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Live action. Full stop. I have no interest in animation at all.


Thx for the response.


I'd be happy with either being done well. I tend to think animated would be better.


Stop motion. I feel with a tale like The Dark Tower as a stop motion series handled by someone like Guillermo Del Toro would be absolutely fantastic. Animation is art. It is not inferior to live action. It is simply another means of expression. Charlie Kaufman's Anomalisa proved that animation (even stop motion animation) is not just for children.


Or mixed media, animation for the story as it plays out with stop motion in flash backs like W&G, Callahan's story,ect.


Idk about that considering whoever they would cast as Jake would age out of the role pretty quick.


Wow... This I never thought of and love the concept. Good on you.


I can only imagine the potential in each scene. And this way when Roland loses his fingers, the actor doesn't need to wear a green screen glove or anything like that, not to mention the fantastic creatures they come up against. Such things can be realized on a miniature scale then thrown into a stop motion environment, giving the voice actors even more material to react to.


I like.


The DT sub has a huge boner for a Castlevania-style series. I don’t care about either, I just want content. Animated would probably be easier to make, though.


Never saw. Animation in proper style would work. I just want to see songs of Susanna and Wolves done right.


Live action. Not a question. I don’t want animation. I know you might get a skewed response on Reddit, because Reddit is full of nerds. And nerds typically like animation more than the general population. But there is a huge segment of potential audience who will write off the series if it’s animated. Because animation is for kids. Animation is inferior to live action, etc. I would still watch it either way, but I hope it’s not animated.


I'm a huge nerd who enjoys animation and I agree 100%. A large proportion of people don't take animation seriously. I would also personally prefer live action, assuming it is done well. If it were to be animated, I would prefer a decent CG style or something like Arcane. No anime, "cartoon" style animation, or anything hyper stylized like Samurai Jack.


It's so long though. Admittedly I would prefer a live action but actors would have to set aside 10 years of their lives to give completion.


Animated. Genndy Tartakovsky is the guy to do it. Samurai Jack and Roland are very similar characters in very similar worlds.


Great artist. He did great work on Star Wars.


His storytelling chops are top tier. Have you seen Primal?


Nope. Will look into ty.


It’s awesome! No dialogue whatsoever - unreal series with amazing animation.


No. Not animated. Not ever. Absolutely not. 🤬


Why? No slam just curious.


Because I love the Dark Tower and I *hate* animated films. Simple as that…


I'm asking why the hate. Go watch A Grave of Fireflies or Akira and tell me it can't be done. Don't be be boring. Do it.


No. I don’t care if it *can* be done. Irrelevant. It *shouldn’t* be done. DT deserves better.


It could be really great either way


I'd like a live action movie, since we never got one....


Abomination aside...


Mmmm Nope ... I don't see any animated titles in Mike Flanagan's repertoire so that seems super unlikely. Everyone in this community is so OBSESSED with their own casting or adaptation theory that no one will talk about Mike Flanagan's upcoming adaptation except to say: I hope he casts (insert :insipid threadbare fan-casting that completely ignores the troupe of actors MF produces shows & movies with: here) The fucking egos in this community, ignoring the adaptation we are about to get (that is sure to be the definitive adaptation, Mike Flanagan is a master in film and a FAN) so you can fantasize about what you think would be better.


That's been floating for years. Maybe someone else needs to take over. Fanboy?


Barely over a year. And Ron Howard held the property for close to a decade before he gave up on making a good movie. But you keep playing to whatever fantasies make you feel warm and fuzzy. I simply find living in the now, where Mike Flanagan is next in line to try their hand at the storytelling puzzle-box that is adapting the Dark Tower, to be more honest.


Where is easiest?


I'm watcing


Listen... How cute would be...