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We need to stop the self shaming. We all drank because at one point in time it worked for us. It's an addictive substance. Im right there with you. At a certain point it just doesn't work anymore and can kill you. In opioid dependence they call it chasing the dragon. It's time to realize at a certain point this just ain't gonna work anymore and it will slowly destroy me bc I don't have a grip on it. If I go and chase it it's going to slam my head into the gutter.


Yes. Having a drinking problem is NOT a character flaw


In my opinion, quitting when you realize you have a problem makes you the opposite of a loser. Congrats on day 1! I’m rooting for you!


Good post! I used to have the never quit anything mentality lol. Then i woke up haha


Rehab and AA are for quitters… I’m a quitter and consider myself quite the winner as a result!


You're in the hard place right now, first few days you are dealing with physical withdrawal as well as a change in your mind set. Be kind to yourself and remember that everyone starts on day one. IWNDWYT


I love this subreddit. Everyone here wants everyone else to be well.


Damn, I feel you on your entire post... I used alcohol to cope with everything! Happiness/sadness, stress, anxiety, relationship issues, etc. All it did was make it all worse.. I am happy for you! Like others have told me, you are making a great decision with your life!


Today is all we have my friend. It's amazing how selective my memory gets as soon as the most immediate effects lift. I wish you strength in the battle


This is why most peoples “last day” isn’t some crazy bender story- it’s just a normal day when you decide you’re done. I hope you stick with it, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Having the right mindset is more important than days counted


You’re not a loser, you’re taking the first steps in a positive direction. Chin up, eyes forward! IWNDWYT!


Hey, you got this. I get what you mean that in a couple days you're going to want to drink because that happens with me and I always regret having to start over again. I had that this morning but reading about making a pledge a day to not drink helps. I come on here everyday because It feels relatable and that's comforting that I'm not alone in this battle. It makes it real that it's an addiction but it's beautiful that there is a community that supports and understand each other. Good luck on your sobriety journey, we got this 💜


I don’t think many of us feel awesome on our day 1 - bc of what it’s taken to get us there. Be gentle with yourself today. Nap and lots of water. I’m with you! Just starting day 2 on Monday morning.


Feel this. I’m quitting tomorrow. I have to because I want to. It no longer serves me. Plan to double down on workouts and meetings. Podcasts. Best wishes to you.




That's a good AA meeting. Keep going back!


Be kind to you, as kind and compassionate as you would be to your best friend! You are here, you are doing this 🏆IWNDWYT!


First 48 are rough. 7 days is usually when things seem "better" one way or another. I'm on 2 weeks, and it feels like forever - in a great way! All the crap I caused seems ages away. :) Also, if possible, maybe see a/your MD. Best wishes.


You are not a loser. You are a person who suffers from a common, widespread disease. You made it this far in life while carrying the yoke of addiction around your neck. Imagine what you will do once the burden is lifted? I don't know you, but I'm willing to bet that you've accomplished a lot that you can be proud of. Focus on the strength and resilience it took to make it this far and know that the next chapter will be a cakewalk by comparison. IWNDWYT


Welcome! I credit this sub, the I Am Sober app and my family’s support for having made it this far. We’re here for you!


Thanks for the I am sober app suggestion. Just installed now. I am on day 2.


Good luck! Although the app is (or was when I was on day 2) free, I upgraded to the paid subscription for probably a year because it came with extra motivational quotes. I’m not trying to sell anything; it just was a help to me. Be sure to put in how much you were spending in a day on your form of poison. I’m pretty well motivated by $$, and seeing how much I was saving also helped me!


Welcome! Not the club any of us signed up for but truly best place I could ever be (21 months sober).


You are incredible because you see that something isn’t working and you want change. I will not drink with you today


You are not a loser and you are not alone! I’m throwing everything and the kitchen sink at staying sober (AA, Librium, Naltrexone, got rid of all the booze in the house, friends and family checking in on me, breathalyzer that my wife promises to make me use in front of her at least once a day at a time of her choosing).


I think we actually start -21 days from day 1, and we have 3wks to get through sobering up, before the benefits start becoming really clear! I had to almost resign myself to it having NO benefits to get through, and then there’s a shift, and THEN it gets better. I’m here cheering you on, you are on the path🙌


Day 1 today is better than Day 1 tomorrow, Day 1 next week, Day 1 next month, next year, or never. Embrace the courage it takes to take control of your life! IWNDWYT!






I’m happy for you. When you get cravings, hopefully you’ll remember how you feel right now and say no. Stay strong friend. Best of luck. IWNDWYT


You may see yourself as a loser but there are plenty of people here who don't think that at all. Quitting is a big deal and I'm proud of you for making the decision to do that. IWNDWYT


I’m starting over today, too. We can do this.


Woot! Woot! Glad you’re here!!


Isn’t it wild that we can go from the depths of despair over drinking to, only a few days later, overriding that feeling and drinking again? That was how I came To understand that I have absolutely zero control over booze and finally quit forever. Good luck!


You are in good company friend.


Welcome and we are all so glad you’re here. Congrats on day one! IWNDWYT


Congrats on Day 1!


Good luck. Congrats on day 1! Come back and update us on day 5! Then day 10. You can do it.






You got this! We all hit our individual bottom . Keep coming back!




Welcome. IWNDWYT.


Good luck!


Just want to say thanks to this sub. It really is helpful. Thank you to all on here.


Try to go easy on yourself, hanging onto shame has always led me to a spiral of self pity and repeated failure at sobriety. The first few days are some of the hardest, but if you push through it gets a heck of a lot easier. Not always easy of course, but 1000% worth it. Take care of yourself. Make sure you stay hydrated and get in some nutritious food if you can stomach it. And remember you always have a community of people who are here to help at any time. 💙




IWNDWYT. Congratulations.


I quit 3.5 years ago, and now I say I don’t have a drinking problem, I have a thinking problem. Those thoughts you hear is your addiction speaking to you in your own voice. It’s sneaky isn’t it? IWNDWYT


If you’re here then you’re in good hands. We all were in your shoes and avoiding alcohol is an almost daily task given it’s damn near everywhere in the US. It’s going to be tough getting through it and stopping it from pulling you back in. That pull in your mind is strong as fuck to get you to drink again. The urge to drink doesn’t stay intense you just have to put some time under your belt to get past it. Stay consistent, you can do this.


Just remember, normal people don’t think about when they get to drink again. Most people getting sober, at some point in their sobriety, fall into the trap their mind sets, that they haven’t drank in a while, so they obviously are ok to try alcohol again. It NEVER works out. Either they end up hitting an even worse rock bottom, or they end up doing something so horrible they can’t undo, get a DUI, or end up getting sucked even deeper into alcohol, and die from complications from it. I tried drinking twice after I initially stopped. My last time as almost a year ago. I got a DUI. It was the absolute worst night. All because I thought I could have one drink. All because I was in such an emotionally dark place, I needed a break. It could have been much worse too! I have so many personal stories, and things that happened to people I know. Alcohol never makes anything, or any situation better. One day commitments at a time. IWNDWYT


One day at a time!


It’s my day 1 also. We can do this! IWNDWYT


AA saved my life and gave me a life beyond anything I can imagine bro


It's so wonderful to see you here, I couldn't be more proud of you for being so strong. Please keep coming back and know we are all here for you. IWNDWYT