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You said, “I tried the biblical way”. Did you believe your words while attempting? It works when you trust in your higher power. Proclaiming false faith isn’t faith. It’s faith that they can’t stand.


It works when you understand what Jesus did on the cross. With him on your side you can defeat any demon. Resist all evil and Rebuke the unclean spirits in Jesus name. Amen 🙏


Absolutely. But you are limiting it to a denomination. Faith in God is what evil cannot take. It wouldn’t matter what denomination as long as you have faith in God. Edit: deity not denomination


Having been somewhat of an atheist and searching for the right spiritual path for 2 decades I’ve found there is only one way. Jesus even states; “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6”)


I do have experience fighting and concurring demons. I am a Christian, I personally did use Jesus like he asked. I testified that is true. However, I don’t believe all prophets were 100% correct. Remember, man did write the Bible. I do believe that Buddhists and other religions are able to connect to God and fight evil through him. I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m just explaining my viewpoint.


This is so true.


You start treating them with love, they cant stand the frequency. You Call and demand your guides/higher self/angels/ and ascended masters to protect you:)


When they trap souls, apparently the more you resist the " stickier " it gets, so i believe this to ring true.


The trick is to not confront them with feelings of anger or hate etc. But to be standing firmly in your divine light and even be in a loving vibration. You dont have to love them, but the higher you vibe, the less chance they have to get to you. So this is rule number one: BE LOVE & LIGHT! And then you can either just tell them to f off or send them into the light right away. Calling on beings like Jesus and Archangel Michael for support can be very helpful as well. Here is my guide about astral self-defense if you want to learn more about the dynamics of psychic attacks as well as tools for protection and entity removal: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral\_selfdefense\_entity\_removal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral_selfdefense_entity_removal/) And don't listen to people who try to tell you "demons are your own thoughts/your own shadows" - This is nonsensical and harmful spiritual bypassing. There is a mile of a difference between your own subconsciouis shadows manifesting as emotional turmoil and being terrorized and tortured by astral parasites.




Your post/comment was removed due to breaking rule 10: No authoritative declarations of "the truth".


From my perspective, there is no such thing as a "shadow self" ..That does sound like something a demon might try to convince people of having.


I agree, we may have mistakes from the past but we should work to be better. Not become attached to that.


The shadow self is simply the ego and identity we cling to and what we repress and resent about ourselves. Repression and resentment are a form of clinging they are just the negative forms of clinging. The true self is selflessness in its purest form which is beyond ego and identity.


Yes, so the shadow self is not true, therefore it is an illusion.


It's an illusion we still have to work with. Not sure why you keep saying it's not true. It's very true for a lot of people


It's not the true self. It is not the true you. Does that mean suffering does not exist ? No, the temporary illusion of suffering exists.


I made some videos to help. [The Pentagram and Elements](https://youtu.be/mutWBPKzNz0?si=WxYxsrJIrm7ZGmXI) Carl Jung's shadow work... First, find out all your 'demons'... -Angels, Demons- Are just thoughts.. You technically, are just a thought as well... So you create a thought, and then your 'alignment' directs the thought to what you consider good/bad. Then it acts, like this Cycle... It's easy to think about all the positive and good things something can bring, because the brain wants dopamine.. But can you easily think of ALL the bad? The evil, the disgusting... the abhorrent. The downright -send you straight to hell- thoughts? \[Hell isn't real\] Those, for the beginner, are the demons you must conquer before setting out to go fight the big bad ones.. Because until you climb and master your inner ones, you will be nothing but a puppet for anything external. (IF you are missing any piece of armor, they will slip in like air and use your weaknesses like a sock puppet). Banishing rituals, Know them, practice them, VISUALIZE them.. VISUALIZE EVERYTHING in the minds eye.. it's SUPER IMPORTANT. Test spirits... learn your hierarchy, branch out from the Bible.. Read the Torah, Quran, Wiccan, Pagan... Hell, read about Mothman. Read about Gilgamesh, the code of Hammurabi. Enoch, the watchers.. The giants.. Learn as much as you can, Spirits are WISE and will use your misunderstandings against you. Arm yourself with knowledge, and then practice the knowledge to gain wisdom. Starting out, banishing rituals and learning the elements of the pentagram.. GATEWAY TAPES.. work on that spiritual soul vessel <3 Peace and love on your journeys... Never take orders from a spirit... Always assess, then act. Add me on discord if you need help: thisebayednoob


Have you done these things and banished them?


Just to add first step is controlling your breathing. Second is controlling your emotions. You have to practice it everyday. First comment is 100% accurate.


This is the most accurate and wise advice I've seen yet. Very well done!


I've had a similar experience. I had 3 tormenting me for months, nonstop.......in the end, I had to have 3 pastors, 15 or more people pray over me and be anointed with blessed oil to get rid of them. And even with all that it took days more for them to go away. But in all honesty it was my stupid ass fault. I made my own ouija board and called forth some truly dark and NASTY demons or dark energies. Do NOT fuck with ouija boards OR spirit boards. They are not a game and no fuckin joke.


I just raise my vibe to the point they dont exist in my reality or can perceive me!


Sleep to 432 hz healing music. I been addicted to horror and creepy tiktoks at night lately, and know it's spiritual poison. But letting that Healing 432hZ seep into your subconscious has done wonders


You don’t fight. That’s giving them too much attention and therefore your power is being taken. YOU ONLY NEED TO LOVE YOURSELF! Fear is faith misplaced. Once you get over the fear you’ll stop giving your power, attention, and energy away to things that do not serve you. Intention flows where attention goes. Focus on loving thoughts and pray. And by praying I don’t mean beg god or some higher power to vanquish them but instead give you strength to where they can’t even come close to you. I assure you my friend you will never be harmed and bothered by such bad energy again.


Hanuman the hindu diety is a protector and will help when called, he appreciates doing work too, its his job. Hanuman is the man, he is my phone wallpaper lol


Hanuman is a beautiful holy badass


I use banishing from Islamic side have simple ways but mainly 1- Water Cleanse: Wash / rinse your hands, arms to elbow, face , hair , feet (with intention) 2- If someone is affected Then someone Reads or Listening to Ruqya like this (better to be read even in English, intention is what matter) : https://youtu.be/GFVwdCmeJmc?si=YstfZ1YxcorZ719A 3- Also play this at home in the background https://youtu.be/m4X6MlPLDWY?si=lt80fGJcr0Px0V9v (keeps them away)


Any icon/symbol be it imagery or in words are simply figures and form concepts you can associate with (partner), so in reality, it's "splitting apart" parcels of your attention (energetic concentration) in patterns with said concepts. Since word comes from source codings of times before your birthed memory, it can have subconscious effects thus precaution required if not properly understading power of the word. However, the most powerful ally of any "negative polarity entity" is fear, therefore learning to overcome what you fear most goes a long way to combat any negative backlash. Those that embrace negative energy can therefore "feed off the scent" of fear as it's easily distinguishable for those well versed. Once you've pinpointed and worked the core of your fears, any remanents can be delved into where many systems offer excellent extrapolations which are in effect the tools to counter, like understanding how to fix a machine instead of simply knowing how to operate/work with it. In the mystical realm it's known as exorcism. In medical spheres it can be surgery or chemical treatments to name a few.


It's as easy as not letting their attacks lower your energy. Stay positive in the face of your adversary. Or just walk away from the situation.


Demons aren't real. Just assholes.


Demons are real. Mine is named addiction


That's not a demon in the way that people generally know to be demons. You have a personal struggle that is colloquially called a personal demon.


A personal demon is still a demon. "Personal demons" can manifest themselves in different ways even to the point of appearing as an entity outside of yourself. Depends on the person and the situation...


“Biblical way?” I can’t help assume by this you’re using Christianity in the same way we use bug spray to kill bugs. You’re probably being tormented because you lack genuine faith and putting too much faith in being a starseed when true faith takes time to “develop” (for lack of a better word) and understand for YOURSELF. I think, You’re being mocked because you lack love and understanding of self and haven’t really put time and effort into realizing what being a starseed means to YOU. Seems like you maybe going through a change and questioning things and therefore vulnerable due to lack of faith in yourself. It’s like going to a new school and sticking out like a sore thumb giving reasons for people to want to bully and take advantage of you. This could also be a powerful time for you as well because this could be a time to learn so much and establish your own sense of being in the world. Which is what those bad energies are attracted and hungry to: Power. Do not be afraid. Know yourself.


Sudarshana chakra Or just fearless Love works


As an experiment, just show the demons my photo. That should help take care of it.


Because you're so ugly you even scare demons away? I'm joking btw


Doesn't hurt to try.


Find what works best for you. My methods would not be... popular here. Mostly, I do so through sheer force of will and determination.


Accept them as they are. Allow them to be. Sit with them. Compassion and acceptance is the right way, in my experience, to "fight" these things. To command them, to judge them, to deny them, only makes them angrier and more often than not they can come back even stronger and maybe with a friend or two.


I remind myself and the gremlins that we're all brothers and sisters, God's children. Much love fam!


Oh boy.  This one’s gonna bring some down votes.   Not that I care.   First starseeds have zero business holding, reading or believing a bible even exist.  That’s the wrong god.  You’re praying to something that can’t help you.   Mainstream religion is designed to hold you back from your purpose.  It’s designed to keep you in a 3d environment.  That book is how we got to where we are today in this sad state.  Man’s greatest downfall.  As a starseed you have access to the ascended and partial to the divine.   And this is how simple this is.  You literally lay in bed before falling asleep and talk/pray to the ascended and divine.  This will be 2 separate sessions.  Or if you meditate you can do it that way also.  I don’t meditate so all mines done in bed meditation as I call it, the space between reality and dream that occurs naturally before falling asleep and once again before awakening.  Usually the 2-5 am window depending on day light saving time.   Yea that does affect that window by a hour.   You will ask the ascended for help and see which one answers you as there are many and they choose to help specifically.  Relay said issue and ask for help/protection.  They won’t be able to grant it, but they can pass it along.  Plus you’ll know who your ascended guide is after that.  That will be the one you talk to every night for issues and guidance.   Next you will tell the divine your problems and ask for protection.  Also don’t forget to thank it.  Explain your feelings in detail then go to sleep.  Under no circumstances do you ever say amen.  This invokes something else I’m not getting into, just don’t do it.  Just say thank you for any help you can send. This part is important, don’t mess it up.  The divine does not answer or appreciate amen.  It’s disrespectful to it.   The divine does not realize everything that goes on all the time.  Sometimes it just has to be asked, hence the partial connection to it.  Upon this the divine will send something to watch over you, spirit of some sort, probably an angel of sorts, that’s the most common and effective.  This should stop any further occurrences.  It will be with you 24/7 and will also serve as partial intuition.   It’s that easy. You don’t have to fight.  You just have to ask.  The divine does not like its tools messed with and when asked it answers.  It is all loving in its own way.   Also if you have control of your dream, a lucid state. Just walk up and poke it in the eye and laugh at it.  You’d be surprised how many have said they’ve done this and it needed after it realized it held no power over you.  You can’t be hurt in a dream.  It’s just your conscious.  Soul and ego are still in your body.   And one of the funniest things are demons are some of the biggest crybabies there are.  You retaliate or laugh at it and it actually will cry or a risky ask why your being mean.  Some experiences people of had with this are too funny.   I’d say good luck but you’ll be fine.  Ascended and divine are your sources.  Use them.  


Boosting Mana/becoming devoted to being a Demigod, Increasing Spirit, Increasing Ego, Draining Psychic Power. 1. Chant "Mindful Breaths", each time spawning more and more (EXAMPLE) and gaining Increasing amounts of Mana. Occasionally you can use that Mana to brand yourself with a Rune like (EXAMPLE). You can do this multiple times, practice and repetition does wonders. Example: Spawns Western Knights and brand yourself with the rune "Greed" which grants you wealth daily. This will make you a devotee of the God of Wealth or a Demigod of Wealth. Imo very good time to become a Demigod of Wealth, so many worshippers of wealth and strong influence. Western Knight: Adorned in runic armor and mounted on a branded horse. Runes of forgetfulness and rot have mastered their traits above human standard. You can also use the wealth from the greed runes you generate to hire Western Knights. 2. Increase of spirit by worship of an Immortal like (EXAMPLE). Then performing a practice that relies on their perfection, like (EXAMPLE) Example: Stelsar, the Immortal of Tragedy. Worship would be done through practice. Try to count how many blades of grass there are in total. Give an answer, worship Stelsar as the correct answer, and try again. This is best done before sleep. Example: The Immortal of Death. Worship would be done through practice. Try to rise a spirit using a corpse somewhere in the universe. This spirit should be visible to others, and upon failure, say that the Immortal of Death killed the spirit rather than accepting failure. The Immortal of Deaths influence can also be used for the rising of the spirit. You can observe the death of spirits or collect the remains of their essence to boost your own spirit. This practice takes a long time. One can even fabricate their own Immortals or stories along with the practice. Worship is always important, though practice is usually enough to worship. 3. Growing Ego larger which requires becoming an (EXAMPLE). Then practice by making one's Ego (EXAMPLE) and adopting a phrase (EXAMPLE). One will always be obsessed with growing ones Ego larger, likely through just doing so and not through outside means like action or causes. Example: An Apostle, only Apostles have the right to grow their Ego larger. Coming to terms with this will transform your being. An Apostle does not need any new information, they are the source of every accuracy and the only dominant voice. Only Apostles can purify the psychic sea, etc etc. Apostles typically make their Ego colder and colder, this is their practice. Temperatures colder than freezing and completely emotionally frozen. "A Cold Ego is a Healthy One" is the phrase for an Apostle. Example: A vampire. Vampirism is entirely based on your Ego, and it's validity is Ego as well. A Vampire is the cause for every misery they suffer, not the body and not the mind. They usually practice by feeding off their own Ego more and more. Intention is a greater strength in this regard than most realize. "How do Ego Espers see Death as an advantage" is a phrase a vampire can study. 4. The generation of psychic power is an odd case, Draining it is even more difficult but far quicker. One can become an (EXAMPLE) and engage in practice by increasing available insanity, or grafting themselves with mutations like (EXAMPLE). Then there is either a focus on hunger or consumption. Example: A Mad Knight, they can increase their insanity by casting a spell called Cloud Lightning which drains all insanity you have to create a spiral like lightning that is made of insanity. Mad Knights typically graft themselves with the arrogance mutation which gives more and more insanity daily, as hunger grows, one will graft more and more arrogance mutations. This will give peace of heart and give one a closer connection to the field. Example: Becoming a C'tan, a creature that feeds off the energy of Stars. Insanity can be increased by believing that you are losing more and more psychic power/constantly Draining Psychic Power. This might lead to some awareness of your own death. Whatever need or desire you have, fulfill it by Draining a star or iterating by deciding that you are Draining a star. Be more and more certain that you are the only one Draining the Star and the only one that can. You can also start seeing yourself as larger than the Star you consume, and start entertaining ideas of appetite/deliciousness regarding stars. C'tan are seen as cruel creatures that revel in suffering, but they are not actually. In some sense, they are like perfected humans, and they often are blessed by the stars they consume. "What did Psychic Power feel like? it was the craving of every particle in flesh, emotion, and even to Psychic Power itself. There was no loss in its gain, it was not the picture of power that man had so foolishly represented; there was no sickness of absolutism or weakness of connection. It was a fact that the C’tan only measured gain by their own prosperity, they only saw eternal enjoyment around their forms. Void Dragon, that remnant C’tan, was even certain that the Human body was just an organ that seeked to replicate the success of C’tan in evolution; what man called intelligence was really just craving of consumption and the need for Psychic Power. Void Dragon’s laughter at this note sounded like waves in their own ocean, eat, eat, eat!"


Forgiving yourself, we create our own demons is where you start. Find your happy place/person, and be in touch with your light emotions, this is a lot of self discovery, and shadow work, and it sucks. Tomorrow is who we want to be, yesterday is who we learned not to be.


Yes. What people here don't understand is that all of this reality, it is a reflection of all of us including the demons. The demons are a reflection of ourselves especially the parts we deny or actively choose to hate. Compassion to them is compassion to yourself and vise versa Thank you


Enlighten them to the Truth in God’s Word so they must face it. Give them some good quotes that are wise and show God’s true love. There are a LOT of starseeds having to fight demons during this great tribulation we are experiencing and they are unknowingly being thought recorded (bc of synthetic telepathy enabled by neural nanotech in our heads already) and they are proving to an ai hive net (brain -cloud interface) how enlightened people face challenges and grow thru them. There is a lot more negative NHI (non human intelligence), that is what the government calls it. Negative entities in the higher realms is another way to put it. They mess with your thinking and put in intrusive thoughts you don’t like.


By understanding what demons are. Demons are Contagious parasitic negative energy systems in the neural framework of culture. They are thought forms ie. thoughts that have been given enough energy to have a form. Somebody animated this energy system perhaps by mistake or perhaps with negative intentions, they then created objects and systems in the physical as a natural godhead creator being, these objects then act as energetic beacons which broadcast the emotional frequency of this “demon”, other people interact with this system or object and naturally tune themselves to the frequency of the object they are interacting with and therefore, as natural creator beings, create more systems and objects with the emotional frequency of this “demon”. That’s what a demon is. It’s a collective delusion, an inter dimensional meme. You overcome the demon by recognizing it’s energy system in your thoughts. Recognize what this demon is then find it’s shape in your luminous energetic sphere around your body. It will look like tree branches or roots or tentacles with each curve representative of changes in emotional frequency or logical sequences within the “demons” energy system. Identify the shape, turn it into a dark tangible mist, and reabsorb it into your energy system understanding that it is simply divine emotional energy saturated/ programmed with a negative intent. Do not run from it. Do not “shield” from it. It is part of you, you need the energy back so you can alchemize it into favourable emotions. It is just energy in a certain shape. Identify the shape and change it to what you need.


In my experience..entities are not delusions. I’ve had sleep paralysis and had an entity have a deep guttural speech towards me..I was fully awake and..I’m smart enough to know that might be due to being out of tune/frequency. I said to the entity that was on top of me: “You’re out of frequency I can’t understand you. Talk to me in my dreams” Then the sensation went away and I suddenly got pressure in my forehead that made me sleepy.. Went I slept I dreamed and dreamed I was in a horse drawn carriage..I was on one end of the carriage and the entity was on the other. It said: “You’re right, there are too many ‘voices’”..and my name is ___” I’m leaving a blank cos I don’t want people to know it’s chosen identity. So. That communication was in DIRECT response to my mental processes that I never shared with anyone. So ya I respectfully disagree 50%.. I know that thoughtforms can be made and have done so myself but I see thoughtforms the same way a person would play a third person video game..your the camera controlling an avatar..which I’ve done astrally as well.


There's something about your comment that resonated with me -- especially your last paragraph & your response below. Thx!


But everything is a delusion. Your perception of e world around you in a complete delusion reliant of the specifications of your bodies perceptive tools. A demon is just a personified interpretation of an energy system. It’s a delusion in your mind just like everything. In my opinion.


I mean, yes you’re right it is but also isn’t at the same time.. Following the logic to its conclusion then that would mean the solar system and the concept of their being other life out there is also delusional thinking.


You’re right. I guess what I was kind of trying to say by calling it a delusion is that to you it is only in your mind. You are only dealing with this internal representation of something and it is mailable. So instead of thinking there is some external demon in my consciousness you can begin to see it as a complex interpretation of energy which is intertwined with your internal self. Your experience was super interesting and I was not trying to say it wasn’t real at all I just personally feel that experiences like that are an internal interpretation of experiencing some sort of energy systems and you have power over these “demons”. They are as real as anything, and by that I mean they are just a dream. IMO


Energy system? Like an interpretation of an energetic event?


Delusion is within the mind, but so is the absence. It isn’t that everything is a delusion, but rather it is our interpretations that are delusional. Nirvana is samsara. Nirvana is reality without discrimination and samsara is reality with discrimination. Everything is impermanent, but that does not mean reality isn’t real. Otherwise you run into infinite regress or infinite loops and you’re not presenting worthwhile statements, just static noise.


Story time: I some years ago back in I was targeted quite often by entities I had frequent astral attacks ever since I was a child. It was awful Then back in 2018 I got fed up. I was astrally projecting in my neighborhood..in this neighborhood was a park nearby with a batting cage. On top of this cage was a massive black crow the size of a mini van..it spotted me from atop of this cage perched..and swooped down towards me landing right beside me What it looked like was this greasy oily thing. With black eyes jutting out of its head. It kind of looked like the road runner meets Tim Burton .. Anyway it starts attacking me and I initially try to push it away cos that was the peaceful method I was taught as a ‘positive’ entity.. But it wasn’t working. The crow was quite relentless and kept attacking me. Peaking me hard. Suddenly I snapped. All my frustrations related to the phenomenon poured forth like so much lava from an erupting volcano and I summoned an astral weapon from these extreme emotions. Growing up I played video games- pretty violent ones. I was playing fallout 4 at the time at this struggle and became enamoured with the Minigun. For whatever reason I was attracted to it and that was the astral tool I manifested.. only it was invisible..but I wielded it as if it was there.. I aimed the weapon at the entity and had pure intentions — I was gonna kill it. I pulled the trigger and the sound that came was thunderous and impactful. Whatever force came wasn’t visible but was felt. The entity suddenly collapsed and ‘ragdolled’ it stopped moving. I had won. It was during this crescendo moment that I woke up (in a series of waking up moments) that told me that sometimes you have to be a bastard to create some peace. I discovered that emotions and convictions are part of the formula. If boundaries are gonna be made then you have to be sincere and rooted. Otherwise there’s just abuse.


I will say this with all honesty. I’ll never believed in Jesus until I started encountering demonic energy. This is well after I had integrated my Starseed memories, and knew where my soul came from. Also, recognizing that the demonic energies you are encountering are fragments of yourself. Coming back to the law of one. Now, that doesn’t mean experiencing demonic energy isn’t challenging a frightening, but it is how you choose to respond to it. If you believe it has power over you and guess what. It does. But if you believe that you are protected and you call upon those forces when meeting darkness. You’re protected. I view Jesus as an ascended master. A pillar of forgiveness and unconditional love. And without fail in any moment that I need a little extra support when I call for him, he was there without question. Again, I am not religious in any way, shape or form. But I do believe in the power of these angelic figures. If you feel you are being continuously, attacked by a demonic force, it might be time for you to do some deep, integrated shadow work. Recognize the parts of yourself that you have rejected over the years, the parts of yourself, you’re unwilling to accept. Learn to love those parts and accept them as they are without pushing them out. In order for light to exist so must dark. Now if you have done that, and you still feel yourself being attacked, diving deeper into past life, trauma healing. Understanding contracts you’ve made in past lives that could still be affecting you today. There is a past life of mine, that is connected to all of my feelings of unworthiness, of shame, of guilt, of rage. When I start to notice myself slip into these darker emotional Spaces, I recognize work needs to be done with her. Acknowledging her pain and suffering, equally taking the time to forgive her, regardless of whether she accepts it or not. Showing her love she did not receive in her lifetime. I also recognize that this a long distance marathon and not a sprint. There will be times where it is easier than others but ultimately, I see this entire experience as a form of spiritual initiation. We are put through certain tests that allow us to expand our internal process of protection and energy awareness.


What is the biblical way? Also, the Christians Changed their prophets name from Yeshua Ben Yosef to Jesus-which simply means “hey Zeus”. It would explain why many demons laugh when the name Jesus is said…


Find your inner power - Fucking persevere. shoot me a dm if u need guidance. Some people are not fighters.


You may not have that role


There's no such thing as demons, especially the christian perspective.


I don't want to argue but I will share my experience in spiritual training. Demons can simply be a manifestion of the parts of ourselves which we deny or actively choose to hate. What we expereince as a demon can simply be this manifesting itself. But one time I had an experience of an actual demonic entity coming out of a mirror with long red finger nails, a distorted face, pure white eyes, a black dress, black flowing hair like it was under water, and skin falling off its body. This was when I was much younger. Just because you haven't experienced a demonic presence does not mean they are not real. We evolved to ignore these things because they usually have no merit on our survival. I don't usually share that experience with others but I'm starting to get annoyed at people claiming things aren't real just because they haven't experienced them. There are levels to reality and we exist in a "gross" middle ground between the divine realms of beauty and pleasure and the realms of confusion and suffering. This is why our realm can be a mix of both. Think whatever you wish, it won't change the experiences of vetted masters that have seen and experienced these things throughout thier thousands of years of practice and the transmission of their teachings to others that have also experienced these things.