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Ironic that you used midwinter minis, a man who cheated on his wife and lefter a single mom with twins, to then say they don’t cheat. If intentional very well played if not still funny.


Oh. I just googled warhammer youtubers God damn that's awful


Yeah no one really talked about it much because people in the community didn’t want to start shit but I think when someone does something like that their shit should burn down.


His ex didn't want to be involved in an internet shitstorm so she urged people to not talk about it. The people who supported her thusly stayed quiet and the rest just kept gaslighting themselves into believing he did it for a good reason.


"Cheating" for a good reason? 🤣


Yeah I don't watch him any more. Even worse when he has his assistant on there, the one he cheated on his wife with


Yeah I stopped watching after that. It just felt very sleezy.


Certified womp womp moment right there.


I had no idea that happened


man fuck that guy


MwM is generaly an asshole


Yep 100%. As soon as I heard about that, I blocked that jerk's videos from ever popping up again. There are much better youtubers than him anyway.  Miscast Miniatures, Eric's Hobby Workshop, Warboss Fitz, Goobertown, just to name a few. 


Hey, i looked it up and didn't find a good explanation of what happened? Do you have a source? I just what to know what happend.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MidwinterMinis/s/t6haRrSjWw This is as close I can get. If you got on their patron or maybe an archive of it there are more details. Honestly they did a good job of not having drama but I don’t know. I’m fine if someone says something unsavory in private or even hold views I find abhorrent but as long as they don’t do anything hurtful then whatever. But it’s kinda gross to have a dude split with his wife and immediately get someone new is pretty gross but maybe it’s because I’ve been going through the other side of that lately.


Fuck, I was hoping I misunderstood something. Like, im sure there is a lot of context we don't know, but still.


Yeah it was pretty taboo at the time because the depp thing just happened but was talked about because of his bolt action video.


The “if you play German in historical wargames you’re a nazi” video, that caused some good backlash.


Yeah that’s when I learned about it since it’s a pretty dick thing to say and it made me unsubscribe. Like what if I play the USA I love the idea of internment camps and firebombing cities. Or if you play Soviets you can’t also say you don’t like the rape of Europe. War is fascinating but any rational person can be captivated by a nations military and not endorse their every idea and policy.


Yea him and his cheating partner dropped the ball on that one. I’ve never liked the guy to be fair. He is also popular in that one insufferable warhammer subreddit(I will not name it, even though that doesn’t even narrow it down).


WAIT HE DID WHAT. New they got a divorce but this is news to me what the hell


Wtf? That's awful. I didn't know about that.


I first found out about this when "Guy"(the asshole in guestion) said "i have the kids this weekend" in one of videos, which prompted me to furiously search through reddit to find out that he left his girlfriend who he had twins with for his new assistant. I believe he kept it as hush hush as possible as most of his patreon supporters came from his announcement that he was having twins. If your reading this Guy, im a 17 year old american who used to watch your content, sincerlly go fuck yourself mate. You are a role model to no one especially to you children.


got a clip?


Wait what!!!


It was a big deal that she and him wanted to keep it quiet. He shot that in the foot by kicking up a big controversy by suggesting that if you play Germans in bolt action you were morally questionable. It’s been pretty hard to find details nowadays but kick around some subreddits or forums and someone’s memory will be jogged especially if they were a patron at the time since that’s where they spilled the beans.


Say what you want about painting models but it is a very peaceful/calming activity when i was doing it in my college years. Recommended for those with anxiety or depression issue.


It looks it! I don't have the patience for all the small pieces, but my fiance can do it for hours


Ever check out /r/gunpla? You don't need glue and the engineering is amazing. You don't have to paint them necessarily either. They also have dinosaurs, pokemon... I'm barely an anime fan and love building these guys. Takes me back to being a kid building tanks and battleships and stuff. The hobby has come a long way


I'll check it out thanks! He bought me a lord of the rings set to paint, but I've not put it together lol


That's a really good place to start, have fun with it!


It is cool about gundam kits how you can put exactly how much effort into them as you want... straight build out of the box, panel line, decals... or just go completely sicko mode with a full custom kitbash


Wait, this starter pack is your fiance? this makes it so funny. Also he is very much like most of the Warhammer guys I know except for the long hair (some of them have no hair at all, but the beard is on point)


I wish it was calming for me. I have anxiety and painting minis gives me panic attacks as I obsess over every detail.


do you 'force' yourself doing this hobbies?


Oh yes. I feel like it's my "obligation" of some sort, so I usually just procrastinate and do nothing.




Don't forget, Graham Norton made fun of Henry Cavill for liking Warhammer and Tom Holland called Henry up to go wargame sometime as a result. So... I wish I looked like Henry Cavill is my point I guess...




The Waspian Principle.




This pretty well describes me and my lady. Only thing off is she promoted me to husband yesterday.


congrats, man. good for you






congrats :)


Or alternatively, a literal nazi!


Those don't have girlfriends


If you see a nazi-warhammer poster you can shut him down by asking to post his miniatures. These people very rarely play the game, as you need cash, dedication and friends to participate in the hobby. Modern day nazis are overwhelmingly unemployed, 0 motivation shut ins.


This is 100% accurate. People like that in general aren't part of the communities they claim to care about or defend from "the wokes" it's all astroturfed and disingenuous. I personally know nothing about warhammer/dnd type things but I know people that are mega into and I've yet to see a rightoid in those communities. They instead spend time on twitter larping as knights and how they'll "slaughter the degenerates" or whatever. This was basically how gamergate happened.


You can add tankies to the list they found the hobby as well.


You forgot broke too


Or they're physically violent with the emotional capacity of a toddler. I'd never date one again after spending time with one and meeting his Warhammer friends. A lot of women-haters in that crowd, for sure.


The warhammer crowd is made up of either the absolutely most normal dudes, or guys who make being an unlikable incel a sport. There is no middle.


And alot of the 'normal dudes' are secret incels


That's what happens when your narcissism takes over and to cope you blame everyone else for your shortcomings with women instead of maybe taking a harder look at yourself and why you're failing. It's sad that this is way more common than its ever been


My Warhammer ex refused to have sex with me until I painted so many of his Necron warriors. He also threw miniatures at me. My best friend made a small fortune selling his old set up to him. My experience with Warhammer guys has not been positive, lol.


Damn, I would trade any hobby, gaming or sportswatching time for sex, what's wrong w people? You can always pick up where you left off or PVR the game


Some people just don't have emotional maturity that's all.


I've always said you never really leave high school


While I have heard that a lot of nerd boyfriends are like this in the Warhammer space, the recent "controversy" about the one faction now having lady characters after a one sentence blurb out of an entire mini novel makes the rest of the players look like incels.


Grifters are gonna grift. A few weeks ago, they were mad about x-men, or star wars/star trek, or any other thing they know very little about and just using it to generate hate and clicks.


Nerds on the internet are never happy anyway. Everything new makes them miserable, the same old thing also makes them miserable, you can never win


Audience scores for X-Men '97 and Fallout say different. Hopefully Cavill's Warhammer series turns out good too. Number one mistake creators tend to make is failing to respect the source material. There will always be a small group of incels who try to make everybody else as miserable as they are, though, which usually involves attacking anything/everything for being too inclusive.


Didn't they come out w Sisters of Battle as a faction like over 20 years ago in 40k? Not to mention the plethora of female models, individual heroes, etc. haven't played since 2000 so I'm sure I'm mixing something up here


Apparently it's the faction known as the Custodians that they're upset over. You're right, there are plenty of women fighters in this universe, so I have no idea why they're so mad that this faction of armored, helmet wearing juggernauts might have women if they all look the same without taking off their helmets or armor.


It’s not about women being soldiers in general, there are plenty of them, this was about them being part of a specific adepta, the adeptus custodes, (very elite group of genetically modified warriors) which was definitely a retconn, I think what really pissed people off though was when GW tried to gaslight their player base saying “there have always been female custodes” when everyone knows that this is a recent retcon. It’s not the first time they just arbitrarily change things and expect everyone to go along with it and that tends to piss people off, regardless of what it is.


✨✨ That's not what gaslighting means ✨✨


Okay, then please explain how after making a change, telling your fanbase there was no change and it has always been this way is not the literal definition of gaslighting.


Well, gaslighting is a tactic within, and a symptom of, an abusive relationship. * You are not in an abusive relationship with Games Workshop. It is typically a pattern of sustained behaviour, not a single instance. It is intended to illicit a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem in the victim, as well as anxiety and possibly depression. It makes the victim more open to other forms of abuse, especially in their willingness to reject their own experience and accept the abuser's justifications. * Do literally any of these apply to you and Games Workshop?


lol no, gas lighting is not limited to people in relationships, where did you even read that? because it’s not in any of the official definitions. What you’re describing is a specific but common instance of ways people utilize gaslighting, but that does not mean the *only* form of gaslighting, doing something and then acting like nothing ever happened is one of the most basic and fundamental examples of what gaslighting is. China gaslights its citizens on Tiananmen Square for example. The intended result here, like what you described and what China does is to make people question there own memory and accept what they say, “there have always been female custodians” it doesn’t need to be this deep or treacherous thing, it can be as simple as that.


40k does a far amount of Retconning, like with the Tau backstory and the Votaan backstory… and I think there were a few characters that “died” but then not really… etc etc.


*points at the Necrons*


It's too bad the entire reaction movement has been co-opted by some massive incel-level misogyny and right wing crazy. I had to stop following several subreddits because every other post was a thinly veiled attack on """""woke""""" or inclusion of any kind. Real bad look. Thankfully most people do not give a shit outside of terminally online spaces.


Honestly, that just sounds like these people need to dial it back a bit. If you get that upset over something like that then god help you in the real world


As a Warhammer fan, we do not have a shortage of crazy women hating pieces of shit in our hobby. However, the average Warhammer fan is a pretty awesome guy. Some of the best, nicest, most awesome people I know were encountered through Warhammer.


How are you for crazy women, who hate pieces of shit?


This is true of a lot of sci-fi hobby fandoms. The Gundam fanbase ranges from the gayest person you know to literal nazis. So when the most recent entry featured a canonically lesbian couple as the main characters the entire fanbase went insane for very different reasons lol.


Unfortunately we’ve become another battleground for culture war grifters. The folks I know and play with IRL are all chill but there’s a whole cottage industry of sad assholes making hours long YouTube videos about “woman bad” tm.


You have to keep in mind that is a very very vocal minority. If you went to the subs that was happening on it was overwhelmingly positive….the faction it happened to r/adeptuscustodes was very supportive of it as well.


Lol i wish my warhammer ex was a domestic abuser and eventually became self-identified "misogynist" and nazi Painting minis is a cool hobby tho aside from that lol


The way I loved this because it described my partner to a T, and then I read the comments. 😭 So sorry to those who didn’t have this experience. Do you play as well OP? I enjoy building my tyranids but I’m still building patience for a full game. Kill Team is more my speed.


Me too I was so shocked!! All the warhammer guys I know are the sweetest. Maybe I'm just lucky? I don't play myself no, but I'm sure you'll get there! I have a LOTR set he bought me but it's not fully built yet


That's my parents hahahha


Has he mentioned the Daemonculaba to you?


DO NOT MENTION IT. WE DO NOT CLAIM HONSOU!!! *This post was brought to you by the reasonable Iron Warriors gang, causing mass civilian casualties without committing weird sex crimes since M31*


Thank you sincerely Emperor's children, we should have been the ones to make it


Nice guy vibes


This is my brother. His wife plays too soo I need a starter pack for her too lol


"doesn't cheat" They are resisting the urge of slaanesh.


As the Immortal Emperor commands eternal loyalty, so shall we be loyal to our partners. =][= The Emperor protects =][=


Warhammer circlejerk starterpack


I got into Warhammer because of my friends in highschool and it probably forever changed the trajectory of my life. I like playing the game but man it’s a little odd to explain to people that you paint and play with tiny plastic space men.


My mate at school tried to get me into it. He tried convincing me that the starter set was £5 (it was £50… the price gun needed new ink pad) I was already into model railways. Significant collection of my own, plus my dad's stuff. Another classmate was into that, plus a really cool layout. If I had money to spare it would go on that. Plus, I could see the trajectory of Warhammer as a hobby. Dunno - I already understood trainspotters were not cool and had no intention of joining in. I got trainspotting vibes from walking into Games Workshop


Might secretly be a fascism sympathizer and/or misogynist depending on how much they *actually* understand the grimdark lore and not miss its point.


kinda irrelevant but a real close friend of mine is deathly into touhou and would tell me stuff about it, i kinda get what hes talking about, not into it, but its fun i guess.


This looks bit biased


Wtf is a warhammer?


A hammer used for war.


Google "Warhammer 40k"


This is so specific, I love it.


I was trying to think of something clever to say after I saw "huge penis" in the corner, but then I remembered to stop myself before I stare at this forever.


This is a surprisingly wholesome post. I wish I see more of these in my reddit feed.


Snugs for the Snug God


Is this pro warhammer propaganda


You’re forgetting “occasionally solicits prostitutes”


"Very sweet guy" or a neo nazi


There's no in-between


Sadly no




This is either an appreciation post or the most shameless plug ever


Appreciation! Based off of my fiance and my other friends


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kvetanista: *This is either an* *Apparition post and the* *Most shameless plug ever* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Given the thematic nature warhammer, it attracts a certain group of individuals that gravitate towards authoritarianism and view the fantasy setting as being applicable to the real world. 


Are we talking about WH40K


This reads like a self-insert


Can't get married to a woman, it would ruin the lore.


As one myself, can confirm.


I've never played Warhammer 40K but I haven't missed a single painting video from Eons of Battle since I discovered his channel.


He just seems like a nice guy to be around in general


My Warhammer bf and i are thinking of creating our own Warhammer characters!


Currently trying to grow my hair out and I have no beard, so I’m almost the perfect WH 40k boyfriend 


Ahh, so I see you two have met.


Lutin playing when he picks you up




I'm the well (well fiancee) so opposite of incel lol


If only the hobby wasn't so fucking expensive and the other xeno factions got some more love it would be great.


I had a diffrent experience, but happy for ya


Just don't look at his Reddit history.


Also, there is a good chance of being possessive, former incel. If not a good guy (am sure many are good guys). I remember there being a female player when I was into Warhammer, most the guys were really odd about them, wither crude or assuming they were lesbians but none treated her as a fellow player.


I am literally prepping snacks for a session of Rogue Trader, one of the Warhammer ttrpg games. The GM? My husband. In this case, however, I'm one of the players.


This was my ex. We broke up because he cheated.


Funny that I guy a dated was into this yet was talking to multiple women and would've got into a relationship with me if I didn't find out. Not a cheat my butt.


Your not him op


No I'm engaged to him lol


Learn to spell, you fucking moron


I'm sorry! What is spelt incorrectly? I'm dyslexic so I'm not the best at spelling


dude you seem like a fuckin loser


This is not about me lol




No I'm the gf


can confirm, i was the man in the closet


Can confirm, i was the man in the wall


I'm the wall 🤤


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I made this about my fiance and other women with warhammer bfs (I.e. our friends) :)


That is incredibly sweet


This is really cute, I love it


Found the Magic player


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