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One of my favorites, I actually just gave a copy to my oldest son to read! There’s a sequel called Black House in case you didn’t know. Happy reading!


I didn't know, thanks for the info!


One of my faves as well! I don’t even remember how many times I’ve read it!


My favorite one. Jack Sawyer is the coolest character written. Enjoy!




Traveling Jack has stuck with me for my entire life


Omg same. Since I read it at aged 12 and I'm 50 now. Jacky Boy. Wolf. Even Rational Richard. Old friends of mine!


Wolf! Here and now!


I think one of my favorite scenes is when Jack flips to the Territories and meets Wolf and Wolf asks about Phil. Smelled him on Jack. Oh my heart.


Bringing tears to my eyes….


Same, 52.


That's one for me this year, too. I'm currently reading Duma Key, then Fairy Tale, and I also have The Talisman and then Black House. I'm already thinking of what to read after those.


One of my favorites! Love Traveling Jack & Wolf!!


God pound his nails!


I’m reading this right now also. Great book


Oh I’m excited for you. This is one of my favourites. Enjoy The Territories.


That's one of my all time favorite books. I read here a lot of people saying they liked Black House better and when I tried reading it I just could not get into it. But all the talk here led me to audible so I said f it let me try it again. I still found the opening floating around the town to a bunch of people that I never met before not very compelling but I was in it for the long haul.... after a few hours I started to like it then a lot. Now I'm a couple hours from the finish and though I didn't think it would be so.... I think I might actually prefer Black House. Henry is easily one of my favorite characters from any book ever. It's the sequel to this (all honesty it took me a little while to get into to this one too the beginning about him and his mom and normal life was okay but it didn't feel like SK to me....until it did) however if you haven't read the dark tower novels I'd suggest you read them before Black House. While it won't be necessary it'll make a few parts that much more awesome. Enjoy the ride it's gonna get going and I'm guessing you're gonna love it! I wonder how the writing process was especially Black House cause honestly it sounds like King's voice. I'm not very familiar with Straub I've read 2 or 3 of his books and liked them enough but not enough to recognize his voice. I always though SK wanted his friend to have a couple big pay days so they "co-wrote" these two books in my mind SK did the writing after bouncing off ideas off Straub and changing or adding things on his suggestions but I could just be way off but it sounds so much like the voice I know all too well. Bachman sounded more different than these 2 books. Plus there was no internet for the first one I mean did they mail it sit in the same room talk on the phone. I'd love to know how those two books were written.


just started this a few days ago! i love it so far


Its great! Read black house next! I put off my current Carl Sagan blitz for these 2 - 100% worth it


No other King novel has made me cry harder.


Enjoy the adventure! Easily one of my faves


One of The best collabs! Great read!


The guy on the audio book is driving me nuts. He reads with a breathy heath ledger joker voice mixed with the ironic tone that's in everything Jack Nicholson says. It's kind of torture.


Run through the jungle 🎶 😭😭😭


Traveling jack traveling jack


Good book but man, I felt for the characters.


goat's penis! it's axiomatic!


The book that hooked me when I was 12 years old.