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Losing him is HUGE


Hes been playing really good all game


Calling a penalty on Buffalo would be like, a crime or something. Apparently. Just like the 15 yard Dan Moore penalty.


Yeah that was an illegal block


Block in the back gets called everytime. Shame we had to watch him walk off and stay off. Great job JPJ.


Helmet to helmet on a defenseless player


More like helmet to back of spine


Yeah in my mind that read really bad, could have hurt JPJ bad. Steelers should demand the league take action on that. Eject him from the next game


It looked like he led with his helmet to the back of his head at first, but it was just a fucking awful hit and it maybe should've gotten him tossed




Wether the play was over or not a player on offense cannot hit a defensive player from behind.


If that was on Allen, the perpetrator would’ve been crucified


Be careful the mods are Josh Allen fans, don’t want to see him hit like JPJ.


Dirtiest play of the game without shadow of a doubt.


Regardless of if he tried to hurt him or not, where tf is the flag


And said lineman 10 yards downfield at the catch


If a Steelers player did, they’d be ejected


They would be suspended minimum 4 games probably indefinitely


I mean just look at Kazee’s suspension at the end of the season. I’ll be shocked if the NFL even fines the Bill’s player…




I’m bout to start believing this shits rigged… this message brought to you by every f- Ing betting commercial during the game. At least they made the spread Draftkings


Of course it is, look at the penalties come flying in once we closed the gap. Allen brings in ratings. Mason doesn’t.


Literally a mostly clean game called all day and then suddenly when the comeback is happening we get flag happy but only for one side.


3 penalties called the next 5 plays or so


Steelers didn't lose because of a few penalties, let's be real. Bill's beat them at pretty much every facet of the game. Scores, turnovers, total yards, rushing yards, time of possession. The only reason the Steelers had a chance in the first place was because of poor special teams play by the Bills.


The put together one complete drive. The other thrre tds were derived from a turnover,a single splash play (With a fake slide that should have been downed at the 40 when allen gave himself up), and a series of flags to extend drives. The bills did not play significantly better football today.


I disagree. Bills forced turnovers, capitalized on those turnovers, and were running the ball down the Steelers' throats and they couldn't stop it. The Bill's averaged over 5 yards per carry. There was no fake slide, watch it again, he slows down and chops his feet he never drops into a slide. You're letting your bias cloud your judgement. I'm also not sure what you're talking about flags to extend drives. It was 2nd and 5 when they flagged Jack for hitting Allen after he slid. It wasn't like it happened on third down and they would have had to punt. The flag on Jack for holding happened on first or second down too and was only 5 yards. The flag on Moore didn't even have any impact. The Steelers lost by 3 scores, they got beat plain and simple...we aren't talking about them losing on a bad call here.


Defensive holding on an uncatchable ball. (Ball was in the air at the time of the penalty so a hold is not a valid call) that would have been third and 5? Also a drice extender. The UR was on 2nd and 5. Allen gave himself up in what would have been 3rd and 4. That was a drive extender. Breaking down, as a QB in open field from a full head of steam is not a natural movement. It is an abuse of protections. To a defender that movement is indistinguishable from a slide. If you commit to a tackle and they slide you will be flagged. No one jukes with their shoulders behind their hips. That was intentional. Allen has the highest UR and RTP rate in the league. It's not an accident. He games slides. None of that matters though because Rowe was blatantly held at the LOS on that very run while trying to make a play. Not some ticky tacky hold. It was Hands outside of frame, yanked jeesy hold


Dude, to slide you have to go down, in a sliding position, which he literally never does. I don't know what to tell you, that wasn't even close to sliding. He stutter stepped and changed direction. He's just not the most graceful runner. You might as well not allow stutter stepping anymore if this is what you're complaining about.


So he stutter stepped and changed direction like the Kenny Pickett fake slide that got banned immediately after he did it?


It was two scores…just saying. Bills were the better team, but I wonder what the game would have looked like without the Steelers turnovers? Can’t say the Steelers would have won, but it still had a possibility to get interesting. Steelers needed to make a stop after pulling to a one score game. They couldn’t & that’s all she wrote. Good luck to the bills.


You're right, idk why I thought it ended 34-17. Yeah, who knows. Anyone but the Ravens or Chiefs am I right?


That’s where I’m at. Agreed.


You haven’t watched a Steelers game this year if you think it has to make sense for us to win. Our mistakes cost us the game but the officiating(and lack thereof) prevented any chance at a comeback.


No us giving up 21 points, arm tackling, lack of good offensive game plan and fumbles did that....refs or no refs...we weren't winning


Oh at 100% is rigged man. Vegas has their hands in their pockets so bad. Not just NFL too. The NCAA prime example guys Miami FSU game this year. Miami gets a safety legit safety yet somehow they find a way to overturn it. Even the commentators every single commentator was dumbfounded and did not understand how it wasn't a safety stood. Maybe four or five plays. Later they call a play on a number of a player who does not exist for Miami. Call stood okay. With that being said, if the play would have stood as in the safety would have really happened. That means the game would have gotten tied and then Miami would have got the ball with momentum. I think it was in the second quarter. I don't remember when it happened but right there game changer possible loss for the supposed unbeatable FSU team that should have been in the bowl game that played the same bowl game they would have played if they got in as a number four would have played the number one. Georgia and got embarrassed, but that's just another prime example away from Steelers just to show that I'm not just watching Steeler games. It's all over the NFL, NCAA. It's unreal. Now if somebody has facts to dispute what I said not opinions will talk but it seems like nobody has any facts. Oh matter of fact I said what I just said here in this forum and they banned me from an FSU form within 10 minutes. I love to hear what you guys have to say since I don't think I'm going to get banned cuz I didn't say anything about anything bad on our forum. So let's hear it guys please love feedback positive and negative. Don't give a shit n


You will always win money betting against the Steelers. The NFL goes out of its way to make sure the Steelers aren’t going anywhere.


Seriously? When the Steelers won the most one score games in the league this year despite being outgained in pretty much every game? Make it make sense.


winning or losing isn't how most people bet, most bet vs a spread. The spread on this game was +7.5 Steelers. Also, fwiw, I don't blame this loss on the refs. We had 2 turnovers and shitty tackling that did way more damage, but the refs sucked ass down the stretch.


Was actually +10 or 10.5 depending on Book offering, but sure.


I saw -9.5 on rivers while it was -10 on DK Always look around for the best spread


Agreed 100% about turnovers and lack of tackling. There were 1 or 2 ticky tack calls that probably could have been let go, but nothing egregious. Like it wasn't great, but there wasn't anything crazy from the perspective of an unbiased observer and most of those penalties took place on 1st or 2nd down. As for the betting I know how it works, the original post didn't make any sense though. The Steelers were 10-7 against the spread so betting on them to cover would have been a net positive, assuming all your bets were of equal value.


That's true. I don't bet at all, so my BS detector did not go off. 


On top of the fact the lineman was about 10 yards down field before pass was thrown


Insane they can't review and call the penalty during the injury timeout


All the snowballs being thrown at players is pissing me off.


After the first play it happened the refs should have made an announcement and any following ones should have been 15 yards.


But then you’d have Steelers fans throwing them for a free 15 yards lol


Bills mafia. Fuck em


The fact that they did it during an injury timeout for a BILLS player made me mad as hell. I would be embarrassed as a Buffalo fan. Snowballs shouldn’t be thrown at all but even when your own guy is down… have some class


I was there, the snow being thrown in the stands was annoying as fuck too. How old are we?


meanwhile josh allen fake sliding and ends up getting a td because our players don’t want to risk getting another flag for tackling him. the nfl blows hard.


The flag for hitting him was in the 3rd, Allen scored in the 2nd quarter.


Sure was


Doesn’t matter. Bills are garbage without the refs helping them out. This league is garbage.


"Things didn't go my way, so the league is garbage" The Steelers were outplayed, simple as that. The only reason they were in the game at all was poor special teams play by the Bills.


It’s not just this game….multiple bad and missed calls all year by the refs….not to mention that penalty on Myles Jack was stupid.


I'm just gonna tell you that every fanbase feels that way pretty much every other week.


In the first half. Not the second. Plenty of teams have come back.  Unfortunately, Josh is a baby back bitch. I don’t respect him at all any longer.




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Head hunting all day.


I can't recall if the Bills were even penalized all game. Maybe I was just distracted by Josh Allen getting his dick skinned all game by the commentators' tonsils.


We actually got a RTP call, for like the first time in ages. Can’t recall the last time Steelers got one called in their favor. Remember when Kenny got knocked out of the game from a late hit earlier this season?


I do remember that. KP gets the same treatment Big Ben got for some reason.


Pass interference and then an interception by Elam


You'll be okay. 24 yards to 50 yards really isn't that big of a deal.


Refs know the narrative. Bills don’t commit penalties. We had no business being in this game and the refs made damn sure we didn’t stay in it.


STAY in it????? Are you joking? This wasn’t a game after the first quarter.


1 score differential is absolutely in it.


And then 4 minutes later it wasn’t again. This game was never in doubt after the Bills scored one play after the fumble.


Steelers only had a chance because the Bill's special teams imploded, the Bill's were handling them and beat them in just about every possible statistic.


“Only had a chance” Which means they had a chance…stats were not favorable at all but this was a one score game in the 4th quarter.


Momentum shifted with those calls. That being said, good teams overcome that and still find ways to win. Tackling was atrocious and it cost them. Offense took way too long to get back into it and were too conservative throughout


Of course they had a chance, my point is that it's not like the Steelers were winning and would have won if it weren't for a bad call. That's what people are acting like. Yes, there were 1 or 2 calls that probably should have been called differently, but that didn't make the Steelers lose by 3 scores. I don't see how momentum shifted with the late hit penalty. It wasn't like it was third down and they would have to punt. It was 2nd and 5. Same with the hold, it was 5 yards and it was on a first or second down. Surely not the most convenient, but it shouldn't shift the momentum of the game. Agreed on the tackling, it's absolutely the biggest reason they lost.


I agree with you. I would say the momentum shift started back with the soft call on Dan Moore for unnecessary roughness (I hope to god that man is not starting next year and we move Jones back to his natural position). Both players briefly got in each other’s faces, but Dan got the penalty. Still, he must be smarter. Then, it seemed to snowball from there. The long review on the no PI turned hold was plain silly. That ball was airmailed, and holding can only be called before the ball is thrown. It was very clearly uncatchable. And finally, the late hit…now, I wouldn’t say calls significantly impacted this drive. Bills still marched down the field with ease. The defense did not make a stand when we had the opportunity to come back. I expected them to not fold that easily—especially giving up a TD and not forcing the FG. I didn’t care much about all those questionable calls. The ones I was upset about were two players held on Josh Allen’s long TD run (as soon as he broke off, too), and those were so easy to see live. As well as the JPJ no-call with the unnecessary and illegal hit. Those changed the score of the game. They were easy calls to make. The Pickens one didn’t change the game much (there was an even smaller chance after we were down 2 scores). But another clear as day call that should be made. Also no unsportsmanlike conducts or taunting calls all game surprised me. I think what upset fans is the fact that this team had a chance with solid halftime adjustments and the execution fell short. It becomes easy to blame someone else. I think it’s fair to say the calls played a role but did not determine the final result.


I just keep thinking about those two avoidable turnovers. What a swing. And how they had Allen on 4th and 1 but he absurdly got carried over the other way. Circle all those plays.


one score game, which if we count the refball incidents, could have been a tied game easily. Lots of ifs, in the end it was a long shot to win anyway. Bills probably deserved to win, but the refs just leave a bad taste.


Implosions are part of statistics


I'm just saying, everyone is making it out to be some up in the air game, it wasn't. Most of the game the Steelers were behind multiple scores. A handful of penalties for a difference of 26 yards didn't make the difference in the game. Bill won the turnover battle, had more total yards and rushing yards, more TDs, more first downs, better 4th down efficiency, more time of possession. The Steelers struggled to stop their rushing attack all game, and if you want to blame anything on the loss it should be poor tackling on the Steeler's part.


TIL that "wasn't a game" means down a TD in the 4th quarter. GTFO of here.


Well good, I’m glad you learned something. The real lesson is that if you only watch the scoreboard, you miss the game.


Something something patriots against falcons… things happen in sports. Your confidence after the fact is ridiculous, nothing was certain. That is why we watch sports. You don’t need to insult people with what you think you know.


I was pretty confident after it became 21-0, too. And I was right. They were never in that game. Cite for me one time when the Steelers had the Bills where they wanted them?


They had pulled within 7 points with 10 minutes left after being down 21-0. At that point , they needed to make a stop, they didn’t. End of story. But still …that was the point where “had them where they wanted them” but they didn’t follow through.🤷‍♂️ That’s it though.


Wait, they “had them where they wanted them” when down by 7 and Josh Allen had the ball?? Then 7 plays later (at 10 yards per play), they didn’t??


That’s exactly what I said. Yes. After being down 21-0, they pulled within 7 (24-17) with 10 to 11 minutes left. They had just scored & kicked off to Buffalo. That’s the point, they had the chance to do something. They needed to make a stop. They failed.


Lol. Ok. I guess the USSR had the US Olympic hockey team right where they wanted them in 1980, right? Only down by one score.


The Bills were the seventh most penalized team in the NFL this year. [penalty stats](https://www.footballdb.com/stats/penalties.html)


Yeah, but they didn't call it bs.


Hitting a defenseless defender... oh, wait... no such rule...




Unlike the good Christian wifebeater James Harrison? I don't see the idea behind this insult.


I guess that joke works better when I’m talking shit on the Phoenix sons


The whole game has been filled with dirty hits! Refs see what they want. Mason Rudolph has been hit numerous times after he released the ball. He took a slide after a run and a Bill's player took a shot at him. BS!


I saw that too. I'd love to see the side by side comparison to Allen's slide that they flagged there at the end. Pretty sure it was identical.


Buffalo had no chance today without the refs and the dirty shots


Are you serious? You must not have been watching the same game. They were up like 21 points before any penalties were called, if it wasn't for terrible special teams play by the Bill's they would have won by 3 scores.


That guy should be fined and suspended for the entire offseason.


It really was


The hit was dirty as fuck. If this is a hockey game, it’s a borderline game misconduct penalty. 66 should’ve been ejected, at the very least throw a flag there.


That was purely to hurt him. Sucks.


Yeah what a dirty piece of shit maybe karma will strike next week


100%, should’ve been called especially when you consider how soft the call on Allen was


It’s the game of football it sucks it’s a no call, but it is what it is. This entire season has been a mess for every team with favoritism. Refs really sucked this year


Awful non call. Should FINE the Refs AND the dirtbag who clipped him


Definitely a cheap shot


Turn overs cost them the game


So if there’s no foul technically for that hit, shouldn’t it have been a Personal Foul?


I keep saying this, but this game won’t exist in 10 years. They can’t regulate the dirty hits out and the liability will crush it. This was a dirty hit.


Yeah crying about it on the internet will help




Awkward season made the playoffs and soon come back season.


Kinda, it’s football and that lineman wasn’t gonna do anything to stop the tackle. But sometimes shit happens 


It wasn't illegal. Unwarranted and unneeded 100%


God we fucking whine like a bunch of babies


Well yeah, it’s the playoffs


If nothing, we are super bowl caliber whiners


Can someone get this guy a higher horse?


My horse is already stoned, thank you


Unexpected Half Baked


I laughed a bit to hard at that


He wasn't trying to hurt Porter.


There was no reason for him to hit porter in the back of the helmet at all. Had to be malicious but regardless it’s a penalty.


I disagree, but intent shouldn’t matter in those situations.  He lowered his head and went helmet to helmet with a defenseless player.  


Right, it doesn’t matter if he was trying to hurt him or not. JPJ’s back was to him and he came in and hit him high. Regardless of intent it’s clearly a dangerous play, especially considering we lost a player due to it


Honestly all you crying about the bills not getting penalties and josh allen getting all the calls haven't watched a bills game all year lol. Last week ty Johnson (for buffalo ) got speared in the head on  the 1 yard line as time in the half ran out with no penalty called ..... so please keep crying how you're the only team that gets fucked by refs. Get real you fucking cry babies. I can find 20 calls in every game every week that should or  should not called. Your team didn't play nearly well enough today to actually win. Rudolph throwing a Pick in the end zone was a 14 point swing...... man up an admit the steelers didn't deserve. I am unfortunately a cowboys fan so this is neutral observation so please feel free to tell me how I'm biased


Pot meet kettle. Not so fun when your guys are on the receiving end!


Block in the back, unnecessary roughness, targeting… Literally take your pick because it was all of them




Does anyone have video of the play I missed it


No flag


Yeah, idk how that's not at least a block in the back


Yinzer complaining a hit is dirty is like Honey complaining something is sticky


Says the browns fan… Just remember that $230 million guaranteed and enjoy baker lighting it up next weekend.


I loved that. Go Bucs and Bake. Just remember 230m is because NOONE wants to play qb for the browns. If CLE packaged all those picks instead to move up they would have Young and not Stroud. Enjoy next year with Browns returning to the playoffs and Steelers looking for a new coach.


Browns won’t be in the playoffs next year. They never go back to back. 😂🤣😂


Definitely was illegal...man wasn't nowhere near the play


Do the fake slide is legal in NFL but not college?


But but but Steelers are the dirtiest team ever!


these are the types of hits that need taken out of football. He was not doing anything that would benefit his team.


and there’s was about 2 or more holds on the Josh Allen td run it’s not even funny, but hey let’s take the loss like some real champs and come back next year & fuckin’ take the Lombardi back to Steel City fellas ⚫️🟡⚫️🟡