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Probably the Beastie Boys. RIP MCA


🎶 ❤️🖖🏽❤️🎶 Intergalactic good choice


Intergalactic is a piece in my headcanon of Spock being a secret Q


MCA was a Trekkie?!


Communicator check, one-two-one-two This is Bones McCoy on a line to Sulu Set your forehead to warp factor one Check your tri-corder, set your phaser to stun -MCA


Your knees'll start shakin' and your fingers pop Like a pinch on the neck from Mr. Spock


(cue robot dancing) Intergalactic planetary Planetary intergalactic


All you Klingons in the fuckin house, grab your backstreet friend and get loud!


They received the highest honor with their music being used as a literal weapon in *Beyond*!


**Robin Williams** was a huge *Star Trek* fan, so much so that a role was written for him in the show – Berlinghoff Rasmussen in the TNG episode "A Matter of Time". Sadly he couldn't make the schedule work and the role ended up being played by Matt Frewer.


On a side note, he was such a fan of the Legend of Zelda games that he named his daughter Zelda.


[Yes!](https://youtu.be/wcZhY_Zo-yg) They even made a series of adverts when *Ocarina of Time* got its 3DS re-release starring Robin and his daughter because of this! [Advert 1](https://youtu.be/09wBn4ux3N0) [Advert 2](https://youtu.be/vu-N0ctQgKU)


Just watched that episode after learning that factoid. He would've been so much better in that role.


Tom Baker was also considered. He’s no Robin Williams but he would have slayed it.


Doctor Who appearing on Star Trek would have melted millions of minds!


Do you have a source for that? I'm a big *Star Trek* and *Doctor Who* fan but I've never heard this.


The TVT recap of the episode, so take with a grain of salt


Honestly I would take that with the *heftiest* dose of salt going, as it sounds like the sort of thing that would be much more widely known if it were true. (Also, TV Tropes's episode recap page doesn't seem to say that any more.)


I don't quite agree there. I love Williams but I also love Matt Frewer a ton and thought he was great in the role. Williams would've also been great, of course.


To me he played it too dry. He needed that really shaky, wiry, perfectly weird persona Robin could've brought to the table. For being a con man, he was too cool. Robin could've brought a bit more " I look like I'm afraid I'll get caught but I still gotta keep the charade up or I'm fucked." Just my two cents Edit: auto correct


Makes sense! Would definitely love to have seen Williams in the role. He probably would have been the better choice overall since it was written FOR him as well.


> For being a con man, he was too cool.  Successful con men don't tend to signpost that they're conning you.


Not what I meant. It's the general "unease" the character has to create to literally get no one to ask any questions about the outcome of whatever decision Picard had to make, that I think Robin would've done better. It makes a much better con from a writing standpoint if you can make everyone around you uneasy to hide your unease. The character wasn't sure he was going to get away with it, from how the story read to me. Robin could've pulled that concept off perfectly.


Robin Williams was also a huge 40k fan as well. Apparently he played Eldar and would rock up to a local shop and hang out and play a few games now and then


Silly me, seemed too obvious to mention: Martin Luther King, Jr Nichols, I am your greatest fan. ' You know I can talk, but all my mouth could do was open and close, open and close; I was so stunned." Dr. King revealed to Nichols that Star Trek was the only show that he and his wife Coretta allowed their little children to stay up and watch. https://www.startrek.com/news/nichelle-nichols-remembers-dr-king


I never thought about Star Trek coexisting with MLK Jr


It’s so odd right?


The current king of Jordan had a cameo on DS9 back when he was just a prince.


It was actually Voyager!


I heard his dad was also a big ham radio enthusiast, and would send elaborate royal QSL cards to people he met on the airwaves (not realize they were talking to a literal king).


senator Barry Goldwater was also a HAM enthusiast and they ended up talking once and Goldwater got the card


There is a clip of a Dutch ham radio guy who tells this story and shows a card! Sadly it was made by this prank ytuber type guy.


While I never ran into this myself I had friends who had these cards.


Wasn’t it on Voyager, when Neelix had a news show?


[Nicholas Cage is a Trekkie](https://x.com/djkevlar/status/1611515865165619201) and nixed Pedro Pascal's attempts to get him on Mandalorian out of loyalty to the Enterprise. You gotta love a man who follows his pop culture loves so passionately. Jason Alexander is too, and [speaks eloquently](https://www.startrek.com/en-un/news/jason-alexander-reveals-his-trek-love) about Trek and his craft as an actor. GREAT QUESTION!


Damn... get Nick Cage in Lower Decks!


I'm not surprised about Jason Alexander He was great in voyager Nic cage is a shock.. I had no idea


Jason Alexander is in Prodigy as well!!


Dude. You can love both. One is space fantasy with a twist of western. One is science fiction.


Tom Hanks.


Somewhere between Apollo 13 and Fred Rogers, this is a great share. If Mr Rogers could have been the cloned or holographic AI school teacher on the Enterprise, that would have been a fantastic upgrade!


For sure!


New headcanon


Apparently he was first choice for Zefram Cochrane in *First Contact* but they couldn't make the schedule or budget work.


That's what I heard too.


Wow this is the first time I learned that he is a fan! Pitty there has never been anything came out of it.


You'd be surprised at who's a Trekkie.


I didn't know this. It makes me like him even more.


Same here.


Whoopi Goldberg. EGOT. Loved it so much she asked Roddenberry to put her in it.


I loved Whoopi, but her views mean I can't support her anymore. Edit: downvote all you want, but liking a woman that thinks the holocaust was a non issue, as well still outright defending Roman Polanski just isn't something I'm about.


Intelligent people can separate art from the artist. So whoopi is bad, but... it's ok to watch star trek on electronics made by abused children in Asian countries? TOS was produced by Desilu studios owned by Lucille Ball, and Desi Arnaz. Both of whom were also Anti Jew. Lastly, The View, Whoopi's show, is owned by ABC, which is owned by Disney which was founded by Walt Disney who was notoriously Anti Jew. Disney owns Fox, Star Wars, Marvel, Hulu. So you need to stop watching all those properties too. So if you watch any of those properties you support Disney, which is supporting ABC, which did not only support Whoopi, but condones her statements by not firing her.


Why can't you support Whoopi anymore?


She outright defended Polanski, calling what he did not 'rape-rape'. She also outright defended Bill Cosby despite all the evidence, and it took him being found guilty to drop it.


Thanks. I didn't know any of that or about the Holocaust comment, but I also don't think about Whoopi much at all.


Probably her saying that the holocaust didn't matter since it was white people doing it to white people.




I wouldn’t describe her views as liberal, more… Boomer. She’s a weird mix of liberal, conservative and offensive but her beliefs are very clearly of her generation. She’s said the holocaust doesn’t matter and also that Millennials and Gen Z are lazy and spend all their money on avocados. She also defended the chiefs player who said women belong in the kitchen and shouldn’t be educated.


I tried to look for a source for where she said millennials and gen z spend their money on avocados but couldn’t find anything. As for the holocaust this is what she said- . She said the Holocaust was "not about race … it's about man's inhumanity to other man." Source- https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/abc-suspends-whoopi-goldberg-for-comments-on-jews-race-and-the-holocaust As for the chief’s kicker- she didn’t defend his view, she defended his right to say what he said. I mean we have freedom of speech in this country. Anyone can say whatever they want. I support the right to freedom of speech as well. What he said was disgusting as fuck and it belongs in the dark ages.


She didn’t say avocados specifically. She said that younger generations will have to work more than 4 hours a day if they want to buy a house. Basically denying the current economic situation and calling younger generations lazy. She blamed Ray Rice’s victim for getting beat, “Don’t be surprised if you hit a man, he hits back”. She defended her ex husband’s right to dress in black face. She insulted the Romani by accidentally calling them a slur. Her defense being she’s from a different generation where they grew up using those terms. She also came to the defense of Bill Cosby, despite all evidence to the contrary she felt he was innocent until proven guilty. Which, sure that’s how the court works but the amount of allegations against him make it pretty ridiculous to even defend him. She, under pressure, walked all these things back eventually, but she definitely Boomers her way through life. Edit: Recently learned she defended Roman Polanski and called having sex with a drugged 13 year old child "not rape rape". So yeah, fuck her. Her previous comments were out-of-touch poorly explaining herself grandma-esque nonsense, but the Ray Rice, Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski stuff is outright awful.


Okay now breakdown how her defending Roman Polanski is no big deal


With this mentality you can keep your tv and radio turned off all together.


i remember reading somewhere that simon pegg was before the kelvin movies. he wrote ST beyond which had all sorts of call backs to enterprise.


I'm pretty sure Eddie Murphy was considered to be doctor whale biologist in star Trek 4. He's a huge fan. Might have been weird as kirks love interest though


It would have been a totally different movie, starring him and the original cast would have been sidelined for it. Relegated to bookend guest stars while Murphy went around doing hijinks solo. So I'm glad it didn't happen. We got the best possible film.


Absolutely! Still a fun fact from a fun film


That’s delightful 🐋 thanks for sharing !!


Nah, Murphy's character would have been a hetero man. Kirk's love interest, however, would be [Arsenio Hall in drag.](https://youtu.be/pANSpaEZSdc?si=A52iO_qlqxz4_YQe)


Some webcomic artist needs to adapt this scene for Kirk and Spock going through a roster of alien species. (Binars for the twins, a Klingon for the “staying power”, a Romulan doing the flame trick, etc.)


I'm guessing Star Trek IV would have been even more of a comedic film (by ST standards) than it was.


Christian Slater has always been a surprise Trekkie for me. He even got his mother to get him a role in The Undiscovered Country when he was at the peak of his celebrity.


Stephen Colbert, also my favorite celebrity Tolkien head.


'Tolkien head' may be an understatement.


You do NOT want to play against Colbert in Middle-Earth Trivial Pursuit. >.> I love how he knows all the minutiae simply because he loves the legendarium that much.


I believe former President Obama has been known to flash a Vulcan salute correctly.


There's a picture of him with Nichelle Nichols, both doing the salute (apparently he had a crush on her as a child watching TOS).


Who didn't?


Wonder how he handled her naked fan dance


The only way that you get casually decent at flashing the Vulcan salute, the way Obama is, is if you practice it, most likely as a kid.


The Weeknd


The fact he says "Wraith of Khan" instead of "Wrath of Khan" bothers me to no end. 


I think the car he references, with the starry roof, is called a Wraith! He’s making a pun


I didn't know that. I thought he was just reaching to make the rhyme connection. Nice!


Astronauts: Mae Jemison, Sally Ride, ohcrapiforgothisname—he was on the ISS for like a year.


Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian astronaut tweeted a picture of a supply rocket docking with the ISS with the caption: >There is coffee in that Dragon!


Scott Kelly. (Identical twin of AZ Senator and fellow astronaut Mark Kelly.)


Ben Stiller Tom Selleck Eddie Murphy


Yes! Ben Stiller’s production company, Red Hour, was named after the TOS episode Return of the Archons (also kinda what the Purge movie was based on).


One of the eeriest episodes of Trek. He also owns a pair of Nimoy’s ears, and the surviving Gorn head!


Also that fight scene in The Cable Guy


But only a fan of ToS. Doesn't seem to like anything beyond it. 


I’d forgotten about the time Tom Morello had a cameo in Voyager. Down on deck 15 everyone was like, “Janeway - f*** you I won’t do what you tell me!”


Well that’s a great addition ➕ 🎸 https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Tom_Morello https://youtu.be/F-hQSQGu59Y?si=7jvTKdVx7HNgqzi5


Iggy Pop


I loved Iggy in his DS9 cameo, he was great!


Dwayne Johnson!




I’m gonna go for the low hanging fruit and mention Seth MacFarlane. Not only does he sneak a ton of Star Trek references into Family Guy (including that episode where he got the entire TNG cast to do voice work) but The Orville remains very close to Trek in spirit.


Not to mention the tiny cameo he had on Enterprise.


Connor Trinnear mentions that on his old podcast, he says something like “ he’s on twice and I’m yelling at him each time “


My headcannon is that after getting a bollocking off Trip on Enterprise, he put in for a transfer to Columbia; he’s just an unlucky son of a bitch who got a bollocking from Trip there, too.


My head canon is that he transfered to the Columbia and after she and the crew had gone missing he end up in the another universe and became captain of a certain ship called the orville


The Orville went from Seth MacFarlane's humor in space, to honorary and more straightforward Trek show. The jump in writing and direction (and of course, special effects) in season 3 is pretty phenomenal.


Season 3 of The Orville and season 1 of Strange New Worlds were airing *at the same time*! They overlapped for about six episodes. That summer was the peak for sci-fi. I'm not sure we'll ever see something like it again.


He used to write and film star trek fan fiction when he was younger too


Elizabeth Dennehy (Cmdr Shelby) told a story of when she went up to MacFarlane at some celeb gathering. This was probably 20 years after her role in Best of Both Worlds. As soon as she introduced herself, he stops her and recites verbatim her line from the episode, "All you know how to do is play it safe. I suppose that's why someone like you sits in the shadow of a great man for as long as you have, passing up one command after another." She was rendered speechless.


Hollywood celebrity Rich Evans.♥️


Pete Buttigieg.


Paul F. Tompkins


Dr. Migleemo!


My Canadian will be showing with this one. The Late Jack Layton. Potentially one of the last federal party leaders we've had with any integrity and the drive to back it up.


Lance Reddick. He even attended the premiere of Picard S3. He was so excited on Twitter, talking about it every week... However he passed away before he could watch the last 4-5 episodes. Between that and "I wish I was Levar Burton", it's a shame we never got to see him as a starship captain or an admiral.


He was also a huge fan of Destiny, which he was a part of. I don't know what's sadder, that he didn't get to see The Final Shape, or that he didn't get to finish Picard season 3


Obama. He's at least "trek literate".


Professional wrestler, and current face of the WWE, Cody Rhodes is a huge trekkie


I remember seeing Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day at a convention in the late 90’s in SF in a TOS Spock uniform.


Eddie Murphy.


How has no one mentioned Stephen Hawking yet?


Lorraine Kelly. UK famous presenter and journalist. She loves the Spock.


So that's why she's not hosting much Lorraine this year, she's just binging trek again


It's a valid reason for missing work.


Barry Manilow Seth McFarlane


George castanzas actor is up there for me


"Hell of thing, when Spock died"


I think Billy Idol likes Star Trek and wanted to be in a trek movie. It’s been years since a I saw that interview, but it was surprising. I think he would have been an awesome villain.


The current german minister of defence Boris Pistorius. Got famous when his phone rang with the TNG Opening Soundtrack in a live press conference


I was pleasantly surprised to see Stacey Abrams make an appearance on Discovery.


Eddie Murphy. He had some Star Trek jokes in his early stand-up. They were also planning on giving him a part in one of the movies; I believe the original plan was for him to play the 20th-century scientist who helps the crew in TvH.


Paul and Mira Sorvino.


Trey Parker and Matt Stone. They make some deep cut trek references in South Park.


Not my favorite but the current german minister of defense is also a [trekkie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPiw1UWI8lE).


Ben Stiller


Not sure if this counts as celebrity or is too niche: David Kipping. Astronom, astrophysicist, exo moon researcher and host of the YouTube Channel [Cool Worlds](https://youtube.com/@coolworldslab?si=MmajENL_tpo2SU-U).


German comedian Bastian Pastewka. https://youtu.be/t1OHFHz4EYk?si=a21W2Bfgtx0pn05e


Quentin Tarantino


I'm gonna go with one no one mentioned: Rihanna. It just feels so out of left field that she'd be a trekkie


Alan Ruck


Seth Macfarlene, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Seth Green, Simon Pegg, Elias Toufexis, Justin Lin, George Lucas, Stephen Hawking, Chris Hadfield, Zakk Wylde, Sinatra, Elvis, Mel Brooks, Karl Urban, Jeremy Clarkson, and Jason Alexander.


TIL Stacy Abrams is a trekkie.


Tom Hanks is apparently a huge fan. I read that he was set to be cast as Zephram Cochrane in *First Contact*, but had to drop out because of scheduling conflicts.


Whoopi Goldberg


Seth MacFarlane


Seth Mcfarlane! He even got a guest spot on Enterprise then created his own star trek


Rosario Dawson remains my favourite Trekkie even after she appeared in that godawful Star Wars show.


Bill Maher. Not much of a fan of his these days, but there was a discussion several years ago on his Real Time show where he out of nowhere referenced the United Federation of Planets.


Jeri Ryan 🥰😍 she can assimilate me anytime. And Terry Farrell

