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That was inspiring


Question: how do you feel about these archons? I feel like after reading this post I feel my heart opening a little more. I have experienced the illusion of separation(my version I guess) and so I cannot imagine the depth of their suffering. Suffering ppl lash out and inadvertently make others feel how they feel. I feel like Iā€™m feeling more compassionate towards them? Anyway I pray the light reaches all.


You might have been asking op, but personally, my heart hurts for the archons despite the acts of unconscious contingency they perpetuated. When we loo through this lens, the archons are our brethren, and they too are clearly suffering. It was just bad math. The things like thinking 8 was infinity instead of torsional load. The platypus exists. The most clear example of randomness I can find and that animal is clearly abundantly full of the source. It is joy and adaptation. Archons are our lost and suffering brethren and true forgiveness means healing them back to the source. 8 million years ago, they really were trying to help. It was just bad math and we all let it get really out of hand. We can reconnect


A perfect application of the above message ā¤ļø


Oh thats nice to hear! And yes, I too have compassion with them when I really feel into their pain, but its almost unbearable to just imagine.. May the light reach all! šŸ™šŸ’œ


I dont think Karma necessarily means a punishment will follow. My interperetation is that karma is like baggage. If you engage in certain actions over and over, you develop a type of energy body as a result, which becomes you karma, and this energy body sticks to you. It attracts certain experiences to you. It can be unconscious for a while, but can be brought into consciousness and cleared out of your system.


Yes, you are correct, the article does not explain karma fully. Karma does exist in the sense of energetic entaglements with other souls or energetic baggage (unresolved trauma) as you call it which we need to resolve through forgiveness and healing - but not in the twisted sense of "we did x and therefore need "repay" the price by suffering for it". Its not a balance we can add to and subtract from, simply baggage that we need to let go/resolve.


Thank you so much for this, it is absolutely brilliant! I completely agree with this perspective because my life and beliefs have mirrored it. Especially when going through hardships and understanding that the underlying reason I created them was because I chose to clear distortions I was holding. This message is extremely empowering and I sincerely hope that others resonate with it as well. Creation is all about balance, and what is not in balance is eventually balanced. Thank you again šŸ™


Aaaw thanks for the award and your kind words! Makes me happy to see this resonates with people like it does with me! Thank you! šŸ™šŸ’œ


You're welcome! I really feel so many of us are hung up on the "dark side" of things when in reality, all is really Light expressing itself in many ways. When we understand this, we can have more compassion for ourselves and for all beings. And then our lives will reflect this love. This is a big part of our job here šŸ’—


I don't mean to be negative but I don't think source makes any mistakes. All is orchestrated with pre-made paths. Kind of like a videogame where you can have 3+ endings but you can't make a 4th ending unless you are the creator. There is no randomness in creation, only experience, and even then, that is caused by behavior leading towards a certain pre-made timeline. In one timeline, we win, on another timeline, humanity could lose. But of course, that is only my thoughts!


Well I think that what is written here actually is what makes just logically the utmost sense. Source ofcourse did never make any mistakes, but created a sandbox full of endless possibilites (which were greater than what it already knew) for us to explore with our free will, which naturally also contained the possibility for something like the fall to happen. If source would plan everything out beforehand it would not feel the need to experience new things through creation and we would not have free will and there would be no evolution or movement at all. I once read something which kinda was so mindblowing it stuck with me. It was something along the lines of: "God is so uber-conscious that he is even able to hide a truth from himself" - which is basically saying: Only by source not knowing (having experienced) everything, we can have the experience of experiencing new things. (if that makes sense) If all was pre-determined I think there would be no sense in any of this.


That is more of what I meant. And your sandbox comparison makes the most sense. I was just clarifying that some events were intended. Like how a videogame allows you to play however you want, but the story ultimately forces you into a set of pre-made timeliness and possibilities. You could play again and something else occurs. I think the fall was intended when things were too static. Life wants to create chaos and then attempt to immediately resolve it. Like how every 30 minutes the human body creates a cancer cell. The body will fight to eliminate it, but on rare occasion, it takes hold. But spiritually, it could have been intended. Mathematically, it seems random. Just like how a starseed may see a hurricane coming as a nation's karma, while an earthling may simply see it as bad lack. Karma is a great point since we know our actions have hidden consequences. Someone who does not believe in karma may simply see it as chance. In this way, I can presume that lower dimensions were created so that we can experience this "coincidence", so that we may harden our "faith" in ourselves. On higher dimensions we have more control of our lives. But by exploring lower dimensions, we are forcefully blinding ourselves to better experience this "randomness" as you said. And it is by blinding ourselves that life seems random. But when you can see, all possibilities are open to you. There are probably some points we disagree on but I think we mostly have the same idea. Your response sums it up well since I was concerned about a small detail. And it would definitely be boring if all was known beforehand. I just think someone more spiritual will have a better idea of what's going on while someone less spiritual will see it as randomness. Hence why the lower dimensions were created after the higher ones. It is a battle between all-knowing bliss vs blinded pleasure. And as long as the lower dimensions exist will we have blinded pleasure.


And you're right about harmony being the goal. Now it doesn't make sense for life to want to create chaos when chaos only adds confusion. Especially since, in the beginning, source was alone, before any sort of creation, and it was aware of it. So it fragmented itself and created all so as to escape this reality. It would be like if you put a bug in a dark room, and then you suddenly gave it the consciousness of a human. Now that bug will be aware of its existence and that it's alone. It would now desire to escape the room (or if it was source - create). It wouldn't make sense for the bug to intentionally harm itself, but unintentionally. Thanks for this discussion since I've realized a lot after thinking it over!


I always love your stuff.


I'd say that speaks for you! :)


I don't think so. Source or creator of this world and universe is fallen being. And evidence for that can be found all over in this world. The fact that this fallen world still exists means that Source or creator of this universe has not corrected her mistake.