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God I hate those little fuckers. The worst is when it’s on your tongue so chewing and swallowing both hurt.


And then you accidentally bite it


Ooh that sucks.


Put some regular baking soda on it and it goes away next day


It works, but my god it makes you see stars from the sheer pain. It has always been the most dreadful thing about getting mouth sores for me.


Yep, I was sceptical about this but then I mixed few spoons with glass of water and washed my mouth for couple a days and ulcers went away🤷‍♂️


But the ulcers go away on their own after a couple of days anyway


For me it takes close to 2 weeks for it to go away.


That's also an option


family guy cutaway gag insuses


Pro tip, put salt on it, it will hurt really bad for like 20 seconds but then you got like 30 minutes where its fully numb and you can eat with no pain.


I’ve done this before and would just say use some warm salt water instead and it’s not nearly as painful but accomplishes the same thing.


It’s still painful like a mf though. Once the sore starts healing it’s not bad at all.


Mouth wash also helps


I do the same with propolis-based throat spray. Also put cotton pad on it while sleeping so it heals faster.


I do this and the yellow pus filled cotton in the morning is so disgusting lol


Yes I thought I was the only one!! propolis is the shit for any pain mouth related it’s the best


Do you sleep with a cotton pad on your mouth? I'd be scared to swallow it.


Nah, you more likely gonna spit it out because of reflex.


In Australia we take a dab of Vegemite and press that on. Stings like all buggery and goes numb. Clears it up in a couple days though. I have seriously gone lightheaded from the intensity of the pain before on a particularly nasty ulcer


Deal lord, you use vegemite as a medication too? What else do you do with it, lubricate car transmission?


We also use it as a personal lubricant, but only sparingly.


Anbesol is the way forward, numbs much better than salt !


I would put tamarind on it. The acid in it helps


So crystals are too big and will irritate the ulcer, so just use warm salt water rinse instead


Imagine you accidently bite on it while eating or talking


One day I literally bit 2 to 3 times accidentally and I started bleeding,lol


Accidentally biting on it sends me to the shadow realm for a good minute. The pain is insane


I might be a bit psychopathic because I chew on an ulcer until it's gone and it seems to heal more quickly. It does bleed like a stuck pig though.


I did it too but I found out that it's better to brush your teeth more often or if they are really bad I soak a piece of paper towel in alcohol and put in on it, it hurts like hell but helps a lot and I don't feel it for a while after that so I can eat normally.


Constantly running your tongue over it because you’re fucked up and like the pain it causes for some weird reason.


Im just freaky like that


Gotta confirm it’s still there


Someone gets me


It’s like self-harm without the harm (I hope)


OP, you may be like me and get these because of a chemical in toothpastes called SLS - sodium lauryl sulfate. Once I switched to toothpastes without it I never had a canker sore again.  I use sensodyne. I suffered from these lifelong until about 4 years ago when I learned about it.  Read the ingredients on your toothpastes, not all sensodyne toothpastes are without SLS.


i had the same issue!! once i figured it out i had to swap toothpastes & shampoos but it was worth it. no more scalp lesions & canker sores


Burt’s Bees sells SLS-free toothpaste that still has fluoride. There’s also another brand called Verve on Amazon.


I used to suffer from these constantly. I switched toothpaste 10 months ago and haven’t had one since. Time to do some digging.


SLS - sodium lauryl sulfate


So people can quickly copy the comment and google it like me


I also experienced the same thing. Never got any issue since 2015 or so when I switched toothpaste.


Literally just got two big fat cankers under my lower lip a week ago... right as I got a bladder infection and needed to drink a shit ton of water along with antibiotics. Not fun.


Is it related


Well the irritation is increased by the amount of water brushing over my cankers. Apparently, if you're drinking a lot of water the cankers take longer to heal too.


Antibiotics are probably making them worse, could even be the cause. There is a link to gut health. Of course I don’t advise stopping the meds lol


Likely. Canker sores are an autoimmune reaction, i.e. your body's own defenses going for high score in collateral damage. Sometimes people get 'em because of allergic reactions/sensitivities, sometimes your body overreacts to infections (including mild ones you wouldn't even normally notice). I usually get them a day after going on public transport or ground fighting classes and can anticipate them because my gums feel fuzzy the day before.


Got one healing now. Got it lased at the dentist during a cleaning. Supposedly helps it heal faster. Insurance didn't cover it so I'm out 80$ to make it go away 2 days sooner :/


Lasered?? Whenever I ask my dentist about my cankers they always say speak to a dr not them!


You can also wash your mouth with very salty water every time after you eat something. Will make it go away 2 days sooner and won't cost you $80


having one is bad enough, a year ago I had my whole mouth filled with them - like 14 or 17 i believe. That remains the worse 2 weeks of my life.


Try switching to sensitive toothpastes.


Specifically toothpastes without SLS - sodium lauryl sulfate. I was a lifelong canker sore sufferer until I learned about this stupid little chemical 


I hope someone who needs to see this, sees this. This comment section is full of psychos who recommend like salt or biting them off...


Gel toothpaste can also cause them. I used to get them all the time then stopped using gel based toothpaste and now I rarely ever get them.


Uuughh, I have a canker sore rn, the main cause for it was bc last week I was incredibly emotionally stressed, I'm fine now but god it hurts like hell, not just the sore but also the fact that I have to be super careful with how much stress I put on myself just so I don't get another one of these little bastards


I bit my lip twice in one spot recently, and two cankersores formed but they’re close enough to the point where they are currently merging into becoming one giant megacankersore gonna have a lot of fun with these


I've been dealing with those painful little bastards constantly for most of my life and I hate it. The worst part is that I'm not even sure why the appear. It could be stress, it could be that component on toothpaste some have mentioned, it could be I'm just cursed


Bruxism, sharp teeth edges, toothpaste with SLS,


it’s the same with my husband 🫠


I get them due to stress, I have had aphthous stomatitis due to high levels of cortisol. During university, about to present thesis, I had 11~12 I remember that two little mf grew so much that the damn ones got together. The last one I had was last month due to moving, this month luckily I have been under control.


Just rinse with Listerine original (brown)


I have these so bad, not to brag but I have them worse than anyone I know. I count 4 in my mouth right now which is a good day. I will compile some tips/tricks that can help: 1: supplements- lysine, super B complex, prenatal vitamins, fish oil and curcumin phytosomine (for inflammation). For me lysine causes constapation and super B slows down the healing of the sores. The other 3 I take daily and this leads to less sores that heal quicker. 2: stop using toothpaste that has SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) as this irritates existing sores and makes it more likely for more to form 3: baking soda or a baking soda/ salt water rinse can help relieve pain and speed up healing. Does not heal mine in a day like others have said but it does help. 4: avoid acidic foods to help the sores heal faster, anything with citrus, tomato, or vinegar makes mine worse. 5: if you are as bad as I am avoid sharp foods. A bag of potato chips can ruin your week. 6: still experimenting here but it’s possible the ulcers are related to gut health. Having healthy probiotics like yogurt in your diet can help, and taking antibiotics if you have to will probably make them worse. I’m currently meeting with a naturopathic doctor to explore this further. There’s other stuff I’ve tried over the years but this is what sticks out to me the most, good luck out there and please tell me if you have done anything else that helped you. Edit: I should say that for me, and likely for most people, the frequency/severity of sores is tied to stress. So I guess try not to be stressed lol.


I remember being told as a kid to take L-lysine for it, now I know it was just a placebo. But now I also know that warm saltwater is actually effective, and a lot cheaper than buying amino acid suppliments.


Can I ask why you think it was a placebo? Canker sores have been a major problem for me for years, and the only thing I've ever found that consistently prevents them is taking a large amount of L-Lysine daily. 


I was being told to take a single L-Lysine pill when I noticed a sore, Not daily.


I went through a year or 2 where I was getting them 2-3x a month, annoying enough where I kept a diary of it. Then oddly enough last year I got covid for the first time ever and my main symptom was an intense sore throat that was actually caused by a ring of huge cankers around the back of my mouth. Haven’t had many since then.




Basically but I tested positive for covid and felt like shit for a week or so


I love to bite them and poke them


I have one in my throad/back of my mouth rn. It hurts Idk what to do to cure it


Chocolate is the devil when I get mouth ulcers!


Not sure if it’s related, but I haven’t had one since having a baby. Coincidence?


As a hypochondriac, I’d also add “oh shit, I bet it’s cancer this time” to this starterpack too.


Growing up my mom would give me some weird purple shit that she'd put on it and it'd be gone in like 2 or 3 days but god damn did it taste disgusting and hurt like hell


They are an announcement that I will soon be sick. My immunity drops and bam, sometimes I had 7-8 of them at the same time. Hell.


Might wanna head to the pharmacy and get a paste called Oracort, works wonders and heals within days but it causes a mess as it solidifies bery quickly


Those used to ruin my day when eating a chocolate bar


I had never gotten canker sores in my life, maybe the occasional one from accidentally biting my lip or something. Ever since I started medical school, I swear I get one once every 1-2 months. Sometimes just as one is going away, another one will pop up. Good ol’ stress. Edit: Just felt a small one popping up actually. Love my life.


Also when you have braces and it’s positioned JUST so that your brace stabs it whenever you speak


Eating a chocolate bar - "Oh dear god it burns!"


Nothing pisses me off more than the pain those fuckers cause.


I have never, in my almost 30 years of life, had a canker sore. Am I just lucky?


what even causes these? my mom always used to tell me its not washing your mouth but dont feel like its true lol


I think I ripped out a taste bud that had an unlcer idk


who is your Nishiki morphed with?


Some skin from fortnite "The Ageless"


Easy way to remove them within a few days is warm water with a little salt mixed it use as you would a mouthwash and spit out do it a few times if needed


This is made for mw


Man, I felt like I tried everything to get rid of those things. Salt, salt water, alum powder, switching toothpaste, baking soda, sensitive toothpaste, avoid sls toothpaste, taking more b vitamins, etc. I got this powder from a pharmacy prescribed by my dentist, it helped a little. Also, they can compound something called miracle mouthwash which helps some people but it’s like $70 and has to be taken for ten days multiple times a day. Eventually I ended up trying this canker sore toothpaste called sqigle on Amazon, not cheap at all but it’s been very preventive so I hardly get them now and when I do they’re gone in days. All those things I put directly on the sores did nothing but cause agony and major discomfort. The sores stuck around on average for 3 weeks, that was hell. A WFPB helps as well, I think I read it’s genetic.


Take enough vitamin B and get enough protein in your system people. Ever since I started changing my dietary habits, I hardly ever have mouth ulcers and if I do they heal in a couple of days.


Paranoia about biting it while eating


So that's what this shit is called


MYRRH TINCTURE thank me later.


I used to get them when I was early teens to early 20's then gone. I have not had an outbreak in a very long time. I know the virus is always there but what ever triggers those outbreaks, seems to subside after about age 23 or so.


I curse canker sores with all my soul


Pour salt for extra pleasure


i burn them with silver nitrate. works really well.


Lichen Planus is a autoimmune disorder that can cause mouth sores similar to cancer sores. With looking into if you are suffering!


Some days ago I accidentally bit my inner lip so hard when I was eating. I’ve been praying so hard for the wound to not develop into one of these. Looks like god does listen sometimes


I used to get these more when I was a kid, used to ruin my whole week


They always come out everytime the food's so good. I could not eat my father's spicy grilled pork and lost appetite because of that annoying white thing on my mouth. Worse, there were 3 of them, all in front, big, and painful.




I only get them when i consume way too much sugar the day prior. Admittedly I just pop them with my teeth and then they go away so they don’t inconvenience me too much.


I don't know why I thought people didn't know what this was. I feel a bit better knowing I've had the same experiences.


Someone told me you get those when you haven’t pooped in a while. I don’t know.


Listerine mouthwash (green stuff) numbs the sores for a while. And seems to help with healing.


I’m getting over a canker sore now.


What I always did to temporarily stop the pain was pour a little bit of salt on top of the canker sore. No saltwater rinses, just straight salt. It stings a lot, but it dries out the canker sore to the point of numbness for a few minutes and I think it makes it heal faster?


Literally just got yesterday


Clove/glove gum is super helpful with pain relief!


I find them to just be mildly annoying


Never had one. What are they?


Same with sore throat


Ngl I rather have ulcer at my front tooth.Rn I have ulcer beside my jaw tooth I can't event talk properly my jaw tooth keep touching/grind the ulcer 😭


Eating chocolate fn stings!


I had keyhole abdominal surgery a couple years ago to get my Fallopian tubes out. I had a big canker sore inside my lip from the mask/tube and it and the sore throat were worse than the actual surgical healing.


I get ulcers only after having hot deep fried food


And feeling the sore when you're bored.


For my canker having homies - switch to SLS free toothpaste as everyone is saying, and then do yourself a favor and get some Canker Covers for when you get a bad one. They really work!


Once I had it under my tongue. It was absolutely miserable. I was appalled because I didn't know that was even possible


Ugh my poor husband got them all the time. Doctor said it might be the toothpaste we were using. Theres an ingredient in Crest and some others that cause people canker sores so we changed to another one and he hasnt had them in a year. Might be the issue for some people!


had them two times.. yes painful.. but not as such comments describes it to be unbearable.. on top of that you have a thought that it's gonna go away anyway which makes even less painful.. and eventually you learn to eat or speak without it hurting.. I'd take this any day rather migraine without pills


It sucks to do, but swishing with warm salt water gets rid of it. You just gotta stay on top of it until it's gone.


This is the reason why I get aligner and get my teeth straighten out never gotten this bs pain Eversince


Y'all ever had them shits on your top lip so annoying Also if you eat a lot of slim Jim's you can get them


This was my least favorite part about having braces. There was a point where I had 6 at once.


I get them from eating too many sunflower seeds.


Ask your dentist for debacterol


Im asian so 70% of the food i eat contain soy sause of some sorts and let me tell u soy sauce hurts like an absolute bitch


Pro tip that I learned from a doctor: when you go to the dentist, ask for a prescription for Triamcinolone acetonide oral paste. It’s disgusting and gritty and looks like sand but I swear by it if you get canker sores FREQUENTLY but they are GONE in 3-5 days of using it because it dries them up and you just use it 2x a day, morning and night if that’s what’s convenient


Oh these little shits, man I hate em. I just eat like normal and ignore the pain.


Every few months for no reason at all I get a ring of canker sores around the inside of my lips and under my tongue. It sucks so much 🥲


The good kind of hurt.




Canker sore ≠ Cold sore




I literally have a canker sore right now i would know




whatever u wanna say man


Actually it is not. Mouth ulcer is a type of wound to the mouth tissue caused by a laceration like a bite. It hurts a lot for a few days and then heals alway. A herpes or cold sore is a wound caused by the manifestation of a very well spread virus and is transmissible by direct or indirect contact while the blisters are present. Two completely different things.


i get mouth ulcers, and they’ve never looked like that. my friend’s cold sores however always look like that so idk man


We all got herpes brotha If you don't have it, you're the 10% that's missing out




No pimples or bacne? Dayum.




People generally get annoyed by the confidently incorrect.


No, we just dislike you, and want to see that number *plummet.*






Most people have it. Herpes 1 (oral herpes) not herpes 2 (genital herpes)