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I love waking up. I get up early, make my coffee, have breakfast, do a workout and I still have an hour before work. It’s so nice to just feel good and rested in the morning.






Yes!! Waking up in the MORNING and having coffee. And feeling great and looking forward to the day. Feels amazing. No hangover anxiety or confusion or regret. Or feeling like I’m killing myself with poison. I have confidence in myself and my body and know I’m healthy and not going to have a heart attack or some shit. It’s been huge for me.




The first winter after I quit, I still needed some gifts a few days before Christmas. I was awake at 7am on a Sunday anyway, and the shops were open early, so I figured "why not?". I felt like I cracked the secret Christmas shopping code! It was quiet, peaceful, and easy, and I still made it home before my husband and kids were up.


Frickin spiritual


I do this all the time and especially during the holidays. It is an excellent cheat code.


I now get up at 4:45am to get to the gym at 5:05, and its great, no hangover, no feeling like shit, just annoyance that the retirees on the stationary bikes are always there before me


We don't have anything else to do!!


Man that sounds so nice. I wake up at 5:30 for work and can't imagine what hour I'd have to wake up to be doing all that to begin with, but STILL have an hour left over before work? Color me insanely jealous


I wake up at 4:30 during the work week. Which would’ve seemed completely insane to me just a few years ago. But now it’s just my routine.


With you girl ! I do manage to get up at time to have 30 min downtime to wake up and have coffee. Getting up 30 min warier was a game changer for me in how the rest of the day played out !


I only have 8 days at the moment, but one of the little things that I am experiencing now, and also experienced during past sober streaks, is I actually enjoy mornings. I used to loathe getting out of bed because I was hungover and couldn’t really function properly until the afternoon. When I am sober I wake up ready to face the day, whatever it may bring.


Congrats on 8 days!! I totally agree. I remember thinking that morning people were absolutely nuts… but I’m slowly turning into one of them lol


Mornings are the fuckin' BEST. I sleep so well nowadays that I wake up with ease at 5am, full of energy and clarity. Most days it feels like I get two days squeezed into one. So much life and time back.


Mornings are the best!


I'm on day 7 and I'm feeling the same! I've been enjoying my coffee, brushing my teeth and taking a b vitamin as my morning routine. Now I'm thinking of trading in coffee for matcha or yerba mate, though I've never had matcha. But I want to take care of these mouth bones. Not every morning is as easy as some, but even lacking a ton of sleep, I'm still able to get moving and feel like myself quickly in the morning. Cheers to sober days and beautiful mornings!


Yes mornings are so easy even if I don't get enough sleep


This is one of the weird things that I don’t experience. I still feel terrible in the mornings and I end up falling back into my drinking habits. If I feel terrible regardless, I might as well drink the night before. I have to fight to remember why it’s worth it to stay sober.


Maybe you're just someone like me whose internal clock does not make you a morning person. Between jobs once and living alone, I allowed myself to go to sleep when I was sleepy and get up whenever I woke up. I've always felt irritable in the mornings as far back as I can remember, and my little experiment showed that my natural sleep-wake cycle was me sleeping from around 3:00 a.m. til around 11:00 a.m. I can remember as a child not being able to fall asleep sometimes, and getting all anxious for fear of "getting in trouble"! Now that I'm retired, I just sleep when I want to til I want to get up.


Do you enjoy nights then? I enjoy from around 8pm to 6:30am The day I find pretty boring. I'd drink from 7am and keep buzzed until around when the night started to creep in and the world was settling down. I love nights, love mornings, not a fan on the day haha.


I enjoy evenings and nights, but I despise mornings. At 67, I'm just now learning to try to get up 30 minutes or so before I need to BE up so I can come alive when I need to be up. I have brain & body fog for about 30 minutes after awakening! About all I can do is pee!


Well being hungover will certainly make you feel like sh*t. So its a process of elimination. Maybe you're not getting enough sleep. Maybe you're mattress or pillows are old. Figure out why you feel like sh*t because drinking is pretty much a guarantee you'll feel like sh*t.




Me too. But I have a colicky baby that wakes me up every 45 minutes. Mornings are currently brutal.


8 days is 8 days!! Good job!


8 days is usually when my sleep starts getting really goood!


Okay so even after a good streak of sobriety, I realized that I’m not really human until at least an hour after I wake up. Regardless what time of day it is lol. I’m still like ughhhh noooo I don’t wannaaaaa. That being said, I don’t feel nauseous or like general hot garbage all day like I did drinking. So it has definitely gotten better.


I love feeling like I’m not tied down by it. Every day knowing I would go to the store to buy alcohol and just waste 4-5 hours of my night before passing out. It feels freeing to experience every day without that nagging thought in the back of my head.


YES! It feels like the chains are gone.


Yes. Yes. And my mornings not needing to check my phone for ridiculousand embarrassing text conversations I don't remember having.


Ohh brotha! The embarrassing late night texts (and pics) sent is not missed at all. Also love enjoy early saturdya and Sunday mornings, get in a good workout.


It’s like having another job. Having to be sure to fit beer and liquor runs into the schedule… worrying about what I have to do in the morning, knowing I’ll be semi functional… and then the drinking time itself… amazing how much more you can get done without even really trying when this huge portion of your day isn’t monopolized in one way or another by drinking.


Being honest on medical documents. How many drinks do you consume per week: 0.


Whoof this question used to get me every time


And I would lie every time. Happy to be in reality now!


I’m almost looking forward to my next medical appointment now. Love this!


I am amazed how my brain and enunciation diction has greatly improved. I'm talking much clearer with more logic. And I'm at peace ✌️


Thanks for posting this. I’m 4 months in and I couldn’t decide if the following were real or just placebo… but I feel more articulate and better coordinated in general. I’m so glad someone else has said this - it must be real!


Same here! One of the best things for me personally.


Recently Ive been feeling like I need more mental stimulation and started researching a complicated topic in my field. Also I noticed when I speak publicly I am much more articulate and less nervous. The grey matter gains at 7.5 months are real.


grey matter matters for everyone


Congratulations, and congratulations for being aware!


This is exactly what I always noticed after getting sober for a couple months.


Peace! Isn't it a great thing?!!


Sleeping. I love feeling genuinely tired. Not passing out from alcohol.


For me this and the opposite! I can fall asleep quickly now instead of laying awake with anxiety and stress now (now that I've got a few weeks under my belt - first week was rough)


Totally. I’m just starting to get to the point where I can fall asleep with ease instead of being haunted by nameless fears. Cheers to sleeping like a sweet, sober, baby!


I like not having to furniture grab or lean on things all the time to stay upright. I like not falling. I like remembering my conversations. I like my bedtime routine with the cat. I like not being anxious that I have to stop for wine on the way home because I am down to my last bottle.


Ahh bedtime routine with the Peep (cat) Finding a routine has been key, I look forward to my cup of tea, meditation and crawling into bed with my peep. Given how much my sleep has improved, my bedtime routine gives me so much to look forward to every bight


Bed time routine is a big one for me, skincare, fresh cold water, maybe a chocolate, journaling, vitamins, extra bonus points if my kitty joins me too. It’s become my happy relaxing place instead of my sad place.


If “two year ago me” saw this they would be like 🤨🤨🤨but I’m like 😍😘😍


The anxiety. Oh lord it’s such a blessing to live without it.


Oh boy. This. I can't tell you how much time and anxiety I spent planning my feeble attempts at moderation. Should I grab a bottle? Shouldn't I? Should I? No I shouldn't. Yes I should. Over and over and over. Rinse and repeat. Side Note: It usually ended up with me standing in line at the liquor store as this internal battle waged on until I got up to pay for my booze, which I next to always ended up doing.


The worst were snowstorms, vacations and Covid lockdowns and kids sports games. Will I get to the store before it closes? Do I need to go now in case the roads are bad? Where can I go that isn’t sold out? I need to get home before 10pm cause that’s when the store is closed, we need to hurry. What store is nearest to our resort?


Not being concerned with the buying, transporting, storing, consuming and disposing that addiction demands. I also love the beautiful, refreshing sleep.


Yes, this. I spent so much time just stocking up, going to the store, ensuring we have alcohol, planned my day around it.


I was refilling the soap dispenser the other day. No shaky hands, didn’t spill a drop. 2 years, 4 months, still recovering.


Congratulations! I love that you’re over 2 years in and still finding little things to be grateful for


Over the course of dry jan and now almost another month (excludes one weekend slip up in early feb), I’ve lost 20 pounds. It wasn’t only the drinking, I’ve been working out and intermittent fasting but the drinking was definitely ruining any potential progress. I also like getting emotional/real with others and knowing it’s not the alcohol that’s making me feel this way/say these things. It’s truly me. Hope you have fun today! IWNDWYT


I’m actually struggling with this right now - I’ve lost about 20 lbs as well, mostly just not drinking. And even though I’ve been steadily losing it since October, just recently people have started noticing. Even like, random people who I’ve never spoken to before. And they’re all saying “wow! Are you shrinking?” “How much weight have you lost? What do you weigh now?” “What diet are you on?” “What are you doing differently? You look great!” “You’ve lost so much weight! What is your secret??” I never told anyone I even quit drinking and I don’t want to, so I’m over here like “oh I’m just trying to be healthier” and no one seems to like my answer lol. They want to know HOW!? Like I’m happy for you and I’m happy for me, but wow I don’t need the whole town being happy for me lol


Turn this awkward moment into a chance to tell a lie for good. Tell them you're not on a specific diet, you just try to eat a balanced one and have more calories out than in. If nothing else you might convince (trick... But hey) some into losing weight the only for sure and sustainable way around.


This is basically what I’ve said. I’m eating healthier and started taking dance and it’s just been a lifestyle change. Which isn’t a lie. It just isn’t the whole truth. Which is fine. I just don’t like a lot of attention and especially when people comment on my weight. (No one ever comments when you’re gaining weight.)


Totally. "I'm on this new diet plan. It's called Not Destroying My Life A Sip At A Time"


Dude that’s amazing! 20 lbs is so much weight to lose in 2 months, I’m sure that feels good. The emotions we feel now also seem much more intense than they were before. I’m about 7 months away from alcohol and I cry all the time now. Happy, sad, it doesn’t matter I’m gonna cry. IWNDWYT ❤️


Food is starting to taste better! Also, when I feel anxiety bubble up, I can usually sit with it and let it pass before it turns into a full blown attack like it used to 🤍


I've been surprised at how much lower my tolerance is for spicy food since quitting drinking and smoking cigarettes


The taste of food was my big one when I quit.


I can get in my car and drive somewhere any time and at a moments notice. Drinking (and avoiding drunk driving) kept me anchored to my home. I appreciate the freedom


this is me! I never left the house after 530pm. now I'm running to the store at 7 to grab something quick that I would have just gone without until my next order. It sounds so stupid but it really is a major sense of freedom. Some times I look for reasons just to go on a quick drive.


And not having to stop at gas stations to crap constantly because of the horrible digestive issues


having the upper hand.




waking up without a hangover and knowing I won’t die from drinking today


I’m going on a little 2 day trip to somewhere I’m not familiar with. I’m looking for restaurants & viewing their menus and for the first time I’m not going to the beverage section in order to see if they serve alcohol!!! Actually looking at the food quality. It’s little things like this that I notice how much alcohol consumed my decision making. And don’t have to plan on bathroom breaks to pee or consume something in the stall to take the edge off.




Reading! Being able to focus on a book in the evenings.


Not waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat


Waking up. Used to be a painful chore, now it’s my favorite time of day. It’s quiet, I can exercise and read, and drink water and generally get things off on the right foot. Every morning feels like a beautiful gift that I have left for myself from the AF night before


I am on day 7 but just waking up without a hangover... how lovely is it to wake up and your head not hurting.. just amazing.


My face is way slimmer. I’ve been feeling more good-looking than usual and this is likely why.


I'm going to be 2 years sober tomorrow. I have found a fair number of evening activities that I have enjoyed, including cooking, baking, video games... In the past few months, I've gotten really into doing at-home manicures! The whole process is so soothing to me. Plus collecting nail polish is fun. So many colors and finishes out there, who knew? Best my hands have looked ever lol.


Tell me more about your at home manis!


No more blackouts. Those became more frequent in the end.


I'm 4 weeks sober today and I'm still waiting for some signs of feeling better physically or mentally to show themselves. I feel physically and mentally drained and can't pinpoint any obvious improvements so far beyond when the intense physical withdrawl symptoms passed after week 1. It's just a lull since and my desire or motivation to do anything productive is non existent which I'm sure probably isn't helping but when you feel so drained and shitty every day it's so hard to find the energy to do anything. Thankfully none of that is making me want to drink currently either way. Sounds like you could do with reminding yourself of all the horrible things which might happen if you open that can of worms and have a drink today and be honest with yourself about where it might lead. How long have you been sober for currently?


Hey, I had this same experience for a while - the raincloud just wasn't going away even after kind of a long time. Might be worth talking to your doctor about - for me, turns out I have a Mental Health Thing & was using booze to self-medicate.


I got up at like 7:45 or some shit and made coffee cake for my family to eat for breakfast. I never used to get up before 10 without kicking and screaming! I still, after almost 3 years, will occasionally have a terrible attitude thanks to being a dry drunk, but for the most part in much more pleasant to be around. I have never been an angry drunk, but I was usually angry hungover.


Waking up to have some coffee and actually enjoy doing housework. I used to dread waking up on the weekends, feeling sluggish and unmotivated to do anything. Now I usually get a cup of coffee and a cigarette in me and I actually feel like cleaning. I feel so much better after I finish and I can actually enjoy my hobbies without feeling like I’m wasting my day. I get so much done before noon I don’t feel guilty about playing video games and watching a movie. I made breakfast, cleaned my kitchen and my floors, made bread, and played like 3 hours of Skyrim. Then I made dinner and helped my kid work on an essay.


Video games, easily. I used to think that drinking would "loosen me up" and make me play better, all the while knowing that this was a lie. Since my sobriety I've been really loving tackling difficult games. Currently playing Dark Souls 3 now and loving it. Something I would only wish I could do before.


Dark Souls 3 is lovely! Last year when I played it (didn't completely finish it since Destiny 2 had a new expansion and I got caught up in that 😅), but I loved being sober and playing that game. I'm now starting out with Elden Ring. Gaming is one of those things that I know I enjoy more while sober, and do better while sober, but sometimes the addicted brain lies to me. I'm doing my best though. Have great fun with DS3, and congrats on your sobriety! P.s. I hope you have the music turned on in ds3 cause it is absolutely gorgeous ❤️


Oh man. Too many things to list. The first year is hard: you have to do so many things in life that used to be booze laden for the first time in a long time without the booze. Those things, like grillin’ in the summer, airports, sports games, etc, we condition ourselves to associate with maintaining a buzz (or getting sloppy drunk) — but they’re things that are fun without alcohol regardless. However, it’s hard to not feel like something is missing at first, because your body is used to getting its dopamine hit from booze and so it doesn’t generate those feelings without it anymore, presumably to compensate. For the first month or three, life seems *boring*. And youll be tempted to wonder, “is my life just going to be boring now?” The answer to that is resoundingly no. It takes a bit of time for your body to adjust — a few months. But you’ll start to notice yourself naturally becoming genuinely excited about different parts of life that you likely were excited for in your pre-drinking years that you haven’t been excited about in a very long time. It’ll snowball. And you’ll find yourself eventually living in the moment more than you ever could when you were drinking, and loving the things for what they really all are. Instead of an excuse to drink with some good smells in the background, grilling will be about the sunshine, fresh air, and amazing food. I remember wondering for the first few months if I was doomed to be bored when sober. I’m glad I pushed through. Life is SO much better now. I won’t tell you alcohol isn’t fun. And i won’t tell you quitting is easy. But I will tell you being sober eventually is far better and more fun than being a slave to the bottle. You get back a life you didn’t even realize you’d lost. Hang in there.


Looking forward to tomorrow. I used to dread tomorrow because I’d wake up feeling like shit and immediately start working out how I was going to get “enough” booze to get me back to oblivion, if I had enough money, what I needed to do before I could start drinking, etc. Now I don’t have any such dread. I wake up and feel great from the outset — for free!


Being available to drive people to places, at any time of day. ​ In the past, if a friend asked me during the week if I'd be able to drive them to the airport on Sunday, I'd have to either say no, or make sure I didn't drink on Friday - because there was no guarantee I'd be stopped by Sunday. And similarly, not worrying about how we're going to get back after a night out, or any outing where there might be alcohol. Big change!


I enjoy being quiet! When I was drinking I was loud, sarcastic, boisterous or rude. I was never content to sit amongst my friends and listen and RESPOND. I always had to be the life of the party/center of attention. I LOVE reading, I've put time limits on my phone for all social media including reddit lol. I keep my space clean, it never smells like sweat, old booze, and faintly of vomit. I am creative, painting, coloring, writing, dancing along to the music. I talk on the phone with family and friends now. I'm not isolated. So much more but these specifically show my authentic self coming back.


Being present in my life and present for those around me.


I love getting up earlier. I’m a much better singer and bass player. No more hangovers! I’m 40 Lbs lighter. I remember things. My schedule doesn’t revolve around buying alcohol.


Waking up without feeling horrible every morning. :)


Waking up in the morning 🌄


I love being able to leave parties/gatherings when I want to. I don’t have to wait for my ride or to “sober up a little” (never enough honestly). I’m over it, or tired I leave. Surprisingly I’m more carefree and willing to cut loose without drinking as well. I think it’s because I know that I won’t regret dancing/having that conversation/singing karaoke the next day, because I’m the same person today that I’ll be in the morning.




I can remember where I put my wallet, and what I told my wife the day before. I no longer have to lie to hide my drinking or drunkness. Oh and I feel good, Im not hungover all the time, or always tired. Life is GOOD


Not waking up feeling like shit everyday… “Sunday Scary’s”! Mondays were some of the WORST for me, due to how much “hair of the dog/sunday funday/ avoid the three day bender come down”. Enjoy that sober burger! (5 years booze free)


Being able to enjoy the full weekend and not be hungover in bed the whole time


I was a straight alcoholic. Got up to drinking Everyday and couldn’t stop. No f**ks given. I consider myself lucky for getting out. Im coming up on 3 years now and all I can say is the best part of giving up drinking is now I accept life. I cope with life’s curveballs and one day at a time I am becoming a better man.


no more health dread


I love being able to do sports again rather than some half hearted effort when I was hungover! Also morning is really nice. And... I love being able to tell my teenage boys that i will pick them up anytime anywhere if they get in trouble.


I'm listening to a lot of audiobooks. Robert Greene has been in my ear for the past week.


While it isn’t ideal, the ability to function highly on less sleep is great. I can get 4 and a half hours and feel like I used to feel after 9 hours post-binge.


I love getting a good night's sleep and waking up refreshed with no anxiety of the night before. It's so nice waking up with motivation to do anything.


Every morning I am waking up refreshed and ready for the day. My stomach doesn't feel like an inflated balloon, my head isn't foggy and hurting. I'm making healthy, tasty food every day for my partner using the time I would have been spending drinking. Cherry on top, I have a suite of fun juices and non alcoholic beers to try. Enjoy your barbecue, and IWNDWYT!


This morning I woke up and cleaned. Never would’ve done that if I were still drinking! I’d still be vegged out on the couch… and would be there all day regretting my choices, and beating myself up for wasting my entire weekend away. IWNDWYT


Also, remembering going to bed, and enjoying reading a bit before going to sleep - compared to blacking out and not being able to remember the last part of the evening. Knowing that I'm not smelling of stale alcohol at work - I can tell when other people have had a big night now! ​ My weekly shopping/grocery bill is A LOT cheaper without all the alcohol!


The gym for me. I’m on my 5th week of going consistently and have started to see small changes in my body and strength. It’s exciting watching the weight go up workout to workout like it’s nothing. I remember clearly mid workout last week I stopped for a second and thought, ‘Huh, I’m actually happy right now.’ Now my mood is negative on rare days I don’t lift but I try to at least get some cardio in.


Pooping 😁


I don't feel like I'm wasting my time anymore on alcohol - how to get it, how to hide it, how to drink it then hide the bottles, how to get rid of the empty bottles. I like not feeling shameful and guilty all the time. I like waking up feeling rested and relaxed, instead of my heart pumping in my chest, head aching, stomach churning with nausea. I like drinking lots of tea now, and finding new blends of tea to drink. Making a big pot of nice tea and settling down for the evening with my favourite show. I like remembering what I said to people, and not drunk texting people insane things. I like how I'm re-discovering myself - sober, I am kind and caring and wise. I was a drunk, sad, slobbering mess before. I'm learning new things each day that wasn't possible with alcohol in my life. Being a better daughter, sister, and friend. I also like that I ditched a lot of the stuff that wasn't good for me - a bad relationship, bad food, bottles of wine every night, too many cigarettes and wasted nights not remembering what the hell happened. I'm present and enjoy my life now, despite all the struggles I still have in my life. It feels like I can face them, instead of drowning in them. And I've enjoyed coming on here and reading all the sober stories of people who are just like me, and reminded I am not alone!


I’m exhausted today, my daughter was sick last night, but papa bear was there for every second of it ready to help. There’s nothing I would trade for this feeling that I can be there and do my job right as a parent.


For me it’s quality sleep. It didn’t realise how much drinking contributed to such poor quality sleep. I still have young children disrupting my sleep from time to time but overall I wake up most days feeling amazing. I can see the evidence on my Garmin watch which says my resting heart rate is almost 10 bpm slower when asleep.


Eating! I went for so many years with no appetite for food because alcohol had screwed up my stomach so badly. I was so prone to vomiting that if I ate one bite too much at a meal it was enough to set me off. I was always stressed about eating out as I was worried I'd have to leave the table to puke. Ever since I quit, I haven't vomited once, and my appetite for food has completely returned. I'm actually a very good cook, and it's such a pleasure to be able to enjoy the food I prepare and not just watch others enjoy it while I drink.


Actually recovering in the gym and getting stronger. While drinking every day, although my eating was on point, I’d get maybe 4 reps of 225 on bench and end up with small pec strains after weeks of training but wrecking my system with alcohol every night. This past week I was repping out sets of 8 even after avoiding barbell presses for a few months. It’s mind blowing how much better I look and feel after only 2 months.


Freshly awake no hangover mornings are the gift I never knew we needed !


Honestly waking up and not wasting my weekends laying down in bed all day .


No shame over


I love that my weeks are full now because I’m not spending one or two days recovering from a bender.


Mentally, I feel sharper and more focused than I have in years. I was always so afraid that I was killing my brain cells (while not being worried enough to stop doing the activity that does that) so getting back so much brain power has been an awesome surprise gain.


The morning.


Waking up early.




Honestly? I just like remembering and hanging w the kids and wife. Without thinking I need to keep drinking my blues away. Plus the next morning feeling good helps.


Better relationships with everyone in my life, mornings are amazing, health 1000% better, so feel better look better feel better about yourself


Sunday mornings and Sunday brunches with friends, instead of Saturday nights


I can do Lego sets with my kids without shaking or losing my patience.


Improving Relationships. Even with the ups and downs. I couldn’t do that when I was drinking. I would drink about them.


Video Games. It's my favorite hobby. I would get so drunk I couldn't play for more than ten minutes. Now I play as much as i want.


Not fighting w my wife about alcohol or what I said or did. Not having to create a “drinking plan” for myself every time we go somewhere


I started doing yoga and I really like that. Barre3 is great too. I have back issues and both are low to zero impact.


Day 6 now, night sweats are gone and I feel semi-refreshed in the mornings. I enjoy drinking my coffee/tea and reading again. I used to read voraciously and stopped in college 2020 and began drinking. I missed out on dozens of fantasy books and manga.... Time to begin anew


My interests change every year. I feel like I'm growing. But this year I'm obsessed with jewelry mainly just rings. Never cared about jewelry before and I'm 40 lol .


Reading! Hiking with my dogs! Sparkling hop water!


Reading books and remembering what I read! Waking up and not worrying that I might have sent embarrassing texts the night before. Not wasting a whole day being hungover.


Waking up


Feeling lighter both mentally and physically - the overall gloominess and heaviness of it all (sometimes my legs would just feel so tired, my body felt drained all the time, weird aches in my joints) is gone. Life doesn’t feel like having to wade through thick mud anymore.


There’s so many things I am enjoying more now. Not drinking makes my weekend feel longer because I don’t have blackouts or lose time laid in bed hungover. I’ve got so much more energy than I did before and I’m putting it to go use by going to the gym and cooking good meals. Also, my anxiety levels are significantly reduced. Not just post drink anxiety, but anxiety going into nights out, etc. I used to worry about how I might behave and what I might get up to. Now I feel in control and so that anxiety is gone. I have a reminder on my phone every day which says, ‘You always had superpowers, you just chose kryptonite before’.


A clear head and less anxiety


Knowing that headaches are headaches not hangovers


I have 4 years sober, and I still love waking up hangover free every day.


Going to bed. Not going to sleep, but going to bed.


Having more time.


Getting better sleep and not having a beer belly!


Classes. I suddenly have the time to take all these courses I was interested in but couldn't or wouldn't commit to. I just took a weekend-long sign painting workshop, and I had such a good time. A few months ago, the thought of doing *anything* productive during an entire weekend would have seemed insane. I start a four week course of meditation training after work hours this coming week. I'm really excited about it. I want to do another sign painting workshop in a few weeks, and I just submitted an application package to a yearlong writing program I've admired from afar for years. This... feels like the tip of the iceberg if I'm already feeling up to these things and I'm only a few months in. It's kinda thrilling!


Better sleep, not boated, appetite is more prominent (if you are a foodie). You won’t wake up tomorrow feeling like shit.


The next morning.


i havent stopped yet, but any time i do, it feels so nice to have my regular sleep schedule back. at my best, i get out of bed at 8am and at my worst, i get out of bed at 12pm


Not nearly vomiting when I brush my teeth in the morning.


Solid poos ftw


I love to draw and I feel like it’s so much easier to enjoy drawing and think about cool designs when I’m not hungover. I spent too much time drinking and thinking of drawing instead of actually doing it.


Things I like…No mysterious bruises. I fell a lot! Not being hungover and waking up with the ability to function. No worrying that I was mean or embarrassing. Going to bed at a decent time on the weekends and not going into the week sleep deprived. The money!


Sex, food, sparkling water, breathing, sunshine, stability, dependability, groceries, life


I’m on day 61 and some of the gifts are things you’ve mentioned - not being embarrassed by the mess I made of things to other people especially when I had no recollection of it. I love my early mornings, less anxiety, being a better parent to my children, and just having the motivation to be a better person. I love getting good sleep and enjoying my days off doing more productive and enjoyable things, and just being present for my life. I hope your grilling doesn’t tempt you too much and that you’re able to enjoy your weekend and your progress so far.


Popcorn, Diet Coke, LOTS of coffee.


Less anxiety. It's still there but nowhere near as bad. My mind actually rests sometimes.


It’s been six months I’ve had a drink and I’ve used my free time by going to the gym and investing in my physical, mental, and emotional self. Instead of spending $50-$100 bucks on alcohol. I treat myself to a gym, on my healthcare, and being able to go buy something! It was very hard in the beginning but with time, it’s gotten easier. I forget alcohol exists until I’m invited to a gathering. I get really bad anxiety when it comes to socialism so I usually show up shitfaced but I’ve learned to face my anxiety. I feel happy and secure within myself.


Being 100% certain I won't get a DUI lol


One thing I’m really enjoying is those random moments of amazing happiness. They usually happen around 9 PM when I realize that I’m not drunk again and how good I feel. The biggest smile comes across my face and the greatest feeling across my body. I wish it was something I could control because I would make it happen all the time lol Anybody else have this random feeling?? I can only describe it as euphoria.


I love the satisfaction of knowing I put myself first now, over being fun or wild so other people have a good time


Running, helping others, mornings, better health? fewer days with depression, better sleep, better relationships, more money in the back, better peace of mind…..


No hangover for Monday, no shakes, no anxiety, no cloudy brain, debating if you can hold food down. Weird stomach sweat until noon.


17 days in, but meditation.


I’m really enjoying spending time with my 11 month old granddaughter. There’s no way I’d be in her life if I was still drinking.


Clairity!! I’m of sound mind 24/7.


I’ve struggled to articulate my thoughts and sometimes get mental blocks when I’m trying to speak. Part of it is definitely since an infection throwing my POTS into hyperdrive, but I have been so much more clear headed the past 2 weeks!


Sugar lol. I never cared for dessert before I quit and now I’m the Cookie Monster


Knocking things off the list that have needed attention for 10 years. Remembering things that happened 30 years ago before I started drinking. They come at me almost like a vivid daydream. I wonder if we're in some know of low level blackout when we're drinking all the time. Like not storing memories properly


Snuggling with my dog and watching movies before falling asleep at 8pm. It’s the best.


I absolutely live for not waking up with shame. Not sending out the “so good to see you last night” texts to test the water and see if anyone was mad at me. I am dealing with some heavy things right now and I know I need every possible advantage. I have been sleeping 7 hours, taking vitamins, drinking tons of water, talking to my parents daily, vetting therapists, getting through my life to do list, taking a half hour to do my elaborate skincare routine, and the list goes on and on. I picture my body and my mind healing every day. Things aren’t perfect, but I know alcohol isn’t going to serve me right now. It excites me going to bed each night knowing I can wake up again the next day and not drink all over again. ETA: I’m someone who is very motivated by smart “financial decisions.” Every week I don’t drink, I mentally calculate how much cost avoidance I’ve hit. It’s also not just the cost of my own booze. I used to have a big team at work and would frequently be the one getting the tab. Not anymore, ha!


Speeding. Fuck it. 😄


Simply not having any time wasted. As in, waking up too hungover to do anything all day, so the day is completely wasted. Sometimes giving up over half my weekend just to recover from a “fun” night drinking? At one point it just hit me how that was absolutely not worth the trade off anymore. It took time to adjust since alcohol is such a social drug but I got there, but now I’m at the point where I don’t ever consider drinking and even the thought of it gives me anxiety about the time I’d lose to recovering from the hangover or just not being 100% me.


I thoroughly enjoy being present for my daughter and my wife. It was an unbearable 4 years I put them through. Now that I’m sober, i really appreciate just being there and in their life


i love mornings now … before i would dread them and was definitely a night person. i wake up at 8 on weekends and love getting up, doing yoga, going to the gym, making my coffee all before noon.




The clarity! I think it's also because I'm sleeping better and therefore getting the REM I need to process during the day, better. My emotions are more in check so it's easier for me to plan and focus. I'm getting to know me again. IWNDWYT 🇨🇦


I love waking up early now. Used to sleep until late afternoon or evening due to my drinking. Thought i was never a morning person but now i enjoy waking up early and not wasting my whole day by sleeping.


I think one of my favorites. Is not having to worry about driving. I would drink and drive quite a bit though. But now I don't have to plan my entire day or what I'm doing after dinner and whether I can do something go somewhere and worry about driving... Also time to actually do what I've been wanting to do instead of going to a bar.


Not waking up with a hangover.


I feel my feelings. And as such, they get felt and then I move on with my life. The thing about drinking is that all those feelings always found inappropriate ways of showing up, and I never really processed things in a meaningful or thorough way. Even though sometimes feeling the feelings feels shitty, I love that they don’t haunt me or control me anymore.


Sleeping through the night


Morning coffee. ❤️


Morning stretches


Waking up at the ass crack of dawn and going to the gym. Then back home, showered and eating breakfast by the time most people wake up. You feel more productive


I love waking up without a hang over. That I can enjoy a cup of coffee and have my morning ritual and feel good. Before I would be so hungover I’d be searching for meds for my headache, and sitting on the couch. Not able to anything, and my house was a mess. It’s been almost 2 months since I have woken up without a hangover and I LOVE it.


Pooping. That is my legitimate answer.


Not waking up feeling like shit.

