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It’s not a matter of his best work, but of biggest impact on society. And those are imho IT, The Shining, Shawshank, and The Body.


Then in that case Carrie, The Green Mile, Pet Sematary and Misery as well!


I'd throw The Shining in there via Kubrick's film.


Replace The Body with the Stand and it is a solid list.  I would love TDT to be remembered in 100 years but those seem like passion projects compared to the success that his other novels have.


I'd argue that the Body is more well known with a bigger cultural impact, if by the name Stand By Me. While the Stand is one of his best works, I don't think it's as well known as the story of the Body. As for TDT, I think that will be remembered longer than you think. It's connected to most of his works, and there is still a strong fan base for it 20 years after it was completed. Throw in things like the comics and the midquel from 12 years ago, as well as the possible movie adaptation (well, good movie adaptation) I think its popularity will outlive all of us.


It also has the most potential for future interpolations. I mean, all things serve the beam...right? :)


This is list is void if it lacks needful things


Cultural penetration? It's IT. Nothing compares to the general knowledge of IT, the Dark Tower is great, but many don't know it. The Stand is fine, but just doesn't have the penetration that IT does. That clown is famous.


True. My toddler looked into a sewer drain the other day in the daycare parking lot, and I said, "Be careful, there could be a clown in there." And I saw another parent visibly laugh. It's a reference everyone seems to get.


To be honest, I'll always look at a drain with a certain amount of distrust. I've always wanted to put some balloons in one for Halloween, but I'm afraid when I reach down to put the balloons in, something is going to grab my arm.


Yup. Local story about a boy getting sucked into a sewage drain pipe - lots of folks immediately referenced IT. 🎈


I’d say The Green Mile, for similar reasons as Rita Hayworth and The Shining.


IT and The Shining are obvious. Pennywise is so well known. I remember seeing it as a kid before I even knew who it was when Tim Curry played it. The current movies made it even more popular. Disregarding the difference between the book and movie of The Shining. Jack Nicholsons performance in the movie has put it in cinematic history. It will always be relevant in some way. Shawshank and Green Mile are another two that will be remembered due to the movies they inspired. Stand by Me is another. While the story was called The Body, that movie was great. And will probably be talked about for decades to come and probably longer. The Stand is one I'd say is maybe. The book is amazing. The miniseries was good. But it was still a made for TV show. And the CBS failed abortion probably hurt it's staying power a bit. I'd also probably mention Carrie as well. If King is remembered that far into the future, his first major hit will always be talked about. Also, Misery. And again it would likely be due to the movie.


I agree with the Shining for the reasons you mentioned. Nicholson will likely be remembered as a legendary actor, Kubrick a legendary director and it may be the best Stephen King novel. IT is a close 2nd but the movies don't have that legendary status and the ending of the novel is a bit too awkward.


The Shining or The Dark Tower Series or IT


IT and things that had big cultural impact, Shining, Misery and so on. But I’m terms of the story’s that are ageless in a different way - The Stand and The Dark Tower


The Stand is arguably the best American novel of the 20th century.


The Stand, it will remind us all of Covid


Or the next one that spreads around.


No thanks we don't want it!


Want it or not, they know it'll work so a next time is probable.


The Stand.


It, The Shining, The Stand


IT, Rita Hayworth, or The Shining


IT or the Shining both have gone deeper into society than his other work. People that have never and will never read his work still know of those books/movies because of their impact on other works.


Shawshank is good. I also nominate 11/22/63.


The Shining-probably the greatest “haunted house” novel ever written.


I hate to say, because he has written so many good things, but I think it will be that fucking clown.


The Stand or IT. My opinion is that The Stand will be the most recognizable/memorable for the ties to Covid-19. That’s hard to escape. Perhaps IT because it’s a damn fine horror story that’s also laden with controversy.


IT and The Shawshank Redemption. Probably The Shining as well, but IT and The Shawshank Redemption are guaranteed.


King’s own answer to this is IT, and I agree with him. Most people have heard of the Shining and Shawshank, etc, and with good reason - but everyone knows Pennywise, if sometimes just not by name. Hopefully King will still be remembered and discussed 500 years from now. But if he’s fallen into more obscure literary history by then, I think if there’s one thing people will remember him for when they hear his name, it’ll be the clown.


Yes, even young children know him just because he gets referenced a lot. There is nothing else that comes close.


The book that'll get published in a comic sans typesetting.


It, Shining, Shawshank, Carrie, Pet Semetary


It or The Shinning


I can’t say people will always remember classic movies like the shining, Shawshank, and stand by me. But if they do or not, either way, I agree that clown isn’t going away


I hope it's The Dark Tower.


I think It could be considered his magnum opus, and I think he would hope it is The Dark Tower. I would imagine it’s The Shining if I had to pick one.


While I have no idea if this will happen since we are talking a hundred years from now, but I would like - or hope- that The Dark Tower books will vault into the cultural consciousness the same way Lord of the Rings or Dune books have , given their scope and the way they embrace so many genres. They are a modern day mythology, and maybe it will take a successful movie or tv series to make them as well known as his other works.


I honestly believe that if the Dark Tower gets a proper series/movie then it will be considered like lord of the rings and Harry Potter


The Moving Finger!


What podcast?


Depends on which of his dystopian stories comes true. Whichever is the most prescient.


It, Shining, Stand By Me, Misery, Shawshank......but I am still holding out hope that there will be a HBO Prestige TV type series for The Dark Tower series which would raise the status of thay series. I feel like it could be as well regarded as Game of Thrones was


I definitely think “It” because of the clown AND the fact that a lot of people know about THAT scene. I also think “The Stand” will be remembered. We all know Captain Trips was not like Covid but, a few generations from now when Covid is a distance memory people might not remember that and it will make “The Stand” stay relevant. “Cujo” is another one. A lot of people who’ve never seen the movie or read the book still use “cujo” in everyday language when referring to a crazy dog. So, I think that book will stay relevant. Those are my top 3


I feel like The Stand will always be kind of relatable in one way or another


The Shining


I agree on Revival. Also think Under the Dome has a timeless resonance.


The Body


The Jaunt.