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Agreed. The only time I’ve ever had a problem with opposing fans at Heinz field was the bills. Their fans also throwing snow at our players and the chiefs as well. Suck it


I worked at Heinz Field in 2019 in the Club Level. I worked games against Cleveland, Cincy, Baltimore. No problems with their fans. Matter of fact, the Ravens fans were very courteous, and Cincy fans were just kind of embarrassed because that team was awful. When the Steelers played Buffalo with the playoffs on the line in the final game of the home schedule, I was stationed in between the two escalators up to the club level in that little gated area next to section 117. Buffalo fans were so unbelievably rowdy. There was one occasion where a group of Bills fans were trying to start a fight in between the 2 escalators after they had already won the game. And that's not a large area. There's insanity, and then there's Bills Mafia.


What 0 super bowls does to a fanbase.


Do they have 0 Supwr Bowls, or should it be classified as -4 Super Bowls? Because if you make that many in a row and lose them all, they should start subtracting them, right? Or should I say, wide right?


**B**oy **I** **L**ove **L**osing **S**uperbowls


I know we want to shit on them but my God those poor fans haha. They left the camera on that one guy crying last night for too long.


Nah fuck him tbh, I hope they continue to waste Allen’s prime and then he wins a Super Bowl on a different team.


Hahahaha you know that’s gonna happen


That’s the game I was referring to as well. Bunch of jerk offs. Even the browns fans after the Myles Garrett situation weren’t as bad as these people


Yep, love Ravens fans. They are fun to screw around with, but they are all generally nice people for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I want then to lose, but I also think their fans deserve something nice for once because they root for the Ravens and pretty much only know how to feel disappointed.


As a Steelers fan in Cinci, they hate us. However, going to games as an opposing fan has been an enjoyable experience. You get the occasional verbal harassment but most fans are cordial and respectful no matter the outcome. These Buffalo fans were something else though...


I’m a St. Louis cards fan born into both this fandom and the cards fandom While I only got to go to my first game this year vs the pats, I realized that the best atmospheres are with your rivals. For the cards the only team whose fans regularly act like an ass are the braves and astros, ya know I hate the cubs and reds and brewers but fuck do they know how to act and be classy and represent there organization when traveling.


I was at this game as well! I was in the literal last row in the upper bowl (so of course there were a bunch of bills fans there) and they were pure trash. There was a guy who'd turn around and cuss and give us the middle finger every time the bills got a first down. Steven Nelson got a pick in that game, so naturally my buddy and I go nuts and some jackass had to held back by his girlfriend from coming up and starting a fight with us. Ngl would have loved to push him down those stairs 🤣🤣 Went to the Cincy game last year at home and their fans were pretty nice considering they effectively booted us from the playoffs that night. Wild.


Cam said on his podcast that they hit the team chaplain too…like come on how toxic could you be. I thought the “bills mafia” was supposed to be the best or one of the best fanbase


What is the team chaplain??


Basically the religious resource for everyone on the team


Can’t fault the them for that, at least they knew to take out the healer first.


As a cowboys fan I never come here, but I’m glad the algorithm pushed me here today. Fuckin gold lol




you made my week lol. Now I am going to go play some AOE.


Oh, i had a terrible time at the wild card game in Cincinnati years ago. Their fans were the worst I've ever been around but that was my mistake going to Cincy in the first place.


When the jags took them out in 2017 they had amassed quite the pile of tables and trash near the river.... they were forced to clean it up... what did they do they piled it all up and set it on fire in the parking lot. Only team I actively root against.


Yea, seeing the fans throw snow at the Chiefs players on the sideline as the game was ending was sad. Absolute trash fans. 


They were throwing snowballs at our players when they were trying to catch passes in the end zone last week and they were doing it again today. That's some really scummy shit.


Saw a snowball come into the end zone tonight during a pass tonight too. Don't understand how that isn't some kind of personal foul.


It happened during a Colorado State game earlier this year, 15 yard penalty.


I think it happened last year too and it was so excessive the refs had to tell their fans to stop or else the team would face penalties.


The bills stadium security really needs to crack down on that shit. I know you can’t control all 70k people but if they station security near the field and really arrest anyone that throws anything it will stop pretty quickly. It’s just loosely enforced and drunk frat boys can’t help themselves.




That’s tough though because opposing fans can throw stuff too. I know that the vast majority of the snow throwers were Bills fans but still…. I think the easiest thing I to immediately arrest anyone that throws anything towards the field. Actuality charge them too and ban them from future games in the stadium. Right now there’s little to no consequences. They are basically getting a stern warning not to do it again. And we’re dealing with people that have been drinking for 7 hours, they are not exactly making good choices.


Were their throws wide right? 😂


an absolute class act for buffalo


Someone needs to force Buffalo to build a dome with an indoors field. This will keep happening to the detriment of other teams.


They will just go back to throwing piss n shit if you take their snow away.


Pats fan that stumbled upon this thread, they threw a dildo at Kendrick Bourne during our playoff game a few years ago, where they were already killing us, fuck “Bills mafia”


Lowkey tired of the “bills fans are likable” narrative. They’ve been extremely insufferable recently. The snowballs, the shit talking, etc. Maybe they were likable in 2020 when they were donating and stuff, but have been douchey for the most part since.


> recently As someone who has grown up in Bills territory (not Buffalo itself but northern NY) and been to a few games in Buffalo (back in the 00s) and grew up around many Bills homers, I can attest that their insufferability is not recent.


This. Nobody realize how shitty they were because they were Brady’s fucktoy for 20 years. They got Allen, and wanted him out of town after year 2. Now they’re just fucking annoying and arrogant, with 0 to show for it besides winning their poverty division, which is baffling.


Also here to confirm it’s not recent lol.


You’d be a miserable person too if you had to live in Buffalo.


This is reality.


Went once for a UFC event, the whole city smells like raw sewage


Most of the time it smells like Cheerios or lucky charms or fruity pebbles. And I quite like it here, absent their resentment of my beloved Steelers. Of course I shut them down by reminding them we won six. They typically answer "That was so long ago" which earns them the response "Been there more recently that the Bills." It's all in good fun


To be honest I kind of want to live in Buffalo because I love snow and want to experience some of those 2 to 4 foot storms. We’ve only gotten one 2 foot storm since I’ve been old enough to remember


I've grown up and lived in northern NY almost my entire life, it's on the short list of snowiest regions on Earth. I absolutely *promise* you, you don't want this. Just earlier this week I had to shovel a foot+ of snow from the sidewalk and two driveways 6 times in 3 days. It's absolutely miserable.


Keeps you in shape. No gym needed.


Cool to hear from someone that’s lived there. I actually love everything about the snow though, including shoveling. I actually get kind of excited to shovel lol


It's a novelty whose charm wears off very, *very* quickly when you have spend hours doing it for 5-6 months of the year. I could write an essay. There are so many little annoyances that get magnified when it's essentially a part-time job, and I'm still just talking about shoveling aspect of it. The lower back pain. The re-shoveling the heavy, clumped up ice from your driveway entrance after the plow comes through after you *just* finished clearing it. The shovel catching on the edges of the sidewalk. The sticky snow after it's partially melted and wet and can't just fling off the shovel but have to bang against something or spray pam on your shovel to try to mitigate it. The damp gloves that take forever to dry out. The running out space on the snowbank so you either have to carry each shovelful to dump somewhere else or deal with half the snow tumbling back down onto the driveway or sidewalk. MISERABLE. Yeah, you can get a snowblower, but some of us are poor :'(


Lol I hear you man, and I know everything that you’re talking about as I’ve gone through it too, just not to the extent you have since we don’t get as many big storms as Buffalo. That being said, I don’t care. I love everything about it


Where I live it hasn’t snowed at all since January 2017 and basically the whole city closed down for > an 5in of snow


I've cheered for them over the past few years like most people. I started to sour on them when we played them last year and their defense was taking cheap shots at Kenny while up by 24. I'm done cheering for them, they've choked too many times.


they are dirty. Milano illegally tackled tua to give him a concussion then speared white and broke his ribs. Then the bills fans boo'd when white limped out the locker room to finish the game with broken fucking ribs. That fan base is the most toxic, and they have no championships to back up their shitty attitude


lol Losers throwing snowballs and trash again! No fake slide today I see lol!


It’s because even they know Josh Allen is the poster child of the NFL, can get away with any nonsense he wants unless he’s playing the daddy of the NFL. He knew he wasn’t getting away with any funny business tonight.


Thank you lol felt like I was the only neutral rooting for the chiefs. Now let’s hope they wax the Ravens then lose to the Lions in the Super Bowl


You’ve read my mind.


This is the comfiest way


This is the COMFIEST way


Bro I don’t know if I can stomach another Chiefs Super Bowl. I fucking hate the Ravens but I’d rather see them lose in the Super Bowl than *another* Chiefs appearance


It is what it is. Imagine how insufferable the Ravens will be next season if Lamar knocks Mahomes out of the playoffs. Besides, this Super Bowl will be unwatchable if the Lions lose next week anyway


You can if they lose to the Lions. I assure you.


You mean the Kansas City Swifts?


My exact hope


The ideal scenario


Couple years ago when the Steelers opened against the Bill's I made a bet at the bar with a Bill's fan that loses would buy the other a beer. Steelers won and the Bill's fan walked right out.


Low class


I'm tired of the Chiefs, but I wanted the Bills to lose more and more with every snowball I saw get thrown onto the field.


Same here, Diggs drinking the Gatorade on the sideline last week, Josh baiting flags, just general cockiness by the team/fan base as a whole, fuck em, glad they lost.


Where do they get their arrogance? They have what? Two or Three Division Titles now in 30 years? Then the 4 SB losses prior? Slow your roll there.


This is what I always say. They act like the road to the ‘ship runs thru Buffalo and they’ve never accomplished shit. Pure arrogance. They’ve peaked. It’s never gonna happen for them


I didn't like the Montgomery Burns-like glee the fans and players had in "Mahomes has to play here now! It's gonna be different." Yes, that's what's been holding you back, Mahomes can't play on the road? Oops, he can. Good.


How has it not been brought up more in the past week that Diggs did that, and for some reason, wasn't flagged? How was that not an unsportsmanlike penalty?


I know our team doesn’t look the most competitive but it’s so annoying watching everyone else just see us as an “appetizer” or “bye week” for other teams. We played the second most competitive game of the wild card round and the Bills just didn’t care.


The Steelers haven’t been as good lately, that’s true. But,condescension from a lot of opposing fans is not entirely warranted. Steelers have been in the playoffs 3 of the last 4 seasons & all I hear is how bad the Steelers suck. They have no future, yada, yada… If this is the bottom, then they’re not doing too bad.🤷‍♂️Am I right? It’s a lot of wishful thinking is what it is. Some just feel entitled to the Steelers stinking because Ben retired. Fact is all us fans or haters don’t really know what the future holds. We will see.


This is literally us rebuilding too.  And we brought it to within 7 against the bills.  Every bills fan is lying through their teeth if they tell you they weren't worried we win that game, and that's with the offense doing its damndest to turnover our way out of that game from the jump. 


This is why I absolutely can’t stand the Bills. It’s felt for a few years now like they got crowned despite not achieving anything at all. I think in the Wild Card game Romo mentioned championship DNA and their winning pedigree multiple times, but they’ve made one conference championship game in my lifetime and I’m pushing 30. It felt like there was something brewing after their AFCCG appearance in 2020, but they’re way less impressive after three straight divisional round losses. Especially with two of those being at home including a three score loss to the Bengals.


They lost four Superbowls in a row. Take that in.


And the fans are like, "Let's make sure we deserve that shit."


Trash fans deserve the heartbreak. Allen is the whiniest QB who tries to bait penalties when he slides. Hope they enjoy the long offseason!


He’s such a little baby. Also has a long history of doing dirty shit to defenders. Glad Reid and Mahomes put him in his high chair AGAIN. ![gif](giphy|l0HlQ7LRalQqdWfao)


Allen isn’t even the whiniest qb in the game he just played in. Agree with all the rest though Edit: I am blown away that people are disagreeing with me. Do you not remember the last time these two played with offensive offsides?!?


People say this about Mahomes but Allen got twice as many roughing the passer calls. Mahomes flops but nowhere near as much as Josh Allen does


He is about 50x whinier than Mahomes


No way man. Mahomes is next level. You can even see it when they zoom in on him after every play that doesn't work out.


Hard disagree. Allen begs for flags basically every god damn play. If it’s not for someone touching him while sliding he’s saying someone grazed his face mask with their fingertips


Thank you! He’s an insufferable little bitch who’s always smashing his helmet on the ground like a fucking toddler.


Why is there a Bengals fan in my Steelers subreddit


If he’s just gonna shit on Josh Allen I’m fine with it


Username is funny at least


It's incredible that as a fan base they have a few divisional round losses and pretend like they aren't one of the most dog shit franchises in the history of the NFL. Has to suck. Allen can wipe his tears with all his AFC East champ hats tho


Yup, Bills fans are the worst. One grabbed my wife in Nashville, others kicked my car when we were in Buffalo. Both times we were with my son. WTF.


>grabbed my wife ![gif](giphy|18kPwV9qSCY9O)


It’s lame to give folks a hard time for that kind of stuff, let alone if they have their kids with them?!! Classless, no matter what fanbase does that.


The hater in me won out tonight 🙏 now it’s Detroit all the way I don’t want any of the other three teams to win 😂


Detroit is exactly where we were in the early 70’s. Our city was broken. We had massive layoffs. Poverty was prevailing and we had nothing but the Steelers to pull us through. Detroit has paid their dues. They have a strong team and a head coach full of fire and isn’t afraid to roll the dice. I sure hope they take it all the way. Such a great storyline. They have to win it all! (Cause I can’t handle any of the other 3 teams winning)


From Diggs drinking Gatorade on our sideline, to Allen fake sliding and then doing one of the most egregious flops I’ve ever seen in the NFL on the Jack “hit”, to Tony Romo’s dipshit ass openly rooting for them (Nantz called him out for jumping up and down when he thought we turned it over) so he could get the matchup he wanted, let me join you in saying FUCK the Bills. Loved seeing their moronic fans cry, hope it keeps happening for decades to come.


I hope Baltimore absolutely dismantles the Chiefs. Baltimore is a rival. But a rival I can live with winning.


I've been to 2 Steelers-Ravens games at MT Stadium and didn't face any trouble or even heckling. Bills were stuck up self-fart sniffers just last week when they had refs give them more calls and leading by only a TD at one point.


They were throwing snowballs hitting Steelers players (Cam said how bad it was)...then tonight, they were throwing snowballs at the Chiefs. Like a high school drop out, no class


r/nfl and r/buffalobills was full of cope all week trying to justify the very obvious fake slide and no call holding (which they got gifted earlier in the game), and insulting the Steelers fans while they were at it. They had this one coming


For real. It felt good seeing Bills fans whining about there being no flags on Allen being hit when sliding. Can't have your cake and eat it too with fake slides boys


Yet they have the gall in the bills sub to be bitching about the refs about holding and helmet to helmet not being called. The irony is unreal.


Buffalo fans can eat shit. Totally without class last week and this today.


Josh Allen had to play hero ball and he blew it. Again.


He didn't have to. They just randomly decided to after inexplicably abandoning the gameplan that would've probably won them the game if they stuck with it. That's the kind of thing that gets people fired


Yeah those huck it chuck it plays were wtf. Like I get it, can change everything but they were marching down the field with the run and quick throws. They did themselves dirty burning that much clock


Buffalo has a highly visible minority of some really outstanding people that covers up the fact that most of them are huge assholes. I have the same beef with Canada (the country) too lol


Everyone simply can’t believe it when I say Canadians are assholes lol


I live in Canada. People in Ontario are asses. Everyone else is ok.




Loved that they kept zooming in on the buff fan that was crying in his hands🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck u Buffalo


That’s going to be a meme forever amongst bills haters…watch.


In the words of jocko willink "GOOD."


Apparently he lost $100K on a bet.


Even better🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Crying bengals fan 🤝 crying bills fan


Fuck the Bills and Josh Allen right in his fake-sliding ear. For me, Browns and Bills have both become much more irritating this year while Ratbirds and Bungles are the friends you love to hate.


Bungles fans are the absolute lowest of the low.


They seem a bit muted right now, but when they’re on a run, that fan base gets insufferably arrogant. Ohio nfl teams especially. I think it’s because neither has a Lombardi or lots of sustained success. 🤷‍♂️


I’ve always enjoyed Browns fans, been to many Steelers games in Cleveland


I went to that shit show playoff game in Cincy in 2016 too. Bengals fans were much worse. In Buffalo I had people yell stupid shit at me. In Cincy I felt like someone might sucker punch me, even more so with how that game came unglued. Walking in they were nasty. Walking out they were drenched, cold, drunk, and angry. But if the Steelers had won in Buffalo, who knows.


I can't imagine what it was like having to deal with Cincy fans first hand while they watched their team complete one of the worst collapses in NFL history, only beat out by 28-3. They had to have been brutal


It's gonna get a lot of hate, but I don't really mind Baltimore. They're not a completely trash organization like Cleveland, they actually know how to act when they win, unlike Cincy and Buffalo. I've met Baltimore fans, and they really aren't bad. They're a great rival because you know it's going to be a great game no matter what the two teams are like


I hope you don’t mind me giving my two cents but I couldn’t agree more. Bills fans are actually the biggest dickheads on the planet. They’re just New Yorkers with a superiority complex which makes zero sense because Buffalo is a dump.


You absolutely love to see this shit.


I've been to about a dozen Bills-Steelers games, both in Orchard Park and Pittsburgh. Most years its been a blast. Good people, good atmosphere, win or lose it was well worth the money. Starting with that 2019 night game, the Bills fans have been absolutely insufferable.  




Yup i was assaulted there last year at the Steelers game. Theyre a trashy fan base and they deserve this loss.


I don’t care who wins the super bowl at this point but watching bills window close more and more is delicious


Diggs didn’t drink water from the Chiefs sideline tonight. Probably woulda dropped the bottle anyways


Oh Buffalo… You may have Josh Allen, one of the greatest quarterbacks of our generation, but we have someone you don’t… Chris Boswell


I think it’s hilarious that people still think your identity is defined by the team you support. There are assholes in every fan base.


Yeah I’m not a fan of Buffalo. Only time I ever had an issue with fans was Buffalo. I kept to myself during the game in Buffalo and got stuff thrown on me 3 times. This was years ago going into the playoffs, our backups beat them and they were even more upset after the game.


If I am remembering that game correctly, Steelers had their spot in the playoffs clinched. Bills needed to win to be in, and they choked against the Steelers 2nd and 3rd stringers.


My sister got mugged her first day in Buffalo. Fok them. Wide right, biotches


If they would penalize the teams for the fans actions, a lot of this shit would be fixed. Buffalo does have some shitty fans


As a Bills fan I will say there's alot of trash fans in buffalo lately. I think social media attracted alot of dumbass people seeing true fans partying and tailgating having a good time. So alot of assholes that were never even fans think they can show up get hammered do dumbshit start fights and just say "go bills" and think it's ok, that's not true bills fans. I myself got in an altercation with another "bills fan" but he was just a young drunk asshole that didn't care about the game he was using the game as an excuse to get blacked out and fight. But I will say I met a girl in a bar told me she will never go to a bills steelers game because a drunk male steelers fan spit in her face. So I think both fan bases definitely have thier assholes. End of the day I try to set an example by having a drink with opposing fans and inviting them to tailgate with me because when I go to opposing stadiums I hope opposing tailgaters do the same for me (which they often do).


I was tgere too, and i had a guy to the left of my 11 year old. Big fatass in am obnoxious elmo colored fur caught and a drunk degenerate behind me. I heard a lot of great things about bills fans bur can co firm. I've never rooted for another team to beat another team so hard. It was glorious. They litterally were flicking my 11 yr old off and screaming in his face. They were by far the most obnoxious fans I've ever encountered, and that includes me walking into Philly and New England with no kids and an adult. I was disgusted by some of them. That being said, we also ran into a lot of great people. It just so happened that the two worst people we ran into were right behind us and next to us. Hey, fat ass Elmo in section 11, here is to you, Wide Right Bitch!🖕


Hate to be the one to tell you but Chiefs fans are the same way. Just two fanbases who haven’t had success ever so they suddenly think they’re better than everyone as soon as they do. Bills definitely are worse right now cause at least KC has something to show for it, Buffalo can’t even make a conference championship game.


Four consecutive super bowl appearances (91-94), lost all four of them. That's a record that won't be broken.


Not ever. I think it's one of the NFL's weirdest records.


Honestly in terms of how unlikely and difficult it is, making four in a row *and* managing to lose them all is maybe more impressive than just making one and winning it


When NE was on top, they had every right to be smug. They just kept winning. Now, so do the Chiefs. The Bills are like if people treated the Philip Rivers Chargers as perennial SB favorites.


Josh Allen would be an all time great if Patrick Mahomes was never born.


It’s crazy, I look at the Bills and Chiefs right now and see ourselves and the Patriots up until a few years ago


Ahh… those two words will traumatize another generation of bills fans.


So many people suck anymore. You can't just go enjoy a game.


Fuck them putos!


Watching 6’5” Josh Allen whine about every time he gets hit while leveraging his size to be tough to tackle has soured me on them.


Yeah they suck. Used to like them. But after the head hunting last year, the unsportsmanlike conduct they did on the field this year…and got away with it, throwing snowballs at our receivers in the end zone. Fuck em.


Somebody call the fucking whaaaaambulance 😭


The snowball throwing is classless. I bet it is more like ice than snow at this point too. I thought it was funny when they threw a snowball at Marquez Valdes-Scantling, and actually hit their own player, Cam Lewis. Kinda looks like it hit him in the nuts. Link to vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwLyAqk4heg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwLyAqk4heg)


This one felt very, very good. They talked so much shit after barely beating us without TJ Watt, thinking they were actually going to do something. Even if they squeaked this out they were getting their asses pounded by the ravens. Poverty franchise, garbage fans, hope they are enjoying their hangovers at work in their shitty city.


Trash fans. Josh Allen is a whiny fake sliding bitch too.


Yeah, I always thought Bills fans were meant to be jovial and friendly. Their displays in both of their playoff games so far have been absolutely disgraceful. I confess that I found myself hoping the Chiefs would win.


They’re a trash ass fanbase and always have been. As someone who lives in Buffalo this is so sweet. Wide right part 2!!! 😂😂😂


So glad they lost how they did. Fuck the Bills.


Let’s go Buffalo…to Cancun


I was there too. 95% of them were cool and good-natured. There were a few assholes, but you can say that about every fan base. But fuck them and their whining.


I agree. IDK why this sub always circle jerks for Buffalo's fans, they are assholes just like every other fanbase.


fuck josh allen and fuck the bills


Go lions I suppose


NGL, I want to Buffalo for Kennys first official nod as the starter last season and I had a horrible time with the buffalo fans. Kept to myself, kept my head down. But I did have a TJ jersey on. They were screaming in my face NONE STOP. Even in the parking lot walking in, going to the bathroom in the stadium etc. Really changed my opinion.


This playoff season has been hell. Guess I’m in on the Lions. Because I can’t decide what I want less. A Ravens SB or a Swiftie Bowl. Both seem comparable to shaving my head with a cheese grater while chewing on tin foil.


Oh I laughed my ass off when they missed the FG. Their trash fans DESERVED to witness that, after how they acted last week.


Karma’s a bitch.


I’m 100% on board. Fuck Buffalo. We went up there the last game of the 2004 season when the Steelers already had home field wrapped up and the Bills were playing for a spot in the playoffs. The fans were total assholes to us, insulted my wife and I, and challenged to multiple fights for no reason. Our second team and a then-unknown Fast Willie Parker ran all over Orchard Park that day and sent those assholes home crying.


Cole Beasley recently said on a podcast Buffalo fans are the worst fuckinf people to play against


Wide Right


Not the experience I had at all. Everyone was really nice. Everyone talked trash is jest but nothing over the line. Even the people at the grocery store were really cool. People threw snowballs at the camera man that was a little silly but I had a great experience there.


Agree fuck Buffalo and their fans


I LOVE THIS. Damn straight dude Fuck you Buffalo continue being a losing organization. I wanted them to lose in the SB just to make it more sweet with 5 SB loses


Yeah the Bills are a dirty team and their fans are fuckin degenerate. They were tackling people twice all night last night. Then they pulled that stunt with bowling over the long snapper. Real 2016 bungles behavior. Went to a game in Buffalo like a decade ago with my dad and the whole game was just drunken morons bullying some dude and his mom the whole time. Fuck the Bills.


Buffalo losing felt so good. I hate how overblown the Swift nonsense is, and her and Brittany Mahomes overdoing their celebrations is cringy/annoying as hell, **BUT**, I can live with it for 1 more game if it meant the Bills and their classless, trash fans suffer. It was definitely worth it


No reason for them to insult your ugly wife like that


Yeah, only he should beat on his wife like that


Nobody disses my bitch wife but ME!


As a Buffalo fan who was at that game, bought a Steeler fan a beer, got to listen to him go on about the Penguins beating us in the Winter Classic at this very stadium, Helped push his F-150 out of the parking lot with his bald ass tires and sent him away with a few leftover burgers and waters. Sorry about your experience.


Appreciate your kindness and respect for that fan. Cheers.


Their fans are the biggest cry bullies.




Ravens are the Ravens. That doesn’t bother me.


Yep, boo hoo Buffalo. I can’t get over Mahomes bending over and just ripping the massive heater we just witnessed in Josh’s face.


I had a teacher in high school that had moved from Buffalo and she was very miserable and mean. A gym teacher. By the time I graduated, she had turned a lot more nice and empathetic. Buffalo must be a disease that slowly Fades away over time


Bills have the most obnoxious fanbase.


Trash fans and a trash franchise. They deserve the heartbreaks


Bills fans acting like Bills fans? Damn didn't see that coming.


Ngl though I wanted Josh Allen to throw a fit at the refs and bitch during the handshake. Fuck crybaby Mahomes. Fuck the Chiefs.


Oh fuck them to death, but Buffalo shitting the bed is just perfect.


If the Ravens play like they did yesterday, Mahomes will cry enough to get a Kleenex sponshorship


If those Buffalo fans throwing ice/snow balls could be caught they should lose their season tickets


My friends and I are Chicagoans. We do a Bears road trip every year. Every single city has been super awesome and welcoming to us. This sucks you had to deal with nonsense OP.


Fake slide karma. Absolute clown organization and fan base. I don’t even like the Chiefs generally but I was thrilled seeing the bills fail to reach even the AFC champs again. They’re like the AFC Cowboys 


The ghosts of marv levy and Jim Kelly in the house bitches!


I’ll never forget when a bills fan threw a dildo on the field during a game lol


Bills fans are simply childish and unprofessional. SMH. Fuck the bills.


I love this energy