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I was just in a work trip for two weeks. Alcohol all over and I wasn’t even phased. Then midway through week two, the work slowed down, I was in the tropics, paid to be on call for a few days and those same sneaky thoughts of ‘no one would know’ started creeping in. I’ve never had more NA 0.0s in my life than the last few days, of that trip, but I’m here, sober and happy right along with you friend. Though I did learn that 0.0s still give you beer shits with enough of them. Oh well, IWNDWYT.


Still infinitely better than coming out both ends 😆




I’ve laid off the 0.0% at social gatherings lately, I’ve found they’ve made me feel shitty as well! It’s a fine balance trying to find anything to help with sobriety 🌻


Yeah I tried drinking those for awhile. Don’t need the extra carbs. I drink beer for the buzz more than the taste lol. NA seltzers with lemon taste pretty good. And supposedly lemon water is good for getting rid of fatty liver.


I've never had them make me feel shitty, but I have found that I typically only drink one or two of those, and I drink them a lot slower than I ever drank alcohol.


Same here, I get too full after one to keep going (funny how that was never an issue with real beer) and one is enough to satisfy me anyways (again, never the case with real beer)


What I really prefer now is the different kind of hopwaters, when I can find them.


I love your story and congrats on your sobriety, but, for you and OP, the word is "fazed".


Speak for yourself, I used to stagger when drunk! : ) I debated making a Star Trek phaser joke based on your name but settled for a definition joke instead. Either way, you’re right


I guess I should know better but I didn't know beer shits were a thing, as I wasn't a beer drinker (except that one time in Thailand..) I should know better considering the gastrointestinal issues alcohol gives in general..but I guess I am more curious if beer shits hit different than normal overdoing it with any alcohol? I mean don't get graphic, just yes or no, and i don't want to google it at work, even if I am the IT/Firewall tracker person, I just imagine trying to explain why I googled Beer shits.... LOL


That’s a good question. Idk whiskey used to give me pretty bad times also, vodka not so much. I’m guessing beer probably does it worse just because it takes a lot more volume to get drunk. 2/3 a bottle of whiskey is way less liquid than 18 beers, ya know? Also what’s up fellow IT!


yooooo! Fellow IT person :) But yes I agree in terms of volume that will make sense - I used to be a wine and vodka drinker. Left wine out of the picture somewhere in 2022, strictly vodka mixes (soda water or coke zero). I just know the inflammation was next level and the IBS-like symptoms was..not fun. But I did work through about 1L of Vodka inabout 2 days (week nights, weekends or holidays were a bit worse) So it was more on the extreme side I guess.


I imagine wine made for a rough time on the stomach. Also, Coke Zero/Diet Coke uses sweeteners that are known to cause bloating and diarrhea so that probably didn’t help. I love Coke Zero but have to limit it still because of this. Anything that says sugar free will inevitably cause symptoms like that in enough amounts. Either way, I’m glad you’re sober and keeping at it! Seltzer has been super helpful for me as well.


They do? Well shit! That explains that


They do! It’s still a lot of wheat and carbs, just no booze! Wouldn’t recommend to people early on, at least for me I waited until six months or so, but they’re a life saver in a pinch. Stay strong friend!


Strong like bull!


Fuck whoever sang at that concert because YOU are the real rockstar here. What you did was thug life gangster hardcore Sober Sensei shit. I'm blown away by that level of commitment and self control. Thanks for sharing with us. What a huge win. I wouldn't dream of drinking with you today!


Yikes. That's dodging a bullet alright. Good on you!


Congrats man. You did the right thing for you, which is what’s important. First rehab I went to (I’ve been two times over the past 15 years, fell off the wagon, it’s terrible) they told us NOT to drink non-alcoholic beer or mock-tails. I kind of follow it, because it would likely make me just want the real thing. But that’s only me. I also say to each his/her own. Whatever is going to keep you off the booze.


If you are drinking a six pack of nonalcoholic beer a day you are just prolonging the suffering and are setting yourself up to give in and have a 'real beer this time'. The habit and routine are still there and it's that much easier to slip up. They are good for concerts, live sports with friends, etc. But not something to drink in the same way you drank before quitting. Waking up and having a nonalcoholic beer is not a successful plan and that's coming from people who have been in rehab several times. I also agree, in my experience.


Depends on the person. For a lot of people I can see how they would need to break the routine completely, but for many, breaking that routine is what is keeping them from staying sober. Most people go for a seltzer or just juice, but whatever helps you is the best thing. Sure, maybe not keep it forever, but don't completely admonish something that could help others just because it wouldn't help you.


I relapsed after two years, and it sent me on a 6 month bender. If my card information hadn’t gotten stolen and I just flat out didn’t have any money I don’t know if I could have snapped out of it. I am currently 16 days sober and I am so grateful.


I was just on vacation in Jamaica and had about 100 virgin pina coladas. I never realized they were delicious actually. But one inevitably came back with booze and it was strong. I thought about it. It was hot out and I was just gonna swim and play with my kids in the sand. Nobody would know and I technically didn’t order it. I could’ve played dumb and just hammered it home and I’d still probably be fine… but I’d know and I also know I’d do it again and again until I got weird about it or got into a stupid vacation fight about it. And that’s a best case scenario for me. I told my wife and asked her to taste it. She gladly took it off my hands and came back with something else. Good job. I’d hate to split time in my head arguing with myself instead of enjoying the moments.


I’m also on vacation now….first one ever AF. Also been downing coconut this and that, sans alcohol. Good choices we’re making! Proud of us!! IWNDWYT


I was tempted to have a drink after work myself , that is until I read your post ! IWNDWYT


This sub is full of posts of people ordering virgin drinks and getting handed alcoholic versions. Personally I don’t see it being worth the risk.


True it’s scary. So many NA beers have gotten incredibly good that it’s almost impossible to tell they’re NA too. I ordered a pint of Guinness 0.0 in Ireland with my dad one day and neither of us could tell it was NA - the waiter had to confirm with the bartender that he 100% pulled it from the correct tap. It was only at the end of the pint that I was sure it had no alcohol (as I didn’t feel any intoxication)


You are right. Guinness 0.0 is so close to regular Guinness I can barely tell the difference. Happy St. Pat’s to you 🍀🍀


Agus tusa freisin!


It is scary how close it tastes, but I'm thankful for Guinness 0 this St. Paddy's Day.


Ah same for sure, especially at Christmas it was lovely. I’m living in Paris rn though and they don’t have it at all :(


I was a bartender for 20 years and I always was EXTREMELY careful when someone ordered virgin or no caffeine. You could literally kill someone. The carelessness nowadays is very concerning.


When I order NA beer I ALWAYS ask for the bottle or can so I can inspect it. A couple of times the server/bartender handed me the beer in a glass and I requested to see the bottle/can. One person told me they weren’t going to dig it out of the trash so I declined the drink. Not worth it.


I just posted a similar comment! This is the way!


There’s a social aspect that really matters to some. I tried dry January - I failed but there were many days I had 0% beer and felt included


0% beer is quite a lot different though. It’s a lot harder to mix up a 0% beer than it is a virgin cocktail.


Which is why I just stick to N/A beers instead of mocktails. I mean, mocktails are just overpriced fruit juice anyway haha


I almost feel like bartenders should have to go through training similar to a nurse program. I mean they are handing out drugs to people, and should have to take it just as seriously.


They do need a little course where I am in Canada, it's called the ProServe program


It's always hiding in the shadows it seems. I've been at this a while now, but occasionally the sneaky thought will pop up and remind me I'm not a "Normal Drinker" and I never have been. Thinking it all the way through is the perfect response!


You are my hero today!


Wow. Good job on putting on the brakes when you realized what happened. Absolutely not cool that your drink got mixed up like that. I would put in a complaint about the incident to the venue that served you. Accidentally serving an alcoholic drink to someone with years of sobriety is no laughing matter


True this! Also, what if someone were on meds that make you very sick if you have even a small amount of alcohol? Honest mistake, but a more damaging one that the staff may realize.


Exactly. Also I think cocktail and mocktail sound way too similar haha. That combined with a loud environment like a concert...hmm.


It really wasn’t the bartenders fault. A friend was asking about the mocktail Moscow mule, ordered a ginger beer instead and then I followed saying “I’ll take the Moscow mule” thinking he knew I meant the mocktail my friend was enquiring about. It was an inadvertent miscommunication.


Ahh OK. Well good job on handling it regardless.


Cunning, baffling, powerful, and PATIENT. It’ll creep up on ya. Stay vigilant. You got this. IWNDWYT!!


You would've regretted it immediately after if you drank it my friend


It happens and most of the time it is inconsequential. I was once offered a pastry at a dinner. As I chewed, the host noted it had some liqueur in it. I chose a moment when I could spit it out. And I got pissed at host because he knew I was sober and strict about it. Congrats on 3 years.


Genuinely curious question, is that because you were worried that some liqueur baked into a pastry could set you off again or have you just decided to be super strict about what counts as sobriety?


Good question! Interested to also know this. Before I quit drinking I made vanilla from scratch. I am fine with using it, but interested to hear perspectives


I personally am not that much of a stickler for it. That doesn't enter the same realm as binge drinking to escape, for me. So i'm fine with it. Everyone is different of course.


Fair, that’s a good “temperature test”… could this cause binge drinking for me? Personally the answer for cooking alcohol and small amounts of alcohol things is no


You know damn well if you'd have finished it a 2nd one was highly likely


Wow. The crazy thing is I can completely visualize this.


Good on ya for stopping right then and there!! Personally, I have my husband taste test all mocktails when we're out and about, it makes me feel a lot better. If I'm not with him, I stick to water, but that's just what works for me! I'm exceedingly impressed by you stopping, even after all this time, I'm not sure I could, so best for me not to have to try haha! IWNDWYT 💙


I do the same! I worry what I might do if the taste touched my tongue. To be honest I’d probably do what OP did. But still it gives me a little anxiety because I just don’t even want to go there.


Exactly! I'd just rather not dip my toe into that water, so to speak 😊


I am new to this at 58 days and thankfully I don't go out often enough to be in that situation of making a choice. This warning is what I needed to see because I figured I can order a mocktail if I'm out and drinking is a large part of the event. This is the second time I read where someone ordered a mocktail and got a full-strength cocktail. My plan is to order ginger ale, that's it. It would be really hard to screw that up, I would imagine.


I'll always remember this post. Thank you for sharing!


Good on you!


It's crazy how many stories I read about people getting alcohol when they ask for a mocktail.... like come on! I guess bartenders can get in robotic repetitive state of mind easily doing that kind of work one after the other... but it's scary and dangerous for people like us.


Yes! And not only people like us! Pregnant women ordering a mocktail, people who are allergic to alcohol (i think thats a thing anyway).


This precisely why I avoid any booze oriented environment. Doesn’t count as a back-slide!


I have reoccurring dreams that I order a mock tail, take a giant swig and it’s the real deal and the I freak out. I love waking up relieved :)


This is the exact reason I don't do NA beers or mocktails, I'm totally worried about being served the wrong thing. I took live on that slippery slope and it's no fun. I don't trust myself to be strong enough not to pound the drink and then try to not have anymore. When I was drinking I could justify anything for a drink and be as sneaky as I could be for any drink, I was so sneaky I could have worked for any covert government agencie and be the #1 agent. Lol I feel for me if I ever let that dragon out of the cage I'll never be able to get it back in. I'm happy/proud of you for not drinking it, you made the right choice! IWNDWYT 👍🤙


This kind of thing scares the shit out of me, im just like you in the fact that i can be around it even when everyone is getting smashed but taking a swig.... idk man that's another ball game. Good on you and keep it up, this definitely made me think what I would do


airports can be a drinky drinky danger zone as well


I thought I was buying fizzy water at Walmart. It was in the Cheeto section, not refrigerated. Next to chips & Macn cheese. The package said FAMILY PACK turns out I bought booze water- flavoured spirits w little fruits on the cans. I went back to the store to return it. They took it back because the way the handles were cut out, it cut out the booze description. Another time a waiter gave my 9yo lemonade w gin. So it happens. Never sent me off to bender. Time IS a tool- I'm not tempted no matter the snafu


I don't feel like those old sneaky thoughts ever stop; you just get better at noting them, accepting them, and then and making a different choice put of our increased awareness.


Stories like this is why I don’t drink mocktails. IWNDWYT


Be proud of doing the right thing


I had a similar experience recently. My partner drinks, and we keep wine around. I use wine to deglaze regularly. I went to deglaze a pan and was in a flurry while cooking, so I uncorked the bottle using my teeth. Fortunately, I didn't feel any urge to drink. I felt repulsed by the wine. Still do. IWNDWYT


I’ve lurked here a while and have wanted to show more support. Great job! I don’t know if I would have been able to do that. Do you still get any sudden urge to have a drink? Has it gotten easier?


Well done on overpowering it!


Putin is up to his old tricks, eh? Well done! Kick that mule to the curb!!!


For me, sneaky thoughts and behavior are a dead giveaway that I’m probably making the wrong decision


THANK YOU for this reminder!! IWNDWYT!




Your strength is inspiring. Thank you! And please congratulate yourself!


Good for you. Strength.


Happened to me in Mexico a few weeks ago. Did the exact same thing as you. Giddy up!


Thanks for the heads up!


The devil is always waiting ... on the bench ... just dying to be called back onto the field of play


Good job for being aware!!


You ordered a virgin and they handed you the real thing!? Dang..


It really wasn’t the bartenders fault. A friend was asking about the mocktail Moscow mule, ordered a ginger beer instead and then I followed saying “I’ll take the Moscow mule” thinking he knew I meant the mocktail my friend was enquiring about. It was an inadvertent miscommunication.


Damn dude. That was close. Great job. You are an inspiration to all 👏


Now that’s called willpower. So proud of you!


I felt confident in my sobriety as well. Had that happen on vacation in Puerto Rico at a little shop going to to the rain Forrest. First sip was like woah this is wrong and immediately handed it off like nope dont want this. But before my arm was fully extended it nearly snapped right back into my face like ‘we should just chug this one, no big deal’ so sneaky, and so grateful when it passes! Happy for you!


Great job. I am so proud of you! I’m sure the wife is too, and you better be.


Thank you for sharing!!


Good job resisting the temptation! IWNDWYT!!


I find it easier if I just don’t play the fake drinking game. Added bonus of not sucking down a ton of sugar and empty calories.




Good job, mate. It's always slippery.


This is so true! I’m coming up to 2.5 years now, been to events, gigs etc, started slipping into the ‘Im fine now, where’s the harm in having one or two next time I’m out’ - except I KNOW those few drinks will lead to more and more, then a cheeky wine or five after work, and then back to square one!


Thanks for sharing. Early in my sobriety same thing happened to me on accident. I took one sip and it was an instant dopamine hit to my brain. I panicked and dumped it.


Idk why but this entire thread feels like ChatGPT comments or something.


I’ve always heard it said that your first thought is your instinct…your “monkey brain” if you will…but your second thought, coupled with your first action, is what defines you as a human. Your first thought here was to drink the very moscow-y Moscow mule because you’re an alcoholic. It’s not a personal failure, it just *IS*. Your second thought + first action were ones of an alcoholic in recovery and for that, my friend, you should be proud!


I gave up energy drinks when I gave up alcohol but had a can of some peach stuff that I thought was just regular peach sode but my husband thought he caught a whiff of alcohol from me until I showed him the can. My addict brain thought "Hurrah. I can drink and blame any smell on this stuff" and I am over four years sober. Thanks for the reminder OP - no matter how much time we have under our belts it still lurks.


Wow, good job, proud of you IWNDWYT


Way to go!!! Gotta stay on my toes with my monkey mind, it does periodically pop up the "just one" thoughts. I always feel extra proud of myself the day after a sober concert, even buy the better tickets these days 🌹 IWNDWYT


This story is a perfect example of how insidious addiction really is, and why so many people fall into the trap of trying to "moderate" to appease the demon. It can be just one single sip that destroys so much. Glad you had the willpower to check yourself! IWNDWYT!


Thank you for the reminder! I was at a concert last night too with a friend. He was as like “let me get us some beers” And boy, did my mind just slip into “hmmm yaaaa maybe just a few” It took everything I had to order non-alcoholic. And I will say though, a few of the cute girls at the bar took notice. :)


I definitely worry about this all the time. I've replaced booze with soda, anytime I order a soda at a bar or restaurant I try to watch the bartender pouring the drink. No matter what I'll smell it before taking a sip. I think all the time about how easy it is to relapse, its scary but it can be made to be empowering. I know that the threat of relapse exists on every corner. All I'd need to do is walk into a store and buy beer instead of Dr. Pepper, sit down at a bar and order beer instead of cola. There would be nothing sketchy, illegal, or degrading about this process, its just a transaction. Like you said, you could have slammed down that drink and nobody would have known. And yet we choose not to go into the store to buy beer, you chose not to slam down that drink. Everytime you decide not to drink its a building block that makes the NEXT time you need to decide whether or not to drink a little bit easier. And when alcohol is constantly thrown in our faces like it is it gives you a lot of opportunities to build blocks.


Ugh. I hate hearing this as I fantasize about getting to a point in my future where those thoughts never happen. Just finished that show, Loudermilk, and there was something about this. “You have to keep your guard up all the time. And I know sometimes we get sick of hearing that. We feel like we are stronger than that or that we’ll be fine because that’s all behind us now. But that’s not the truth of being an addict. The truth is that when we’re sober, our disease is out doing fucking push-ups in the parking lot. And we don’t know when, you don’t know why, you don’t know what, that fucking snake will come crawling back into your life just like that.” If recovery meetings were like those in that show it would be my full time job to attend. Kudos to you for winning that battle!


It is truly a slippery slope. I know deep down that if I ever have one drink, I will drink them all and still want more, leading to a binge that lasts days. Then I'll be sick, shaky, and have anxiety out of control. I'll be dry heaving and my heart will be pounding. I won't be able to do anything but lay in bed because of the shame and guilt. When I get cravings I hold off and think of these things, along with playing it forward and thinking about the relationships I could break up, and all of the things it could take away from me. Having a craving and not giving in is truly so freeing and then you realize once it passes that it really wasn't that bad not giving in. Not giving in over and over is what makes us successful. Just sitting with the uncomfortable feelings and reflecting typically works.