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What a wonderful post and congrats for day 9. An achievement I am yet to get to. 4 days is the record so far. I wish you all the very best for the days to come and thanks for reaching out to those of us that are still struggling to get there...


I’m about 5 days myself after 2 decades of drinking. I’m on day 1 today


Keep going as best you can! I am really trying. Reading, watching youtube... this forum of course. It all helps a massive amount.


Thank you, I needed to hear this today.


I need to remember this everyday for the rest of my life. Being sober doesn’t solve all of my problems, but it sure as hell makes them easier to deal with. I’ve spent way to long being numb and letting all of my issues pile up.


Day 6, and also Day 11-12, were where I broke a lot of the time. So much so that this song really resonated! https://youtu.be/7aEjCuixpys


Day 7 here. I noticed today that I was laughing out loud alone in my living room while watching 2 broke girls. That tells me I'm allready emotionally less numbed down cause of the fact the alcohol is doing otherwise.


Congrats on Day 9 and good on you for being apart of the community. ​ Guess what - Day 30 is way better than Day 9. You'll be happier, thinking clearer, and sleeping like a champ.


I’m looking forward to it.


We've got this friend, IWNDWYT


Thank you. I was thinking about it today




Thanks for the encouragement! :)


Thank you. Day 3 here and needed this! IWNDWYT


Day 3 here, although I'm not sure if my flair has updated properly. Screwed up on Friday after an 18 day streak. While I do agree that the first 3-5 days are the hardest, I'm one of many examples that the mental addiction never really leaves. Drinking NA IPA was the perfect trigger for me to go out and get the real thing, apparently I don't love the taste of it...I just loved the getting fucked up part about it. They tasted kind of nasty compared to just sparkling waters with none of the inebriation, so I figured why not I'll moderate! Nope...binged a heavy 9.5% 6 pack on an empty stomach and made a mess of the kitchen and a bit of a fool of myself. Fortunately nothing that bad happened and I am still proud of the fact I made it 18 days...but that's the last time I underestimate the liquor. I guess I found out important info which is that I can't tempt fate even with NA options, and that being sober requires vigilance whether it's day 1 or day 2000. The body can be rid of it in 4 days or so, but I swear it never truly leaves the brain. Doesn't help that society normalizes it and it is massively advertised, despite causing so many deaths in so many many ways. Nothing against drinkers, but it's crazy realizing how nasty and destructive this is after hitting rock bottom, and that people still treat it as benign.


I’m just waiting for the day that I’m triggered to drink again. I know it’s going to happen. I just hope I’m strong enough and remember why haven’t when the moment comes.


Agree 100


Totally agree...


Just finishing another day 5 and feeling really good about it. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. Going to dinner with a friend who has about 6 months. Woohoo!


I’m finding motivation to stay alcohol free by really thinking about what will happen if I take a drink. Typically I continue to drink and I’m very sick afterwards. And as I’m so tired of being sick and tired, it’s simpler to not drink.




Thank you. I needed this today.


You've got this.


How do you manage to get through day one without winding up in the hospital from dts


I have no idea. The first 3 or four days I was sweating like a pig, but I never had the shakes or anything like that. I just really wanted to drink. I just kept telling myself “one more day” and then on day 7 I realized that I felt good. I currently don’t even want to drink. That is a feeling I’m not familiar with.


Going to the hospital is always an option if you need it.


Day 4 today. IWNDWYT


Day 2 here. Thanks, friend. I needed this.


Day 2 for me as well. I also needed to read this. IWNDWYT.


Thank you for your post. 🙏 I was a daily drinker for 30 years and partied hard the prior 10. We got this!


I know I can do it - I have to do it. I am scaring myself when I drink.


I feel like if I can do, so can you. I’ve been drinking almost every day for over 20 years. Some days drinking a liter of vodka a day. Easily 1 liter every 2 days with beers as well. I never thought I’d make it a week without alcohol, but here I am. I just made the hard choice to not drink every hour. We sell booze at my work and not buying a bottle at the end of my shift was so hard, but I did it and so can you.


Agreed. The withdrawals are absolutely AWFUL. Give yourself some grace and do what you need to take care of yourself (aside from drinking). Things would typically get much better around day 5 for me (went through the process many times).


Thank you. I keep making it to about day 7 and end up giving in at the end of the week. I hate it. I always forget how shitty it makes me feel, or just want a night of turning my brain off a bit.


Just recently went through a vicious cycle of day 1,2,3, etc. and needed to hear this today. Thanks for sharing your story. IWNDWYT!