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I think they are both classics for different Stephen King “eras” if that makes sense. But personally for me The Stand is his best.


She was one of my favorite characters. Her character arc as a character traveling with the protagonists while always being pulled towards Flagg made the Boulder group storylines really interesting.


I’m 95% through my first read through. Thoughts on Nadine’s story line? Feels like a nowhere plot…




It’s been a few years since my last read but I think she was a device to get characters together, especially Harold, added tension to the good guys in Colorado, and I think SK just wanted to have like an anti-Mary in the story.


I have to agree at the end I really couldnt believe her story wrapped up like that.


M-O-O-N that spells The Stand! I felt like the characters and world that was set up in the extended cut of The Stand was much more of a fulfilling experience than 11/22/63. Both were very well written; however I did not feel as bittersweet finishing 11/22/63 as I did with The Stand. Also worth adding that I completed The Stand straightaway and took a few breaks in 11/22/63 to finish reading other books.


The Stand is more popular by far but I liked 11/22/63 better.


Yeah, I think the stand is probably better, but the other is more enjoyable.


Consider what type of book you may be in the mood for… The Stand - post apocalyptic, plague, good vs evil 11/22/63 - time travel, historical (50s/60s), partial love story


Love them both but 11/22/63 is my favourite book ever


I couldn’t agree more. It’s easily my favorite book from King. Extraordinary work.


Great question. They were both well written and both great stories. After reading both recently, I’d say The Stand. Regardless of how long the book is, I couldn’t put it down.


They are both amazing legit my top 2 king books, And probably overall books, ever written. It's such a tough call, but if you can legit only pick 1 I'd probably go for 11/22/63. I'm a sucker for time travel, its a bit more focused, and it has a better ending. But the stand is also incredible. Whichever you pick now, make sure to grab the other one at some point.


The one with the perfect ending...you never knew me but I loved you, honey.


Both masterpieces. But it’s The Stand, the wealth of character and scale of the story truly puts it at the very of King’s work. Like The Dark Tower series and IT, The Stand captures both huge story and feel like you know every character. 11/22/63 is excellent, you get beneath Jake’s skin and really get to know him…. Except why he keeps making stupid bets.


The first third of The Stand is some of the most gripping writing I’ve ever gotten a hold of. I think 11/22/63 is my favorite book of all time.


The Stand is a great book. I was thinking about it the other day and it could almost be a very detailed lost book from the Bible.


I liked 11.22.63 much more.


The stand 100%


It's almost like comparing apples to oranges, but I liked the ending of 11.22.63 better.


For me, always The Stand although I thorough enjoy both novels (as well as hating the most recent TV adaptions). But The Stand is King at his character building best. Those characters have stayed with me for 40 years and I can’t say that about any other novel.


The Stand is a master class in writing, I always thought IT was incredibly written with how King can tie multiple stories from main characters and side characters and times together but The Stand is him flexing every bit of his ability


The Stand is one of the greatest novels ever written.


The stand has lots of chunks that could be cut out. 11/22/63 maybe has one little bit that drags. 11/22/63 for me. Much more fulfilling story from start to finish The Stand tends to drag a little at times and has some plots that don't feel fulfilling.


I agree. The Stand was great but he could have cut out 1/3 of it at least and it wouldn’t change the outcome. 11.22.63 is probably my favorite book ever. It is my most recommended book by far. I do agree with the comments that they are from different eras so it’s hard to compare them.


Both. Both are good


The Stand is way better than 11/22/63. No ifs ands or buts


Yeah it's not even comparable for me.


11/22/63 absolutely. I liked the Stand but didn’t love it. I love 11/22/63, I just think it’s an amazing book.


Flip a coin


In my opinion, the stand was better written, but 11.22.63 will always be my favourite book to read. Don't get me wrong though the stand is also one of my favourites.




I’ll be crucified, but I’ve started and stopped The Stand three to four times throughout my life. I picked up 11/22/63 a month or so ago, and have already read it twice to completion. I’ll have to let it settle longer and reread some of my other favorite King works, but I think it may be my favorite book of his. The Stand is so beloved and I love King so much, that I’ll continue to give it a chance throughout the remainder of my life.


I like The Stand more, but this is like asking me if I want Double German Chocolate ice cream, or Chocolate Caramel Crunch ice cream. Both are great.


11/22/63 is a great book. Truly. But The Stand is a top 5 read for me (not a Top 5 SK, a Top 5, period), so that'll always be my pick.


I think 11/22/63 is pretty overrated for what it is. The Stand Is an unmatched Masterpiece And the greatest novel I have ever read from any author. They both have good audio narrations but the stand shines By a pretty large margin in that regard as well. The Stand was an experience that I can never replicate. I connected with those characters more than any others in the history of reading for me. While 11/22/63 I kept waiting for it to get good which never really happened. It is an extremely slow burn. And the subject matter wasn't really my type of thing all like that. I love post-apocalyptic stories probably more so than anything else And The Stand is probably the best one. I'm currently working my way through King's entire catalog and I'm trying to avoid rereads before I finish everything he's written and I'm always tempted to go back and do the stand again. There's been so many occasions where I've gone back and listened to sections over again because they were that good. That book still sticks with me after first reading it a year ago. I honestly don't think 11/22/63 is King's Modern Masterpiece like some do.I Would Reserve that space for Revival, Mr Mercedes And The Institute or Duma Key. Even Joyland or Later. I think all of those modern king books are so much better than 11/22/63.


Definitely The Stand.


The Stand. Easy.




Loved them both, can't pick one over the other. They both are masterpieces in different ways. Honestly, you can't go wrong with either of them.


I mean kind of a low-key unfair comparison The stand is a massive sprawling novel of epic proportion 11.22.63 deals with a very specific type of story and motivation I like both of them very much I thought the series for both of them was very well done and given the times in which they were both made I have listened to the stand and it easily over 50 times I've listened to 11.22.63 about 10 or 11 times. It is a wonderful story.


They’re such different novels that there is no comparison.


The stand. I really enjoyed 112263 but I wouldn't even consider it in the same class as the stand.


Just finished 11/22/63. Really liked it but they are two totally different books. I personally prefer The Stand, as a King fan I’m usually reading his stories because I love the scary dreadful stuff.




Loved them both. Liked 11/22/63 better story wise but the stands narration was much better in my opinion.


Two completely different eras when written


Both are masterpieces in my opinion, and are #1 and #2 on my list of favorite Stephen King books!


Between the 2 “The Stand” because it’s so gah damn good and long. But 11/22/63 is the best time travel piece of fiction ever.




Under the Dome was great and on my shortlist to read again (listen to) but holy shit it’s long. That’s why I keep putting it off. I won’t go into why here but 11/22/63 was better, a lot better.


I think The Stand is a slow burn because he has to set it up unlike 11.22.63 we get into the action relatively fast. I would go with the Stand though


I find The Stand vastly superior. 11/22/63 has the better ending though.


11/23/63 is one of his best works for sure. I can’t really say as far as The Stand goes since I dnf’d it after 200 pages


Well, only one of these followed the source material as close as possible. So The Stand (1994) would be my vote.


11/22/63 is very very good but The Stand is another level like more epic and bigger scale with all the different characters/storylines




11/22 by a mile for me personally




11/22/63 is the best book I’ve ever read. No question. The stand is great but I hated the pseudo Christian ending


The Stand is a masterpiece I have read 4 times!


Both. For sure. Loved them both.


He has masterpieces in a few decades. The Stand It 11-22-63


112263 has a better ending


personally I wouldn't classify anything written by Stephen King as a masterpiece, and I don't think he's in the business of writing masterpieces. Stephen king is incredibly talented creative, brilliant, imaginative, thoughtful, writer for the working man to consume as pop culture entertainment. The masterpiece, as I see it, is Kubrick shining. An artist adaptation of a pop culture horror novel, regardless of how little Stephen King thinks of it. And I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but that's really just my opinion. I don't think Stephen King sees him self as someone writing a work of monumental literary achievement,  and I don't think he minds that distinction at all.  People throw names out like Cormac McCarthy, Don DeLillo, Philip Roth, Thomas Pinion, currently yes these are the white man who are or who recently wrote books considered to be masterpieces of western literature. I don't think King has aspirations for that.  and frankly the overuse of superlatives, and the need to get peoples opinion or approval on what equals a masterpiece for a specific author or movie maker it's really just tired at this point ( I also don't think Spielberg has made any masterpieces, but he's one of the most enjoyable filmmakers out there. ) That being said, the stand is a fine novel, and easily the better book. I don't think it's a perfect book, but I do think it's probably King's best overall.


I haven’t read the stand yet, but 11/22/63 definitely isn’t his masterpiece.


It is the masterpiece


I take 11/22/63. My opinion is the stand is a more interesting idea and has more to work with but 11/22/63 is an older, more talented writer, really cutting loose and just letting it flow. The stand is actually more memorable to me plot wise but I simply had a pleasant time reading 11/22/63 and blew through it. The stand would be funner for a book club or discussion though.


I'm thinking on this more now... I found some of the characters in the stand a little over the top. Nadine was never really fleshed out. The kid just didn't seem realistic. Harold was a little too over the top incel. Mother Abigail is a bit cringe. Felt like too many loose ends and when the bomb goes off and kills a bunch of characters it... Just was not as tense or as sad as I think king could have made it.


The Stand 110%.


11/22/63. The Stand is a snoozer.


The stand is a masterpiece, 112263 is a wonderful read.


You couldn’t go wrong either way. 11/22/63 was always my favorite King book until I just finished The Stand on Friday. Now, I have a new favorite


The Stand is my personal favourite. For his earlier era, this book still stands (lol) as his magnum opus.




Decide which one you want to read now while saving up for the other one


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^K8nK9s: *Decide which one you* *Want to read now while saving* *Up for the other one* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sell an organ. Buy both.


I guess you did that too lmao


Lol no I just had the money. But both are absolutely essential masterpieces.


The stand is a great book, though like most King books could do with a Reader's Digest condensation. However, I really enjoyed reading it. 11/22/63 is probably my favorite book ever, and I keep it on Audible to listen to over and over. Of course, time travel is my fav trope and I loved the characters in Jodie.


They are both outstanding but my pick goes to The Stand. It is probably my favorite book


The Stand is probably the far cheaper option when measured at cost per word, especially if you get the unabridged version.


I like the premise of 11/22/63 more, but I think The Stand is a better book.


They're both great but *The Stand* is in a category all its own. It's a masterful story that took on a whole new set of implications after CoVid-19. I'd start there but move on to 11/22/3 when you can.


I liked 11/22/63, but I didn’t love it. I thought it could stand to have about 200 or 300 pages trimmed. The Stand is almost perfect.


Do we get an update on what you chose? 😁


I'll definitely go with the stand 😋


The Stand. But 11/22/63 was written way later, when his writing was cleaner and he wasn’t cocaine addled so it might be easier to get into that one. The Stand has a zillion characters and is ABSOLUTELY worth the ride, but you’ll need some patience. I say if a detailed look at a worldwide pandemic and the breakdown of modern society is interesting to you, go for The Stand. If a revisionist historical novel is more your thing, then 11/22/63.