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Music and dance (especially really getting "into it", feeling and enjoying it) makes it hard for strict-dominator-kaiser-controller-conform-reptilian energy to take hold in your system. The love and positive emotions don't seem a suitable environment for these types of energies.


I agree! I think music and dance are powerful tools for shifting and transforming our moods and energies. Tho maybe with the reptilians we shouldn’t t take such a negative view. Maybe they simply don’t vibe with that music and would prefer other music. Music is great but blasting unwanted music into a neighbors apt esp music they don’t enjoy at time like 3am when they’re trying to sleep or when they want quiet to study or such is not very neighborly. Not saying that was necessarily the case and reptilians were necessarily healthy in the way they acted but from the reptilian perspective they might find your actions with the music impolite and aggressive and controlling. Everyone likes different music and dances differently. Maybe next time try to figure out what music the reptilians would enjoy rather than turning it into some sort of sound war. Or how to listen to music in a way that better accommodates them… they might have been showing up like a neighbor asking to turn the music down and you responded by turning it up. They might not be in the wrong to be trying to convey some message like certain energies are better suited for different times of day like maybe not listen to heavy metal when you first wake up to start day sort of healthy advice message they were trying to give. Just because they’re 8 ft tall and have sharp teeth doesn’t mean they’re necessarily bad. Or because they’re asking you to turn down music that they’re trying to control you. Maybe they had something helpful they wanted to share but wanted quiet to talk and you didn’t given them that chance? Dunno. Just think we should look at things from different perspectives and not be quick to judge others.


I was getting attacked by them, the music killed/scared them off. One bit me on the arm. I was at a park at night and was ambushed/stalked.


Did it kill them or stun them? Also was this a park on earth or on another world?


A park on earth at night, one looked like it died, cougher up some green stuff but it definitely hurt them. Yea, one did die I think


I wonder how literal to metaphorical this dream is.


Idk but I had fun kinda, I was very heroic


Dark renderers come in more than just the reptilian flavor. To me it just sounds like you saw that music could hurt or kill them so you used it to kill them. Violence bringing about more violence. Feelings of heroism are built from perspectives alone. As the Israelites currently butcher innocents by the hundreds they see themselves as hero’s. While condemning their enemy as nothing but dirty villains that deserve to die. Demanding order while spreading chaos. It sounds like a fun dream for sure but how do you know you were killing bad guys? That they deserved to die? Disregarding the one that was apparently trying to rip a guys head off.


I believe the wise thing to do in any conflict is to aim to understand the causes and underlying motivations behind the actions and wishes of others so that you can resolve your differences peacefully. Seek love through understanding. 💗


Maybe they shouldn't of ran up to me being 8ft all and me catching their hands. I never run up to a person knowing good and well I'm a alien or something else and start attacking. All bet are off at that point but this could not just been a dream dream. Idk if I should look more into it.


On a somewhat unrelated note, I’m curious what is the meaning behind your sn? Dung finger bringer?


Video game reference


I'm always saying this


Saying what


I am SO interested to see your star chart lol. You could very well have some reptilian in your history! Enter your stuff into this site and "generate extended report" and shoot me the results in a dm. [Your Galactic Connections | GalacticAstroChart.com](https://www.galacticastrochart.com/Free?handler=Report)


Can i send you mine? I have experiences with a draco reptillian during waking hours. I cant understand if its nefarious or what of the connection


Yes please!


I sent you it


I have an incredible number of NHI experiences. Apparently my star chart is interesting. Could you take a look? I'd really appreciate it!


Yes send it my way! Please make sure you generate the extended report :)


Thank you so much!!! I've always wondered if any of the experiences I have are written in the stars.


I am not saying this is you, this is for information only... My Pleiadian contact Kara told me Reptilians force their children to incarnate on the planet to torture, weaken, and break them down. Dreams are metaphors. Sounds like the music could be a metaphor like, they don't want to face the music. Best defense is to recognize the divinity in yourself and others and your intent that they have to leave. They won't like it, see you as a threat and try to go after you more, but you need to hold onto that intent regardless of threat and insist, you are gone. I won't lie, being incarnate here, we are linear beings. As such it takes a while to develop that strength of intent. It needs to be nurtured and encouraged to grow. That's hard to do if you're enduring abuse and your value is constantly questioned or undermined, but not impossible. Reach out to the Divine for protection and help in supporting that intent. They will.


They were demons. Positive music raises your vibration and when high enough they can no longer keep up and they evaporate or disappear.


They kinda throw up on me