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Brick hands and not being able to tackle is why we lost. Refs were a factor but not the cause.


You take your facts and get out of here. /s


Agreed. Not worth pulling the ref card tonight


I agree, at the same time this has been the worst season of officiating I’ve ever witnessed. It needs to get better.


Hear this yearly, believe it never.


Fumbles. Picks in the end zone. Drops. Nope it’s the refs fault… Missing their best player? Irrelevant. Refs fault. Coming out flat? Nope it was the refs. This fucking fanbase can be such a bunch of babies.


It’s really embarrassing


This guy gets it


Only losers complain about refs. Turnovers, poor tackling and a bad start were the reasons for the loss tonight


Not the refs fault this time, but man is it getting tough to watch football.


And Tomlin not having his team prepared per usual 😂


I’m sorry. Players get paid paid millions to not blow assignments and actually attempt to tackle someone which was the problem in the first half. There is not much talent on this team period. Not sure who is to blame for that but unprepared was not the issue.


How do you explain the packers and the Bucs putting their product on the field in the playoffs ?? Lol they have more talent then the Steelers?? Lol nope!


Better QBs, bucs have better WRs, better defensive lines (without Watt), way better olines, better linebackers. Those are just the position groups that wouldn’t have much debate. Minus maybe running backs and DL when Watt is healthy we are about bottom 10 of the league in all other position groups.


I don't agree with you, I thought they looked much better from kickoff than most of this season. Father420 is spot on.... It was execution and they lost the big moments by a landslide.


Execution comes from the top .. coaching gets men prepared to execute


All I want to say is the hit on Joey Porter Jr. was criminal and that player should have been flagged and ejected. Hitting a helpless player especially in the back of the head. He should be suspended and fined to hell like any other player who tries to make a tackle.


VS look what they did to Kazee.


Still might at least be fined. NFL seems to be fining even when flags don’t fly


Fuck off with this. The Steelers played like shit. Don't act like a chiefs fan.


Only a braindead person is incapable of seeing that the Steelers could've played better, but the game was also officiated really poorly and biased.


Or a cowboys fan. Cowboys love to blame refs.


Huh? I see them blaming the coach but not the refs


Sure, the bills played so clean they got one fucking flag and the steelers got 40.


We let Josh Allen run for 50+ yards on 1 run with a TD!!! BUT PLEASE, keep blaming it all on the refs.


There was a hold…. But we shot ourself in the foot the first half and refs killed our momentum in the second


I think we did great, considering we probably probably have been in the playoffs. And I don't disagree. The refs missed a few, but, like you said, we shot ourselves.


There was also a CLEAR attempt to tackle him at about 10 yards into the run and the defender went high and bounced off of him.


would be a better point on your part if there wasnt a blatant hold at the spot he released from that wasnt called...


You're acting as if the Steelers were robbed of a win. Pickens fumbled deep in our side of the field. Rudolph threw a pick on a completely covered reciever. I still don't know how friermuths fumble wasn't overturned. Defense was busting coverage, not tackling and giving up 60 yard runs to a QB. No. It was the refs. This post is embarrassing. And it's embarrassing for the fanbase.


Agree on all except Muth. Especially the blaming the refs part. His body hit OB chalk and then ball hit his helmet. At that point it's a dead ball just as if he ran OB. They did get that correct.


Ball didn't hit his helmet. There was no bounce or change of direction, which the helmet would have caused. But Steelers lose that game with any set of refs.


Ball was wobbling already. Not like it required a direct hit to touch it. All it had to do was barely glance it. It's an oblong, bouncing ball. Not a round object that would definitely change direction.


We got away with one 100%. Should have been a turnover. 


Watch it again. The ball didn’t hit his helmet. Also, the shape of the ball is irrelevant to whether it would appear to change direction upon contact.


While traveling at approximately 0.2 mph in the same direction of the human traveling at about the same speed? A glancing touch would be a fractional change of direction, not a bounce.


We gifted them 14 points on turnovers, pull your head out of the sand and acknowledge we fucked up and beat ourselves. You sound like Mahomes and the rest of the Chiefs fans anytime they lose and play like shit, rather than admit fault they use the refs as a scape goat. It’s just sad


Yeah. You’re right. I got really pissed after the lost and I’m sorry how I took that out. This just sucks. Where the fuck did our team go in the first half?


Muth fumbled btw


You know damn well the NFL would never give up a Chiefs-Bills game.




Ssshh don’t be reasonable and obvious.


The second half was




Right. Without the refs Pittsburgh wins this thing by 40 lol Edit: sarcasm. This was sarcasm.


I don’t know about that, but they definitely threw away all chance we had at a comeback


Can’t spot a team 40 and then blame the refs about killing a comeback.


You know what else threw away a comeback? Going down 21 points in the first quarter. Another year we weren't prepared and got outplayed.


Not like they'd give up on a Manning Bowl, right?


Y’all realize the Steelers are one of the most marketable teams right? Same level as the Cowboys in terms of fan base. Maybe not as much


The Steelers play boring football. Mahomes and Allen play exciting football.


They were bad but they aren’t the reason we can’t tackle or cover a TE


I mean, pretty apparent to anyone that actually is thinking about what they saw that both are true. The Steelers played like shit in the first half. The refs messed up so many calls that they had no shot at coming back playing against the officiating and the Bills. You guys talk like a team that's down and or has bad plays deserves to lose, just stop the game and end it. What's the use of continuing to play? They had some shots, many were ended by no calls or wrong calls. Period.


Look. The Bills were clearly the better team. The Steelers had too many injuries and were really limited in all phases of the game. But God damnit. This game could have been a lot closer if summer of those questionable calls went their way.


Change the outcome of two plays - Pickens fumble and masons int. You don’t think the game looks a lot different. Two plays make such a big difference. They really didn’t play that bad and we were victims of a few absolutely terrible calls/no calls.


In a foot of snow, they win that game.


Should they change the Freiermuth fumble also to get the correct call? Convenient how these whiners forget that one. 


Yea of course they should change that one. Unfortunately that was the single blown call in favor of Pittsburgh


Which ref is to blame for the Mason Rudolph int in the end zone? Which refs should we blame for the Steelers not being able to make a tackle?


None of them. What’s your point? That’s not a blown call. If I had to pick one that upsets me the most it’s them letting that asshole get away with a cheap shot on Joey porter


The point is the blame is on the piss poor performance of the Steelers. Not the refs. 


They really didn’t play that bad though… if they call a goddamn hold or the fake slide on Josh Allen’s run then they may not go down 21-0. If they don’t go down big early nobody is saying they put in a piss poor performance. They STILL almost came back despite everything


“fake slide” Yes, that is clearly in the rule book. . Laugh out loud!


You think you should be able to do that? Why does everyone crucify Kenny Pickett for his fake slide if everyone thinks that should be allowed?


“ They STILL almost came back despite everything” My Pitt + 10 bet begs to differ. 


Oh shut the fuck up. We lost because we were dogshit


Lol most self-aware reddit user right here


We got a gift on the Friermuth fumble. We weren't good enough today. It is what it is.


And things of that nature


Obviously, they lived in their fears.




I don’t know if the Steelers win if they call a good game anyway. That being said these playoff crews are supposed to be the best of the best and they could have been better. A lot of work to do in the off-season for the the NFL or the league will continue to suffer. They


Not even sure what call you're mad about.


Off the top of my head... Yes, the Muth fumble may have gone either way, but outside of that: - JPJ was targeted - Diggs taunted out of bounds - Holding on a route runner can only happen before the ball is in the air, then it is Pass Interference, and it was clearly not catchable - Allen's fake slide which froze the defense on his 52 yard run. There is a reason the Bills' website is showing the field angle view. - Which led to his real slide getting a personal foul even though the tackler tried to pull back - Egregious holding missed on that run and several others including jerseys being pulled completely across bodies - No call PI on 4th down to basically end the game. Not to mention Pickens' fumble was really not a catch, it didn't survive the "football move" which was tuck and dive. There's probably a few more, but it was lopsided, and became much moreso when the Steelers actually made it a game. It was clear which team was supposed to win this week.


That last point is exactly why whining about the refs is warranted here. The game was called badly, but fairly, until it was a 1 score game then Buffalo got every call needed to make sure the NFL got that Bills v. Chiefs money.


The goofy roughing the passer Allen never should’ve had, and pass interference we should’ve gotten, and a half dozen non called holds. We played like garbage but good lord they didn’t help us


Yeah, I get that on the slide but real time looked worse so understand the trailing ref throwing it. PI should've been a hold prior but missed. Holding no calls are just typical in the playoffs. Just can't get upset with the refs for affecting the game overall. That said, the hits on JPJ and Allen were obvious calls. Wouldn't bring either guy back but it sucks to have guys knocked out on consecutive drives.


Yeah like I said we sucked, it just would’ve been nice to see us get a few of the calls they seemed to get all night


The holding call, the roughing the passer call, no calls on JPJ or Robinson getting hit helmet to helmet, just to name a few.


Refs sucked, but we did too. Even if they were fair we probably would have lost


The fact that we played like dog shit and they still needed the refs to beat us is comical. Another Josh Allen collapse in the divisional incoming


They gave us a gift when friermuth fumbled. Also Patrick Peterson couldn’t get off a block from a WR to save his life. Just glad we made it. Better luck next year. Go Steelers




Mods, can you ban people like this? You’re like Seahawks fans. Don’t be losers.


I'm sure them giving us a non fumble recovery also counts? Refs aren't the reason we lost.


We lost because we weren’t the better team. But if you don’t think that was pass interference, then you don’t know the rules of football friend.


I never said it wasn't pass interference. I'm saying complaing about the refs after a game like this is a dumb thing to do.


Maybe not the reason we lost, but these are supposed to be professionals of the highest caliber and they aren’t at all consistent for either team. We shouldn’t get any huge gimmes or any bullshit calls. Baseball and soccer have made big steps to fix horse shit calls, but here we are.


Tomlin maintained his winning season record which is all he cares about and Rooney will never let him go. Prepare for 30 more years of mediocrity.


Stop. There were bad calls, but they did not change the game. You could say that the call on Muth was bad and helped us. This game was once again lost by poor preparation and poor coaching. Period. Its like clockwork. Stop blaming the refs and look at the organization. Tomlin needs to go.


We couldn’t tackle and we had two massive turnovers. Don’t blame it on the refs.


Lame post


kind of an embarrassing post 


News flash, it’s a bad look whining and complaining about a game you never had a chance in. Take this L like a man.


We deserved to lose this game the way we played. Got lucky on the Friermuth fumble too. Get outta here with blaming the refs


Fake slide. Watch the Allen TD run and tell me it wasn’t.


It wasn't.


https://preview.redd.it/njfenfvn5pcc1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd662aa6b5dd0b2c7ce05e02e569385464bdc7eb Can’t believe y’all are blaming the refs more than this dumbass


He did miss that tackle but he didn’t sell us the whole game


idk man dude is getting paid 100m and we look worse when hes on the field somehow


Hell no we don’t look worse with him🤦🏻‍♂️tf is wrong with you guys😂


Lots of crybabies that can’t cope that their team was terrible.


They gave you the ball back on an obvious fumble.


Disgusting. If this was on the other foot I would be pissed still. This is not football. This is bs


You guys are delusional, lmao


Josh Allen confirmed has the herp. Look at Chad Hill’s(far right) lip. He’s the side judge that missed all of the holding penalties.




You guys act like the refs were calling everything against the Steelers and nothing against the Bills. Midway through the 4th quarter there were like 6 total flags in the game. You can say they missed calls, but they let BOTH teams play. Quit the pissing and moaning about Refs. Why don't you blame the coaching staff for once again putting a team out there that looks vastly out prepared. Tomlin can have a claim to fame for no losing seasons, but he's in over his head when it comes to the playoffs.


Refs sucked both ways. News at Eleven. 


The Steelers lost because the Bills played better, not the refs.


the steelers lost bc the steelers turned the ball over bc they were careless. Also refs missed a huge hold and called alot of dumb penalties on us but at the end of the day we could of won if we didnt go down 21-0 due to some of the dumbest turnovers i have ever seen. We seen this shit all year tho. Mike tomlin under pressure is almost a guarenteed loss. Doesnt matter the team.


Josh Allen ran for 52 yards on one play but let’s complain about the refs


There was blatant holding on that play...


It wasn’t a one score game that came down to the last play. Steelers lost. Complaining about the refs is so tired, let it go.


Steelers completed like 2 passes over 10 yards all game long. There is bad calls in every football game. Steelers lost fair and square.


The same refs that DIDNT call that Muth fumble?


Not a chance to win this game from the first quarter




Get over it. If you’re good enough to win, beat who is put in front of you or shut up.


The refs are never the reason why a team loses any game in any sport. Take care of your own business. Never leave it in the hands of the judges. This OP and the people agreeing with them need to grow up


Refs were fine. A few missed calls both ways. We just weren't ready. Typical Tomlin team. Should be used to it by now.


This shit is beneath us. Stop, congratulate your better, and move on. You twats.


Um refs were pretty fair, bad calls happen but definitely not the reason we lost.


You guys would have lost either way and the refs make bad calls on every single team in the league. Quit being babies about it. It's a horrible look.


I hate the refs too, but that doesn't excuse Pickens fumble or Rudolph's INT.


Also, the only reason we made the playoffs. Can't be too upset


Don’t forget about Tomlin not having his team prepared .. team didn’t wake up until after they blocked a field goal two minutes before the half 😂 Tomlin is the real problem!


We came out like dog shit. Defense was terrible. That sift zone shit has to go.


LOL If you think you lost because of refs. Let’s start with the fumble that wasn’t a fumble. The rest was just football. A 2 seed beat a 7 seed, plain and simple.


how many damn times did we go down a billion points in just the first qrt only to wake up in the second half and lose bc too little too late. Thats the fustrating part to me. Down 21-0 bc of avoidable gimmie turnovers. Also Najee goes from being awsome to right back to what he truly is, a ghost in key games. Running into lineman, nowhere near playing as hard seems like the bills wanted it more, typical.


These guys did suck consistently in favor of Buff but a bad play call to go empty for Rudolph’s Int, a pickens fumble and a couple big missed tackles is really the story of the night IMO. Steelers bettor tonight so I was one of you for a bit


I’m glad this season is finally over. I legit feel like I’ve finally been put out of my misery.


Yeah it’s hard to blame the refs. Steelers were down 14 with 4 minutes left at that point.


Nothing better than fans blaming anyone but the team itself. They never had a chance at winning today. Not when they played like they did. End of story


Mike Tomlin’s Steelers haven’t won a playoff game in 7 years. Way to go Mediocre Mike!




Watt gives Steelers a chance.


It appears I stumbled into the Cheifs sub!


They deserved to lose this game. Was not the refs fault. They couldn’t tackle anyone.


Pick, fumbles (one that id argue they refs gave us back), inability to tackle, and shit punting killed us. But sure blame it on the refs


Let’s not blame refs here brothers. Stay classy and save that card. We’re not the chiefs fans


I can't be the "stop bitching about the refs and cope with the loss" guy if I'm bitching about the refs when my team loses...


they did throw the steelers a bone on that friermuth fumble though


We would’ve lost either way but the refs sealed the deal for the bills


Tomlin can’t get the guys ready. Last 5 playoff games Steelers have been outscored 66-0 in the first quarter. He’s not the coach to get this team back in serious contention. He has to go.


Lol stop bitching they sucked ass tonight


Let it go. We were doomed. We ain’t very good.


Ok but the players and coaches sucked even more


Sound like crybaby seawhiner fans. The Bill's thoroughly outplayed the Steelers. If it wasn't for some fluky blocked field goal the game would have never been close


Expectations from us were very low and we proved why that was the case. Some iffy calls but we can’t be punching helmets or missing open field tackles


This is the incorrect take. Can't play like it's the first game of the year and expect to win an away playoff game against Josh Allen.


You still got time to delete this






What a dumb post


I can think of about five things that were more of a factor than the refs. Don’t be thick.


You are a yinzer clown if you think refs lol


Ofc we could’ve played better. Refs did us no favors. Both these things can be true.


Today was a fucking joke. Butterfingers & we couldn’t tackle if our lives depended on it. . .


It is way worse when the Fins play them at home


You Steelers need a good QB


We were terrible. Didn’t show up on time. Refs didn’t help but they aren’t to blame. We failed to make tackles and committed too many obvious penalties. And then overcorrected at the worst possible time. The last TD run, I know he was afraid of getting another roughing call, so he didn’t follow through. But look, if it makes you feel better, the refs won’t be cutting the Bills any breaks next week. They may like the Bills better than us, but no way will they let Taylor Swift and her Chiefs lose if they can help it.


If only the refs could have tackled the Bills.


It's possible the calls or lack thereof have made the game different than what it could have been, however it's also possible that it may not have affected the outcome in anyway either.


Refs blew a couple of calls. But, they also screwed the Bills on that Friarmueth fumble. That was definitely recovered in bounds. Turnovers cost the Steelers the game. Pickens no call PI and the missed holding on the Josh Allen scramble did hurt though.


This dumb shit is why I didn’t get on Reddit after the game and it’s also why I’m getting back off Reddit. We lost because they’re better than us and I’m so surprised we even kept it that close without TJ


Bad calls yes, but we gave up 21 early points, many instances of bad tackling, fumbles, and our offense just wasn't good enough. Plus no TJ. I'm glad we didn't get blown out and at least made a game of it


Man, you all are starting to sound like browns fans.


Soft franchise




Cry more!!


Been plenty of times we can blame the refs for not getting a W…..this is not one of those times


Yall lost 31-17. Steelers played like shit. Bills took advantage. Let's not forget the fumble the bills recovered to give the steelers a first down




Sounds like a Browns fan !


Stop it. Without TJ Watt this is a UFL team.


Na man this team is terrible it was fun the last few games but we was not contenders at all


The worst call of the game benefitted the Steelers.  What a whiny fan base!


How does this post have a single upvote?


How they maneuvered the end zone pick was a thing of beauty.


Bills up 21(completely our inadequacies) refs no calls let them play. Steelers fight back, pull to within 7, gain momentum- refs start calling penalties only on us. Were they the only factor, absolutely not, but like Pickens said”it’s hard to play the Bills and the refs”.


Hah, better team won on the day. Have some shame my god, we’re just not equipped to play with the big bois and this was a humbling a lot of you need to come to terms with. We’re just not that team anymore.


Is this a Steelers or chiefs sub? We all saw the game. Have some self efficacy to admit you weren’t the better team. Lmao don’t be those guys.


It was super infuriating to hear GP come out and say “it’s hard to play the Bills and the Refs”…not like homeboy fumbled the ball in Buffalo territory. Were there missed calls? Yes. But ultimately, going down 21-0 before you decide to respond is what killed any chance of moving on.

