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Thanks for the NSFW warning


I usually downvote posts that put a nsfw warning but then it’s actually fine, but this post gets no downvote. That’s brutal.


I legit gagged at the picture


I’ve seen videos of people literally dying on Reddit. This post ranks up there.


You should read the original article the picture is from. From 2018. [Well Done But Juicy](https://www.restaurantmanifesto.com/well-done-steak/)


You could watch The Lord of the Rings extended editions in the time it would take for you to chew up that entire steak.




I dont know if i gagged but i definately reached for my water


Seriously, I think I need a hug. That poor steak. 🥺


OP has enough self awareness to be savable


They're legitimately crying for help 😭😭😭


I used to be like op , folks always did well done as a kid. I converted them thankfully after i got old enough to become grillmaster


Maybe. A grown man eating that needs much more than awareness Like, why even bother ever ordering steak if you ask for it cooked like that?


Worked at the pier restaurant in Cocoa Beach Florida back in the 80s. Had and British family come in and order steaks well done. I cooked it well done and they sent it back TWICE for being undercooked, so I got all smart ass and put a grill weight on it and let those motherfuckers go till it they were literally dried burnt leather. They sent word back that it was perfect !!! 👌 🤷


Have you seen the price for leather shoes lately?


HELLO POLICE, I NEED TO REPORT A CRIME. Seriously, that poor animal died for NOTHING.


Was never able to meet it's full potential. 


Needed NSFL


Seriously, NSFL almost. Almost keeled over when I saw this


No shit. This is animal cruelty/inhumane/just messed up.


I shouldn't have clicked; I actually gagged


Lmfao omg 💀💀💀


My first thought was, "Man, someone really overcooked that brisket." 


Wear a blindfold, once you take a few bites of tender, juicy and delicious steak you can whip the blindfold off and rejoice.


This is how I got my wife to eat med rare


Eat by candle light.


My mom learned to love medium rare instead of well by eating a steak in a dark restaurant.


Are you talking about those places that actually turn the lights off and you eat in the dark? Those seem neat to try. I love the concept.


No, just dark “romantic” restaurants.


Think about as doing justice to the animal. A cow died for you to cook it into shoe leather you monster


Have you seen the monsters who are out there boiling steaks? Why do bad things happen to good food? This can't be why we were granted free will.


I prefer my steak boiled in milk. I shall call it a milk steak.


Over hard


How do you like your jellybeans?




Exquisite, sir. I shall return once you finish your pre-date cheese.


Any amount of cheese before a date is too much cheese!!


Sous vide is a great way to make a steak extra tender. Helps appreciate some cuts of meat that would benefit from it.


No no no... I'm not talking about sous viding. I just finished a delicious Ribeye I had in the sous vide bath for a couple of hours. I mean these deviants are putting on a pot of boiling water and just tossing the steak in. [https://www.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/1dek7mn/boiled\_steak\_disaster/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/1dek7mn/boiled_steak_disaster/)


WTFFFF! MY EYEEES! Horrific, poor cow. I've never seen that before. What in the tik tok bullshit even is that


What's worse is I can't tell if it's rage bait or if there are people out there who sincerely like their steaks this way.


Yeah, some things are definitely rage bait, but I'm not sure about this one either.


I saw a wedding ring and thought, that poor fool.


Boiling any meat is a crime! My mother in-law cooks like this old school af! My son even said Nana yur polish sausage sucks & is dry! My mom & other grandma cooks it waaay better! Cooks the shit out of EVERYTHING! I’d never put polish on a sheet pan in the oven or boil corned beef! She & her husband fight over her lack of use of a meat thermometer! She just needs to stick to green bean casserole & cheesy rice!


Your son is a brave little man. It ain't easy to tell grandmas their food sucks.


It looks so fucking dry. Like I already know how dry it is just by looking at it


Just think about how much better your jaw will feel after eating a medium steak opposed to that piece of rubber.


https://preview.redd.it/cs4byrpbb17d1.png?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bff8c440c42de503d560a5fcee70c99a263e16 Op jaw after eating Sole steak for years.


Is that a bicycle seat?


Well im more into girls using my face as a seat, but yeah dude looks like a bike seat.


You're supposed to give lock jaw on father's day not get it.


I used to be confused like this. Glad I'm a medium rare guy now.


Yh same here


Literally same. I was like this until I worked in a steakhouse restaurant… a life changing experience.


Yeah I don’t know how it’s a habit hard to get out of I ditched it the second I had a steak my mom “accidentally pulled off too soon.”


Your roast beef looks dry.


Slap some KY on it and go to town!


If it’s that dry, you’re doing something wrong. 


That’s a picture from a 2018 blog. That roast beef was consumed about 6 years ago. https://www.restaurantmanifesto.com/well-done-steak/


I mean… do you even enjoy that steak in the picture


I thought it was chocolate cake at first.


Me too, I was thinking the cake looked really weird and then I realized it was not, in fact, cake. Tragic.




No, he doesn’t. The guy that took the picture and wrote about it 6 years ago apparently did though. [original picture source](https://www.restaurantmanifesto.com/well-done-steak/)






And I just turned it into a discord sticker for myself


They sell beef jerky at almost every gas station bro. Who gives af about how much myoglobin is coming from your steak. If you really want to try a medium steak, experiment with different cuts. Maybe start with something leaner like a strip and then work your way to something with a little bit more fat and marbling like a ribeye and eventually a prime ribeye or wagyu?


What are your hesitations? If you have concerns over eating beef that hasn’t been absolutely nuked, maybe look into statistics related to illnesses caused by medium well to medium cooked beef. People regularly eat medium rare (my personal preference), rare, and even blue steaks. Steak tartare is a very popular dish. Raw beef is safe to eat if you trust the source. If it’s just not something you’re willing to “risk”, that’s totally fine too, but I think you’re missing out!


To me it’s just from having it beat in my head that rare meat is BAD and I need to avoid it for safety reasons…which as you said, it’s perfectly fine to eat it blue even but man…the mentally is vvvvery hard to over come


Rare meat is not bad. The only meat/protein anyone should ever be concerned about is chicken. It cannot be undercooked to any degree, it must be cooked thoroughly and completely. Pork must be cooked to certain temperatures to ensure it is safe to eat but it does not need to be cooked completely through. Good quality beef from a healthy cow can be eaten raw. Same with fish.


Sorry for your loss


You chase that with shots of A1?


Yeah we always did steak well done, and so I never ate steak when we would go out. Eventually I said, "eh, I'll get a steak, it's been a long time since I've had one" the waitress asked me how I wanted it. I looked at her like she had two heads, and she clarified "rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, well done....?" I had to hold up the entire tables order while I googled what the hell she was talking about, I'd never heard of such a thing. Steak was just steak right Nah fam, I flat out told her I'd NEVER heard of such a thing and apparently only ever had well done steak. So I asked her to have the kitchen cook it as rare as they were comfortable serving. It was the best steak I'd ever had by that point in my life lmao. Now I'm more of a medium rare guy, but man I will never eat a well done BBQ slathered steak as long as I live 😅


Not to pile on you OP, but this steak is well past well done and into shoe leather territory... I'd start by cooking a properly well done steak and see how you like it and work your way down to a nice hot pink center.


Your steak made my eyes rain.


This steak muh muh muh makes me sad


That is just sad


You got this! You are taking steps in the right direction. Even if you ween yourself from well done to medium, you are making progress. You are going to thoroughly enjoy the outcome once you get there. We will help you along your journey and encourage you (yes, even me with my strict grading will continue to support you)


You’ve never had a real steak if you’ve only been eating them well done , just suck it up and go get a medium cooked ribeye from Texas Roadhouse, promise you’ll be amazed and maybe even want to try medium rare next time….then the rabbit hole continues


One might even say it’s tough


It will make a turd I guess.


I don't get the problem. Just try ordering medium or medium rare. It's not like you're trying to learn to drive a car or quit an addiction, just do it lol.




You’re not alone. I enjoy my steaks rare to medium, but I don’t like how rib eye comes out at that temperature. I much prefer it medium well to lightly well done.


Just don't eat steak lol


Cook it in a sous vide at 130 degrees F, put it on a 600 degree grill for 1 min on each side. Let rest for 10 min. Slice it. Stick it in your mouth. Profit. Thats how you do it.


Jesus Christ. Godspeed soldier 🫡


Looks like a choking hazard


im sorry


I used to only eat well done And now I'll eat medium rare. But I had to go down the list. I do enjoy it more now because my teeth don't have to work so hard, and it's just juicier.


How to get handsome Squidward’s jawline


Ok here’s how. Two options. 1- Get a decent fillet. Cook it to just beyond rare. Like 130. Slice it nice and thin. Put it on some crusty French bread. Eat. 2- go to a legit steak house. Not fucking Ruth’s Chris. Get a ribeye cooked mid rare and a side of creamed spinach. Have a martini while you wait for it. Maybe two. Eat everything. I promise you’ll never go back. I grew up in a “well done” house. My life changed at 16 with a still raw steak sandwich on a camping trip from a friend’s dad. It’s been 25 years since that day and I still remember it.


Nothing wrong with Ruth's Chris except the price


Don't think about it. That's the best advice I can give you. If you have any predisposed notions or thoughts as you go in for a bite, it's going to affect your judgement on how the steak actually tastes. Just order a medium rare or medium steak and don't even look at the inside when you go for your first bite. Treat it like any other food. Also make sure you actually go to a decent steakhouse. Roadhouse is my go to since they have a good balance of price and quality in their cuts.


Work your way down. I too, grew up the same way. Now I'm at medium. Took time though at medium well.




Resting your steak after cooking is the biggest part that people get wrong. Even a well done (within reason) steak can be good if cooked to the proper temp and rested. I used to think there wasn't any point in paying attention to the cook on my steaks because they always wound up dry after a couple minutes. That's because I didn't rest. The rest is actually what holds in the juices, not the sear. Look up pictures of a time lapse. You can see the juice getting reabsorbed. Cook it until it's 10ish degrees from where you want it, then set it aside for 10 minutes and don't touch it. I'll use the opportunity to make a sauce to put over the top, or mix a salad, or however you're looking to serve.


Reverse sear to about 115 while getting a very very hot bed of coals going on your grill. Sear for 2 minutes per side—including the edges


What do you do while it cooks that long?


They mudered that steak, then cleaned up the crime seen no sign of any juice's.


Try it medium well.


Nice. But why did you post a picture of the bottom of your steel toe shoes...!? Kinda confused. 


I won’t downvote this, but I am going to go refill my water after seeing this abomination. My best suggestion is simply exposure therapy. I’m not sure anything else will really provide results. You sound like you’re too in your head about this issue.


Isn’t it too dry ?


I mean don't feel like you have to eat medium steak, it's your food and if you enjoy a well-done steak then I'm just glad you're enjoying your meal! That said if you do want to branch out, good luck, and enjoy the ride!


That thing has less nutritional value than a strip of hard leather.


Holy Jesus


Having a good sponsor is key to changing your bad habits. Relying on their experience to help guide you to a more fruitful life.


I also like beef jerky but normally it’s way way thinner than that !!


🤣🤣🤣 just try it.


My jaw is aching just looking at that. Why not just sprinkle sand on it too


Damn.....that's beef jerky


I think the most important thing is to cook it the way you enjoy it. And then the more you start cooking your steaks the more you can start trying different cuts, and different levels of done.. I was always in the medium well category, but as I started getting more into it, I’ve started moving down


I can sympathise. My mother was terrified of food poisoning, so she’d cook the shit out of every meat she cooked for us. I’m now recovering with a dose of rare steak once a week


How's that hard to get out of there no juice


I was raised just like this and ate rubber for years. Salted rubber at that. Thank goodness I saw the light and learned of medium cooked steaks that you pull and rest.


You must have had rough childhood.


No more than 140° ever! I've converted so many people that only eat well done or, as I say, burnt to a medium or med rare eater!


Wait... Are you saying the steak is enjoyable and difficult to break free from? Or it's difficult to break free from the family?


That's not a family. It's a cult! 😁




This looks like dog meat


Maybe just don't eat steak?


I wouldnt even eat that lol I’d go make a ham/cheese sandwich lol


I’m so sorry. I thought that was a piece of cake.


I didn’t know we were posting leather shoes and couches here now!


People do that to meat on purpose?


That poor steak. But I know the feeling. My dad likes his steaks just short of shoe leather, and then microwaves it as soon as it's set in front of him to "warm it up." Lunacy.


Why even salt it at this point?


I mean, you’re 31 dude, just order a medium rare steak and eat it. If you don’t like it, you don’t. If you get a couple bites in and enjoy it, there ya go. This is a little absurd ngl.




Order: Medium plus at a resteraunt or medium well minus




I'm calling the police, this is a tragedy. Surely this is illegal in some jurisdictions. 


At least it’s got a nice sear


Do you cook your vegetables until they’re black and burnt? Probably not. They have color. Your meat should too.


Please. Find a good interventionist and get help. /s in case anyone thinks I am being mean.


Use a meat thermometer..


NSFW was not even a valid warning for that poor piece of meat 😔🥩


That’s enough reddit for today.. thanks for the NSFW warning.


The youngest generation of your family need to sign an extinction pact


😢😭they murdered my guy 😭😢


might as well eat sawdust n seasoning.


Each cut of steak has an its own cook to be the best it can be. It is almost never well done


I grew up in a family like this! I never ate steak because it was pointless. Until one day I met a chick from Oklahoma that taught me the way. Been married for 15 years.


Get help please.


Nothing wrong with well done steak but that one in the picture is just too dry to even consider it as well done.


Old sneakers look more edible?


If you really love steak, just imagine how much better it will be when you can actually taste it


I went from eating them like hockey pucks and not really liking steak to eating them blue rare and its my favorite food of all time. I switched over at about 12 years old, dad covered it in coffee grounds, brown sugar, and course salt. 700 on the grill like 20 secs a side and my god did I change my mind quickly. Lots of people like only salt and pepper( which I do too) but maybe try some different seasoning or cooking methods


Consider the cut your order. Something like ribeye, which tends to be a bit fattier, tends to do better when cooked a bit warmer. If you’re cooking at home, an immersion circulator, or sous vide cooker, isn’t too expensive, circumstances vary on that. But if it isn’t cost prohibitive, it lets you try different doneness very easily and reliably.




Have you tried calling CPS?


My teeth hurts looking at this picture


You could roof a house with that. So I'm going to suggest W.D.S.A ( Well Done Steaks Anyomous) there you will find a sponsor who also used to suffer from well done steakhouse. They have their meetings in Jim's back yard near the grill and the cooler of beer. Take small steps and you will get there. In all seriousness find a friend who knows how to cook steak medium rare to rare and work your way to that cooking temp. I hope you find your way to the land of no steak sauce.


Hmm…how to save this….maybe shred it and soak in butter for a minute for pulled beef nachos? Diced into tiny pieces for quesadillas? Give it to the dog because he’ll appreciate it? Either way, that looks like a belt.


Buy a meat thermometer that you can leave it in with a wire. Thermometer beeps at the temp you set. Set it to 160 to start and work your way down from there until you’re satisfied.




That’s jerky.


That’s an affront to God and Nature




It took me a lifetime to get into medium rare & medium steaks. Well-Done steaks were the way to go! I always knew the "red liquid" (hemoglobin) wasn't't blood. But somehow, someway my body would always react to the hemoglobin in steaks and I would always get sick. I wasn't allergic to meat but I would always come out with a bad stomach ache from medium rare/medium steaks. Years later, I enjoy myself a juicy medium steak 🥩


I grew up the same way. Go to a dimly lit restaurant and order it medium


I did too best decision ever


I can just imagine the bottle of ketchup just out of frame to the right


Sear looks good tho 😏


Break the habit, the cow gave its life for a good stick. Don’t make that sacrifice in vain.




Medium rare is ideal imo, I love it


Juicy, not dry - not really needing A1 or steak sauce, just salt & pepper - think of it that way - move to some pink in there, then a lot


Oh that is a disservice to the poor cow who gave its life for your meal.


So. I’ve eaten worse things. That said, I cooked a steak to medium the other day & nearly wept with rage.


Sorry dude, that’s awful— I appreciate the NSFW tag but maybe it should be NSFL


It’s easy. Next time you order make it medium well, then medium the next. I go from medium rare now to medium depending on quality (medium rare for wagyu)


Well first of all that steak looks congratulations, not medium well. Just keep eating medium well if that’s what you like


Listen, I’m going to be stoned in the streets for this, but how I did it was ketchup. Grew up in a well done steak with ketchup household and I was able to play off the red as just a bit of ketchup juice. Then I tasted how much better a medium steak is I was able to drop the ketchup lol.


On master chef a common challenge is to cook a filet rare, medium and well done. Learning to do a steak well done properly is tough. However it can be unlearned. I know some cultures people drift towards well done but as with anything you can learn and find a happy balance. Doesn’t mean you need to jump to rate or even medium rare. Get to medium but just cook each steak properly. Only from this sub did I learn that different cuts need different cooks (I mean I feel like filet sounded obvious but many others need additional prep or attention). Just keep learning and have fun! Try sauces too!


A cow died for that piece of meat, at least show it some respect


Well it looks nice for a roast? 😁




When I was a teenager I ordered a well done steak on a road trip. It arrived barely rare. My stepfather said we did not have time to send it back. Eat it rare or go hungry. I took a bite and never looked back. If you are having trouble, eat by candle light. Take the first bite with your eyes closed. Don't look. Just experience the flavour and tenderness of the bite.


It is *not* hard. That like it was hard to go from not having sex, to having sex. Get outta here. You just do it, man.


That's meatloaf not steak


I threw up in my mouth a little after I realized that wasn’t a brisket. 


Looks like good beef jerky!


I’ll ask you firmly yet politely to leave


Omg I grew up like that until I taste a medium rare... no A1 needed lol just shows how experiencing things outside the box can be fun


I was eating well done steaks until I was like 15. I seen on the food channel how normal people eat their steaks and just decided to try it medium rare. I just remember it being so much better tasting. It was tender, juicy, and flavorful. Unlike anything I've had before that point and never turned back. Chicken meat is pale pink to white and the juice is clear. Red meat juice is, well... RED! That's just how my brain always associated it anyway.


One step down at a time. Medium well, and so forth. I grew up the same way, my wife is barely comfortable with medium well now (anything but well done is devil worship in a Mexican house)


By tasting it lol. No, just get a meat thermometer and drop 5 degrees each time you're comfortable. That's what I would suggest.