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Whenever my kids give me five fucking minutes!!


The struggle is real


Mother of fouršŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø I felt this in my soul lmao. I tell myself I'll read once they're in bed, but by that time, I'm already so exhausted. I've, somehow by the grace of God, managed to read 25 books this year. No clue how. I barely get 2 minutes alone to use the bathroomšŸ˜€šŸ˜‚


4 ouch!! We have twins (8 y.o.), and I feel your pain. By the time they are down and the house is rearranged so we can see the carpet again, it's about 9.30, and we have about 20 minutes' worth of energy left šŸ˜†


I donā€™t really have a strategy. Usually, I just open the book and read as long as Iā€™m in the mood for. Sometimes itā€™s only a couple of minutes, sometimes a couple of hours.


100%. Everyone has their own style but in the end reading should be for pleasure. Once itā€™s set to a timer or page count, it becomes a task or chore. If you want to keep going, keep going. If you donā€™t feel like it, stop.


Open the book and start the audiobook till my mind starts to wander too much


I either read on my lunch break at work or in bed of a night.


By subject matter.


I read when itā€™s sunny outside. Iā€™ll lean back catch some sun and read till Iā€™ve gotten a good hour or two in. Iā€™ve been heavily enjoying ā€œ You Like it Darkerā€ atm


I read my book in the morning before going to work. Whatever I have time for, with my coffee. I listen to audiobooks while we load our truck and until my husband finishes his sports news on the radio when we start our delivery route. Then we listen to another book or a podcast, sometimes a comedy show together. After work I usually take another while to read some more of my book. At bedtime, I'll either listen to more audiobooks or read some fanfiction on my phone. So I usually read as time allows and until I go to sleep. I feel really off if I don't get a chance to read every day.


Pick the book up from the shelf, open it, start reading at page 1 and continue to read whenever I have the time or am in the mood for it. Once finished, which can vary from a few days to a few weeks, put the book back on the shelf.


I listen to audiobooks while I'm driving, which is a lot (I'm a service tech). Most of the average sized books take me around 2 and a half to 3 weeks. Also because my mind starts to wander and I miss entire bits and have to go back and re-listen.


I read books in the 24 days my library allows me to have them I always return them early especially King books so the next person can enjoy it because the waiting list is long


i sit (usually at afternoon) at my table...Open the book and start reading , i don't know when the reading will be over , it can be after 10 mins , 1 hour , 2 hour or sometimes at night !


Mostly I read last thing at night. Iā€™ll get work, chores, dinner, gym etc all out of the way, turn off the TV/music and settle down with a book. I just find it a nice way to finish off the day.


I rarely have time to read anymore, so I listen to them. I have an audible subscription and get through two or three books a month while cleaning/working/commuting etc. The only paper books I read now are the ones that Stephen King himself narrates as he's a terrible narrator.


I pick one that sounds cool. I mostly don't care about publication order, except for sequels. I've been reading King since the 90's, and since I've read most of his stuff, I prioritize ones I haven't read yet. I also like to throw other writers in the mix, as a sort of break from King (as much as I love King, I gotta read other stuff sometimes). My big go-tos for this are Dean Koontz, Neil Gaiman, and Andrjez Sapkowski (but I also like George RR Martin and Joe Hill. Haven't read much by either of them, but they're cool).


I read during my breaks at work or whenever I have the free time at home. I am currently reading all his work in chronological order. I am getting so close to what I haven't read yet! šŸ˜


I read them out to my partner. Weā€™ve done each book once, apart from IBH which weā€™ve done twice. I really enjoy doing voices - the chat transcripts were so fun to read out


My general goal is always 50 pages a day, but itā€™s pretty easy to surpass that with most King books. Often what will happen is, after Iā€™ve hit my goal, Iā€™ll check how long the next chapter is and if itā€™s only a handful of pages, Iā€™ll read that one too. This often happens repeatedly and I end up reading closer to 100 pages a day.


For his short story collections, I have to take notes on each story so I donā€™t forget and can reference them in the future. Also had to take notes as I read during It and 11/22/63.


Stevie publishes them, I take the day off and start in. It's a simple arrangement, but it works for us.