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I’d take a look at *This Naked Mind* by Annie Grace. It jump started my journey last year. Lot of great information in that book. After reading it I went 3 months sober, drank for a couple weeks after that (not excessively) and then took another 2 month break. All in all I spent around 1/2 of 2022 sober. Physically I felt much better/healthier while sober so I’m planning for another long sober streak starting today.


Came here to say this! Truly life changing (at least in my experience). Good luck, OP!


The audio book is also great if reading isn't your thing! It's read by the author and I like to relisten when I'm struggling..


I also was going to suggest This Nsked Mind. OP sounds so similar to where I was at 3.5 years who. I read that book and haven't touched a drop since. Something switched in me. No more drunken tirades at my partner. We are closer than ever. And the lack of booze has not had a single negative impact on me. Life is just different, but overall much better.


I would also recommend “Alcohol Explained” by William Porter. “This Naked Mind” didn’t resonate with me for whatever reason (something about the tone), but “Alcohol Explained” did. It was one “aha” after the other.


I believe they share a lot of the same ideas/concepts. I’ve been meaning to pick up some additional books so maybe I’ll grab a copy of that one.


Yes they definitely do! I just liked the tone of the Porter one more. It clicked more for me, that’s why I like to mention it. 🙂


Thanks for the book suggestion. Did not come here thinking I needed a book, but the kindle version is $3 (CDN and USD) so why not?


It’s a great way to fill your head with the facts about alcohol, allowing your mind to make a more informed decision on whether or not drinking alcohol is worth it. It’s not a cure all by any means, but the battle better the *conscious* and *subconscious* mind is discussed throughout the book and it’s truly fascinating.


I just saw the sale and bought it at the same time. Great minds think alike, "...why not...?"


Also just did the same!


11,490 Days. You defined the problem well. All you need to do now is read what you wrote, but from the perspective of someone else. I'm proud of you, you've done better than I did when I was drinking. Many call it a disease, allergy, mental or emotional problem but that isn't how I see it. It's very simple. Some people can drink (I'm one of them, looks like you are also) to a level of extreme toxicity. Alcohol is a poison. That's why being drunk is considered intoxicated. At mild levels it provides a level of euphoria. In some people, surpassing this level is unpleasant. These people don't tend to have a problem with it and rarely end up in bad situations. That is not my case. I can become extremely intoxicated. I never get uncomfortable let alone worried about it. I drank so much for so long I was about to destroy my body, as in dead. I didn't know anything else. You have this figured out though, use your knowledge. You don't ever have to do that again and you know how to avoid it. One, just one is too many. After that a thousand aren't enough. You know what happens if you have even a little bit. It's not a difficult road, it is easier to live sober than wasted. Think about that logic. It takes a lot of willpower to live drunk and to continue to poison yourself to death. If you can do that, you can take the easier road, the sober road. People congratulate me on my years, I laugh. I tell them it's like I told them I'm allergic to pumpkin and haven't had pumpkin pie in 32 years. You understand now, you see it. It is a choice you make when you drink. Put very simply, just don't. I know you can do this.


Hey RegKat, lots of reasons for kicking the booze habit. Looking forward to an alcohol free 2023, I will join you not drinking today.


Thank you, an alcohol free 2023 it's exactly what I need. It even rhymes!


I feel for you. My wife finally got tired of the bullshit. I tired several times last year but didn’t happen. She left me in September. I wish would have stopped. I’m on day three and I really hope it works this time. I have been a mess during all of this.


It’s not going to work for everyone, but I’m day 14 after deciding I simply can not drink anymore. Ever. In my life. I’m an alcoholic, and the surest way to not get so drunk that I feel shame is not never have a drink again. I spent years telling myself I’ll start to drink less- drink more appropriately, only drink socially etc. I realized that my only option is to take the option of drinking off the table. My parents can drink a few beers appropriately. My wife can get drunk sometimes, and she’s not an alcoholic. That’s great for them. I am an alcoholic. Starting a day counter is helpful for me. I look at it a couple of times a day, and it makes me so proud.


I relate to this so much. I just got there last October, after years of trying various strategies for control, all of which failed. OP, I totally relate to your shame and anguish. The longer you stay abstinent the more your self-respect will recover.


I'm with you. We are not like normal drinkers that can nurse a drink for 2 hours. My wife forgave me more times than I can count. I tried medication and therapy. Nothing worked until I went to a month long inpatient treatment. I now have the tools and knowledge to help keep me sober. Unfortunately, it was too late. My wife and I separated yesterday because shes done with the marriage. Almost 10 years, and no amount of begging or staying sober will change her mind. So I did not stay sober for NYE. Couldn't even make it 6 months. I have faith in you. Seek help. I pray that it's not too late to save your relationship.


Don’t worry about dry January. Worry about dry today. Tomorrow, do it again. Hang in there.


I like chocolate milk. I only have today, right now, and I will not drink with you today. Sending you warm thoughts.


wow, I could have written this myself. almost down to the exact detail. I will tell you that I spent 16 months alcohol free and it was the best 16 months of my life. boring, so very boring, but in a good, worthwhile way. I went back on a binge for several months, quit again for almost 8 months, and a few days before new years I got absolutely hammered. still feeling the psychological effects from the hangover, but I’m sober and taking it day by day. you got this! just go day by day and the days will continuously add up and before you know, it will have been weeks, months, etc. just remember, it’s so worth the struggle. when I’m struggling or feeling tempted, I come here. mostly I lurk, sometimes I post and comment. but everyone here is so helpful. I will not be drinking with you today. I wish you luck on your journey ✨


You poor thing. Today is a new day - start over, new year new you!


Wow, you sound like me. Best advice... get with a therapist and start working to uncover the deep down thing that drinking "solves" or the feelings drinking helps you avoid... there's answers if you're brave enough to look❤️


I so know the feeling. You can do this!


I can relate to every word you typed. I'm happy you're on this sub because SD is one of the best tools in my toolbox! I come here several times a day, mostly just lurking. And I gain sober strength every time! There are so many tools available: books, meetings, podcasts, ice cream. I hope you find the tools that work for you, and i wish you peace and strength and hope. IWNDWYT! 💙😸


I recommend reading This Naked Mind as well. As a fellow writer / creative, I think I clung to / used the alcoholic brilliant writer myth or stereotype as an excuse or tool of denial for some time. I completely understand why you feel alcohol makes you a better writer; for me, I realized this was a myth. And I started questioning why we glorify self-destructive behavior of writers and artists. I can get aha thinking moments from other things--nature, travel, shaking up my routine, meeting new people, deep conversation, reading etc.


I will not drink with you today. Quit Like a Woman and This Naked Mind were great reads. So many podcasts out there too. You can do this.


I've been trying to moderate my alcohol, but I drank a lot yesterday and everyone seems to be mad at me. I don't remember everything, just bits and parts. I don't even want to know what I said or did. I hate this feeling, I need to quit.


Speaking from experience, you will lose your partner if you carry on in this fashion. Thankfully, you still have an opportunity to avoid a harder path. I don't have the words to adequately express what a golden opportunity you have now or how much harder the path will be having lost someone you love deeply, but know even the fleeting, impossible thought of having a similar chance has left me questioning what I wouldn't give to have that shot again and take it. Pulling for you! IWNDWYT.


You got this! Def mentally prepare yourself because it may get a lil worse before it gets better. I told myself alcohol was not an option no matter the circumstance. I was so exhausted for the first couple months, physically and mentally. I felt depressed, sad about how things changed around me after eliminating alcohol. I did a LOT of self-soothing, giving myself rewards was a huge motivator for me. I let myself go on lil spending sprees when reaching milestones (you’ll be surprised how much more money you have!). You are on the right path! Be kind to yourself. I always try to remember when I want to drink about my problems that I end up taking one problem and making it into 2 problems :-) alcohol really does not help anything, not a single thing! Other folks recommended This Naked Mind, I read that in my first 30 days and it helped me tremendously. Best of luck, excited for you!


> I want to be like my sister, who had one gin & tonic last night and spent two hours drinking it None of us are able to do that, that's why we're here. Drinking zero is even better than drinking one anyway. IWNDWYT.


Hey friend. I hope you’re doing okay, and thanks for sharing. Posting here is such an incredible way to get support. There’s a lot in your post that resonates with me. My day 1 also came after an event where I was about to lose my partner due to too many drunken nights of nonsense, and I also had plenty of times where I had a few drinks and was fine. For me, even though those times exist, the likelihood that I’ll go overboard is very high. It’s safer to not drink, even though I wish I could “be different”. I stopped drinking, and my partner was able to trust me again. We got married in November, and I’m positive that would not have happened if I hadn’t stopped drinking completely when I did. Sending you hugs and love and asking you to join me in not drinking, so that we may continue repairing the damage we’ve done before the decision was made.


Sending support 💖❤️🙂


You got this, OP! I was jumping out of my skin with anxiety and shame and regret a month ago. Just taking it one minute at a time, one day at a time. Sending healing vibes for you in 2023 🤍


I feel this whole post. I wanted to have a couple drinks lastnight but a few turned into getting wasted and having a similar drunken tirade on my partner. Fast forward to today, I’m completely hungover, look and feel like shit and I’m looking around peicing my night together. So, dry January it is to tidy up and get it together. We can do this.


You deserve good things. Wishing you good luck and I hope you will be feeling better soon 🙏


When I was still in the "thinking about getting sober" phase, all I could think about were the things I would miss. Now that I have a few days behind me, none of my previous thinking had any root in truth, because the truth is I DON'T MISS A SINGLE THING ABOUT DRINKING. My life has opened up like a flower and instead of dying every day, I'm living. Yes, there have been problems, yes, I've been angry, lonely, frustrated, and sometimes confused at times, but overall, these sober days are truly the best days of my life. I almost missed the best part of being here on the planet. I've had to learn how to do things differently, and I'm still learning. The people here on this sub have been a wonderful support system and I know anytime, day or night, I can come here and talk about what's going on. OP, take heart. There is much happiness to be had, and you're at the beginning! Happy New Year!


Do the January This Naked Mind live alcohol experiment! That program has helped me so much. I just finished doing The Path with them and I’m sober (had some hits and misses getting here but I learned along the way) and I have never been happier. I don’t feel deprived, I feel so aware of how awful it is for us to drink that I genuinely don’t want it. I never ever thought I’d feel that way. It really changed my thinking. You can do this! Life is so much better without alcohol screwing around with our brains and bodies.


You can do this. I'm so sorry you've experienced this. I hope you get to keep your Jay. I didn't. I found this sub, books like Annie Graces Thus Naked Mind, and therapy for the inner demons I thought alcohol helped me overcome, to be lifesavers. Take care of you. You deserve love and support. And no matter what, I promise there is still love and bliss possible in your future. IWNDWYT


Just for today, I won’t drink with you friend :)


Staying sober will be worth it. It never disappoints.


I’m In the same boat. Everyone else seems like they drink normally and I’m the only that just does not stop drinking until I get sick. I drank less than 10 times last year, not 100% but I’ll take it- haven’t drank since thanksgiving - I don’t want to drink anymore BC it just sucks and isn’t fun.




Me too!


It’s tough to bottle (no pun intended) up the emotions you have right now of never wanting to drink again … but you have to time stamp them somehow .. maybe take a selfie and make it one of your backgrounds … never again … good luck


It is so hard. I know exactly what you are going through


I will not drink with you today.


This was me about 8 years ago. I could go a few days without a drink but not a whole week. I needed help and luckily there was a rehab centre ver near me. I went there every day for 1-2 hours for about six weeks. It didn't stop me drinking completely but I drastically cut back. It changed my thinking around booze. About three years later, now a lighter drinker but still a regular one, I realised it was making me depressed. I quit on the spot, read a load of kindle books written by former alcoholics, and for the first two depressing weeks went to the park and got an ice-cream instead of a bar for a beer. I was pleased I was able to quit so easily, way easier than before Today, I'm a much lighter drinker but it's been going up lately so I've decided to quit for a year and see after that. A year feels like a bit of a challenge but not a scary one. At first, I needed a LOT of help. I felt ashamed sitting in rehab (but met some of the bravest and strongest people I've ever known). Sure, alcohol still got me back but each time its grip gets weaker and weaker. It's great you've made this decision. Yes I found it a difficult road at first but it got easier for me. I hope it does for you too.


I am also doing dry January! We’re in this together! I am also starting The Sinclair Method too- worth looking into to see if it would help you!


Coming up on 3 years post similar stuation except I didnt change in time and she left and never came back. Do yourself a favor, if you want to keep your partner in your life, try making the commitment sooner rather than later. Best of luck you you!


I'm not a saint, only stopped Dec. 10th, but after this very realization that I can't stop at one drink and can't restrict myself to weekends. It was many drinks, every day. I have no self control so I took the decision to avoid alcohol altogether. My workplace xmas party was a real test but all in all it's been going not too bad. One day at a time.


You’re on the horrid journey right now. Being in active addiction is truly hell. Recovery can be deeply uncomfortable and difficult as you put the pieces back together but you’ll be amazed what the return of dignity and self-worth brings to you. You can do this, good things are waiting to be claimed!


" but I just had to " I think that's the most important thing to reflect on. Once I finally realized this was the case I stopped using alcohol. I have a good feeling about you it seems like you've done just about enough research.


I will say you definitely are on the right path but the right path is not always easy. There will be bumps in the road and someone once said to me “it doesn’t get easier but it does get better”


I try not to worry about tomorrow, but I won’t be drinking today. I do think tomorrow I will also do my best not to drink today.


Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself and plan for a new day. Your actions will mean more than apologies so just start. Write it down. The shame. The hot flush of shame. Think of everything that will be better if you can change the habits. Know your triggers and work around them until you’ve done 10 days. Join Naked Mind. It’s good. ❤️❤️


Outpatient recovery saved my life


I was so ill New Years day that I couldn't keep water down and could barely stand. Looking forward to dry January with you - but first, IWNDWYT.


I know you can do this! IWNDWYT❤️