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The Dead Zone is a really tight yarn. King meanders a bit in many of his books, but The Dead Zone just keeps the tale front and center, plot point by plot point.


And honestly, IMO, one of his best endings.


Yep, exactly why I love it


I love King’s style but some of his greatest books would benefit from being trimmed. The Dead Zone is a nearly flawless example of how concise his writing *can* be


yes!! as a writer myself i live and die by concision and i feel that's one of my strengths. so many writers get too attached to plot points or scenes that just don't serve the story (king included, although his are usually character-driven so they're better camouflaged). i get it, but at the end of the day the plot has to come first. king's short stories and shorter novels/novellas (misery, the dead zone, and novellas like the ones in different seasons) are just elevated over his other work. his other work is still incredible, but the concision in his shorter work makes it hit much harder because it doesn't leave you time to breathe (in a good way). it's just one hit after another.


Cronenberg’s adaptation is pretty good too!


One of my top 5 all-time faves. So underrated.Johnny's psychological and emotional journey make it more thriller than horror to me. He has to make horrific choices.


It might creep up there for me eventually. I’m still thinking about it and I’ve been finished reading it for a couple days now


Given your initial response, I think it will creep up quickly. 


It was my first King back in 1974 or so and still thinking about it. Remains my favorite.


It's just a well told tale.


But The Dead Zone IS one of my faves!


Even better lol


Johnny Smith is my favorite King protagonist. Being pushed into the insane situation of being the trigger man. Yet *not* having to kill the bad guy but still ending his aspirations. No one can make Stillson into a martyr. The hero is untainted by murder. The ending is sad yet great.


Absolutely, loved it so much and it exceeded my expectations completely


I love it. One of my first King books. Love the Wheel sequence. Round and round it goes but it never stops on The Dead Zone as my favorite. Doesn't mean I don't love it though. In the end it all serves that fucking beam, amirite?




It's also a \*really\* good tragic love story. I think that part often gets overlooked.


There are parts in it where I’m just devastated, the scenes between Johnny and Sarah are almost holy in a sort of way. I know that sounds crazy, but they are so profound whenever they have pages of their interactions together.


Absolutely. It’s so heartbreaking in its reality even while the supernatural stuff is happening.


Between this, 11/22/63, Wizard and Glass (to name a few), the man could probably right an amazing love story too. The emotion he brings in these stories are amazing, and they’re just a part of an even larger story.


When Johnny >!and Sarah are saying goodbye after the afternoon at his fathers house!<, I had to put the book down to SOB for a few minutes. I just read it for the first time a few weeks ago, I went in not knowing anything about the book and did not expect to come out of it so moved. By everything. ETA corrected name.


Sarah, you mean?




yes absolutely! i found myself profoundly affected by that aspect of it which really surprised me


Odd Thomas is another great one


Been you to have any spike, mon?


Set your gear shift for the high gear of your soul


That Fukuoka show is epic. As a matter of fact, I think that's what I'm going to listen to at work today. And to stay on topic, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Odd Thomas as well.


Great book but I did think at the time it would be so far fetched that someone like Stillson would get so far….




The parallel is uncanny!


Absolutely eerie reading the description of that politician in recent years. That's such an overlooked gem.


Dead Zone - book and movie - might be my #1 Stephen King. Johnny is such a wonderful, sad protagonist. Very prescient.


It’s so interesting reading a protagonist that is internally tortured from King. His usual characters are set in their ways, so having a main character that hates what’s he is that has you gritting your teeth at morally ambiguous situations where you probably would’ve folded just like him is mind-boggling. Excellent King through and through


Never looked at it from this perspective. Thanks for sharing!!


Anytime anybody asked what his most underrated book is, I easily say the dead zone. I do think that this book is pretty well liked and isn’t considered bad. But this is genuinely one of his best books and it rarely ever gets compared to as such


I feel the exact same way and I was in that crowd for a while before I finally read it and was mind-blown by the lack of recognition


The Dead Zone was actually the first Stephen King novel I read. I thought I'd start out with something that, based on reviews from Goodreads, wasn't too scary. I'm still working through his most well known, like Pet Sematary right now (that one is so disturbing I had to take a break with a Dale Brown book where Russia and Iran want to detonate a nuke over the US heartland and have the EMP wipe out the entire electric grid).


lol, he does say Pet Sematary scared him the most.


I'm still reading his must-reads. This was one of the reasons I decided to read Pet Sematary right now instead of The Shining (the other reason was my nearby public library had Pet Sematary on the shelf, I'd have had to wait a few days for The Shining)


I gotchu, The Shining is uber popular so I’m not surprised it isn’t available


The Dead Zone is in my top 3, and I maintain it has the best ending than any other King book except for *maybe* the final 20 pages of 11/22/63, and Mike's final interlude and Bill's final chapter from It. All three of those endings are quintessential examples of "bittersweet", and each time I reread them I'm left an emotional, sobbing mess. King at his best.


Oh, you haven't yet discovered *Hearts in Atlantis,* then. That's another bittersweet one that'll have you utterly undone...


The Dead Zone has always been my favorite. My heart has been broken for Johnny since I first read it in the early 80s. And that was the book that introduced me to Stephen King.


What an introduction to King, mine was The Shining (which I still heavily adore)


It was my first King as well - at 13 years old


You and I are about the same age then.


Yes, it’s a book that goes from strength to strength and time has only proven its overall prescience


As a 16 year old, I tried to get my parents to read it, but they were unwilling. Some years later, they saw the movie so I pulled it off the shelf and told them to give it a go. Same with Shawshank and The Body/Stand By Me.


I’m trying to get my parents to read it too (and everyone else who will listen)


Whenever I wear a raincoat, I sort of whisper to myself So slick…. as I run my hands on the material So that’s a lasting memory!


I cried. Firestarter and Christine should also be spoken about in the same conversations as Shining and Salem’s Lot.


I need to get to Firestarter soon, but I have Salems Lot and Under The Dome to get to first


I remember being at the end of the book and we lost power in the house. I read the last 60 pages of Dead Zone with a flashlight. That book is a ride!


It one hundred percent is


The whole part where Johnny is in coma and the book focuses on how the world around him evolves, his mother becoming more and more detached, the monetary problems are of his father and, above all, how Sarah moves on is heartbreaking


It really is, haven’t felt that much emotion for a character in a while personally while that was going on


I just finished it today. My first time reading it and I enjoyed it. It made me think of Trump.


Stephen King was fighting fascists before I was born


I just read it for the first time and that whole plot line in the book make me think King might be a time traveler.


Kind of why I love Joyland. Early King was surgically precise with story.


What if it were one of my faves already? What now dammit?


Place it higher in your favorites list 💀💀


Honestly, it was the 3rd novel I read by King, and at that point, the movie was out, and Christopher Walken was such a good actor that I had to read the source material. I have an affinity for King's work because I grew up reading him. I reas Cujo at the tender age of 11, and I was already on horror movies by that age. It just hits for me in a way that only Constant Readers understand.


Absolutely, my journey with King started around that age too when I watched The Shining for the first time then read the book shortly after. I was hooked after that. No one does it like King


Such a bittersweet book


The ending is unreal, loved it


I LOVE early King. His first dozen or so novels are all very tight and focused. Much as I love longer books like IT and The Stand, there is just something so gripping and propulsive about his early work that gets lost by the time he’s writing Insomnia or Bag of Bones.


The Dead Zone was my first King book and it was the perfect start. It’s my favourite of all his books, definitely the one I’ve read most.


I read this as a teen when it came out (thanks, dad!) and it remains one of my top five King novels. At the time I detected a stylistic nod to Ray Bradbury in parts but I should read it again to see if I was right. And has any writer had such a first five book run like King? Five books, all out of the park.


I am not very big on politics. So when the supernatural stuff was done explaining, I remember losing interest in the book quickly. I couldn't finish it. Same with 11/22/63. I know I am in the minority, but this book just is not for all.


I understand completely, it’s a definite change of pace and it’s hard to get used to at first but then I kinda liked that twist. I still have to get to 11/22/63 though


It's definitely my favorite Stephen King novel.


For sure


One of my faves, with a rare satisfying (if still sad) King ending. Just well-crafted front to end, and featuring a protagonist who you really root for. Plus, it’s incredibly prescient about the dark side of populist politics.


I think that’s what drew me towards it from the start. It’s so homey, if that makes sense. Unlike a lot of other King novels, it’s not outlandish (which I love keep in mind), and almost felt too real in some parts to where I would just be sitting back and imagining everything happening in front of me. It’s artful and beautiful


The Dead Zone was the very first book I read of SK and I was about 14 yrs old at the time. This book hooked me and then read a bunch of hs stuff, etc... About 5 yrs back I reread Pet Semetary and TDZ and the second time around, I must say there were better than the first. Probably because of age etc.....but The Dead Zone still holds up and I give it a lot of credit


James Franco reads the audiobook, and his performance is amazing. That book absolutely shook me.


The audio version I have is Lorelei King...


James Franco doesn’t hold a candle to Scott Brick, let alone the venerable Will Patton. It was okay, but dude is a much better actor than reader.


Loved Franco’s narration.


It’s actually the first book that I read (written by King). I loved it so much, so I wanted to check if he had more good stories. The answer is yes. But The Dead Zone is still one of my favourites, and I’ve reread it multiple times. It’s one of the books I usually recommend to people when they ask which SK books they should read.


I checked this out as well as everythings eventual and I started the latter first so I am very excited to read it afterwards


I've had this in my collection for a long time and have mostly converted to audio and kindle books these days just so I can always have it on the go. I'm gonna start carrying it in my backpack right now.


I've never actually read the the story yet because I'm a Cronenberg junkie that loves the film so.... I'll read it eventually but after stories I'm not familiar with.


First Stephen King book I ever read, first paragraph and I was hooked. Great book, a solid 10/10 for sure.




LOUDER. It’s an incredibly beautiful narrative.


I’m with you- The Dead Zone is the best novel in my opinion


The Dead Zone has been one of my favorites for years! No argument there.


It's my favorite.


Finally, some love for The Dead Zone! One of the only books to grip me from start and long after the finish. Had to immediately upgrade my copy from an old paperback to a first ed. hardcover.


Grabbedthis on a trip to the library recently. Made it a few pages in and realized it was one of my first King reads when I was in my teens so I put it on the take back pile. Read Needful Things in its place, which I couldn't put down...wonderful read. Working through The Regulators now, but I may give The Dead Zone a reread now that I've seen this post.


I need to read The Regulators as I just got the Bachman collection recently (the one with that, The Long Walk, and Rage). I have so many good books to look forward to. But yeah, I would definitely re-read it


I just finished it last week and loved it. I’ve only read 8 king books to date but this is easily in the top 3. In thought I knew the ending. I in fact did not know the ending lol.


What makes the Dead Zone soooo perfect you ask? Because some of it is our reality. Need I say more?


Haha 💀💀


Ed Glosser, trivial psychic. You’re going to leave the cup of coffee in the cab! There’s still time! Don’t forget your coffee!


Indeed, one of my favorites as well, and the ending left a strong emotional impression for me.


Yeah. The Deadzone is one of my favourites too.


Even if The Dead Zone is your favorite, The Dead Zone still wipes it




u ever think the husband finds out his wife fucked a guy who tried to off a political candidate


That’s exactly why we need a sequel, “The Dead Zone, the Zone gets Deader”


Favorite book of all time.


The first King’s book I read, and honestly, I love it more than the Stand.. And maybe a little bit more than the shining :)


It’s in my TBR. I have to be in the right mood. Not sure what mood that is.


Top five of his books for me.


I read it in high school, and man, has that story ever stayed with me! (And how could people think he was a horror writer?!) I love the quiet everydayness of Johnny and Sarah, that they could be just anyone, like someone on the other side of the gas pump while you're getting your car tanked up. I'm pretty sure this story is what got me so solidly into people-watching whenever I'm out in public. That scene on the bus (or was it a train?) with the kid -- "What if he's *dine,* Ma?" -- captivated by the boundless dramatic possibility a pallid-looking Johnny Smith carried (along with that battered carrying case).


Man that’s exactly how I feel. The descriptions at the end were harrowing and you had to realize that your journey with Johnny was close to ending. It’s sad, but meaningful


You aren’t wrong. You’re just aren’t right either. It’s like that Brian Regan joke where he’s asked what his favorite popsicle is. Cherry and Grape. They’re both favorites. I think I’ve read The Dead Zone every time I’ve had a significant breakup. It’s comforting after a relationship ends by random misfortune. It’s certainly not a guidebook, but there’s a lot of empathy in it.


When someone asks me where they should start with Stephen King's books, I always say The Dead Zone. It is the perfect first taste of his work. You get a feel for his storytelling without getting too overwhelmed by drawn out passages or an overly long page count. It's the first Castle Rock book so reading it won't spoil any of those books (I accidentally read Needful Things before The Dark Half and Cujo). It doesn't have a super popular and ubiquitous adaptation that everyone has seen so they're likely not overly familiar with the story like they would be with It or The Shining. Also, it's just a damn good book. Very compulsively readable.


I agree with OP about the quality of The Dead Zone. It’s been a favorite of mine since I first read it while in my teens. I went back for a re-read recently as a way to make sense of the political climate happening at that time, and to engage in some well-needed escapism.


Oh yeah, this book is top tier and doesn’t get the love it deserves. It snaps up your attention and never lets it go through the entire book. It’s so good, and the ending was unreal. The best part wasn’t >!when he attempted to badly assassinate stillman, but when he predicts the lightning strike and subsequent fire that would’ve killed Chuck. It was so chilling and I was having shudders, like what a powerful scene and the reality of his ability, but also how people will see him afterwards. It’s a devastating scene and don’t blame him for running afterwards.!<


Yep, it’s awe-inspiring to be frank


I don't know what's wrong with me then. There's only 10 SK books I haven't read, and Dead Zone was one of my least favorites. I thought it was a very cool idea, but I didn't like the execution.


It’s definitely packing extra punch with the political climate these days too.


I want a hardcover for this book but it costs more than ps5 game lmao


Is it really that hard to find a hardcover for it? I saw a couple used copies at Goodwill and other places for 2 dollars lol


I bought a first edition hardcover 4 days ago for $1.99 at Salvation Army.


Not that there’s anything wrong with that but I don’t shop at the Salvation Army there isn’t one anywhere near my house


Same here, I was visiting another city and stopped in. I live in a Spanish speaking country so I do a lot of book shopping when I’m in the Anglo world.


Damn. I know what I'm buying next.


One of my faves.


Time for a reread soon in appreciation! I love this book.


Definitely way up there for me! Same with Firestarter.


The Dead Zone is awesome. Idk why it always has to be a competition though 😂


Had a similar experience with 'Needful Things' and won't tire to preach about it.


I read it not long ago and really enjoyed it. Yes, it needs some love too. A lot of people have seen the movie, which was good, so they haven't read it. Same with Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, etc. I recently read Apt Pupil -- that's a great read too, but chilling.


Dead Zone is good, but I’d put it below several King novels.


It's my favourite King novel, and I have about 30 of his on my bookshelf. I am due a re-read...


Sometimes Dead Zone is better.


really? it's been a while since i last read it, but i don't remember it being that good. maybe it's time for another round.


It really is, trust me. Such a good book


I don’t understand the appeal of this book, the concept is great, the actual book itself, in my own opinion, isn’t. I read it while I had Covid and credit it for turning me off of reading for a number of years, as I felt completely underwhelmed by the ending. It’s one of the very few King books I’ve disliked, but I’ll probably reread it again after a while.


That’s unfortunate, but I can see where you are coming from. I would definitely re-read it eventually


It was a disappointing book overall to me. Disappointing because part one was so unbelievably great. Then part two was a complete 180 and turned into a mostly political story which wasn’t nearly as interesting.


I’m sorry but hot take but Dead Zone bored me endlessly. Johnny is an eh protagonist and to me there feels like 100 wasted pages during Johnny’s coma where there was nothing going on worthwhile with the other characters, at least nothing imo that compelling. Also don’t like how there feels like two climaxes in both the Frank Dodd story and Greg Stillson story. 


Oh yes, a truly unpopular opinion that The Dead Zone is a great book. Surprised you didn't call it a "hidden gem.'