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Probably still lose, but you hate to see it anyway in any game


I'd be less upset if the game was called legit. Yeah we prolly lose anyway, but the refs made sure


I mean we got away with that out of bounds fumble recovery this was probably karma


And so based on this correct call, they're allowed to hold, concuss, and PI our players without penalty? Ok šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


>allowed to hold, concuss, and PI our players without penalty That's every game ever played in the NFL.


It glanced his helmet.


Not sure how this was so astounding to comprehend


Seriously. Refs got it right in real time and then confirmed with replay. It clearly glanced his helmet.


Fumble turned into an INT anyway


I donā€™t know if the Steelers take advantage of a properly called game. They started off really awful


Imo we were way to predictable in the first half. Run run pass every fn set of downs. U can't do that when they're stacking the box. Tomlin reverted back to his old play not to lose mentality and by then it was 2 late


Lived in his fears


I think they had the game plan to play yesterday and didnā€™t adapt to the conditions fast enough.


I said the same exact thing to my dad even before the game started. I said it in here earlier in the week on here. Even when down 14 nothing we still did the same thing. Besides Rudolph's pick which cost us 7, I thought he played ok. We are just so damn predictable


They never stretched the field until well into the 4th quarter and if Deonte runs north & south or backwards one more time my brain will explode. Also, Harris is only in during run plays, so they load up and stomp him every play. How can the OC/Tomlin not see this as a horrible strategy. And Pickens, he totally fumbled because he wanted to brace himself before hitting the turf more so than holding onto the ball. Thatā€™s just messed up. This is not a squad of disciplined athletes because our coaches have horrible game plans. We only play meaningful football in the 2nd half and even then, itā€™s more like the 4th quarter.


Stats donā€™t lie as they had to come back and win 4 times this season in the 4th


In EVERY game Ftfy


highsmith held egregiously on quite literally every single play allen illegally pulled across line to gain on 4th down sneak attempt egregious hold on eric rowe on long td run unnecessary roughness on jack uncalled cheap shot that took jpj out just an unbelievably lopsided game from the stripes but i guess rudolph doesnt sell as many tickets as josh allen tune in next week to watch the nfl divisional round exclusively on peacock brought to you by fanduel


Holding? Never heard of her


Canā€™t argue with any of them, but most can be chalked up to bad officiating. The one that really gets me is something Iā€™ve been noticing around the NFL all year long, which is that QBā€™s are waiting WAY too long to slide, and yet if they slide and thereā€™s any physical contact, itā€™s an automatic 15 yard penalty. I donā€™t understand why thereā€™s not an equivalent of the ā€œstep and a halfā€ rule for slides.


Iā€™m a Bills fan and I agree thatā€™s bullshit .How can a defender guard against that?They expect superhuman effort by defensive players .Itā€™s an impossible ask .The qbs certainly exploit that shit


Also the UR call you can see him push off with his arms and lessen the blow a lot. Josh was not in any danger. And on the other end we have Stafford getting hit last night and having to be checked for a concussion with no call (not a slide but still). The calls just have no consistency.Ā 


ā€œLet me not tackle Josh fucking Allen after he just scored a 50something yard TD earlier tonight.ā€


As someone else pointed out he started to fake a slide on his earlier TD runā€¦.


The lineman who hurt JPJ looked to be waaayy downfield on that pass


What blows mind is how can ESPN have their own betting app?


What blows the refs before every week is Tony Romo for anyone playing the Steelers. But really the refs have to be paid off from one of these sports booking shams.


I also thought two other no calls were bad. Diggs definitely should have been called for taunting when he drank from a Steelers water bottle. Mason took just as "bad" of a hit from Klein on the series before they called it on Jack. Also, defensive holding is only called before the ball is thrown. Jack did grab the guy, but the ball had already been thrown. It should have been ruled uncatchable on PI. All big plays. Only thing I have to say about the non call holding on Rowe, if hadn't given up on the play, he could have tackled Allen


the diggs one blew my mind. celebrating with a prop in the middle of the opponent's bench should be the easiest unsportsmanlike call of all time. i was screaming for someone to put his ass down but they just let him walk off


The Steelers have respect for other players thatā€™s why they didnā€™t do anything. If anything it shows how good and nice of a team the Steelers are. Unlike the bills this game showed how bad they look as a team and as people/personality wise. The chiefs are their father so canā€™t wait to watch them be eliminated again as usual. I lost respect for the bills.


Don't forget the hit to the Robinsons helmet that knocked him out of the game.


Idk the only calls I think were truly bad were the JPJ hit and the hold on 4th


You forgot the fake slide on Allenā€™s long td run. Superman my ass. Easy to play QB when you have extra protection


Totally forgot about Allen being carried by his own player for the 4th and 1 conversion


Your are absolutely correct man.


Watt was held the entire second half of the season. Just business as usual


Donā€™t have a TV friendly QB? Good luck winning :).


i have no skin in this game, but yeah. allen tosses his hands in the air and itā€™s an automatic flag. steelers have a legitimate gripe with how that 4th down went. maybe pickens shouldā€™ve caught it anyways, but itā€™s tough to catch when youā€™re kinda already being tackled. theyā€™ve called that exact same play a penalty all year.


The worst part was the announcers *agreeing* with the call. Romo is a terrible impartial analyst.


They agreed at first but when they showed a different angle on the replay even Romo changed his mind and said it was a penalty.


Romo couldn't shut up about how great Allen and the Bills are. He barely talked about the steelers.


Romo is a fan of top ten QBs only. Everyone else is on his shit list. I miss year one Romo


Hands to face then holding,


Yup and I mentioned earlier the LA-Detroit game the refs were very friendly to Detroit there were multiple PI calls they swallowed their whistles on. The NFL got their feel good story with the Lions winning


They also almost royally fucked them by blowing the offsides call on the Rams and calling false start instead.


i dunno about the PI calls, but iā€™m just saying if the NFL was that friendly towards the lions the refs wouldnā€™t have literally given that game a couple weeks ago to the cowboys. that was the worst ref mistake iā€™ve seen inā€¦waitā€¦noā€¦canā€™t remember a worse, more impactful officiating fuckup in the last decade. iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong about PIs, but that EGREGIOUS (and high profile) reffing error doesnā€™t support your theory, is all.


I didnt get to watch that game so I canā€™t speak on it. Iā€™m just saying I watched that game yesterday and the calls were crazy in favor of Detroit. I have no dog in the fight with it but I told my buddy while watching Iā€™d be livid pissed if I was a LA fan especially since the game was so close


totally fair, and i havenā€™t been watching close enough to see all of the (which iā€™m not at all doubting happened) insane PI (or non calls) that went one way or another. iā€™m just saying, belatedly and weeks later, that the lions got totally fucked on the end of that dallas game (which is weird for me to admit as a bears fan). but if weā€™re looking for narrative, that one didnā€™t do anything so drastic as knocking someone out of the playoffsā€¦so iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong :p


Right. Iā€™m typically not a conspiracy theorist with NFL games but man sometimes when things that are so blatantly missed but yet they catch every little tick tacky calls for the other team itā€™s hard to not think thereā€™s sometimes a narrative especially watching it with an unbiased opinion on the outcome how we were yesterday


It's not in the last decade, but there's always bottlegate.


Mahomes wouldā€™ve got at least 2 roughing the passer penalties today


That tug on 4th down should have been called


Agreed. That ball also should have been caught. It went right through both of his hands.


Yea but 90% of the time thatā€™s a call.


Should have been both a flag and a catch. If you can touch the ball, you can catch it. 14 did not have a very good game, tonight.


Well, when Gene Steratore says it wasn't, I tend to believe him. Although, it would have been nice to see a less one-sided broadcast and officiated game.


Has romo gotten Allenā€™s balls out of his mouth yet? Gonna be hard to have dinner with those bad boys in thereā€¦


He's going to absolutely climax on air with Mahomes and Allen playing.


Eifel tower incoming. Romo gonna be cooking up in the booth with a beret for sure.


Romo lives vicariously through Allen. Allen's INT's aren't season ending backbreakers thus he can pretend to be right there in the huddle.


Yeah,he sucks both of their asses and itā€™s nauseating


No Romo is trying to find his way into in his hotel room waiting to worship his balls.


He has to make room for Mahomes' junk next week


Donā€™t forget heā€™s got steritoreā€™s balls in there. Those balls travel, too.


He said it should have been called when they showed the reply from the front angle. Originally he said no call but changed it about 2 min later


His take was a bunch of BS he said something like ā€œthere was some pass interference but not enough to be calledā€ like what??? Itā€™s either pass interference or not?! Wtf


Steratore is afraid to come off as a Pittsburgh homer, especially after that game this year where he was obviously wrong and got called out on it. I forget the game (maybe Rams?), but ever since then his views always go against the Steelers.


The no flag on Porter getting hit in the head shouldā€™ve been 15, instead led to points. The no flag on the hold during Allenā€™s big run shouldā€™ve been 10 yards instead led to points. The no flag on Pickens being held wouldā€™ve been a first down. The bullshit flag on the wild throw away ball out of bounds led to points. The bullshit late hit flag led to points. There were 24-ish points as a direct result of bad officiating. I wouldnā€™t be so pissed if we just played like shit but we actually looked decent. No penalties until we made it a close game and had a chance to win. But then that meant no Josh Allen Mahomes rematch.


Also going to the ground suddenly isn't a thing, after the George Pickens catch. On a bang bang play, when they have only ruled in opposition of two feet, or one elbow, knee, or buttcheek, followed by a going to the ground motion as incomplete in our games previously. In the first quarter, they went out of their way to call a Jesse James touchdown catch, to prove a fumble, but there was no goal line to break in this instance.


Yep youā€™re right, didnā€™t even think about that in my rage when I wrote that out up there. When Romo said ā€œwell he grabbed the ball and fell forward and thatā€™s technically a football moveā€ I about shit myself.


I'm fine with the Pickens fumble as called.Ā  But holy shit, the Bills fans crying the fucking Nile about the Friermuth fumble is ridiculous. They benefitted from bad/no calls 5-1. Yet they are crying crocodile tears on insufficient evidence to overturn where the ball clearly ricochets off Muths facemask. Poor winners.


The Porter hit was also from behind, so a block in the back (of the head).






Fake slide should be illegal


Crazy fake slides are not illegal in the NFL. In college, because of Pickett, once a player initiates a slide, the play is dead.


TIL. I'm glad to hear it's in the college game. Can't wait for it to hit the NFL in 2050.


I thought it was ironic that KP is the reason that rule was changed in college then it was used against us today.


Sliding should be illegal. Unless your back is already touching the turf, you should be allowed to be hit. Allen deserved a bigger hit then he got.


Cam used to get worked and rarely got flags. It took plays off his career. Allen and Pat canā€™t be touched I hate it . Let them play straight up


Itā€™s weird because big qbs like roethlisberger and cam would have to get dropped kicked to ever get a call but josh Allen gets handed them all the time.


It's not weird, it's Roger Goodell.


Maybe crushing them and taking a roughness foul one in a while is worth it to challenge these pansy ass QBs. Theyā€™re running backs once they cross the line of scrimmage


He didnā€™t fake slide on his long td run though


Wouldnā€™t have gotten to that point . But a wins a win . Even with the fans throwing on the field and Steelers not getting the same calls


Looked like a fake to me. Wasnā€™t as obvious as Kennyā€™s at Pitt, but what else was he doing when he slowed down the way he did?


It's so bullshit for defenses that mobile QBs who usually don't slide can unexpectedly do it and get calls. It means the defenders can never commit to a tackle without risking the guy sliding at the same time after they are already on the way in.


I thought Josh Allen was going to start crying on the field after his slide. "Well see here if you slow the video down to half speed then Jack has plenty of time to let up on the hit."


Gene Steratore is such a hack. Always just defends the refs. Yeah no shit at 1/10 of a speed does the slide start before the hit


What if I told you I actually work w/ with him šŸ˜‚ā€¦but seriously Geneā€™s my guy but that was an egregious pov from himā€¦itā€™s the lazy & just ā€œkindergarten unsportsmanlike sore loserā€ slick ass play from Josh Allen but the refs are worse b/c they actually allow him to dictate whether something is roughing the passer when for Gods Sake 1. Heā€™s a runner within the field of play 2. Heā€™s not heading out of bounds therefore heā€™s eligible to be hit/tackled like every other player obviously 3. No one hit him with the crown of their helmet even though you technically donā€™t have to use your helmet to commit a roughing the passer


Thatā€™s what pisses me off about these flags. If youā€™re gonna throw it anyways whatever what can I do. But if they only throw it after Josh turns and cries at the ref? Have some fucking balls




What kills me is that that's the exact play against Rudolph the previous series, but he doesn't get up and bitch


They were able to tackle Rudolph earlier and throw him onto the ground way after the ball was gone and nothing was called


I saw that & said like cmon man you guys are some of the biggest airheads in the businessā€¦how are you allowing Ed Oliver to slam someone aka the QB 2.5-3 seconds after the balls left his possession


Rudolf is not eligible to receive such calls, sorry. Star in some national commercials then we'll talk about rougging the passer.


Thats what did it for me tbh. What a pussy


jack was mid tackle when allen started sliding; no way he can let up any more than he did (and jack did everything he could to avoid helmet contact, and he was successful! wtf more do you want from defensive players in this league????)


Lost total respect for the clown then


Last year when we played the Bills they hit Kenny late while he was sliding and there was no call.


The Assassination of Joey Porter Jr. by the Coward Connor McGovern was a fucking travesty.


I might as well have posted a picture of every referee in the NFL. We see this time and time again: the team with the star QB gets calls late when the game is close. Inconsequential or not, it's been a pattern for so long and it's unacceptable, especially in the playoffs. Calls that favor us, calls that don'tā€”it doesn't matter. Mistakes as big as Cheffer and his crew made throughout the game should not be the standard, and should not go unpunished.


List of issues: The touchdown run of Josh, two blatant holds by the O-line were missed. Then you have the bitch QB fake slide on top of that to then run for more yards.... Then bitch QB slides later WAYYY too late and complain when he get landed on (pure bitch mode). Then you have fans throwing snowballs at players during a TD throw..... YIKES, that should have been a redo at best but it is so uncommon there might be a new rule next year. No roughing the passer for when our QB was thrown down after the ball was thrown. Dude falling down and you magically get a holding call..... his arms couldn't even hold him. and falling down is not considered holding especially on an uncatchable ball. That last 4th down play he was all the way around the waist of pickens....easy call. The helmet to helmet against our star DB on a play already over.


The holding on the TD run was disgusting and is why the bills went IMMEDIATELY to extra point. They knew it too


i lost all sympathy for them after that kind of crap. Used to root for them to do well, but with all that including a QB pulling that kind of pansy crap.... with snowballs to players in key plays... and the hit that took out portor https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/197o5pp/highlight_connor_mcgovern_hit_on_the_back_of_joey/


The refs were already a joke before sports betting was legal. They were a joke before the court case that absolved the NFL of responsibility of providing a fair outcome. Now with a Vegas team and sports betting legal, theyā€™re so far beyond fixed itā€™s not even funny.


It's ruining the goddamn game


Itā€™s been like that since Iā€™ve started watching football .Montana ,Elway,Marino ,Aikman ,Young,Manning ,Brady,Mahomes and now Allen .its just how itā€™s always been


The standard is the standard


the standard fucking sucks. we should have higher standards.


Spread was Buffalo -10 and things started getting really fucky right on time for Vegas


80% of bettors picked buffalo lol. Vegas wanted the lers to lose by 9


Vegas definitely wanted Pitt. Bass certainly did his part.


I'm still pissed about that cheap shot on jpj, can't let that one go.


Allen is the master of milking roughing on the QB slide. On his TD run he slowed up for just a second, defender started to break down and then Allen plows ahead for the score. Next play he ran on was the slide, barely got touched and out come the flags. I blame the NFL, itā€™s such BS just how protected these guys are.


Imagine being able to acknowledge that we suck but also being blind to bad calls defining the game. Some of yall need to get it together.


Seriously. Itā€™s almost frustrating that we sucked so bad and Josh still needed the refs to help him out


I don't think the bad calls were the reason we lost but I also don't think we suck. This team has heart and things were REALLY starting to click late in the season. I think we can leave this season and feel like we have something special going into next year. Or am I crazy?


I think Steelers is a middle of the pack qb away from being truly scary(if they had top ten qb theyā€™d be a SB favorite.If they had Kirk Cousins type theyā€™d have battled Baltimore for the division.I lack faith in Pickett and Rudolph as long term solutions to be frank


I don't think we can completely write Rudolph off when he put up best in NFL numbers for 3 weeks in a row.


I donā€™t know man ,he was water in a dessert for a few weeks .Compared to Pickett he was competent but I just think his shine is more shiny next to the dull .Fuck ,coaches didnā€™t have faith in him until they had too.I certainly could be wrong but I think Steelers need a qb . Steelers have a 1 Wr ,1 TE and a couple of really good rbs .Also love their secondary and dline .They are but a few pieces away from


Anyone saying refs handed us the pat fumble is stupid. It was a dead ball when it hit his helmet and his knee was out of bounds. No matter how much Romo was flapping his cheeks, nothing about the recovery by the bills mattered, because the ball was dead


and new york verified


I donā€™t know if it actually hit his helmet but it definitely was to close to actually turn the call over


https://preview.redd.it/rlmp60dodpcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bfab4a099cb2933562bff25114e429cae45e2b3 Pretty clearly hits his helmet and changes direction after. Iā€™ll see if I can make a gif


Iā€™m not certain that it didnā€™t hit his helmet but Iā€™m not certain it did either .In that instance they gotta go with on field ruling,which they did .But damn was that close


https://i.redd.it/28cyz8bvepcc1.gif Clearly hits and bounces off helmet here






It really feels like the past decade Theyā€™ve been ruining game after game.




Brad Allen, the referee who botched the Detroit/Dallas game was the side judge for this game too


Awful officiating.


I said it in game thread. 24-17 and they started calling bullshit on our team, bruh, how blatant can you get!!


So everyone who thinks the Steelers got jobbed by the refs is just going to ignore that Freiermuth fumbled the ball and the Steelers somehow kept possession?


The refs sucked bad today. Many bad calls, many missed calls. Let them play, but the super obvious ones get right. Geez.


Nah blaming the refs for this loss ainā€™t it


The two Jack calls ended the game.


Why are these pieces of shit never interviewed. What would happen if they faced any kind of consequences or even questioning at all. Just ā€œwhy didnā€™t this count as holdingā€ and roll a clip.


Blame the sky if you want. The Steelers sucked ass just fine on their own today.


Fuck the sky!


seriously people in this thread are delusional.


Yeah blaming refs for a 17 point difference is fucking patheticĀ 


The snowball not getting a personal foul is INSANE


Reasons Iā€™ve stopped betting on sports #1


I thought we were right in it but to win we had to be mistake free..Came out flat and way too conservative ..made early mistakes and forced to play catch up which was going to be tough. Then came the bad calls ..fake slide no call .. hit on Porter from behind no call ā€¦Interference call on blatant dive by 86 with ball 20 yards over his head ā€¦ love tap on Allen slide called ..no call on Pickens . Season over. Proud of how they hung in there.


Chiefs Kingdom joins you in saying Fuck Carl Cheffers


The interference on Pickens was bad, but the hit on Porter is the one that really gets me. How is that not a 15 yd penalty?


I get it we put ourselves down 0-14 early and chase the game but hey, Kazee gets suspended for his hit and today both Robinson and JPJ have questionable contact calls and they turn a blind eye to player safety when it suits, complete and inconsistent Muppets as refs today with many ignored and missed penalties.


Reffing is horrible this year and the last few. Some calls are so blatantly missed while others are constantly changing criteria. It really makes me wonder if the refs are reffing to the bookies.


The Holding, and the hit to Allen were atrocious calls. He slid wayyyy to late to be covered from a hit. And that ball was uncatchable. Neither would change the outcome. Point blank, NFL officiating is horrendous.


Allen bluff slid on his TD run, but honestly the refs should have given the fumble recovery to Buffalo as well. Wasnā€™t the best showing from the refs, but PIT lost the gameā€¦onto next year gents


NFL was not going to let the Steelers win when Mahomes/Allen is on the table. That late slide was buklshit and it shows.


Blame the Pope, Biden, Trump, Cat & Dog Lovers and anyone else you donā€™t like for this loss too. I blame us being a shit #7 seed sneaking into playoffs and not deserving to be there for a hot second.




Don't worry we'll get ours when T swizzy comes to town....šŸ˜­


As easy solution, fine the refs.


Angel Hernandez ass ref


We were supposed to let him slide into a first down?


These dudes grandkids wonā€™t ever have to work. Bring back the violence to the NFL.


Damn I would have won 500$ off of a 10$ bet id steelers won. That last throw was definitely pass interference.


Yea idk about anyone else but I'm over referees in all sports lately. I have never been so disappointed in this many crews across multiple sports ever. I mean fucking hell if they're just letting anybody do it now then I'll sign up.


honestly we need a defense coordinator get treyl out of here


NFL officiating has been laughably bad this year. We need better standards. FYI, eagles fan here so it isnā€™t just echo chambering your frustrations though I do feel for yā€™all


*New Orleans saints have entered the chat


Hey I just wanna let you guys know from an unbiased fan, Morse the center on Buffalo had multiple holdings/blocks in the back including an egregious missed one on the second TD.


Well, the refs didnā€™t throw a pick in the end zone!! All Iā€™m gonna say is put the black and white on, and give it a whirl. The refs play every play. The overpaid/over priced players play about 1 in 5. Just my thoughts!!


Fuck the bills


Stuff a Terrible Towel right up his a**.


The refs weren't the problem today. Complaining about them is lame and a bad look. They did suck tho


Dumb ass bitch ruining what couldā€™ve been a much cooler loss


No excuses!! Steelers lost that game in the first quarter by going 3 and out 3 times and giving up the ball twice once in the redzone. Sucks but the better team won! They need to figure our QB situation because KP isn't it. Coach T walking out on the media didn't look good either no matter how dumb the question is. Good year not good enough #SteelersNation #ChangesComing


You are an idiot to think Steelers lost this game cause of reffing


We lost because we had a 4th string everything compared to them. The officiating did not cause the loss.


To be fair, they gave us the non-fumble. Itā€™s been shit, but itā€™s been equally shit.


It was Steelers ball it was the right call it hit his helmet when his body was out of bounds


That non-fumble happened in the second quarter rather than with five minutes left and a team driving


playing out of bounds touching the ball means the ball is dead. Cause it went to review in new york that was verified.


Why you blaming the refs? This team has to be better


I agree with you. Too many mistakes, canā€™t blame the refs


Cannot blame this game on them




Bro no complaints. 52 yard QB keeper. Multiple turnovers. Come on now. Stay classy, yā€™all did good this year.


Maybe learn how to tackle


Some unfortunate calls but the refs were hardly a significant reason Pittsburgh lost. turnovers and getting blasted on D should be the highlight of the story. Refs are always a cop out.


Stop...we were complete ass. Allen abused our defense, and Mason went back to being his old self. This was a team loss.


dood if you think Mason threw a bad game you shouldn't watch football. Crazy how "complete ass" had us within a 1 score game w/ the #2 seed late in the game.


People here are too emotional to understand that this is the right take. The refs sucked, sure, but we sucked enough to go down 21-0 at the beginning.


Lol cause the refs gave up 14 early, fumbled the ball, threw a pick in the end zone and just generally looked like the Steelers.


hey i got an idea how about NOT go down 21-0 in the first half like we been doing ALL YEAR LONG. imagine if we score a TD in the endzone instead of a pick? Image if we didnt fumble the ball randomly for no fucking reason.. Couple that with the very one sided ref crew we were doomed from the start. Im really starting to think these games are slightly rigged to cover spreads. That last drive we got called on like 4 penalties that led to 30+ yards. Steelers had no chance.


Donā€™t blame the refs, man. I love the Steelers but they were not good this year. Edit: if youā€™re good enough to win, beat who is put in front of you, or shut up. ~Mick Kern


Steelers prob wouldā€™ve lost anyway but there were definitely calls they didnā€™t make for the Steelers. Rudolph got blasted midslide just like Allen did but one got the flag and the other didnā€™t.


I wonder if they need to revisit that slide rule? Hit them get flagged hold back give up 6. Jack was pretty upset about his choices.


Here we go, the week ass post about the officiating.


The refs made mistakes but youā€™re kidding yourself if you think itā€™s the reason we lost


The "Standard" is the "Standard"....


Cmon yall we did not lose because of refs. Letā€™s not act childish. The Steelers played worse than the bills in almost every facet of the game.


Dont whine about the refs challenge: impossible