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m16: accurate but low dmg ak47: innacurate but high dmg


If it's single player: Some cool futuristic gun that's better than both but ammo for it is scarce.


Unless you’re uncharted. Then the ak is the base low damage smg. Find it ever where but never pick it up. Snipers, rpgs, grenade launchers are rare but you always pick them up because the game probably needs them for that fight.


Speaking of Uncharted, what was up with those random three-round burst guns? It seemed like certain sections of the game had a lot of them, like you'd always get the Raffica and the rifle equivalent in the same place. They seemed sorta out of place I guess.


At least the raffica made sense. That three shot burst FAL was a real head scratcher.


They were good for when you were on a ledge and blind firing


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: AK-12 with insanely tight 1'000RPM burst mode.


But often times it can equally useless (I fuggun suck at kf2)


Seems what you need is an AN-94. That was designed to be used by conscripts with little training. xD


oh god its actually true


Has been true since early early Counterstrike.


Don't forget the knives that one psycho exclusively uses and top-frags with


Maybe i'll do a part 2 tomorrow, I couldn't include everything.


Even manages to knife tanks and choppers


Colonel 100




eh the drill is a better weapon for tanks


In the early modern warfare games, commando + ninja = why use a gun? Especially in FFA matches.


It's me, I'm the psycho


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: entire melee focused 'Berserker' class that acts as the tank.


Try to conserve ammo. Finish the game with 850 rounds left.


some more that i think would go well here: -entrenched or mounted medium/heavy machine gun mounted somewhere to help you take out a lot of opponents -helicopter-mounted M134 minigun -some flavour of sniper that's fixed in position in some high-up place that has completely different physics to its standard counterpart -alternate assault rifle on your team that is different... somehow i guess? picture for this could be a scar tbh


The machine gun is always pointed in the wrong direction or you didn’t see it before you killed all the enemies


That or the turn radius is ridiculously small


Hahaha the MW2 sniping mission where you play as prise, while aiming for zahaev, you gotta pay attention to the wind, after that its free real estate I still dont understand how they got that 50 cal beretta up there when it was never shown any of them carrying it onbthe back


yeah that one still doesn't make sense to me. maybe price was carrying it? otherwise it couldn't have gotten there unless someone else brought it there beforehand


There is so much wrong with this comment


It was MW4, not 2, its been a long while since i played the old cod games


Ok that makes more sense. I was trying to think of a mission like that but couldn't haha


There's the white house sniper sequence in mw2


Is that the first modern warfare game?


Moder Warfare 2 The old one


Cod4 mission*


Don't forget if you're playing the campaign and using the mounted helicopter gun then you'll get one chance to use it the whole game. Oh and it'll be making it really hard to shoot shit because the helicopter is trying to not get shot down.


so true


Flamethrower: fun, but there’s only ammo for it in one level


*skrilex starts playing*


Now greetings to the world


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: Firebug class running around with Flamethrower the whole game, top fragging the trash mobs with the best ammo economy.


We get it you like killing floor. Pipe down


Point is more how it subverts a lot of common shooter tropes.


Don't forget the AK47 or similar for enemies to use, or some other old-school weapon with wooden parts on it that is often outdated but in the game for variety's sake.


Shotguns might as well fire confetti when more than a metre away.


Its because no one would use any other gun in any video game besides maybe a sniper rifle. They COULD balance it by making reloading slow as shit, and make the amount of ammo you can carry actually slow you down but modern games are about selling microtransactions more than anything.


I like the idea of snipers needing to charge up before firing, like spotting or something


Maybe heavy aim sway, unless you hold your breath(can only be done for 10 seconds or so) or lie down and use the bipod?


Exactly why I don't really use shotguns in most shooters unless its a zombie game or otherwise CQC based or where enemies get up in your face. The only games I've played with ranged shotguns tend to be tactical or realistic shooters. Rising storm 2 Vietnam for example, I've been killed by Shotgun users from dozens of meters away before.


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: The Support class gets a tight choke skill that makes Shotguns effective at realistic ranges and there's no damage fall-off at range.


Jfc, tell your bosses this isn’t a good way to matket the game


I'm not marketing, I just find it amusing how many common shooter clichées it breaks.


The revolver is incredibly OP but there are only like 13 rounds total in the entire game.


Ah, Spec Ops: The Line memories


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: You carry up to 105 rounds for your dual .500 Magnum revolvers and buy ammo after every round.


Don't forget the p90 clone that has a ridiculously high magazine along with good mobility that outclasses 80% of the other weapons in the game


SMGs with a high fire rate and high magazine, get the benefit of a machine gun and shotgun They are great at cqc, but if the map has open area, it doesnt perform that well


There are 1000 bullets total in the whole game. It's dropped twice.


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: SWAT perk has a double mag cap passive, so you can run around with a P90 with 100 round mags, but the damage per shot is equal to the Commando class' starting rifle that can have an optional 30% damage buff on top.


Why did you leave so many comments about Killing Floor 2


Because it is relevant to so many shooter tropes mentioned here that it subverts.


Nah the handguns are always the most fun to play with, never discard.


In a PvE game i find em fun, in a PvP game, i prefer SMGs, ARs or machine guns


Naaah, in PvE you go with Volume of Fire solutions, in PvP you pull out the primary pistol + secondary sniper combo.


Nope, in PVP riffles or machine guns always do the trick, if you have the more stable weapon or the one with more bullets, you win that gun fight againds that player In PvE i get to mess with the enemy NPC hence the pistol


Nono, in PvP you get to mess with NPCs /s In PvP a pistol is optimal because it allows you to style on your opponents.


throughout my life I always had a feeling that handguns were somewhat stronger.


Nope, it's the opposite, rifles have larger, and stronger bullets.


I know, I just always for some weird reason feel cooler with a handgun.


Probably because there's more visible recoil


Nah,every time I use a handgun I get back a small piece of enjoyment that I got from the ending of modern warfare 4, it's just that I unloaded the whole magazine into Zakhaev


There are pistols with bigger stronger bullets, but they arent as handy as the ones with weaker rounds


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: Dual wielding Desert Eagles with tacticool fast reloads.


In reality, all bullets are 1 shot kills.


Yes, but the difference is how much time the other guy has to repeatedly 1-shot you back before that one bullet disables them.


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: Handgun class is the most OP all-rounder, dropping even the Tank mobs like flies.


The shotgun has such horrible spread that it might as well fire BACKWARDS


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dinnerbird: *The shotgun has such* *Horrible spread that it might* *As well fire BACKWARDS* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: The Support class gets a tight choke skill that makes Shotguns fire head-sized patterns out to 30+ meters and yeet them off the map.


Bro play another game other than fucking Killing Floor 2 like I get it it’s a solid game but holy shit fam


Geez, y'all can't take a running gag? I play other games, but most just fall into these shooter tropes, outside of little exceptions like Doom Eternal going: "What's a pistol?".


Don't forget that ammo for the revolver is super scarce


And only about 6+12 bullets total ammo reserve.


Literally just half life.


I'd only use the revolver if the game gave me enough ammo for it throughout. I do find it funny how it does more damage than the shotgun and more accurate than the AR2 rifle and SMG.


It's the opposite for me. I always pass up so much magnum ammo and Tau cannon ammo since there aren't many situations that really require them


You can cut down the barrel on the machine gun at top left, and pulse the trigger in bursts at close range.


From firsthand experience, being shot with any caliber is super inconvenient


nice more passion hobby games type starterpacks


Algorithmic ass comment


Shotgun: Deadly at close range, useless beyond a room's length. Handgun: Pointless when it's not actually decent at sniping


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: The Support class skills that make their shotguns useful pretty much across the map and the Gunslinger pistol class has the highest DPS ingame with dual Desert Eagles.


When ammo management goes out the window and you enter the next area with just 6 sniper rounds and one last rocket


For multiplayer then a sniper is either absurdly OP or completely outclassed by the rifles due to no part of the map requiring that long range whilst rifles don't have much damage drop.


Shotgun does near zero damage beyond 4 feet.


And then we got early Halo with the pistol being a budget sniper rifle


I'm gonna be honest... an awful lot of warframe weapons can fit into these categories fairly well.


> Some sort of DMR: semi-auto, dmg being between AR and snipers > Battle Rifles (usually a SCAR): higher dmg but lower ROF, 20 rnds per mag


Don't forget how DMR is almost always the butt-monkey in PvP, because the Snipers are stupid overpowered one tap machines if you so much as clip someone's pinky finger with it and AR's have that dummy high DPS that they can just spray you down with bare minimum accuracy faster than you ever could, unless you can aim at their head in half a second.


The DMR RoF either caps out at 150-ish RPM, or as fast as you can tap it. The Battle Rifle will either beam your foes at Sniper ranges or fumble a close-mid range gunfight, no in between, completely random.


MGs are pretty good if you use them right.  At least in BF I could hold the right position pretty long. You don't  necessary make massive kills but it has a huge impact on the flow in the game. 


ahh love my lmgs with the slowest ttk in the game , shooting 6 bullets per minute and dealing 24-33 % life per hit.


You forgot the short-barreled LMG that handles like an SMG, has the recoil of a Battle Rifle, the RoF of an AR and the damage per shot of a semi-automatic sniper.


Don't forget that in the campaign the grenade launchers and rocket launchers will be necessary for 2 or 3 missions then you'll never see them again/they'll be unnecessary.


How could you forget about the MP5?


Literally uncharted guns


Meanwhile in Killing Floor 2: Commando running around with Stoner 63A LMG or Gatling gun, Demolitionist has an RPG or M32 as their main weapon, Firebug does his job with a Flamethrower and Dragon's Breath shotgun, bolt-action snipers are either too weak or too slow to compete with the Railgun's DPS, Pistol class is the ultimate one-man army, assault rifles are middle of the road and SMG's are... the assault rifle, but worse. But SMG class has extra move speed, better armor, free armor, double mag capacity as passive, stun grenade...


How many times have you spammed Killing Floor 2


Not spammed. Dispersed. Hey, I mean, it avoids so many of the tropes mentioned in the comments that I felt it fits to reply examples on the individual posts. \*shrug\*


mf thinks he’s special for playing KF2 or something


Umm... no? I'm talking about how **the game** does things in a different way. I'm just one of some 10'000's of players.