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Welcome bud. Grab a chair, make yourself at home. This sub has really helped me tremendously.


Thank so much. I appreciate it. And I’m happy to hear it’s helped you. I heard a great quote once “The opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection”. I think that’s the best thing about these types of communities


It's so true. I have a buddy who's counting days with me. I dont know what's keeping me going. My own willpower or the fear of telling them I messed up. Thing is... I don't even care. I'm still going. Welcome. 🥰


One-upmanship is a great motivator! I will not drink with you and your friend today.


The wonderful Johann Hari said that. It's a TED talk I think more people should watch.


What a great Ted talk. Thank you!


Have u thought about going to AA?


It saved my life. Pro suggestion!


It has inspired me to not drink anymore! The sharing aspect is great! Its been a positive experience. I will say its not for everyone.. My dad has stayed sober for over 20 years and he never tried AA


Mine too.


You wouldn’t happen to be a Pretty Lights fan would you? He recently said this at one of his shows, and it’s really stuck with me.


Haha that’s crazy. I’ve definitely heard some of Pretty Lights music and I really like it, but I don’t really follow him much. I can’t remember exactly where I heard that quote but I know it was somewhere random. Like maybe a YouTube comment section or something like that. But yeah, when I read it really hit me deep


You are who you hang out with so keep coming back lol welcome


Absolutely - connection!🫶


Glad you found this place. I think you'll find that here (as well as AA) that you're surrounded by those who share a history that started out fun and ended up as a trail of wreckage. That would include me, certainly. Pull up a chair and let us know how your days go. Welcome.


86 days. Wow. Nicely done.


I used to drink 750ML of vodka 6 days a week, for over two years. Plus other coolers and types of alcohol. I was deep into a depression and never thought it would get better. I seriously thought my life would forever be awful and I’d never feel close to normal, or find happiness again. It was bleak, and I didn’t see a point in stopping for a long time because I was hopeless. That was almost a year ago. It took me many months and many tries, but I’m almost a year sober. This group and its members and posts were huge in helping me get through my dark days. You got this! The first month was the worst for me. I replaced it with sweets and ordered pizzas when I really had a bad craving - something that distracted my brain long enough for it all to calm down and move on. Got more active and tried to walk outside a few times a week to get fresh air, and I occasionally journaled. One quote that stuck with me from this sub I still use often, which is, “if I have a craving for alcohol, and I drink, it will go away. If I have a craving for alcohol and I DON’T drink, it will also go away.” They don’t last forever. 🤗 IWNDWYT.


>“if I have a craving for alcohol, and I drink, it will go away. If I have a craving for alcohol and I DON’T drink, it will also go away.” I love this. Thanks for sharing. I'm craving really hard tonight but I'm putting my ass to bed. IWNDWYT!


Hope you got a good night's rest!


Congratulations on your sobriety. 1 year is a really big deal and you earned it!


Welcome mate!! Glad to have you here. I come on this sub every day to read and comment. It really helps me keep on track with my sobriety. Everyone is really friendly here and so helpful.


Thanks so much!


Started drinking when I was 16. Same thing, started off fun, but turned into a bigger problem as the years went on. Eventually hit a very dark time in my life where the drinking got really bad. My mental and physical health was dog shit. Quit almost 11 months ago and it’s been great. Not gonna lie, it’s been tough, but also rewarding. Come to this sub every day. We’re here for you. IWNDWYT


Glad to hear you’re doing well! And thank you!


Proud of you mate


Life is better without alcohol. We all struggle and you’re never alone. Have a blessed day brother


Thank you so much!


welcome, this community has been the main reason I've kept reddit, been very supportive and insightful Thanking everyone in the sub Hope you find what many have here


Thank you!


I feel you bro. Reading your experience makes me feel not alone.


Happy you don’t feel alone man. I’ve felt that way a lot. I think that’s the best part about these communities


Maybe you should go see your doctor and get your liver fully checked out. 1.75l of whiskey a day is not good for it. I'm not judging you but that's a lot of alcohol. I'm not suggesting this because you say you have pain in your liver. You can't feel pain from your liver as there are no pain receptors in it. The pain you feel could be your liver inflamed and rubbing on other organs. I'm not a doctor just a heavy drinker who was diagnosed with cirrhosis. So I did my research as I'm a biologist and learnt this fact. That is why liver disease is a silent killer. Hopefully your liver is fine. Do some research as to what help is available in your area, there is much more than AA. But if AA works for you stick with it.


Thank you! And yeah I’m definitely going to be seeing the doctor soon to get everything checked out


Yeah and please look into detox or consider just going to the ER if you're coming off a handle a day. You could die. I care about you. Please consider if you've stopped anytime recently or haven't stopped yet.


Please be careful, there is also that risk of psycosis or delirium. That's why it's important to seek medical treatment after that heavy drinking. I have seen when that happens to a person.


I really am rooting for you! But PLEASE don't quit cold turkey on your own. At these levels it's really dangerous to quit without medical supervision. I drank half of what you did and they already put me on a bezo schedule against withdrawals while going through detox. Going to be at 6 months at the end of this month, it's totally worth it!


Your explanation is spot on. I went to the doctor because my back hurt and I thought I had a rib out of place. I was in liver failure. I messed aroundwith my "back ache" for just under a month. I was told I was a few days away from being dead.


I'm so glad you're still here ♥️


Holy crap that's scary


Bravo, you are officially a BAMF (Bad Ass Mother Fucker)!!!Welcome to our club. Don’t drink today. That’s it. Then tomorrow…repeat. 🖤⚡️🖤


Haha thank you!


Hi Anthony. I was where you were 500 days ago. Close to a handle of spirits daily. The organ damage, the puking to the point of not being able to keep anything down (I had to be hospitalized twice for seizures from severe electrolyte imbalance.) The massive anxiety and paranoia. I knew I was killing myself, but I couldn't figure out how to stop. Then I did. For me it was a book called "Alcohol Explained". It laid out everything alcohol was doing to my body both physically and psychologically, and as I read it, it felt like it was written specifically for me. A switch flipped in my brain and I haven't looked back. Not saying you'd have the same results, but I know that if I found something that worked for me, you can too. I thought I was the definition of a lost cause, but I was wrong. This sub is a great place to start. You can do this, my friend. I truly believe you can.


I wanna read it too! I read This Naked Mind by Annie Grace and that did it for me. I have no desire for drinking anymore and I can't believe it was that easy. I read a freaking book and now the craving is gone. I was a daily drinker for four years. This is the longest I've stayed sober in years and I feel so proud of myself. I thought I was a lost cause and could never quit drinking!


Thank you so much! I will definitely check that book out. And congrats on your 500 days!


I remember the paranoia at work. I was constantly afraid of people learning about my drinking. I started drinking as soon as I got home from work til I passed out on (if I was lucky) the bed. No way to live.


I hope you will seek medical help to withdraw safely. If you just stop, at the level you've been drinking, you could have seizures and die. If you have a doctor, go and tell them you're an alcoholic and you need to quit, but safely. Tapering and there are medications to help. Glad you're here. You're in the right place. You could also try AA. There's a million Zoom meetings thanks to COVID. IWNDWYT. I Will Not Drink With You Today


Thank you! And I’m actually on day 4 almost 5 now being completely sober so I was lucky to be ok. The day I stopped though was absolutely horrific. I honestly wasn’t sure I was going to make it


Congratulations! The first step is acknowledging that alcohol is a problem! You nailed it! Then you have to have a plan and a support system. It is really hard to sustain sobriety alone. Hang in there!


Badass! Good job! 🙌


I'm glad you came through it and are on the other side. IWNDWYT


Welcome, bro. You know what they say, birds of a feather flock together. You hang out with heavy drinkers, you'll keep it up until you guys drop like flies. You hang out here (and find people irl) that aspire to the grander things in life that are better than alcohol, you'll make it out with us. You got this


Just what I needed to hear... my drinking mates are all getting issues.. we are in our early 50's...


Thank you man


Welcome friend ❤️ You’re in the right place, this is a safe and friendly space. You can do this! I believe in you. Mom hugs!!!


Thank you so much!


Hi! Welcome! Routing for you! I hope you will get on the road to recovery!


Thank you! And I absolute am


Welcome. While everyone's story is different, the end objective is the same. Browse the posts for insights and advice on starting a fresh journey!


Thank you!


You are in very good company here. No lectures, no judgements, just people who get it and know how to help others find a way forward (from their own experience). Keep reading, keep posting - and have hope. Life doesn't have to be like this.


Thank you!


Welcome, brother! This sub is awesome, I visit every day. And when the times get real tough, I visit every hour. I've literally been in the alcohol store parking lot, asking for help here, and this sub delivers. It's not always easy, but I promise it gets easier. This sub has great advice for books, beverage substitutes, activities, food (I love eating spicy stuff when in craving, and sugar can temporarily help too!) Anyway feel free to reach out here, ask ANY question or advice you want, there's no judgment here.


Thanks so much!


Welcome! Pour yourself a club soda and stick with us!


Thank you!


Hi there! This sub is one of the most supportive places on the internet. Life is 100% better without alcohol. Proud of you for sharing. You got this!


Thank you so much!


I’m glad you’re here.


Thank you!


Do you have an idea of what your next 24 hours will look like? A lot of us here got some help detoxing either at home or in a facility. It really makes the process not only safer but much more comfortable.


I’m actually 4 days clean. My last day drinking was Thursday, and then Friday I literally had the most horrifying withdrawals of my life. Literally thought I wasn’t going to make it. But I’m safe now, and I’m going to start going to meetings. I think this group will really help a lot too!


I’m relieved that you have 4 days. This is excellent! Way to go! Not that you asked, but one thing that really helped me early on was taking vitamin b supplements in the morning and a magnesium supplement called CALM right before bed. I recovered faster this time then other times and I think these helped- plus the magnesium is supposed to help with sleep. You got this, one day at a time!


Awesome work! Build on this streak and take it a day at the time. Avoid known triggers in this early phase and you get stronger and can finally resist all temptation. It takes time but it's so worth it ❤️


Thanks for sharing. I started drinking because of social anxiety as well. It's such a paradox because the thing that's supposed to give relief to my anxiety ended up being the main reason why I have more anxiety. I went full circle with this self-medication. Only thing is that now if I drink more, the relief is no longer there, and I'm just left with 10 times the anxiety that I started with.


The struggle is real! Never give up!


Your story is not unfamiliar to many of us. We’re in this together. I’m glad you are here!


Thank you!


Welcome to the group friend, stay a while.


Thank you!


Hey man, 4 days is a great accomplishment!! I, too, have been in your shoes not that long ago. Just hold on tight for a month or so. It took me about a week to physically start feeling better. it was a month or two until I could actually sleep well. The nightmares, night sweets, and anxiety scared me. If that's your case, just know it will pass. Keep your mind and body busy even if you just want to zone out. I'm looking forward to hearing how great you're doing soon!


Thanks so much!


Happy to have you. Was a lurker for a handful of months until going cold turkey a couple weeks back. Hang in there, lots of good people on this sub that’ll feel like the friends you need. I’ve never regretted going to the gym after I go, and I feel the same about not drinking. The morning after hits different! IWNDWYT!


Thank you!


Welcome to the cool club! IWNDWYT!


Thank you!


Once you get the monkey off your back things get so much better




Welcome. Don't get discouraged by setbacks and constant relapses. Be kind to yourself, and remember there are literal millions of us out there. Countless day 1s for years upon years and some of us have decades of trying to quit. We also have people with decades of sobriety in this sub. It's a great place that I visit daily. I hope it helps you as well.


Thank you!


Your story sounds very similar to mine. We're the same age too. Hopefully this sub helps you. Because that means it will help me.


Thank you! We’re all in this together


Great. So what’s the plan?


No drinking and I’m going to start going to meetings


Welcome! ❤️ This sub is so helpful and supportive. Sending peace and healing your way!


Thank you so much!


Hi Anthony, nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you to :)


Welcome. Know that you aren’t alone. Im back on the wagon, been 5 days sober. I did something stupid after getting hammered, so am hoping to make this one last. Welcome. This is a safe space.


Thank you! And I’m happy to hear you’re back at it. Never give up


Grateful to have ya! There’s a lot to learn in here


Thank you!


Welcome!! Everybody here is super supportive and friendly. I am cheering you on!!


Thank you!


You are in the right spot brother


Thank you!


Welcome! You're in the right place. One thing I realized is that same dopamine that made me feel good, also was a neurotransmitter that told my brain that it was the right thing to do. And doing all the dumb things while under the influence felt justified and fulfilling. But then that dopamine ends, and not only it feels absolutely horrible. The brain feels like it's being punished, as if something is wrong, there's a deficit of dopamine. So what does it want to do that feels right? So then we use it to cope with life, which doesn't teach us how to cope with life. But that dopamine tells the brain to drink, and that's it's the right course of action. So we learn nothing, get stressed even more when we have to face things again, and we do the thing that we only know how to do to cope with stress and anxiety not realizing that we just keep digging deeper. IWNDWYT


Thank you! And yes, it’s an insidious substance


Welcome to our cozy little corner of the internet! I can totally relate to the drinking to cope with anxiety part of your story, I pretty much would have to have a few shots of Jameson before being able to quote unquote “come out of my shell”. Or so I thought… I just started showing up to AA meetings this past Friday even though I was sober and panicking to try something new all by myself, especially with how my guilt/embarrassment/shame I carry from my drinking. But I pushed through and now I cannot stop going to meetings! Everyone is insanely welcoming (it threw me off guard and kinda spooked me out at first). But, once I went to a few it made me realize that these people surrounding me all carry those same feelings and want to be not only sober but help other alcoholics through the same struggles they went through. It’s gives a great feeling of community. I was super hesitant to try AA especially because I thought you had to be religious (you don’t and it’s not a religious group at all I found out) but I feel like I’ve already learned a lot about myself only in a few days. I highly highly recommend just sitting in for a local AA meeting. There is no pressure to share (what I was worried about). It’s just a bunch of people that came from the same hard place one way or another that are helping each other start a new way of living. even if I quit going to meetings I already know that I have found a great group of people that truly have my back because they’ve lived it too. Just think of it as free therapy!! Either way I believe in you 🤗 just keep putting each day in front of the other we’re all in this together ❤️❤️ IWNDWYT


Oh wow that’s a coincidence. Jameson was actually my go to whiskey lol. But yes, I’m going to start going to meetings asap. I’ve always been nervous to go too but I’m so happy to hear that it helped you. That gives me hope. Thank you!


Hello my friend. Welcome to this haven of safety and understanding. We all have been in your shoes. Life is so much better now. We are here for you.


Welcome! I think I too used alcohol for soooo long to mask social anxiety. Still getting used to not having alcohol in certain social situations but it's ALWAYS so much nicer afterwards.. no hangovers.. regrets. Loving it!


Absolutely! And thank you!


Be your own psychologist. Get help but ask and question and review with videos.... Thats all I can tell you


Welcome friend!


Welcome, Anthony! You’re in the right place.


Thank you!


Welcome and good luck! It's quite a journey ahead of you, but you're not the first to attempt and there's many others walking with you. You've got this and without sounding like a cliche recognizing the situation and wanting to change is the first important step.


Thank you!


It's so good to have you here, welcome! It's a massive amazing step to even be here and make a post, and I am so, so proud of you for doing this and being here.


Please stay. There are so many people here who want you to succeed and recover. Finding this sub was extremely helpful to me.


Thank you!


I feel you on the hangover symptoms-beyond hangxiety. Indescribably bad. After YEARS of trying, I had 62 days sober, then slipped, now I’m back on the wagon and on day 20 or so. You can do this!!! I swear it gets easier… just keep not drinking. Right now I think you should feel like that’s your most important job, far and away This community is great, we are here for you friend, every day :-)


I’m 31. Quit at 30. Very similar story to you. It was fun till I was drinking alone and then chugging more vodka at 1am because I woke up hating myself and couldn’t handle the pain and knew another sip would put me back to sleep. You deserve to know the beauty of life without alcohol. You are never alone.


Anthony, I am 36 and I was exactly where you are at your age. Just two years ago (almost to the day, ugh) I had one of the worst experiences of my life, wandering NYC at four in the morning with a dead phone and feeling like I was in Jacob’s Ladder because the hospital let me out when they shouldn’t have and I didn’t quite know where I was. I was just trying not to let the hangxiety bordering on paranoid delusions freak me out. Now, I’m 490 days sober and have accomplished so much already with that time. They’re not lying; sobriety actually is great. You may not know how you’ll get here, but you will! You’re taking a great step by posting here.


Welcome! I have also struggled with that kind of heavy darkness and would until very recently relieve stress by having a few drinks but I don't want to do that anymore. Usually when I have a day off and I'm feeling bored I will reach for something but instead I'm kind of reminding myself of a time when I was a kid, when alcohol wasn't even on my mental radar but I still enjoyed myself. I'm trying to return to that. IWNDWYT.


I have excellent news for you. You don't have to live like that anymore. You dont have to EVER feel like that anymore. Now, life will 100% still get lifey, sometimes even very lifey, but I find that literally nothing gets better with booze.  My life has been sooo much better since I stopped drinking. I did lose some "friends", but the friends that stayed are true friends.  This sub is excellent. AA helped me tremendously personally not to just stay sober but to actually grow as a human being and to have some really great tools to navigate life.  IWNDWYT, friend. Thank you for being here and thank you for sharing your story. You helped me stay sober today. 


Welcome. You are amongst friends.


Take it one day at a time. You can do this!


Thank you!


Anytime. I’m always here if you need to talk.


Welcome, Anthony. We're here for you.


Welcome, Anthony. You've come to the right place. We're glad you're here.


Hi Anthony! So glad you’re here with all of us. Real people with real and relatable problems.


All are welcome. Nice to meet you.. 👍


I’m glad you’re here ❤️


Hi! I’ve also been drinking since about 12/13, I’m 31 and was drinking about 750ml of tequila a night. First two weeks are really hard but I promise it gets SO much easier. I thought I was dying from the withdrawals & cravings the first 10 or so days. My life has improved so much these past two months. Stick with it, you’ll feel like a new person. You’ve got this!


Thank you! And congrats on your sobriety!


Welcome. Stay with us on this sub. Many here understand what you’re going through. In the beginning a great place to begin for me was to hop in a cold shower or take a bath when cravings hit. Kind of resets the brain a little. Take care. You can do this!


I understand the hell. Welcome bro. I’ve been jumping back and forth between being sober and being drunk and it’s so stupidly obvious that the sober part is SO much better. My brain keeps trying to trick me into thinking the drunk is better but that’s so far from the truth.


Welcome! I'm happy that you're here. Everyone is experiencing life, be proud that you're making choices that will alter your experience in a better way !


Anthony I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I'm sorry for the pain you had in the past, that you used alcahol to numb out, and I'm sorry for the pain your drinking has brought you. All I can say is sober is a better way of living. Life is hard but you will always find people like yourself in the sober community both online and in person.


Heyo seems like I wrote the above myself. The final two years or so of my heavy drinking were mostly alone, and the few times I was out with friends again it was never quite the same, they could have two and I was already 5+ in when we met up. Can't say your recovery will be easy, and while I was able to detox without medical assistance, I did still talk to my doctor and get some tests ran to determine if I was a high risk for seizures specifically. Wishing you the best internet rando. You're in good company here. I don't particularly think any of us are special, just people working through a similar situation and wanting to find that path out. I believe in you.


Welcome Anthony 🤗 you’re in the right place! We were all a mess until we stopped. Here’s to a healthy and happy life ♥️


>The hangovers were so brutal that the word “hanxiety” no longer even described it. It was more like hallucinating, feeling completely suicidal, puking so much that there was nothing left to purge, and not even being able to keep a sip of anything down to stop the withdrawals. Also, the level of paranoia that I’ve experienced has been off the charts. If you're hallucinating and paranoid after stopping it sounds like you might be experiencing the DT's (delirium tremens) the most severe form of alcohol withdrawl which can be dangerous. You should probably seek out medical assistance to get through such extreme withdrawls as they can give you some short term medicines to get through it safely. Are you still drinking currently or already sober and for how long?


Hey man thank you for the info. I’m 5 days sober now since the most terrifying withdrawal of my life. I’m feeling totally fine now but still going to get my liver and pancreas checked out this week. I never knew about the delirium thing but yeah that shit was unbelievably scary. Never again man


Congrats on 5 days sober and you're likely through the worst of it. Sounds like it was rough so glad you got through it. Definitely get things checked out still as there's no harm in doing that.


Im also your age Same drinking timeline and schedule. I stopped enjoying drinking probably late 20s,early 30s but continued to do it anyways because of the dependence. I quit almost a year ago and haven’t looked back. Everything is better


You have made a great step in making this post. Very commendable of you to realize and admit your problems with alcohol. ​ I wish you all the best in your journey :)


Welcome to a great decision. This group has been one of the main tools I’ve used to maintain my sobriety. Everyone is supportive and kind. Best of luck and IWNDWYT


Welcome!! I know some folks have mentioned AA, but there’s also NA too. I found it to be a much less judgmental and God centric fellowship (no shame to AA). And plenty of us addicts didn’t do “hard drugs” and have a DOC of alcohol. I just like to throw it in because I didn’t know there were other 12 step fellowships and found a home in NA that saved my life from drinking myself to death.


Welcome! Check in as early and often as you need, friend. We are all here for you.


I know I sounded a lot like you, posting here even a few months before my body gave up and I was in the hospital for a year. Good on you for calling it now, before that happens. Follow through and don't go through that, I promise it's worth it.


I'm glad that you've come to terms with the fact that alcohol is taking from you and not enhancing your life.  Count this as day 1 in saving yourself! I truly wish you health and happiness as you begin your journey!  IWNDWYT (I will not drink with you today). You'll see that here often.   You got this. 👍


Along with stopping alcohol I started actual medication for my depression and anxiety. Whaddya know, the stuff that's made for it works a lot better when you're not counteracting it with a depressant all the time. I still go out with drinkers and to the bar, I just get a Shirley Temple so I can have a drink in my hand and enjoy my cherries with the benefit of actually remembering what I said the next day.


Welcome friend.. ur not alone. Proud of u.


Keep up the good work friend. You got this!!! Your best life is ahead of you.


Yeah, starting out life in a crappy situation doesn’t do us any favors for sure. The good thing is now YOU have control over how your life goes. Take it by the horns and make it the best life you possibly can. Take care!


Man, sounds like you took the “grab by the bull horns” approach going cold turkey. I also did this, and I don’t recommend it to anyone. Others have mentioned seeking medical help, and it sounds like you are on that path. Just another data point for you to stay motivated. If you relapse, it’s likely the experience with be even worse. It’s called kindling. I’m sure other folks can pile on with their own experiences. You only have to choose to be sober today. Decide tomorrow then. IWNDWYT https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindling_(sedative%E2%80%93hypnotic_withdrawal)


This could have been written by me a few years ago. It sucks, friend. But gains will come.


Thank you!


Hang in there. Sending you hugs.


Please don’t give up on sobriety. My 31 year old son drank whisky heavily for 10 years. It was nightmare for our whole family so many rehabs I lost count. Everyone wanted to give up on him but today he is 3 years sober. i couldn’t be happier for him he has life now..


Welcome. This sub has helped me tremendously. You are not alone friend.


Happy Day 500!! 🎉


I wish you best. IWNDWYT!




Welcome. I’m so glad you’ve taken this step. It’s a huge achievement in and of itself


Nice to meet you. I am glad you are choosing yourself ❤️


Welcome! 🧡


Hey buddy, there IS hope. I recently gave my life to Jesus Christ after 3 episodes in the ER during a 6 month binge of whatever I could drink... all day, every day. (My real rock bottom). PLEASE, if you are already at this level and having hallucinations/psychosis, go to ER tomorrow and check yourself in. Tell the truth and definitely tell them you are scared of progressing to Delerium Tremens. That shit WILL kill you. God bless you, and I will be praying. ✝️


Damn dude. I relate to this verbatim. Crazy.


Welcome! Hope you stick around.


Heh Anthony, I’m Mike . Welcome to the group. There’s some truly wonderful people here who I pretty much owe my sobriety to. Make yourself at home and reach out anytime!


Welcome, Anthony! So glad you’re here with us!


Hey OP. Welcome. You’re in the right place. 47 year old married father of two in the UK here. Like you, the quotes and insight from others really help me understand myself and how I can help myself. Some of the most insightful thoughts have been - “Take one day at a time. Don’t tell yourself you’ll never drink again - the devil inside you can’t handle that and will freak out. Just tell the devil that you’re not drinking ***today***… it can handle that” - “Drinking to numb feelings or blackout is like suicide without the commitment” I will not drink with you today. Your journey is going to be a tough one and you’ll have to do much of it on your own… but we’re here for you, as is your GP and other support groups.


Hey brother. I'm SO pleased you're here amongst like minded men and women. Just a quick question. Promise me you'll stay and keep sharing ?


Hey bud. I’m also 33, and now at a point where this isn’t fun and hasn’t been for a long while. I’m deep in “cutting back” to reduce health risks from going cold turkey, and thankfully I have an awesome doctor who has provided great guidance and some medication to get me by if shit really goes sideways. Can I recommend Recovery Elevator as a podcast? I came across this yesterday and haven’t stopped listening since. It’s more focused on what life can look like afterwards and has given me some hope. There is so much to listen to and read out there, and a wonderful community here. You’re welcome to reach out to me if you want, I felt like responding because you’re my same age and at a similar point where our drinking career is done, yet the future seems scary. I don’t think it will be anywhere near as scary as our lizard brains tell us, and community is so important.


Hey Anthony, I’m Anthony also lol Nice to meet ya man. I’m 35 years old and also love the drums. I also drank myself stupid for years and experienced the exact same things you spoke on. Dude trust me the first couple of weeks suck but once you build that momentum and see the changes you’ll wonder why you even drank in the first place. You got this homie 💪🏻


I would suggest some blood work with a liver panel ASAP. Understand what is going on with any pain. Be honest with your doctor and take the next steps to eliminate alcohol from your daily life. Best of luck.


I turned 40 a couple months back, but I'm in the exact same boat as you. This shit sucks but you can get through it, and i can too.... at least i hope i can.


You can. I'll be 40 in a few weeks and I haven't been a slave to the bottle for a year and a couple months. I didn't think it was possible to live without it. I do have my medical Marijuana card, but I've been smoking since forever and never had a drinking problem until I was banned from cannabis (probation). I have bad health issues (crohns, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic migraines, etc) that I would be taking dangerous pharmaceuticals for if I didn't have access to cannabis. My point: you CAN. Hope, but know it too. Know it. You CAN live a real, whole, full life where your worst day sober will be exponentially greater than your best day enslaved. I'm a talented fuck up and I have the reverse midas touch. If I can quit, there's definitely hope for you.


I was drinking like that. If not more. On top of a horrible diet and lots of ibuprofen and pain pills. Ended up with a cirrhosis diagnosis at 34. Not just me either. There's a wave of young folks ending up with cirrhosis. I talk to ppl from 28 to 40 a lot. Good on you for recognizing the problem. It's worth it to stop. I've never been happier or in better shape....and I have a terminal illness. There's a life after booze. A better one.




I can relate. AA helped me during the first month. So did reading quit books. I learned so much that I would have never known on my own.


Hi 👋 You’re with friends! We know and appreciate how you feel so let it rip! And Keep off the sauce, today.


Wishing you well on this rewarding journey! Seltzer and lime will be your new best friend


Im around your age. We have to abstain completely Theres no other way for us


Welcome to the most supportive corner of the internet. We are glad you’re here.


Aa has helped me a lot It’s available everywhere I’ve ever been If you want to check it out there’s an app called meeting guide that can help you find the ones near you. Good luck my friend We can do it together and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made


Welcome ❤️ I just joined yesterday after having a wake up call bender and wanting to off myself. Also was hearing things after not having slept for 2 days. It’s crazy what this poison does to us. I’m on day 2 but I’m feeling hopeful moving forward. We’re all in this together and let’s kick alcohol’s ass.




I’m hoping all the support here will allow you to look at your drinking objectively. A ton of us on here have been where you’re at. It can get better, best of luck.


Sounds familiar. Very familiar. My wife stopped caring. I still think about those moments every day. Consider seeing a doctor and good luck to you 🤙


Welcome brother, happy to have you here. You are not alone, all of us here know what it’s like and we’re here to support you. If you haven’t, speak to a doctor about the symptoms you’ve been experiencing and formulate a plan to quit drinking. We all want to stop ASAP, but it’s important to do it in a manner that is safe. That conversation can be scary, but doctors are here to help us and they can only do that if we are fully transparent. IWNDWYT


Same age and very similar story to yours. Hang in there man




The beginning is extra hard to resist the cravings, but it's worth it! You're going to need to find healthy coping mechanisms for when you want to drink. My biggest ones were sobriety music and exercise. I ate like crap the first year, but it was better than drinking. You can do this 💪🏻💪🏻. In the beginning, I got sober because I knew I was killing myself quickly and had to stop before something bad happened. Now I'm sober because I actually want it and prefer it. Focusing on the positives of sobriety helps a lot. Stick to it, and I'm sure you'll like the sober version of yourself better 💛