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Bravo! Your reflections on sobriety absolutely resonate with me, as I feel the same. Congrats on your TEN YEARS!!! Beautiful.


Thank you so much! I'm glad my words resonated with you. I wasn't sure if I should post it!


No. Sorry. Ten years means fireworks, cake, dancing! ❤️. True congrats to you. So huge.


Thank you! I plan to do the cake and dancing, but I'm not sure if I should be trusted with explosives even while sober.


Congrats on ten years! You are an inspiration. I have had similar experiences with being around friends that still drink. It can be very interesting seeing how people react to somebody who doesn’t drink anymore. I’ve learned to either avoid heavy drinking events. Or leave early and enjoy peace and quiet at home. Nothing good happens after people start getting too drunk.


I tend to do the same thing, but lately, I've been the DD for everyone. If they get to be too much I get them an Uber!


A great strategy. I’ll offer to drive to the event/dinner/party and when I’m ready to go either they come or get an Uber. Saves them some money so that’s nice.


Definitely! I usually leave before everyone else is ready anyhow. I like going out and seeing people, but I get bored when everyone wants to go from bar to bar.


This was a great read. Congratulations on 10 whole years!!! I appreciate what you said about social isolation and loneliness. I'm in the thick of it right now. All I want to do is go drink with my friends. But. I won't. I've come too far to stop now. IWNDWYT 💜


That is honestly the hardest part, and I am proud of you!! Stay strong, it is so beautiful on the other side!


**HIGH ^FIVE FOR TEN YEARS!**🥳🌻💮🤩🌷🙌🎉💯🏩🎀💐💜㊗️🌹🎁🍀👍🌸


Thank you!! I'm so happy, I feel like I'm floating on a cloud, I never thought I'd see this day!


Dude! My 10 year anniversary is in one month (3/21/14 is my sober date). I’m so proud of you, and I can’t wait to join you in a decade of sobriety!!!!


That is so awesome, congratulations!!! I am proud of you as well! It's a rough journey, and I'm honored to almost be twinsies!


Congratulations ❤❤ and thank you for sharing this. I appreciate your words and I appreciate you!!


Thank you!!


That’s so awesome. I’m a year and a half…I dream of getting to that number, and beyond! Way to go, and thanks for sharing this with us!


Congratulations on your journey! Every new day is something to be proud of, and I'm proud of you!!


You know what I love about this page? When we say, “I’m proud of you,” to each other for committing to a new better, sober life, you know it’s meant. Thank you for your post and your words, and congratulations on a decade of good decisions.


This IS the best group for encouragement, I think we have all been at one stage or another so it is easy to find someone that relates. Thank you!!


Congratulations and well-said! Thank you for sharing your journey...IWNDWYT!


Thank you!


Thank you. Wise words from an awesome person


Thank you!!


Your story is amazing. Thank you for making the time to share your journey with us! IWNDWYT! ❤️👊💪


Thank you for reading and being one of the many encouraging, wonderful people in this sub!


And thank you for being one of the pioneers. This journey had been possible for me thanks to people before me, having treaded this path and sharing their wisdom. How old were you when your two day hangover happened?


I was 35, but I had horrible hangovers ever since I started drinking. People would give me crap about it, but I thought it was normal. A week or so before this happened I got so hungover and threw up to the point that my lips were burnt from stomach acid. I don't know if I'm allergic to something or what, but I knew I had to quit. I could never just have one and be done.




Amazing!! I'm so proud of and happy for you!


You didn’t “finally” do anything. You’ve been killing it for 10 years. Amazing work.


Thank you for that, I appreciate having that perspective, it means a lot!


You are fucking awesome! No other way to say it. Be proud of yourself.


Thank you!


Huge congratulations! Thanks for sharing and I wish you all the best for the next ten years. Here's to adventure 👏


Thank you!! I can definitely say that my adventures are 100% better now, but WHEW, it sure took a while.


Congrats! That’s an amazing accomplishment!


Thank you!


10 years is amazing! Congratulations 🎈❤️


Thank you!


Dude! Well done.


Thank you!


Congratulations!!! Ten years is huge. I hope you have a fun time celebrating you ♥ IWNDWYT


Thank you! I'm not celebrating too much tonight because I have a lot planned for the weekend, but I'll be eating at least half a cookie cake this evening. That's how I celebrate these days!


That's a huge milestone, congrats! You are right about the projection, that should be talked about more, how people's reaction to learning you don't drink is them projecting how they imagine quitting feels like. I'm only at just over 3 months, but I have a similar story. I didn't decide to stop mid November because of something major, there was no catalyst! Reflecting on it, I think my main motivation was I had no reason not to drink. I could drink until blacking out most days of the week, it would not affect work, I have no dependants. Hangovers never affected me, if it was my day off I'd still be up at 6 am...


I don't think people realize how destructive it can be to drink like that and be functioning. If it doesn't cause problems, it's not a problem, right? Wrong! I am so proud of you!


Only 3 months!!! Don’t sell it short my friend that is an Epic accomplishment!


Amazing job!!! You're an inspiration and I'm so proud of you! I just hit 200 days and hope to be where you are some day! Being sober can be isolating, but I cling to the feeling I won't feel like absolute hell the next day/week after drinking! That itself has been a blessing. And I can finally work on myself and figure out who I am without a numbing crutch I relied on for almost two decades. I put my life on pause the entire time I drank. A lot of people who drink and are intimidated by sobriety seem to view it as a reflection of their own habits, even if you don't say a word about it. Sometimes others don't want to be faced with the introspection of what they know can be a problem for them- or they feel judged. I never pressure anyone about being sober, either- but I find a lot of people immediately get defensive about their drinking even if I said "no, thanks." It's wild. You are incredible! ❤️


Thank you! I'm so proud of you for coming so far, and I'm sending you all the good vibes in the world, keep up the great work!


I can't WAIT to say the same, Friend. How very badass! IWNDWYT! ✌️


Thank you! You'll get there!


Congratulations!!! This was a beautiful read. Brought a tear to my eye thinking about this being the loneliest journey. Wouldn't trade it for the world though. Proud of you for your 10 years 👏🏼👏🏼


Thank you!




Congratulations! I was never the wake-up-in-jail type but I was a pro at blacking out.


Congrats on 10 years!!!


Thank you!


Congrats 💪💪


Thank you!


You write beautifully. Are you a professional writer? Regardless, thank you for sharing your inspiring story. It is a powerful reminder of what is possible, even when the odds are stacked against you.


Thank you! I'm supposed to be a professional writer (according to everyone I know) but I got lost along the way. I've just found my voice again after all this time and am working on a book!


Glad you got your writing back and congratulations on this massive milestone.


Thank you!


Absolutely spectacular writing style. I loved reading your musings. Congratulations for your achievement! Your fortitude and cognizance will certainly guide you to exactly where you need to be. Salute on your journey, while however solemn it may be, it is truly your own.


Thank you!


I love all of this. My favorite part: "I now know how to definitively walk away from anything and everything that isn’t meant for me without looking back. It has been a blessing and a curse." That is going to stick with me for a long time. Thank you for taking the time to write this and CONGRATS on 10 years! IWNDWYT.


I'm glad you enjoyed reading it and thank you!


Congratulations!! IWNDWYT


Thank you!


I love this. Especially to judging those who drink or being unable to hang around them. It's my problem not theirs.  Huge congrats! 


Thank you!


Thank you. I love hearing about the triumph, but the brutal reality that awaits as well. I realize this may be the hardest thing to ever do.


It is, but remember that there are a lot of people here to help!!


BTW - I am only day 2... messed up the whole flair thing... :) Again thank you.


There is no "only" about it - every day is a new milestone! Congratulations!


I wish you the biggest of GZ’s on 10 years, what an impressive and inspiring milestone! Also, you are a very good writer.


Thank you, thank you!! I am actively working on a book after all these years of trying to get it together. I'm so excited for the future!




Thank you!


Wooooow. That's amazing.


Thank you!


Incredible insight, thank you for sharing, really.


Congratulations on Ten Years! Omygoodness, what a huge accomplishment. I appreciate your honesty so much about everything. One thing that stood out to me was at the end and that was your joy! I've always thought of myself as a somewhat joyful person, but these last few days....I've been smiling like an idiot I'm sure! And I don't care! After being irritable and grumpy and full of aches and pains for a couple weeks, this feels amazing. Once again, I am so incredibly happy for you!!


Thank you! Smiling like an idiot is honestly one of the best feelings in the world!


So inspiring! Congratulations to you for an amazing achievement and thank you for sharing your story 🤗


Thank you!


Congrats! IWNDWYT!


Thank you!


Oh man, I get this. One thing I have noticed is that it is becoming much more common (at least in the circles I run) to go out and not drink, and nobody bats an eye, so that feels hopeful.


I recently moved to a big city from a tiny little town and the possibilities are amazing here. I have already met more non-drinkers here than I've known my entire life.


You are awesome. I relate to a lot of what you wrote...the loneliness for sure, and finding joy in every moment is something I'm able to do a lot more now that I'm not drinking. I need a lesson in strength in walking away from people/things (people especially) that aren't good for me. Finding this really hard as I'm already feeling lonely and isolated and the thought of saying goodbye to relationships even if they're causing me grief is flipping terrifying. I'm hoping with more time under my belt I'll be able to trust myself in this regard more. I thank you for sharing your story and huge CONGRATULATIONS on 10 amazing years!! 🥳🙌🍦🌺🍦🙌🥳


Walking away from people/things is a lesson that can sometimes take a while, and is one of the most difficult. Congratulations to you!!


Thank you <3


Beautiful post. Thanks for your insight and encouragement, and can't imagine losing your language the way you did - writing is also essential for me. Clearly it has returned to you ♥️ here's to 10 more (and 10 more), my decade is next month and am very grateful.


Thank you and CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Beautiful post, particularly the bit about letting go of things not meant for you. THIS is how a full life is meant to be lived. Thanks for sharing, OP, and here’s to ten more years of joy and authenticity!


Thank you!


Thank you for sharing an honest, open, and heartfelt story about your most vulnerable self. TEN YEARS IS HUGE! Congratulations! I can really identify with how making a change like that has an impact on relationships and you are correct in that it is more about them than it is about you. IWNDWYT!


Thank you!!


Congrats.. that’s an amazing accomplishment. I find a connection because I’ve been in a couple 8ball pool leagues for several years. Drinking has been a part of it until the 1st of this year. The bartender always had a beer ready for me and then a few more through the night. “Ready for another?” He’d ask. Solid bartender who works the entire pool room. I started ordering Sprite the first Tuesday after New Years. Told him I was taking a week off and I’d be back next week. It’s now been eight Tuesday nights of drinking Sprite. It has a weird feel to it. I still feel like I should be ordering a beer. I feel the same way when I pour a glass of soda at home in the evening. Part of me feels like this should be a beer because it has been for nearly 20 years. Luckily, at my pool league, it appears about half the people there don’t drink (at least on Tuesday nights). And more people on our team do not drink than do. So that’s been easy. The hardest part for me has been this awkward interaction with the bartender when i order a soda. I feel like he’s thinking “WTF Man? You used to drink.” I definitely don’t get his attention like i did when drinking beer. But it is what it is. I enjoy not spending the money on IPAs and staying clear headed. Pool game has improved too.


Congratulations!! I'm glad you are still able to play pool and enjoy yourself without feeling pressured to drink. As far as the bartender goes - just tip like you would for a regular drink and they will be on their toes to serve you water and soda all night. Besides, they are probably proud of you too!


Congratulations on 10 years! Also, you write very well, so I take it you've managed to recover (hopefully) all of your words. And thank you for sharing your experience. It's always interesting to see how other people reflect themselves in our own decisions.


Thank you! I've retrieved most of the words from my memory and I use a thesaurus for the rest.


Congratulations!!! That is amazing and such an inspiration!!!!


Thank you!


OP I’m proud of you! I hope to one day hit 10 years as well. Only 8.5 more to go lol! IWNDWYT 🤘🏻


Thank you and congratulations to you!!


I think your friends stopped asking you to hangout not because of your drinking but because you’re so intense. I only read half of your post BUT congrats on 10 years sober! ☺️❤️


Okay, I'm intrigued...intense?


Wow!!!!! Kudos. I'm coming up on six months. I can't wait to say that I've got a decade under my belt.


Congratulations to you, six months is a huge accomplishment!


Congratulations! That’s an amazing achievement!


Thank you!


Honestly, thank YOU. Stories like this remind me of what’s possible. I’m on day 37 again and I’m really trying push my streak this time. My previous record is only 40 days


Good for you mate, well done! I also had a bad hangover and said I’m never drinking again 6 months ago. People still try to push it, “just one”, “you’ll be back on the beers in no time”, this sorta shit. Like you mentioned in your post, I have also had the thought that people say these things because perhaps they consider quitting out of reach for themselves. I will never understand how people so callously reintroduce the notion of drinking to someone who has stopped, over and over again. I guess they don’t understand the severity. In my mind if I have one beer I may as well give up on everything else too because I know it will all fall apart. I used to be the kind that would sink into oblivion, I was comfortable in misery. I suppose I was ok accepting that I had no control over anything, until I took the control back and re entered society. That alone gives me more than enough strength to ignore the pushers and endless advertisements that’s so normal in western culture. Went off track, my apologies. Congratulations again! You inspire me to make it to a decade+ too. Take care


I understand what you mean, just one drink could ruin it all and probably would for me! I went to a party one night and a guy wouldn't stop saying, "Come on, let me just buy you a drink." I kept saying no and he wouldn't let up so I lost my temper and yelled, "I'm not going to let you finger bang me!" loud enough for everyone to hear. He left me alone after that.


Thank you for sharing your, beautifully written, journey. Truly inspirational. Wishing you the best. 


Thank you!


That's awesome.


Thank you!


Great stuff, no more ALCOHELL for you


This was so beautiful to read! Thank you for taking the time to share. I always wonder if what I put out in e world matters, and if you’re like me I’ll tell you: It mattered to me. I’m almost eight weeks without alcohol and the is was the boost I needed. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you, I'm so glad it helped a bit. Congratulations, keep up the good work!


Woooot!!! Well done!!!


Thank you!


Happiest tenth!


Thank you!


Well freaking done!!! 8 years on the 3rd myself. Can't wait to hit double digits! Stay strong OP!!!


Thank you and congratulations to you! Eight years is amazing!


Congrats 🎉


Thank you!




Thank you!


Congrats. The more I read your post, the more grateful I am to have the group of friends I do. What you went through sucks and I'm sorry to hear that. I will say, I do get extremely lonely because I used to see more people just because I no longer wanted to hit people up with the excuse being "wanna grab a drink". But I have had nothing but support and kindness from those around me. Ironically, my mom is the one who asks me if I want a drink the most and she's a drinker but not a destructive one. But she doesn't know the half of it with my issues. My friends have seen me shaking so I suppose that makes sense.


My mom always told me to lay off because, "You can't hang with the big dogs." If she were alive I know she'd be extremely proud, alcohol has especially cursed her side of the family.


Wow congrats! That’s an amazing accomplishment well done!!!


Thank you!


👑 love it. Iwndwyt




Thank you!


Congratulations! You'll *always* be a few months ahead of me.


Thank you!!


Relapse Rita 🤣 never heard that one before. I appreciate your share, it definitely resonated with me. I wish you another outstanding 10 years.


Thank you!




Thank you!


You mention once leaving an abusive relationship - you did this a second time when you stopped drinking 10 years ago As much as drinking abuses the alcohol, it absolutely abuses you! Your hangovers sound like mine were and I do wonder if I had some allergy as none of my mates were ever as rough Well done 👍🏻


Thank you for that perspective, I love it!


Congrats! 10 years is amazing


Thank you!


Congratulations! iwndwyt


Thank you! IWNDWYT!


Teach us the ways


I wish I could, I'd do it in a heartbeat and I'd do it for free!


T E N ! ! ! Wonderful!!!!


Thank you!


The inner strength and perception you have is empowering. I'm glad we have you here. Nicely written ty.


Thank you, that means the world to me!




Thank you! I'm sure you will find your voice again!


Congratulations on 10-years. If you can do 10 years I can do another day. My favorite line of the post? Relapse Rita 😂 IWNDWYT


I believe in you!!


Beauty 💜


Woohoo! Keep it up!


Thank you, you do the same!


Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story.


Thank you! I'm glad I took the dive and shared it.


I resonate so much with this. Especially the losing friends part. Were we even friends to begin with? CONGRATULATIONS to you! 🎊😁


Exactly! It really showed me who my true friends are!


This is an anazing read, well done! It’s great that you overcane all those hurdles while staying sober!


Thank you!


I’m 10 days in but I’ll get there haha. Congratulations! Quite an accomplishment!


Yes, you will get there!! Thank you!


Relapse Rita is iconic and I love it. You're awesome for this.


Thank you!


Congratulations on 10 years and thanks for sharing your story. You have great writing abilities. I enjoyed reading your post.


Thank you!




Your title made me cry! You are Free! I pray to be able to say the same.


You are amazing! And you are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. Many of us are exploring our relationship with alcohol and the constant pressures of media and marketing to create addicts for profits while we kill ourselves, destroy relationships, harm family, etc. while those who promote alcohol and earn big dollars from it such as famous sports figures, movie stars, Ceos and majority owners of alcohol producing companies live lux lives, though many themselves succumb to the devastating cost alcoholism brings to individuals as well as society. Partner and I decided we were not going to feed the machine so we stopped alcohol altogether. We were fairly light drinkers for whom it had become a habit to use it to relax. Once we understood we just needed to substitute something else for that habit such as a walk, cup of tea, meditation, conversation, etc. we were fine with the switch up. Basically drinking alcohol to de stress becomes a habit which like all habits becomes addicting. The good news is that de-stressing through other more healthy habits becomes addicting too. I am thrilled to know so many people are not glorifying alcohol and are even giving it up altogether. Over the past several months, most of our social circle decided to give it up. Everyone is feeling better although some of our crowd is addicted and needs a lot of support while they change addictions to more healthier ones. I hope giving up alcohol becomes a growing trend and alcohol producing companies get what they deserve, namely to expire. Such an expiration is potentially payback for all the death they have caused by legally selling a deadly, addictive substance that destroys lives and costs the USA alone billions in healthcare cost, lost work time, lawsuits and crime not to mention the horrific losses of suicides, murder while driving drunk, domestic violence and so many harms to children who suffer at the hands of the violent or unavailable alcoholic parent, often high income earning at that. Good for you, keep up the tremendous self care!!!!


What an inspiration you are! Congrats 🎊🎉🎈 


Thank you!




Thank you, I really enjoyed reading that. IWNDWYT


I am glad you took the time to read it!! IWNDWYT!!


wow congrats


Amazing! I'm on day 2 and yea... Fkin tough beans




Thank you!


The thing you said about losing 48 hours of your life in favour of a couple of hours of fun really resonated with me. That really is what it’s like. Alcohol really is such a con - congratulations on ten years, my friend.


Thank you so much! I'm glad my words helped you show that I relate!


You seemed to focus on others a whole lot. But, congratulations on 10 years. I hope you have found some sober friends by now. IWNDWYT


I focused on that so much because I am happy with my change and eager to look forward but people have behaved oddly since it began and it still hasn't stopped. I honestly don't think about or mention not drinking unless someone asks. And, yes, I have thankfully found some sober friends. I moved to Dallas than a year ago and I am meeting people left and right, it is awesome. I don't even mind going to bars, I just want people to treat me normal. Maybe I should slur my words and pretend to be drunk to put everyone at ease.


Can I ask, how old are you?


I am 45!