the environment it is, awakening or otherwise. I’m sorry for those of you still in slave jobs. Still in systems that require you to sell a portion of your life force to still suffer in your life. You deserve better, and I hope we can create a world in which you either don’t have a system forcing you to sell your life force, or where you have complete choice in who you sell it to. While we’re talking about jobs, I work in cannabis processing, and we’re really needing farm help right now. If you’re in southern Oregon and can work out doors in the heat, this job eases the suffering of certain types of people. It’s perhaps more peaceful to work outside and commune with nature than do retail.


Would love this opportunity too bad I’m not there.


Can i ask what that pays? Ive always wanted to be in Oregon 💕


Ours is 18 an hour, which sounds good, but housing here is close to impossible. I lucked out and got here before the housing problem got too bad. But despite my great job I am currently homeless.


I knew i should've got there 20 years ago! 😢thank you for the info. Maybe it's a possibility somewhere else. I love the idea of being so involved in nature to earn income. Im opposite you, i have a place to live but no job. Im so terrified to begin to try to re enter an office or some other abusive environment 😣


I can relate a lot to that. I say a lot this job treats me like a person as in they understand I have mental stuff I struggle with and a kid and they never penalize me or shame me for needing to take care of things outside of work.


That's incredible!! I hope we find solutions to our housing/job situations! It feels like other states became other countries, and we are no longer alowed entry. We can enter but staying is stongly discouraged. I truly missed the boat!


I'm still working slave jobs...warehouse work, delivering packages, and food service 😭 "Chop wood, carry water"


I did soul sucking construction for like 10 years after my awakening. It killed my soul before and after and still gives me PTSD thinking about it! Lol.  Somehow an angel or something got me into being a support worker because I couldn't for the life of me escape it on my own!  Tried x6 times and went bankrupt everytime. Guess someone wanted to make sure I was leaving on my own terms! Ha


I was a manager for a few companies for 10 years. 😭


Hr and payroll 😂😂😂😂 Now a massage therapist


That's my way out too! I'm determined to start my own business with it and work for MYSELF while healing others :)


Lmaooo for me I was going to leave tech for massage therapist and then the universe was like hey maybe you’d be a good ayahuasca facilitator so let’s see how my trip to Peru this fall goes 🙏


How did you have an awakening?


The short answer. A reiki session with a healer who specialized in crystal light therapy.


What happened?


Cliff notes: I realized I was raised in sick family that was a part of a cult. I had been distancing myself in order to protect my children, but I had no idea why. I was just chasing after “freedom.” Now I’m aware of what I was running from and I never want to be chained to anything with that type of energy again.


School and I used to work at a daycare . However, being around children made me really happy. The daycare became like my 2nd home, but my boss and coworkers made it hard on me


Worked in IT for twenty years with multiple promotions. Had awakening. Got cancer. Beat cancer. Got fired for using FMLA for chemo treatments. Been unemployed and broke for over a year now. Who cares? I am FREE now.


Florida as a whole. That state is a prison all around. Especially south Florida feels like the epicenter of the nations spiritual prison. Just left and moved to Texas and suddenly I did what I love fixing and selling computers, motorcycles, scooters, E-bikes and it was massively profitable because people weren’t mizers in Texas.


Never had one. I’ve always been a “free spirit” and run many businesses. I have worked for others here and there for short periods but have always known the true nature of this reality and how slavery wasn’t abolished just softened and spread to the whole through what we refer to as “economy”. Somehow our needs are always met and bills get paid.


IT for local government. A head based job for a heart based person was the worst. It sucked the life out of me. All the wasteful spending I had a front row seat for was truly depressing. I made it to the top of my field in seven years with the income to match, and was the most unhappy and unhealthy I'd ever been. I quit a month ago and am taking my existence back.


Haha thanks for posting this. I quit corporate 2 years ago and worked part-time but for some reason I wanted to try full-time again. Lol I was able to handle 3 months, well 2.5 months of the grind. The All of a sudden my body shut down and refused to want to contribute. I ended up calling off for a week straight and during that time decided to finally quit. The environment was toxic and I felt all their pain. It didn't sit well. Moving forward, I have some plans to finish a couple certifications throughout the summer and start my own life coaching business in the months to come. I want to help others transition into a slower lifestyle to enjoy life, nature and being instead of stressing. This is going to be an amazing ride! I look forward to the days to come as I process the understanding of life, know it's a journey ✨💚💯


Op what do you do now?


Tech. Nightmare.


Me too, tech. I’m in tech sales, everyday it gets worse and worse!


La fitness gym 🤮 corporate bs and bosses that could give less of a shit about you. Fired me for being 2 minutes late, also pretty sure my boss was listening to us with a hidden recoding device. Extreeeemely hyper masculine gym. Also a vet emergency room. Same shitty toxic environment. Shitty toxic bosses. Immaturity The irony in both jobs is that had I stuck around I know for a fact I would have been the person to advocate for changes across the board that would support positive growth, I could see what wasnt working on those environments clear as day and the universe spat me out of both jobs (got fired from both) as neither were serving me whatsoever. Also my boss was shitting on me for not living up to her sales standards after literally two weeks of working there, absolute insanity


I was in the Navy and got my spiritual awakening a year after I got out. I worked for a few months at liquor store as a cashier and then I decided to work Lyft, Uber and other delivery apps. I finally started doing Amazon flex and I've been doing it for over a year. I'd love to have my own business of some sort, so Amazon flex serves me for time being


Tax accountant. I was a nanny before and became a nanny again after my 3-year tax accounting stint. Now in school to get credentials to become an art teacher


What do you do for money now?


College job, can crusher I had to take the large, cleaned, empty aluminum cans from the cafeteria kitchen, remove the lid, toss the can on the floor, and crush it flat for recycling and disposal They had a lot of them


lol, I have had so many jobs and loved them all. I love to stay busy and I make every job fun, I’ve never viewed myself as a slave at all..


All of them.


What do you do now after your slave job? I was a graphic designer for a large university/institution.


I work for myself as a small business owner. I see a new world for my children and my husband and I are going to create it for them.


That's sick, I'm stoked for you. I am also branching into automous work. Its scary.


Making sandwiches and managing everyone I had fun sadly I was raised to be a team player I helped train the managers and then watched one of them get power hungry and went on a trip for years luckily I couldn't get fired I quit 6 years in I wasted time of my life I wish I never started


Security Engineer at the Department of Energy, don’t miss it one bit




Retail management, where they work you multiple hours of overtime but you’re on salary. I had no home life whatsoever. Worked open to close every single day of December 2022 without a single day off. I quit January 3rd.


I’m still a corporate slave. If it wasn’t for my kids I’d be living in the forest.


Consider removing judgement from yourself. If you didn't have the job, you wouldn't be here. We can create a better world if we don't judge things as we are adding the same energy into the collective. I have had many jobs and my last one provided me so much positive aspects too and that's the focus.


That is very true. I gained so much knowledge in my time there.


Buy gme break free


More information please


Everything you need to know is on the subreddit superstonk


Wow my slave job wouldn’t let us purchase GME. Now I’m free 🙌🏾. Thank you for the advice!


Man a week before gme boosted I was investing in cryptos. Never looked them up just felt intuition I was gonna put $100 in at $5 a stock. And for some reason that was the only stock I looked up and didn’t buy bc of that. Smh gotta go with the gut always


I’m a teacher…..I’m still a teacher. There’s no escaping!!