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who the fuck doesn't give someone a blanket if they're sleeping over


10+ people sleepovers where you sleep on a couch next to each other / on the floor


Spoon with the host. Assert your dominance.


I did that once when they were in the middle of sexy time and I was promptly kicked out and exiled. 0/10 would not recommend.




Everyone involved was hella drunk and their other friend told me to go climb in with them.


Their loss, big spicy tuna


He climbed in with his feet towards the pillows


I hope this is true


I wish it wasn't. But then I wouldn't have a nice awkward story to tell.


Should have spooned with the real host. The dog.


We had a house in college. At one point there were 15 extra people passed out. We ran out of pillows but there were blankets.


Pretty much how mine happened as well. We just hang out at an apartment playing board games and watching horror movies until the early morning then all crash


Your comment made me miss being in my early twenties so much that I felt a painful twang in my stomach right now.


I mean I'm in my 30s and on New Year's Day I woke up to people all over my house. But it was way less than when I was 21 in college with a house. We had like 11 people living there and woke up to like 20 extra occupants.


Those were the days. The good thing we were all cool so after we went to a party we all crashed and after party at the persons house with the cool parents. So they would let us drink and be safe and not drive and we would all pass out in the living room.


Two of us were staying at a friend's house once. We were drinking and having a good time until around 2am, when she decided to go sleep in her bed and leave us to it. Leaving us to it meant leaving us to decide who was gonna sleep on the two seater and who got the three seater, no blankets, nothing. My smaller friend claimed the three seater and I noped out and walked home.


Sounds like a great host


Yeah this seems backwards to me, everyone I grew up ( at least their parents) knew hospitality 101. You should always strive to self-sufficient for modesty but c’mon.


You didn’t have that one friend whose parents did not want you there and made it as miserable as possible so you would never come back? Casey’s parents were the worst man, but we would steal their weed when they went to bed, so it was worth freezing on the couch because of no blankets and starving to death because all you had to eat were ice cubes.


Maybe they didn't want you there because you were stealing their weed.




Right, I’ve got like 100 blankets mostly from Christmas gifts.


Me too. We have so many blankets you could make a bed out of blankets and still have plenty of blankets to use as, you know, blankets.




PM me your address I’ll buy you a blanket on Amazon, friend.


PM me your banking info and I’ll deposit funds for your new blanket, friend.


Happened to me all the time as a kid. I hated sleepovers because it was basically me just sitting there all night praying for morning so I could leave.


Getting a car was really life changing. I would just leave late/super early and sleep in my own bed at home😎


Maybe I’ve had nothing but shitty friends, but it’s pretty common. They either go to bed and forget or they just don’t have any extra blankets or pillows so you’re stuck with literally using the back couch cushions as your blanket


Pro tips outside of that: Sometimes you can find jackets or clothes in the hallway closet, or towels in the bathroom to use as blankets. Also, if the couch cushions have removable covers, you can take them off and use those as blankets too


it’s not that they don’t offer you one, it’s that sometimes they forget and some of us are too shy to speak up


Dunno. We have like 15 extra blankets. There's like 2 over the back of every couch


I was drunk once and didn’t give my boy a blanket and felt so bad when I woke up, so I put one on him before he woke and he thanked me when he woke up for a “blanket *last night*” 😎😎😎


Drunk people who decided to call it a night without remembering to pull out the blankets for their other drunk friends who passed out on the couch.


Fookin kneelers that's who! I've always had an abundance of blankets and like to keep my place on the cooler side so I try to make sure they have access to plenty of blankets.


I have legitimately used a dog’s blanket because i was freezing and then i woke up sweating


I once had to sleep on the couch at a friend of mine. I had to use a piece of plastic lamel curtains hanging next to it.


Holy shit ahahhaha




>People that do this shit always have parents that smoke True.


Thats factual


And damn straight


It is known


Holy fuck I have done the exact same thing several times. Its a really unique experience that I really appreciate looking back on


who are you befriending...


I don’t smoke or fuck with smoking but that sounds like a vibe fr


Is your life the movie the Outsiders?


I'm dying this is to true🤣😂


Good blanket


It was pretty comfy ngl


Good boy.


Being cold and having to piss is a double hell combo


And you have to walk past the parents' room on the way to the bathroom and they're the type of absolute psychos who sleep with their door slightly open


once you've warmed up the floor or couch underneath you and you don't wanna have to start over again


Oh my god that's happened to me




My friend's parents bought me a small futon because I stayed over so much. They were fully prepared to let me move in if my parents kicked me out. They were such nice people.


My parents let a friend of mine stay in my old room a few years back, since he didn't have that much money and couldn't pay the rent for an entire apartment. It's been like 3-4 years, he lived there for the first 2.5 and still comes back occasionally to use the room. He paid rent for the first 2.5 years and we don't really use the room anyways; bad mojo since I almost died in there. He doesn't have any parents, so my mom sorta treats him almost like a second son. As a family none of us really have many friends. I have 2; my sister has one and my parents only work acquaintances. But this christmas we had my friend and his girlfriend over and celebrated together. I don't think I could have better parents.


What happened to you in that room if you don’t mind me asking


Left a candle burning (used to read by candlelight), woke up when my bed was just catching on fire, couldn't douse or suffocate it and the entire room burned and broiled everything I owned into charcoal.


Why the fuck were you reading by candle light? What year was this?


You know, thinking back on it, it seems weirder than I thought. I just wanted a dim source of light, orange rather than white, so no flashlight and the only other light source I had was the overhead lighting. Almost exactly 8 years ago.


Not weird at all, I read by candlelight a bunch of times.


Weird, no. A bit stupid, yes. It's not the 1840's, you've got cute little led lights and stuff.


Same. They named it [ERROR_REDACTED] s couch


Is that Polish?


Did they end up adopting you?


Nope things never got that bad thankfully.


That’s good.


I had a friend that had a knit blanket that weighed maybe 1 oz total and it didn’t even feel like you had a blanket on you.


Lmao I had a couple of those. Gets me tight.


Worse is getting a throw blanket while its freaking cold like 40°


And it will only even be able to cover like 70 percent of your body unless you scrunch into a cold little uncomfortable ball until the sun pierces all of the unshaded windows


Man I remember being at a sleep over with 3 other people and only 3 beds were prepared, best thing I had to sleep in was a chair, it was either that or cold concrete


>three other people >*only* three beds Were you...a last minute invite?


Take my shirt off to use as a blanket lol


Then take your friends shirt and pants off to use as a blanket haha


and then suck your friend's dick lmao


Brojob Brojob Choo Choo!


And then you also get covered in a thick blanket of...




You read my mind


Oh great so I get 2 kinds of herpes, just great.








It's either that, or glitter. Your choice.


don’t forget to say no homo, or else it would be pretty gay


Not even taking it off but just pulling your arms into your sleeve holes like a turtle retreating into its shell, and hugging yourself to conserve body heat under the ceiling fan set on max speed. Either the cold will get you or the wobbling fan which threatens to come loose and fall from the ceiling at any moment, crushing you.


Nailed it.


When i was younger i got a king size bed ( i don't know why) and me and the boys would be packed onthere like a can of sardines. No Homo though


Same, me and the boys would just all cuddle. No homo.


Bruh ive slept with all my friends No homo


I used to suck my homies off before bed no homo


So it's only gay if you're the one sucking and not if you're the one getting sucked off, right? Asking for a friend.


It's not gay in both scenarios unless your balls touch


There's always that one kid that can't sleep without jerking off. He thought he was being sneaky but everyone knew.


My situation solved that so i guess you win some you lose some


oh god


I meant no ones jackin it


ah, okay


A little homo tho. As a treat.


God bless the cuddle puddle


We called it the nest.... nothing wrong with sharing body heat with the boys


we called it megabed


Yeah that happened in my 20s. If my friends were over theyd just be like...ok fuck the floor, move over.


Did you guys ever play steamroller?


No, only nightcrawlers


Is that when the person on the far ends rolls over everyone to get the other side, and then the next person does? Because if so then maybe


My best friend had a Cali king. We would have people at our feet and like 6 across girls and boys lol. Shit was awesome. No homo tho


Well you can sleep hole to hole, or pole to pole. But you can’t sleep pole to hole.


Or you pulled off the couch the crocheted, scratchy, weirdly heavy blanket their grandma made in a very 70s color palette


The old Swiss cheese blanket.


Oh God I just had flashbacks


I used a pillowcase as a blanket once. It's also awkward when you're super thirsty but too shy to go get water in someone else's house


If you don't want to ask for a glass or a bottle of water you can always try to just discretely (or not so discreetly) slurp it directly from the tap.


Once my friend left his window open in the dead of winter and I got covered in snow.


why it's so fucking funny lmao




Was his name Michael?


No, but mine is


Friend also has thermostat in super-money-save mode, so the house hits an ambient temperature of 33 degrees Fahrenheit at 3am, while they are nest up under a down comforter and electric blanket.


the fan part always irks me. like mate the closest thing i have to a blanket is a fucking bed sheet why is the fan on im cold


what kind of friends do you have


Friends that don’t want OP inviting himself to sleep over.




This is the most accurate reddit comment I've ever seen


A friend with a small house and big family, so all the rooms and beds were taken up. We were so tired over our overnight D&D session and arguing about balance that we just say "fuck it" and sleep off the rest of the night on the floor since we're so checked out. Was carnage to get the couch and recliner. Got it first but my friend knows how to make me feel bad about myself. And also huge and never bathes and for real threatened to sit on me if I didn't scram. And the tall one took the recliner and could snap my neck effortlessly. Slept next to the dog, who was a really nice dog, and let me use them as a pillow. Times after that I made a bed with kitchen chairs and compromised for some couch pillows. Their dad was cool so he didn't have a problem with us manipulating their home environment for sleeping purposes. How the fuck are we still friends jesus


Wishing you were still in the silly teenage goth phase, because at least you'd have a trenchcoat to sleep under. Hard to sleep with a Stephen King paperback book for a pillow and a golf sweater as a blanket.


My trench coat saved me so many times, on split second sleep overs.


Always a dog barking somewhere in the house at 4am even if they don't own one


constructing a 'blanket' out of throw pillows, desperately trying to cover up all your cold spots.


I had to use my jacket backwards once


Everyone’s been theere once


I never let any of my friends sleep on the floor, we either slept in the same bed, or I offered them my old bed




Its alot of work to put it out and then put it back in, plus my room isn't really made for 2 beds


I once was at a lan party at my friend's house and went to sleep under the bed in the room we were gaming in because it was warm under there from a nearby vent. I woke up completely covered in cat hair, like tar-and-feather style, and a bunch in my mouth. Apparently that was where the cat normally sleeps and my shirt was a material that grabbed cat hair really well.


As soon as I read LAN party, I thought you were gonna say you spent the night taped to the ceiling.


Jesus, just thinking about that image takes me back a few years.


that poor lad wrapped in paper towels


couch cussions are your friend


How do you get one of those, by falling down and smacking your head against said couch?


Nah man, a couch cussion is a wrestling move. You pick up the couch and smash it down on your opponent's head


One time I had to take the couch cushions out except for one to use as elevation and the other two made a makeshift blanket.


With the Finding Nemo DVD menu on fuckin loop but you don't wanna get up to change it because you'll lose the heat you've saved up by retracting your arms into your T-shirt.


Always brought a coat for this exact reason.


Ask for blankets fercryinoutloud. And find out how to shut the fan off.


That’s adult level stuff right there.


I had the opposite problem once. My friend's room was so goddamn hot I was sweating. Middle of the night I just went to the kitchen and filled a baggie with some ice, wrapped it with a damp cloth, and slept with it under my head. Damp pillows sorry not sorry.


I used to crash at a friend's house a lot when drunk. He always gave me a blanket, but one night I'd apparently lost track of it in my sleep and woke up using the couch cushions as my blanket. Not the most comfortable way to sleep on a couch.


Fuck ceiling fans


And you just know that damn cord is going to rattle all damn night.


If you’re lucky it’s made of metal and will clink repeatedly while you freeze to death




whrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tnk tnk tnk tnk tnk tnk tnk tnk tnk tnk tnk tnk oh cool, its the same temperature, loud noises, and now everything about my faceholes are dry af


What world am I in where people don't like ceilings fans? I couldn't live without that circulation


For real. I stayed at my homie’s for a week. I miss that damn ceiling fan so much. The room was always the perfect temp and the fan generated a subtle white noise.


White noise is high key the fucking best


I have an air filter on at all times in my room. I hate the still silence when it isn't there.


I hate them - but also I'm just a cold person in general. If I'm too hot I'd much rather have a floor fan going


Same. I use mine even in the winter. I hate when the air isn’t moving.


My dad's got ghost club in the woods tonight so there's no sheets on my bed.


I had a night where a bunch of friends camped out in a friends backyard. His older brother also had friends over and they got all the blankets early. Me and another guy had one blanket between us and it got down to high 40s overnight. About 4:30am we went inside the house and slept on the carpet basement floor with no blankets just happy to be kinda warm


Not to toot my own horn, but I offer my bed, provide a spare phone charger, set aside a spare towel for the next morning, and offer breakfast (usually some kind of egg and cheese sandwich with coffee). It’s called being a mensch. People who don’t even offer blankets are legitimate schnooks.


Arrived at the house at 1:30 AM after a 13 hour drive, ended up with a decorative pillow full of plastic, crinkly fill and a sheet on the floor. I’m allergic to the cats. Great! So I got back on the road after 3 hours of fitful sleep and take a long nap in my truck at a rest stop. Don’t volunteer to help people move. Doesn’t matter how pretty they are.


I had to sleep in a lawn chair (indoors) and it was one of those ones that fold out and all plastic and metal. And I had no blanket..


Window wide open.


My friend didn't offer an mattresses or blankets so I slept under his bed, not a bunk bed I slept under a metal framed bed.


Maybe I'm just a good host but when I had my then-bf over at my place for the first time, I went out and bought an extra pillow, blanket, and toothbrush, just in case he didn't want to sleep in my bed AND/OR forgot his toothbrush. I couldn't imaging doing anything less for a guest?


Me too and I even keep around a couple of disposable razors in case they want to shave and a new stick of deodorant. I really can't believe people can just leave their guests on the couch using the cushions in place of a blanket. I would be so embarrassed to do that to someone.


Same here.


What about that time i was sleeping in the trundle bed which was basically a piece of plywood and got up to use the bathroom and came back and their 100lb black lab was laying there instead and wouldnt budge So i had to go sleep on a shitty couch


NGL sleeping with a dog by your side might be pretty nice. I love dogs.


I remember being at a massive sleepover and using couch cushions as a blanket, i spent the entire night shivering. Some nights I wake up and still feel the cold.


You got bad friends bro.


For real. little bro and I would take our mattress's off of our beds put them on the floor between them and just sleep on the box springs, so 4 people could pass out comfortably after the last candy fueled 3am Halo:CE match. Shit worked great.


ok but this is straight up rude lol. I haven't been to a sleepover since 4th grade and thus am not totally familiar with the proper etiquette, but I feel like its common courtesy to give someone at least a blanket when having a sleepover like...? great meme tho lmao


Absolutely, not offering blankets and a pillow is super shitty hosting. It's one thing if they offered and you say no and then they don't worry about it again, but as someone who hosts the occasional sleepover I ALWAYS make sure my guest knows where they can get pillows and blankets. I have, however, been in situations where a host has provided a blanket/pillow that's just not adequate enough and then you feel too awkward to ask for another or go through their house to find more. Not the host's fault, but is certainly similar enough to relate to the meme!


I had some friends over and I got too drunk and passed out without offering blankets. I felt terrible I'm the morning because my friend was on the couch with like 3 towels over him hah!


Sometimes on the weekends I don't know where I'll end up spending the night, so I threw a sleeping bag, pillow and camping mat in the back seat of my truck. It's improved my sleeping situation several times.


I pulled a deer hide off the wall in a friend's basement where I was sleeping in the couch. Worked ok.


I was always scared to ask for blankets ngl


Invest in a shemagh, they're great for bedding down when no sheets are provided. Also fantastic for travelling as they can be used as a flight pillow, head covering or even to carry things in, like a hobo bag on a stick. Alternatively, subscribe to Douglas Adams' philosophy of carrying a towel everywhere.




“And this is my towel”


Couldn't a shemagh double as a towel if you set your mind to it?


i actually like sleeping on carpets and rugs


i dont get this why wouldnt you just wake the person up and ask for a blanket lmao jesus christ its not that complicated


Just... ask for blankets?


And show weakness?


Use the host’s foreskin