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This may have been me years ago! My birthday is on St Patrick’s Day so it has been a struggle my entire adult life. Stopped getting hammered on my birthday a couple years ago and now have stopped drinking entirely. IWNDWYT!


Happy birthday!


Happy (sober) birthday!!!!!


Same here! Today is my first sober birthday since I was a teenager. IWNDWYT (and HBD!)


Mine is a REALLY big drinking holiday. It was fun for a while til I could not remember them anymore.


Mine too! Happy Bday!!


I also share with you the St. Patty’s birthday. It makes things a bit more difficult. Sadly, I got pretty drunk yesterday. Woke up on the couch with my shoes still on. Luckily I have a loving wife who set some blankets on me and left a glass of water. Sometimes this struggle is tough, sometimes it feels easy. Yesterday was a rough one.


Happy birthday! My son is also a 3/17 birthday 🍀🍀🍀


Happy B-Day! And great job on the 260.


Happy st Paddy’s to all and IWNTUOABWYT (I Will Not Throw Up Outside A Bar With You Today)




IWANTUOABWYAT (I will also not throw up outside a bar with you all today)🤣


I’m sorry if this is TMI… but a few months ago someone on this sub made a post about having stomach flu which was causing them problems at the “opposite end” of the digestive tract, which birthed a new acronym where we were showing our solidarity by saying IWNSMPWYT. Yet another memorable day on this sub! Haha


That is.... Absolutely amazing




There was a time I'd do that...then go in and order another. To sobriety on St Patrick's day!!


Oof. The accuracy of this comment...


Then forget your card there and have to show up for it hungover AF and/or still drunk


Good on you! Happy 🍀 Day! IWNDWYT




I got a bit of food poisoning the other night and it felt like the old days. So happy that this isn't a common occurrence anymore.


Good one! I like that reply


i got a slice of chocolate cake from a fancy bakery to celebrate st Patrick's day.


It's funny. Although I'm an alcoholic I have always despised St. Patrick's day. When I was still binge drinking I hated it because my favourite bars would be full of "amateurs." Now, I hate St. Patrick's day because it reminds me of over consuming and engaging in risky behaviours. Poor St. Pat can't catch a break!


0.0 draught Guinness and watching all the leprechauns for me. I WILL NOT THROW UP WITH YOU TODAY




I'm staying home instead of meeting relatives at a pub. Memories of horrible years past are flashing before my eyes. No thanks! This couch is comfortable.


Thanks for sharing. I turned 30 this week, and haven't yet had a drink this year. This is a reminder I do not want to turn back. I remember my 18th birthday was St Paddy's day, and the next day after officially going to a club with my own ID, I spent my first day of 18 throwing up. If I could turn back time... I would tell my 18 year old self to stick to 0%, dance and enjoy the music.


This is the trick! To have fun while not drinking, even when others are. Haven't mastered it yet- buy I'm not giving up. And I'm not drinking!


I used to live in Victoria BC. St Patrick's was always a nightmare. I'd be heading downtown for work just before 10am and there would already be people throwing up, passed out in benches, etc. Even at the height of my drinking back then, it was just inconceivable to me to get that wasted that early. I live in a smaller community now and it's just not like that, thank goodness.


In my past life, this was me. IWNDWYT!


Me either! Happy St. Paddy's Day to you, also. 🍀🍀🍀


Been there!


Watched so many adults drunk and disorderly last night in my city. Public drunkenness is so unbecoming, especially the peeing in public thing… IWNDWYT


Eight years ago that was definitely me


glad it’s not me 🙏🏻


I used to work in the CBD New Orleans and every single week I’d see someone throwing up on my morning 8:00 am drive into downtown. It’s was too much lol


Seeing people drinking at. 10am today in a small country town was depressing.


There's an Irish themed bar not far from me. Drove past it and it's a shit show on their back patio. Do not miss those days


Happy St Patrick day everybody, ice cold Diet Cokes all around, I’m buying!!!


Wow, I got home late from a concert last night and witnessed something similar. A fella (couldn’t really discern his age) hanging out the rear driver-side door of an SUV, puking his guts out. A female acquaintance of his was standing nearby, gently coaxing him to “get it all out!” It was a moment to reflect on all of the times I had been in that person’s shoes. While moments like these invoke sadness for the terrible way I used to treat myself, it is also an opportunity to feel good about the choices I have made lately. Now it is the occasional migraine that causes me to vomit, not drinking. For that, I am eternally grateful. Thanks for posting! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! IWNDWYT!!


I haven't thrown up once since I quit. I wonder how long I can make this streak last? I was a heavy drinker with a weak stomach. I threw up a lot...


I knew I was in bad shape when - I was puking outside the car in a gas station parking lot at like 9 am on a Sunday and a homeless man laughed at me, before asking my husband for some change. 😂


Had a friend I went to treatment with call me trigged about St. Patrick’s Day and having a hard time. I empathized with him. I also told him I didn’t give a s#!t what dang day it was when I was drinking. St. Patrick’s Day or Thursday. So damn glad not having to worry about drinking anymore. Getting things done, having sober fun, doing some cool stuff, projects that are fun and productive. He agreed, and we had a good talk. Was good for me, too. IWNDWYT.


OMG, thanks for the reminder. I do not miss this awfulness and the shame and sorrow that it accompanies. I, too, Will Not!


I Will Not Be Throwing Up With You Today 🤢😀




Not a good look, huh? I have friends who want me to go out with them tonight but I told them absolutely not. There's no point in partaking in a drinking holiday without drinking and the thought of going to downtown Vegas and dealing with all of those crowds sober is... Yeah no.


I didn't even realize it was St Patrick's day. Always seemed like an excuse to get too drunk so when I started trying to get sober a few years ago I just pushed the entire thing out of my memory.


Thank goodness I didn't even know or care that it was that miserable drinking holiday. 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀




I am so happy I am not the one throwing up and pooping out green beer today!! IWNDWYT.




divide outgoing gaze materialistic cable entertain ring plough distinct roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


IWNDWYT 💚💚 love to you all!


The years that St Patricks day would land on a work day, the pub round the corner would be open for breakfast and a pint. 0730 and people would be there quaffing their liquid! I always wondered how their day would pan out...




I had no clue it was today until I saw a bunch of drunk people stumbling around wearing green. I think I've completely lost track of all the binge drinking holidays that aren't NYE. I also saw somebody barf while I was out and it just made me happy I quit.


I brought an expansion for Ark Survival on the switch instead of drinking today. Happy st Paddy's Day! And happy birthday! Very happy to be sober with you tonight!


I'm so glad that this was always a family holiday to my family (Grandma was from Ireland). So I never understood the drinking party aspect. Yeah, we would drink a bit too much, but we also ate hearty foods and danced around. Not having the alcohol is hard and makes the celebration feel a bit more tame, but I'm so glad to be sober to really enjoy reminiscing.




Love how you mentioned that the person was 30 something lmfaooO