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DS9's "The Visitor" ("To my father, who's coming home") and TNG's "The Offspring" ("I will feel it for both of us. Thank you for my life") and, of course, Spock's death and Kirk's eulogy in TWOK.


Spock's death (and subsequent funeral) in TWOK gets me *every* time.  I've seen it hundreds of times.  I know it's coming.  And yet...


>Spock's death (and subsequent funeral) in TWOK gets me every time.  I've seen it hundreds of times.  I know it's coming.  And yet... When Scotty's bagpiped "Amazing Grace" segues into the movie's lush orchestral score, that's where it all hits home for me...


Yeah, the moment when Kirk rushed to Spock and wants to get him out and Bones holds him back, the way Spock stands up and straightens his tunic before walking over(and bumping into the glass), when Spock says, "I have been and always shall be your friend" (Curse you! I'm tearing up as I write this). I was 17 and I saw TWoK in the theater, and hearing that line coming from Spock, wow, I'm glad that I was sitting in a dark theater!


"His was the most.... human," 😭😭😭


You hit the nail right on the head. My same three moments. For the record, The Offspring and The Visitor just hit so much harder as a parent.


"To my father, who is coming home." That line destroys me every time I see the episode. It hit me hard as a kid, it hits me harder as a father.


The whole scene when Benny finds out the magazine issue's been pulped.


He went back and forth with Senator Vreenak. Benny felt like it's real, while Vreenak was convinced that it's a fake.




When Neelix leaves the Voyager, walking down the corridor seeing various crew members, and Tuvok stops and finally does a dance for him followed by live long and prosper. That was a wonderful scene. I think I read somewhere various people were crying during that scene including Jeri Ryan because they realized this was the end of the series. So they had to do several takes.


Me too




What Tuvok does I call the "Vulcan happy dance". 🖖🏻☺️🕺🏻


Me too, this was my most recent cry


it was not long ago when i watched that scene, and the added materials on the DVD , and yes i remember some cast members saying, that this is when it hit them, the show is ending


Dax, ready to throw eternity away for love, watching her once and hopefully future wife.... leave forever. *What You Leave Behind* - the montage sequence. I think I'm good until they start playing *The Minstrel Boy*. The worst one of all, for me - *Generations*, the pan up to the broken bridge window and the exterior shot when finally hits that the *Ent-D* is gone. "Treat her like a lady, and she'll always bring you home." - that she did. Voyager: Pathfinder - I was fully expecting the Reset Button to be flagrantly used, that Barclay would be arrested and everyone would leave and in the empty room: >"*static* Starfleet Command, this is *U.S.S. Voyager*, please respond." But then they made contact and *that* scene happened. Particularly Adm Paris asking about his son and Janeway as they lose contact. On the other end of the spectrum, tears of joy: >Harry Kim: "****YES!!!!****" *explosion*


Voyager: Pathfinder - this scene does it for me every time. "This is Admiral Paris." "Hello, sir." "How are your people holding up?" "Very well. They're an exemplary crew, your son included." "Tell him... Tell him I miss him. And I'm proud of him." "He heard you, Admiral." "The wormhole is collapsing." "I want you all to know we're doing everything we can to bring you home." "We appreciate it, sir. Keep a docking bay open for us. We hope to see you...**"**


I always found it humorous that, given all the chaos occurring on Earth chasing Barclay and all, from *Voyager*'s perspective, everything looked perfectly composed, especially given the presence of Adm. Paris - that he'd been specifically invited as opposed to just having been in the same room. Everything was direct and efficient.


God rejoined hurts so good


There are many, and many such moments *specifically* in DS9, but the one that always springs to mind first is in *Heart of Stone*, [when Nog breaks down and finally tells Sisko why he wants to join Starfleet.](https://youtu.be/FcATQUFsz68?si=M0fRzQsrNNQVx5VN)


It's so odd that Nog is the B plot. I could skip the whole trapped in a cave thing but when Sisko grabs Nog and yells at him to explain WHY he wants to join Starfleet and Nog breaks down, because he loves his father but knows he's not a good Ferengi simply because he doesn't have the lobes for business. I love that Rom finds his niche later.


What I love is that Rom is “Ride or Die” for his son’s decision to join Starfleet. Particularly because the entire dynamic between Nog, Quark, and Rom in this episode can be viewed through a queer lens as “Coming Out”. It’s how one hopes a father *would* react.


DS9 does single fatherhood so well.


This… analogy? Interpretation? Had not occurred to me and I love it. Thank you!


I guess I would probably go with *reading*. As in “the dialogue between the three ferengi can be *read* as “coming out”. Which would have been a less clunky way of stating it. I might be mistaken since it’s been a year or two since I’ve seen the episode but I think Quark actually uses the word “unnatural” at one point.


This one can make me cry just thinking about it.


That was a great scene... Sisko knows there is a reason (he does always seem to know), and wants to know why.


"I have been and always shall be, your friend."


Sobbing every single time


As a Black, aspiring science fiction writer, Sisko/Benny Russell's monologue at the end of Far Beyond the Stars *destroyed* me when I first watched it.


It’s one of those powerful scenes that - even if you don’t have the same lived experience - evokes true empathy and emotional response. We’ve all felt like Benny in that moment in some way, and it resonates so deeply. As a white transwoman who was just starting to accept that fact, I just wanted to jump through my TV, hug him, and sob with him. I can only imagine the impact and power it had for you. I hope you find all the success you are looking for. ❤️


“Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human.” ― James T Kirk


“I have been, and always will be, your friend.”


This was my first thought. If I don't break earlier I break when Kirk does.


Duet. You know the scene.


OMG, "Duet" is one of my all-time *favorite* DS9 episodes.  Everything about it was top-notch, and it kicks me in the gut every time I watch it.


The entire thing?


Yeah that's what I'm thinking. That whole episode might be the best Trek has ever been.




The Inner Light always has me bawling like a little kid. "It's me ... Isn't it?" 😭


In the end, when he tightly clutches the flute that he taught himself to play, hits you like a semi-truck right in the feels.


Poor Picard has to be one of the most tormented person in the entirety of Trek. 


O’Brien must suffer, though.


At least in the future his legacy endures




This is the one episode that I see in my head and hurts. They all knew. They still had kids and lived and they all knew. That whole civilization reduced to a single person’s memory and a footnote in a star fleet entry.


Voyager Course Oblivion the whole episode


Oh my god. The ending is so heart breaking. When the real Voyager just casually passes thru the remnants of the Demon Voyager, and just casually notes it in the ship's log and moves on, unaware of what they had just flown thru. The whole demon crew just vaporized and no one will ever even know or care that they existed.


So many of them. The Inner Light, when Picard clutches the flute at the end, I just sob and sob. Worf saying goodbye to Jadzia, and lifting his head to scream 😭 Those are the biggest 2, but there are so many.


In SNW the final scene with Hemmer.


“Just like Andoria!”




"Do not weep for me. I've had a good life."


Rewatching Voyager now and can’t remember the name of the episode. But it’s when the crew finally makes contact with Starfleet command (the first time) after being in the delta quadrant for a few years already. At the end I think Capt. Janeway says something along the lines of they are no longer alone or something. Or maybe it was the admiral. Either way that hit right in the feels lol it was like finally after all that time, a real glimmer of hope.


It's 'Message in a Bottle' when the Doctor gets back from his adventure in the alpha quadrant.


When Ro Laren, with tears in her eyes, said to Picard, "All these years, I wish you'd known me. And that I'd known you." That scene, filled with such loss, broke me.


Michelle Forbes and Gates McFadden got better scenes in Picard S3 - and Marina Sirtis in S1 with *Nepenthe* - than they ever got in seven seasons and four movies of TNG. Beverly's confrontation with Jean-Luc about Jack was so well written and performed, and honestly, having watched PIC S2 and knowing what fatherhood meant to Jean-Luc - I honestly couldn't pick a side between them. They were both totally correct.


The scene where Picard is going through Sarek’s emotions after a mind meld gets me every time.


Since the "classic" scenes have already been named: Data's death scene in Picard. Really beautiful, emotional and simply well done. And to be honest, I was really annoyed that they brought him back in Season 3.


I cried like a baby. TNG was something I shared with my mom. After Nemesis, we thought we'd never see Data again. Picard came out after she passed, and I was devastated that she didn't get to see it. Devastated.


Star Trek II The sign off in Star Trek VI Tasha's funeral  Picard's defense of Data in "Measure of a Man" Death of Lal Picard walking out with Worf at the end of "Sins of the Father" (stood by his side) Picard's breakdown in "Family" "The Inner Light" ("Tell them my darling...") End of "All Good Things" First Contact with the Vulcans "Duet" "The Visitor" "Far Beyond the Stars" Odo saying goodbye to Kira in the finale Garak thanking Bashir for being his friend in the finale  Janeway's speech at the end of the pilot ("Mr. Paris. Set a course. For home".) Voyager making contact with Starfleet in "Pathfinder" The crew coming aboard the restored Enterprise-D in Picard. That's all I have.....for now. 🙂🖖


Lal..... got two daughters these days. Way different perspective now. I bawl when I see that


In SNW when Una finds out they put her and her motto on the poster


Damn, I’m tearing up just reading your comment.


"Please, don't die. There's so much I want to show you. I was going to teach you how to become a Tarkalean hawk, remember?"


VOY Year of Hell part 2, right before Tuvok leaves so Janeway can ride her ship to its end. Tuvok hugs her. You can see her visibly sag as she realizes that her Vulcan friend is hugging her. He is giving her a final gesture of friendship and comfort and from a Vulcan it means a lot more. Teared up while typing it as well.


Both episodes were so solid. And you just gotta love Kurtwood Smith as Anorax


Contraindications… dumbass?


Lol. I'm gonna put my foot in time's ass


In Yesterdays Enterprise there is a shift in mood as Picard says “The war is going very badly for the Federation.” That always gives me chills and makes me well up. It is just full of emotion and weight. And then a more traditional one, Picard’s address at the end of Lower Decks.


For a moment, I wondered if I’d missed an episode of LD where Picard appeared. Then I realized you meant the TNG episode


DS9 In Purgatory's Shadow "I was very proud of you...that day"


SNW The Elysian Kingdom when Doc M'Benga >!goodbyes his daughter to the nebula!<. TNG Half A Life because of Lwaxana's entire emotional dilemma with Timicin. TNG The Inner Light for obvious reasons. TNG Lessons because of Picard's >!loss!<. TNG Inheritance when Data goodbyes his >!mother!<. DS9 The Visitor for obvious reasons.


>TNG Inheritance The Offspring too.


The Visitor, from beginning to end.


Recently mentioned by can't recall who, the scene where Kira begins to understand what's going on with the war criminal that shows up on the station. 




When >!Q getting a hug from Picard before dying!<


When Picard announces Ensign Sito's death in Lower Decks


I will never recover from that episode. I was surprised with the happy ending (which I now realize was not that surprising but still). I was crying so hard before she got back it was unbearable.


I cried in the final scenes of Discovery, also Far Beyond the Stars, The Inner Light. And a few others too


When baby Alexander Rozhenko feels Worf wants to send him to a Klingon school because his father doesn't want him around.


I didn’t care for the Molly time travel episode (yeah I’m a monster) but all of The Visitor really moved me and I cried at the end


I found the whole part where we see the voyager reunion, and all the people (particularily Janeway) struggle with how things turned out, their friends are gone etc. They really did a good job making the viewer understand why she decided to travel back in time and alter history


Voyager "Drone" when One dies. Jeri Ryan's delivery of "You are hurting me" always gets me choked up


This is mine as well.


TNG "The Host" is my favorite scene between Crusher and Troi. Beverly is so overwhelmed and asks Deanna to keep talking to her and Deanna talks about her father and tells Beverly to accept the love she feels and has been given. "The Offspring" of course. "I wish I could feel it with you." Voyager "Drone" The first time we see Seven grow attached to someone and then lose them. "You are hurting me." "You will adapt."


> Voyager "Drone" The first time we see Seven grow attached to someone and then lose them. "You are hurting me." "You will adapt." This. Had me bawling.


"Bajor is not Kentanna" always brings a tear to my eye. That was the moment I saw the greatness everyone said was in DS9


i'm a movie crier so there's a lot lol. voy:pathfinder: "they're an exemplary crew, your son included." with her head tilted up, as if in hope, "keep a docking bay open for us!" st4: "it was no effort. you are my son." st6: "second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning." st:fc: "captain's log, april 5th 2063. the voyage of the phoenix was a success, again." picard s3: "i miss that voice." "take care of her geordi." "of course, sir. after all, she's always taken care of us."


Hanger Bay 12...


This may be basic but Kirk and Spock in the engine room in Into Darkness. Pine and Quinto performances are every bit as good as the iconic originals in Wrath of Khan.


There’s been many excellent examples. However, one that I haven’t seen yet is TNGs “Firstborn.” Worf is shown at his best as a caring, considerate father…embracing his grown son visiting from the future…desperately trying to save him. Very touching. It makes me a little sad to see Worf retreat back to being not that great when he gets to DS9.


The entirety of DS9 "The visitor" As a kid who lost a parent this always resonates with me. If the epsiode comes on I will get a box of tissues and trash bin ready


The entire episode where Jake is trying to bring his dad back. I also saw it at a very difficult time in life when my dad was sick in the hospital and I couldn't visit him.


When Data finds Spot in “Generations”.


One’s death in “Drone” got me. Jake looking out the window in the last shot of DS9…


While didn't make me cry, watching Sisko holding his dead wife, pleasing for someone to help, while being dragged away during the Battle of Wolf 559 could break someone down.


Oh I got one but I don't think it's been mentioned You asked me once why I married your mother. I married her because I loved her.


Picard breaks down in "Family"   Lal shuts down in "The Offspring "   Sisko is confronted by the Prophets in "Emissary"   Elderly Jake sacrifices himself in " The Visitor "   The EMH is confronted either "Real Life"   Q's final scene in "Farewell "


Spock's death and Picard crying with his brother.


The beginning and last episodes of DIS S3 – especially the scenes where >!Aditya Sahil reveals that, despite devoting his life to being a Federation liaison, no Federation officer has been around to commision him!<, and the final mini-arc of !>Su'Kal's liberation from the holoprogram, and what it takes to get there