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Why isn't Reddit video player on the list? Edit: Grammar


In fact, why isn't reddit on the list??


fair point




Wait, why does reddit hate weddings?


According to Reddit the only valid weddings are when you: - conduct it in your basement - the husband is a programmer with glasses and a beard and wearing an ironic Superman shirt under his tux - the wife is a 250 lbs Wiccan goth girl, is covered with tattoos and has close cropped blue streak hair - each spouse only invites ~~2 close friends~~ 1 close friend - give the homeless guy outside Walmart a dollar to officiate the ceremony to save further on costs, brilliant! - the ring will be a Ring Pop of course, because that's quirky and shows society that you don't care about their stupid norms - throw out some lawn chairs in the backyard and pass around a joint, there's your afterparty - post photos on Reddit for karma, with the title "My wedding was small and sensible unlike those dum dum sorority bitches who spent $50,000 lmao XD"


- wedding is geek culture themed


Bride and groom wearing hunting camo-> cringe Bride and groom dressed as pokemon-> based


Both are terrible decisions.


Exactly, get married nude like God intended!


How many furry weddings have you seen hit the front page?


/r/furryweddings is a standard subreddit for new users.


The only default sub that's worth keeping tbh


Redditors are perpetually broke but can always afford more Marvel and Star Wars crap.


*Insert joke about using rent money to buy Funko Pops here*


"Who are you? Oh you're here to check out my funkopops?" "I'm absolutely nuts about these guys. Must have spent over $100000 on them by now." "Do you have a favorite? Me? It's hard to choose. They're all my children." "Man it's so nice to meet another funko enthusiast…"




I legit will never forget some sob post about a guy who was losing his home to the bank. It was a picture of his gaming basement that had probably 5 figures of Star Wars and other nerd shit. I remember posting something like this probably six months worth of mortgage payments down here and getting down voted to like -300 or something. Some people are pathetic


I agree, I think there's something wrong when people center their identity around brand consumption. This kind of stuff was always kind of a part of nerd culture but it seems like now it's the *entirety* of nerd culture.


Disney Fandom can be the same way.


I don't think Disney fandom was ever not like this, tbh.


Yeah, they should be broke because of drugs, like us normal folks!


They'll up vote photos of Indian weddings though. And those cost a fucking insane amount of money.


When it’s non western though it’s heckin wholesome.


Except when it's either a black person and a white person getting married or just too black people getting married. Then you're obligated to upload them otherwise you're probably a racist


Don’t forget the “you should spend the money on the honeymoon instead!” Then shames someone for taking an expensive vacation next. Lol


"How dare someone spend money in a way different than what i would do. Because I know what is best for everyone! Even the people I've never seen before."


Could replace “spend money” with so many things and it would still apply to Reddit quite well lol almost perfectly


>“you should spend the money on the honeymoon instead!” And I always wondered why? Like im sorry I like my friends and family and want to celebrate with them in a amazing setting with great food, open bar and a location we want to. Holidays can be arranged again, but wedding is hopefully once in a lifetime event for the couple. Nothing wrong with spending more money on honeymoon, but I dont like people who seek validation for their own preferences by pushing other people down.


Redditors don't have friends and have a horrible relationship with their family


Somehow everyone in their immediate and extended family but them is a full on narcissist


Its all the boomers fault. Once my generation is in charge things will be perfect and in no way influenced by money or corruption. I will downvote anyone who disagrees. Thats how the revolution begins! /s. (I feel dumb adding that but it's necessary)


>I dont like people who seek validation for their own preferences by pushing other people down. You don't like assholes? I don't, either.


I think it’s just hard for people to believe that other people can find things fun, if that isn’t aligned with what they think is fun. To some, a week on a quiet beach with good food and plenty of time to read sounds like heaven. Bonus points if there’s no internet! No news, no endless social media updates, nothing. Just you and a good book. To others, that sounds like torture.


I told my friend that I was going to Hawaii for my honeymoon and her response was "The Hawaiian tourism industry is problematic :/" I kinda just ended the conversation I was so annoyed that that was her first reaction.


I told some girl I was visiting a friend who lives there and she said the same thing. Like Becky have you spent 1 second thinking about the Hawaiian natives before this? Your brain just farted that out that Twitter proverb because it’s a chance to make yourself look good at my expense


Went to Hawaii for my honeymoon over a decade ago. Best. Choice. Ever.


You’re telling me that having a homeless guy outside of Walmart officiate your wedding isn’t the best DIY wedding idea ever?


Do not forget to uninvite your mother in law


Don’t forget that a puppy is the ring bearer


And the flower girl is a Tony Stark Funko Pop


"hOw DaRe ThEy SpEnD $3000 oN a WeDdInG rInG! tHaT's a DoWnPaYmEnT oN a HoUsE! - 🤡" Bitch, where?


I made the apparent mistake of mentioning how much I spent on my fiancee's ring in a thread about that exact topic, and boy the incels came out of the woodwork on that one 😂


You should have said she spent that much on a nerdy ring for you. Reddit likes expensive rings, so long as it's made from dinosaur fossils or asteroids and given to the groom. It's those bitch brides demanding ugly diamonds that are unacceptable and obviously brainwashed by dubeers


>Reddit likes expensive rings, so long as it's made from dinosaur fossils or asteroids and given to the groom. 💀


"I got this ring for my fiancee that cost me $100k!" \-837 "The metal came from an asteroid that my friend Counting Crows found on his reservation and his shaman grandfather blessed it!" \+46000, plat, gold, wholesome award


And if it's someone else's wedding, you *still* have to make it quirky by eschewing dress code, of course. I will never understand why redditors hate dressing appropriately for weddings. Dress like an adult, people. I don't care if you don't like suits or dresses or whatever. The day isn't about you and your individuality. Just be cool for like 8 hours, it isn't hard. AITA is filled with these posts and comments and it's really telling of the type of people giving advice there.


>I will never understand why redditors hate dressing appropriately for weddings. Dress like an adult, people If it's someone else's wedding and you dress like a clown, you shouldn't be let in. If it's your wedding and you choose to dress like a clown, anyone telling you to do otherwise should shut the fuck up.


There was an unpopular opinion the other day that people besides the bride should be able to wear white to weddings lol


It's hilarious how there are posts of their parents smoking joints and dressing like they're homeless at their wedding, then shaming people for wearing camo or everyday clothes in current times.


One day these people are gonna be 60 years old, and hate their lives when nerd culture isn’t a thing and have to show their family these photos


Reddit hates having a family too, don't need to worry about showing photos




This is the truest comment I've ever seen. This is also the most Redditor comment I've ever posted.


You totally nailed it. Insecure people projecting their situations on to others to feel better. Basically bullying.


Common sentiment is they price gouge on everything


I got married last year and my wife and I spent quite a bit on the day. We didn't completely break the bank and deplete all our savings and/or go into debt or anything, but it was a significant chunk of our savings for sure that definitely could have been spent elsewhere on more "sensible" things. But you know what? Everything went perfectly, all our friends and family had an *absolute blast* and still talk about how awesome it was almost a year later, and it was probably the best day of our lives so far. I don't regret a single penny we spent on it.


Experiences > things But not weddings though! -reddit


I mean they have to get a GF first to even go down that path lol


That’s the thing for me. The Reddit sentiment is “Why would you spend so much money on just a party?” Like, dude, why *wouldn’t* you? Throw a big fuck off party for yourself and your new spouse and invite all your friends and family? Get fucking wasted and eat too much and dance all night? How could you *not* want to do that?


I spent 25k on a wedding, it was stupid expensive but goddamnit we had the best wedding ever with some wild stories. People still bring it up. Paid off in 2 years, that sucked. Would I do it again? No. Was the wife happy? Yes. Would only recommend if you are financially stable. I also went to a cheap wedding at a Chinese buffet, still had a blast - people do whatever works best for them.


They hate seeing people develop into adulthood before they do.


I think this could answer 1/3 of the jealousy and hate I see in reddit


A third? I think it explains almost all of it.


I think that’s it right there. They then say how video games are key to their life.


r/science: "study shows that single people who play video games are sexy, cool, and awesome"


r/science unironically has front page posts like that every other day, seems like "Republicans, Chinese people, and Blippi fans scientifically confirmed to have lower IQ than Redditors, study finds"


Don't forget about how weed and psychedelics will solve all problems of society.


I just boofed a fistful of DMT. I'll let you know how it goes.


You will become the most powerful redditor!!!


There was an Unpopular Opinion post about this a few months ago along these lines. A woman was saying she finds Gamer guys unattractive. People (boys) lost their collective shit over this.


They also hate seeing successful people because it reminds them of their own failures. Reddit is fill of envious people parroting weak morals to justify why them not succeeding is better because being rich and successful is wrong.


Don’t forget TikTok, even though a lot of the top posts are re-posted tiktoks, cropped.


I think we're talking about two different groups of Redditors here. The first is the old guard stereotypical "fat atheist neckbeard programmer" types who are constantly screeching about how Reddit is changing for the worse and how things like TikTok are ruining the internet. The second group is teenagers [who all look a variation of this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fa/ce/62/face62e3c53367ca74ff78c239921bdc.jpg), who have the attention span of a goldfish and their entire Reddit experience is clicking through Twitter screenshots, 6-second TikTok videos and reactiongifs. I'm honestly not sure which of these groups is worse.


> I think we're talking about two different groups of Redditors Reddit is a singular entity with one opinion, what's this nonsense about 'two groups'? If you are on reddit you have the official reddit opinions, that's just scientific fact.


NO NO NO! There ARE two Reddits. There is everyone on Reddit, and then there is me, I am different than the rest of you.


A recent study has shown that there are actually 430,000,000 reddit users. Give or take a few bots.


Why .... why do I feel compelled to upvote this??


~~You~~ the hivemind has decided to enjoy the previous comment.


explains why I upvoted without thinking


>which of these groups is worse. They both are! They're both worse.




People taking videos of fireworks. Redditors claim they will "never watch it"


They're saying don't waste your time taking a video because you'll never watch it afterwards. Just lay back and enjoy them is the message they're sending.


and imagine that statement triggering you


*"How dare you tell me to enjoy the moment!!!"*


Ohhhh thought that was a concert. Yeah recording fireworks is stupid.


I re-watch an old fireworks video I took in 2006 every once in a while. It has certain voices on it that I will never be able to hear again.


Redditors hate redditors


I hate you too


Man I hate myself too




See ? You guys aren’t so different after all…


I fucking hate you for comparing me to them


I also hate me


Damn Redditors, they ruined Reddit-land!


You redditors sure are a contentious bunch.


You just made an enemy for until I notice the next bit of ragebait


"You're all a bunch of phony conformists! Not me though."


Where are the children, feet, HOAs, and fat people?


Redditors are fat ppl


Self hating?


Yeah that's also a thing on Reddit


Remember, Reddit hates the USA but is 50% American...


Just because you live there doesn't mean you have to like it. Couldn't be me though, I'm fucking vibing.


But they hate them still


Nobody hates Reddit like redditors


Remember that time a popular subreddit devoted to hating fat people, /r/fatpeoplehate, got banned and Reddit collectively lost it’s mind for like a month?




Reddit loves feet


You forgot 14 yo white girls.


HOA, Elon Musk, Amber Turd, Tiktok, Emojis... The list goes on and on


Reddit is 70% TikTok video posts though. Especially on the huge karma mining subs.


And 15% Twitter posts and 15% porn.


I'm convinced that reddit as a whole is at the very least 80% porn.


of which at least 50% are onlyfans ads


The NSFW subs have really gone downhill the last few years. Mostly just people whoring out their onlyfans or posts with no sauce.


You must be looking at different subreddits to me.


*better subreddits


Idk how common this is, but I usually see a comment like “I hate tiktok, but this video is hilarious” on so many tiktoks posted on Reddit


Reddit hating tiktok is probably the most boomer thing of all time because it's literally the same thing as youtube with shorter videos and easier to mindlessly scroll through. It tailors itself to what you actually watch just like youtube. If you get dance videos or other stupid shit it's because YOU watched them.


It’s so funny to me when people out themselves by saying it’s just an app with underaged girls dancing… my brother in Christ that’s because *you* keep watching those


Any country which isn't from Europe or isn't Japan Or South Korea


Only certain parts of Europe


And only certain social programs of said countries


European social welfare programs are good. European racism is ignored.


"So when I unironically said, Hitler wasn't exactly wrong about the Jews/Slavs/Roma, it was just bants mate. Americans don't understand European humor." Europe is post racism though.


England, Ireland and Scotland. But only certain parts of Ireland and Scotland.


yo screw HOAs tho.


sorry but what is "HOAs"


Don’t forget kids/“crotch goblins”


Ugh i hate how Reddit dehumanizes kids. It's disgusting how a lot of Redditors claim to hate all kids just because they don't want to raise any of their own or have an annoying nephew. Kids are people, and can be good or bad just like adults and dehumanizing them is gross. That being said, parents or people that have a relationship with kiddos calling them "crotch goblins" or the like is a bit different, since they still claim to love and care the kids at the end of the day. They just want to vent out all of the frustration that comes with raising a whole other human being, which is understandable since it's a big job with a lot of responsibility behind it.


That's because Reddit is chock full of incredibly self-centered man children and.. womenchildren for lack of a better word. All of that craft beer, Marvel memorabilia, paying 3/4 of their rent to live in a 700 sq ft high rise apartment in a trendy western city, and memecoins they spend their money on doesn't leave a whole lot of room for children.


Old people?




forgot deodorant


If you use r/smashbros your hate for deodorant is squared


Add to it a collection of Funko pops and it is unbearable to be in a room with you


Nah redditerors and smash players don't like funko pop.... they love there zss amibo that for safe keeping is stored in a jar


*Is self diagnosed with depression* *Is simultaneously proud of it*


Mental health subreddits are some of the weirdest and most fucked up things I’ve ever seen with how much of a pitty party they are. And u don’t go on to too many.


The Autism one is pretty ok but sometimes it gets cringe because there's a lot of parents with non functional autistic kids but also a lot of highly functional teenagers trying to find their place in the world, and since it's Reddit of course there's infinite young adults that exhibit autism symptoms just because they can't stop smoking weed and taking psychedelics. But yeah most of those should be helpful to people with mental health problems but they up having an us vs them mentality splattered with memes that would probably trigger anyone close to having a breakdown.


The effort to de stigmatize mental illness has ended up glamorizing or even glorifying it to some.


>The effort to de stigmatize ~~mental illness~~ *'insert anything'* has ended up glamorizing or even glorifying it to some. FTFY The mental health subs offer lots of valuable help. Typically there is a large base crowd of regulars that offer advice, vent, be supportive and then those that show up and post once or twice about some pathetic whiney shit. The pathetic whiners have apparently caught the attention of the people in this convo. The tiny minority gets flagged for the majority. One dumb post gets people to ignore the thousand good ones before it.


I'm glad some people find help there, I found the depression sub was just basically a place for people to wallow in it and made me feel 1000x worse though


It’s actually not such an anomaly as it may seem. It’s well-documented that there are deaf communities who view their disabilities as strengths and actively discourage other hearing-impaired people from seeking treatment or using assisted hearing devices.


Tbf, with how much stupid shit people say I can’t blame them


What, do they think they're like Daredevil or something?


Not just any depression no its *severe* depression


You forgot children and babies


r/childfree and r/antinatilism users trying to remember when they were kids challenge (impossible)


The overlap with raisedbynarcissists and those subs is also really interesting.


That's an interesting take. I made the mistake of defending couples who have children, despite not having any myself. I couldn't believe how many many people viciously came after me! "But... the world is gonna end. I just know it" mixed with what I assume was just a terrible, hard upbringing during their childhood. It's a hell of a recipe.


Don't forget children! It's perfectly valid to not want to have children or to be around them. But a lot of Redditors seem to take dislike for children to a rabid level. Not sure how much of it is just edgy posturing and how much is actually felt.


I’ve noticed this too. Reddit and tiktok both seem to have this sociopathic bandwagon hate for kids which is weird since most of it seems to be coming from teenagers.


That's actually pretty normal that it's from teenagers, because teenagers are in a stage of growing up and trying to distinguish themselves as adults and not kids anymore, and a way that lots of kids do this is to spurn, ridicule, and dramatically toss aside "childish" things. It also happens when kids are in elementary school, and start to want to distance themselves from the more kiddy shows, and they do it by being vitriolic or mocking towards those things. Like making fun of other kids with "That show's for babies!" And remember how popular brutally-killing-Barney-the-dinosaur songs and games were? Just kids being edgy and cringey in an attempt to seem cool and grown up. Little do they know that we've all been there.


I’ve also noticed that they will practically celebrate someone claiming they can’t stand being around children, but if someone says they hate dogs and cats they get labeled a psychopath.


Honestly nothing annoys me more than misanthropic pet lovers.


They also hate when anyone else is happy


r/upliftingnews where the comments are quick to remind you how anything good happening in the world is actually terrible and bad


Or when they themselves are happy.


You forgot capitalism


While sucking off northern Europe at the same time


We should all at least agree that nestle is valid tho


Of course but let’s not act like every single other major corporation actually gives a shit about anything. Nestle sucks for sure but the list is probably too long including the stuff that the general public is not aware of


Yes and no. Hating Nestle isn't acting like every other major corporation actually gives a shit. People are aware most don't give a shit about anything but profits. But Nestle goes above and beyond to actively ignoring and avoiding considerations for ethics. Hence the hate.


Gender reveals. Redditors *hate* gender reveals.


I think it depends on the gender reveal. Wacky balloon filled with powder that’s blue or pink? Someone’s gonna complain about gendered color but apart from that response is mostly neutral. The one that started the California Wildfires? Hated for good reason.


I got to show up every Monday to my job at a municipal park and pick up gender reveal remnants. Frequently found dead birds and box turtles who ate the balloon pieces and died. You wanna do this shit in your backyard. Knock yourself out. But going to a public park and spreading garbage for the explicit reason of "I won't have to be the one to clean it up"? Yeah, fuck those people.


let’s see… nbc comcast, religion, smartphones at concerts, republican party, women (???), white people (???), donald trump, basically agreeing to disagree, nestle, big trucks/cars, taking photos of fireworks, ceo’s/big corporations, the police, happy marriage (???), EA Games


You forgot to include kids.


Need to add landlords




don't forget going outside


Grab your popcorn here folks


You forgot America/The United States


Yet they’re all Americans


It's almost exclusively the Americans that shit on America here.


Eh, I’ve seen many foreigners hate on Americans too.


*Any post about something shocking/unusual that happened in America* Dane here, why do all Americans, without exception, do this? Here in Denmark we always \[insert better version of that thing, which may or may not be accurate\].


There's a longstanding meme on 4chan's cooking board that applies here. Non-americans will see any dogshit including obviously ironic posts and go "Do Americans really eat this?" As if anybody is seriously blending their pizza with ranch and ice cream into a shake and as if it's totally normal here. Nonamericans are addicted to assuming weird shit is completely normal so they can ramble about how great their own country is.


What did colorful elephants ever do to Reddit?


Also showers


Children. Redditors really hate children for some reason.


Who doesn’t hate Comcast?


Everyone hates Comcast, not just redditors.


Reddit hates and loves whatever they are told to.


That is not true. Yes it is Derek! Okay...


Honestly though... Fuck Nestle. All my homies hate Nestle.


Ok but like... Nobody likes Comcast.


Reddit doesn't hate religion, it hates Christianity, which is the default religion in North America and what gets conflated most with it. With the exception of Islam, most of the others this site is rather indifferent about bar Sikhs whom the site seems to love, Judaism which is a sensitive one touch without the word nazi flying about and buddhism which gets a pass for not having a god and being seen as religion/philosophy-lite in the west.


Yeah, I was gonna say. When did Reddit start hating Sikhs? I missed that memo.


They love the shit out of the church of satan. They probably wouldn’t say anything bad about Buddhists. It’s just Christian’s and other “extremists” they don’t like.


French Bulldogs and Pugs. Can’t forget those.


because they are genuinely bad ​ not even opinion wise, its just constant suffering to the dog, stop purchasing, breeding and supporting them


Google toad pit bulls


what the fuck is wrong with peopel


Hello yes im a 60 year old CEO of police at nestle, I am also donald trump and I drive a pickup truck.

