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I'm only 3 weeks in, but so far, my favorite thing has been being able to go places whenever I want to because I am sober to drive at all times.


This is sooo under rated! It truly is freedom


I loved that part. Oh wait I can drive at night? That was foreign and strange it took months to adjust to it. I still get a kick out of it now and then.


So true. I live up north and with all the northern lights action going on lately, if I get an Aurora alert, I can just hop in my car and drive to the dark spot! So free!


We’ve saved so much money because we don’t have to get Ubers everywhere!


This is the gift of time. Your evenings are now free, and your mornings now start when you wake up, not when your head clears.


For me it is this, but instead of driving, I can run anytime I want.


6 months without a drink. My stomach isn’t half fucked everyday, I have more energy, I sleep better, I’ve lost 40lbs, my blood pressure is down, my heart rate is slower, I’m fitter and less irritable than when I was drinking and I’ve probably saved thousands of dollars. The only downside I’ve noticed is that I’m less social because most of my family and friends like to have drinks when they catch up or celebrate special occasions.


Dang! 7 months and have gained weight. What's your secret?


Last time I tried to stop drinking I really struggled with sugar cravings which is apparently quite a common side effect. Alcohol is full of sugar too and it can often be a secondary, unrecognised addiction. Maybe you have continued with the calorie intake because of this? Congrats on 7 months! (I'd take the occasional cookie over drinks though)


My first attempt, I gave into all the sugar cravings. It actually made it harder in the long run for some reason because I still felt pretty shitty and foggy from all the sugar I was eating. This time, I did a food detox at the same time as stopping the booze. No sugar, no white / simple carbs, no processed food, saturated fats, junk. It sucked the first week but then it got so much easier and now it’s actually WAY easier to not drink bc I don’t have sugar cravings and the weight loss is motivating.


Regular exercise. I couldn’t have made it without. Losing weight was just a bonus.


I've gained a bit of weight but I'll deal with that. I'd rather kill a craving with chocolate than alcohol.


I think mine is because I eat healthy when I’m sober and eat like shit when I’m drinking. Plus no drinking in the evenings means I get bored and go to the gym


SO MUCH ENERGY. After a day of drinking (which was every day), just going to the kitchen from my bed was a gargantuan task. After even a few weeks sober, I regularly get up and ride my bike for 10+ miles because I'm craving a certain thing at a store or restaurant. The difference is astounding.


1. Better sleep 2. Better skin 3. Better poops (no more bats fleeing a cave) 4. Better mental health 5. Better relationships with my family 6. Better financial status (saved over $10k) I'm coming up on three years in a few weeks. T


Hah! I remember the bats comment 😄


AKA booze poos, Bud Mud, Natty splatties. I don’t miss that one bit! In sobriety I installed a bidet. It’s been wonderful, but I probably should’ve done it when I was drinking.


haha the bats one was real especially after two bottles of red wine.


Dark red confetti blast 💥


Also much much better health! I’m 58 this summer and feel better than I have in all my adult life. Lost 25 kg since I quit, have limitless energy most days, and just overall much better health and fitness levels.


You rock T!


Hey 👋 I'm 4 days in too. I feel great today. I've got up, done the school run, had breakfast, cleaned up! I wasn't sick this morning, I don't feel like shite, and I feeling really positive!


I’m day 5 here and agree - loving the positive vibes I have in the mornings with no wine in the system. Makes running out the door with 3 little ones so much easier and calmer. No yelling!


Nothing like a clear headed and active school run! 🥰


👏👏👏 Congrats on your decision to be sober!


I got my soul back.


Amen. I can't even describe how much I've already changed in 11 days since medical detox. I think part of it is I know I'm never going back and my Spirit has been transformed, I'm truly living every minute in some sort of childlike awe.


Waking up feeling fresh every day. No more of 'the fear' and 'hangxiety'. More money to spend on nice things for myself and others.


the clear headed mornings never get old.


Never waking up wondering 'do I need to apologize to anyone for anything?' is invaluable


Going to punk rock shows, not blowing +$100 on drinks, and having the energy to get through the entire show (I’m 45) has been life changing! Not only is it a much better time, but I remember the shows a lot more too! Simply not being enslaved to the drink has been liberating.


Sobriety is very punk, anti-establishment.


Hell ya punk rock🤘


Sober punks oi oi oi how badass is that


Doesn’t get anymore badass than this! See any good shows lately? I try to see The Goddamn Gallows whenever they come to town. Circle Jerks are coming to Columbus in September so I’m thinking of hitting that up with my brother as well.


I have not but now I wanna. I live in a small city so there ain’t much.


To clarify this rule we do not allow posting while drinking. This means that if you have consumed alcohol in the last 24 hours you are not eligible to post. Or if you have not had a drink, posted then posted again this will be removed. Locking comment thread.


I’m aware of the rule and haven’t had a drink


I don’t think people who are struggling though the first weeks of sobriety want to hear about someone who successfully moderates. It could set someone back significantly. I suggest that this person be more thoughtful and realize this might not be the sub for them. We are here trying to deal with serious drinking problems, don’t come here of all places and brag about your pre and post show drinks!! And having a counter?? Honestly have some self awareness.


Yeah this was my thought as well. He doesn’t seem to get it.


I’m 6 months in. I have a super fast metabolism like I did in my teens before I started drinking. I have super clear skin and no face bloat, it’s like I gua sha’d but I didn’t gua Sha lol (it’s a lymphatic draining technique). I have better mental resilience and way more confident in myself cos I don’t use alcohol as a crutch anymore. I *think* my libido is coming back slightly lol and yeah just everything is better. I was thinking of only doing a year initially but now I don’t really want to go back. Also money wise so good not wasting money on booze or Ubers or hangover food. It’s great 🫶🏻


I am amazed at how great my skin is. Just shows you what the poison of alcohol can do and how much your body can improve when its gone.


I don’t want to sound preachy or patronizing, just to share my experience, because the benefits OP and everyone else are mentioning are really great, and because I am not the King of Sobriety, specially after less than 2 years, but: When I first started I was excited about losing weight, having nicer skin, getting my running performance back, etc.; those things seem pretty trivial to me now. I am a *part of the world* now. I live amongst other people instead of viewing everything through glass, and I take a real joy in most all my interactions with others, and I generally think the best of people. I used to only find value in romantic relationships and I looked on with envy at guys that took real happiness from their friend relationships. If someone close to me was happy about something, I could pretend to be happy for them, but I didn’t really feel it. On the practical side, I no longer hide from the phone or the mailbox. There is nothing hanging over me, and there is no reason for me to interact with the police except maybe to tell them I have or haven’t seen the neighbor’s lost dog. When my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep, because I didn’t do anything today that I don’t feel good about, and tomorrow is looking pretty good too. TL:DR like that other guy, got my soul back :) Edit: oh yeah, solid poops. Forget about the solid poops. Went 5-10 years without having a single one.


This is beautiful.


Everything is better. I've been sober 12.5 years


Hi OP. 200 Days here - 48 year old married father of two in the UK here. Biggest - and most wonderful - benefit of sobriety is that I seem to be playing life on “easy” mode. Things that would have previously overwhelmed me or taken me to dark places now just seem… not too serious and sometimes (frankly) funny in a ridiculous sort of way. My inner child has re-awakened too. Life seems just a lot more… ***interesting*** in that just being alive is fun. The biggest pleasure is sleep. Gorgeous, restful, predictable, refreshing sleep. It’s delicious how well I sleep in sobriety. Oh man. I’m looking forward to tonight’s sleep already! All the best from Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK


Thank you for sharing!


I noticed I'm no longer feeling drained when I stop drinking everyday. I notice how I no longer have any hangovers of course. I noticed that I slimmed down quite a lot. When I use to drink, I use to drink sweet liquors. Alcohol adds onto calories insanely! I went from 200lbs to 275 one year because I was drinking the entire summer! Like three box wines and a half of pint of E & J. I do not eat as much as I use to either since when I drink, I get insanely hungry. My appetite does not stop! The major benefit is the amount of MONEY I am no longer spending on alcohol. My Gosh! The drinking creeps up on your finances in a serious way! I use to purchase three three box wines alone is about 12 dollars in Michihan, the pint of e and j would round it up to 20 dollars. Let's not forget how my room is a LOT cleaner now that I do not drink. The drinking causes me to lose motivation once the next day settles in. But the alcohol bottles accumulates, the lethargic feeling from drinking all day of the week use to make me feel a bit depressed. All of the money I do not spend on drinking, I spend on doing things I love to do, or spend time with someone i care about. The amount of money I have leftover after a paycheck biweekly from no longer drinking daily. It's crazy because i look at my bank account in shock and be like "oh... I still have x amount of money in my account, what can I do? The best thing that worked for me to stop drinking was to think about how my life could be, if I did not need to drink in the first place? Why am I drinking in the first place if you have not self-reflected on it. If things could be different in your life without the alcohol; what would that life look like?


No anxiety . Better sleep, better on the body, clear thoughts , more motivation, more money


4.5 years here. Self respect. Purpose. Better health. Weight loss. Better skin. I’ve saved so much money. I travel and actually see the world. I have made so many sober friends in my 12 step program, totally amazing people. Feeling good every day. Better sleep. More focus. Fewer cravings for unhealthy food. No embarrassing phone calls/texts/social media posts. It’s hard at first but it gets way easier and it’s so worth it. It doesn’t have to be forever. Just don’t drink today. Worry about tomorrow tomorrow.


11+ years out, it's the actual free will that I have now. When i was afraid to get sober it was all about the freedom I felt i would lose. The freedom to drink like I wanted to. But it wasn't want. It was need. And every single thing I did in my life was dictated by how I would get a load on. So I missed weddings. I missed funerals. I missed dates. I ruined dates. I ruined jobs. All because I had to serve the same, merciless master. Now I can literally do anything I want. I go to mardi gras every year. I have a family. I'm a father. I have a job I love. I have disposable income. I have savings. I have passions. I can indulge in anything life has to offer, besides drugs and alcohol. That and the whole not actively dying thing. That's nice too.


Gonna be honest, not pissing the bed, wanting to live, not shitting in lane ways, no drink driving, no arguments with loved ones, no bloating, I have money at the end of the week, my muscle gains are beautiful (little bias but idgaf lol) & sex drive


5 months today! Everything is better - have deep and fulfilling relationships I can be properly present for, never have bad skin, tiredness is rare and manageable, mental health is literally like night and day.. I feel mentally sane most of the time and when I have a bad day I can comfort myself properly most of the time. Also have actual real self confidence because I’m doing this sober thing and I’m actually listening to my own emotions, literally everything is better


> mental health is literally like night and day.. This!!! I read previously on this sub that, "trying to treat depression with alcohol is like trying to put a fire out with gasoline". I totally agree. But it took me a few years before trying sobriety. Much 'field research'. :)


Mental health #1. It cannot be stated enough how much of a depressant alcohol is


Sleep is absolutely amazing. Going to bed without spins, the dreams are vivid, waking up refreshed. There hasn't been a single time I woke up and wished I had drank the night before


In the 2 years and 3 months I’ve been sober, I’ve learned how to managed my anxiety. I started Zoloft at the beginning of sobriety, weaned off at 1.5 years because guess what, the alcohol makes anxiety worse!! I didn’t need it anymore. I quit a toxic job, found a job that’s fulfilling and became the executive director. Lost a ton of weight, all of the puffiness is long gone. Got pregnant, and made it through two miscarriages without even thinking of drinking. I’m now 15 weeks with a little girl and literally nothing in my life could have happened if I wasn’t sober.


congrats on the nugget, and on your strength! <3


Thank you!! 💗


No hangxiety. No shame. Clear skin.


I am 396 days sober. Ive lost 55 pounds. I no longer have hearburn. I no longer have sleep apnea. My back and knees no longer hurt. I go to the gym 5 days a week the minute I wake up so it’s freaking over with. I also have a career which has me walking 10,000 steps a day. All of these things have contributed to my mental health. I feel like a new person. Alcohol was convincing me that I needed it. What a joke. Looking back to 400 days ago feels like a lifetime ago and I’m just getting started. You got this. I will NOT drink with you today.


I'm only 9 days in but some pretty immediate benefits I've noticed: 1. My face isn't puffy all the time anymore. It truly looks like I've lost weight just with how my face looks. 2. My face is also clearer and less oily. 3. Better sleep 4. Much higher productivity since I'm not wasting every night drinking. I've completed so many things on my to do list that have just been sitting around. 5. My stomach feels so much better now that I'm not ripping it apart with literal poison every night. I'm also noticeably less bloated. There are other ones too, but those are the biggest effects I've noticed that keep me going!


The lack of anxiety and/or a big decrease in it, even when things are tough. I feel more emotions now and I deal with them day-to-day I feel more confident that I can work with them and manage each day better. Waking up only feeling tired if I didn’t sleep well. Are used to use as a broader excuse that included the effects of drinking. No matter how minor or worse. After a while, actually being able to fall asleep within a reasonable time when I feel tired at night To be fully present whenever someone in my family needs me. I’m not thinking past the moment wondering when I’m going to drink. Or if I have enough to drink. Or when can I go and get a drink?


Just over a year. Improvements to everything you mentioned. I lost 15 pounds, skin cleared up, GI is so much better, I am present for my kids, can drive them anywhere at anytime. And the big change for me, I am now a morning person. I used to be a night owl and sleep til noon kinda gal. But I am up and clearheaded and getting shit done. Early bird really does get the \[insert what you want here\]


When everything is going to shit you can tell yourself „at least I am sober” And finally meeting your true self which is not always how we wanna see ourselves or how we’d like to be but there. It’s learning about how you actually feel and react without an easy way out.


This 👆❤️


The one thing I notice the most and appreciate is the mental clarity.


12th day and I didn’t wake up in a shitty mood today!


2 weeks. So far, finding this community is the best thing about this attempt at removing alcohol from my life. You’ve got this mate.


Just popping in to say hang in there. It takes time for your brain and body to re-regulate. But I’d have to say mornings are the best bit of sobriety. That first sip of coffee and breathing in fresh air. Glorious! That and being a present parent for my kiddo and great partner to my spouse. You got this, OP!


In four months I lost 15% of my body weight, most noticeably in my face. Didn't change anything else, just kicked the juice. Actually I probably overindulged in candy+ice cream as a reward for myself. My spouse was thrilled, but rolled her eyes when I lost another pound and she could see the empty Ben and Jerry's in the living room. I sleep like a champion now and have motivation to do so much. I refell in love with reading and have a book everywhere I go. And music. Ive been playing music regularly. I did have a week where I broke sobriety, and found the after effects so brutal that I decided it wasn't worth it. Even 3 beers, and the anxiety woke me at 3AM and clung for hours. I like this version of me, and I don't think I said that about myself when I was drinking every day.


I figured out that most of my anxiety was caused by alcohol and it was mind blowing, I’m doing much better at my job and have more energy to talk with people


You asked about mental health benefits - my soul crushing depression is a LOT more manageable sober. I’m learning things about myself I never knew because I stayed drunk to avoid them. It’s hard, but I’m so present and mindful for it. I really may get permanently better.


Know how you’re always telling yourself you need to stop drinking? You get to stop doing that.


I'm at Two months and the biggest difference is waking up is way easier now. Not being hungover every day of your life feels really good. I work service industry and one thing I have very much noticed is pretending to be nice is way easier now. I'm much more patient now because I don't feel fucking sick and sleepy all the time. I am still waiting on the really good parts the long timers have but I am looking forward to it. Good luck and keep trucking the first few weeks are very tough.


Congrats on day 4! Every day is a win. I drank heavily for almost 30 years, and I’m at day 118 today. You can do this! Keep it up, and you will be healthier, you will start having better relationships, you will start to feel sharper and your memory will get better, if you were like I was, you will save a ton of money every month. There is absolutely no upside to drinking!


I have much better relationships with the people I love and I don’t wake up feeling like shit. Over a year and a half now, it’s absolutely worth it my friend. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!


My sleep is phenomenal. I thought I couldn’t get to sleep without having a night cap, after a time of switch over, I now have deep sleep all night through


Being able to think clearly. Not making poor decisions due to being under the influence. It’s a long list of benefits but those are my favorites.


Great question! I’m on day 8. I already feel less anxious/depressed. Im not waking up with suicidal thoughts. I have more energy to play with my daughter and creativity to come up with little activities for us to do. Yesterday we painted and made muffins instead of watching cartoons. I feel like a good mom. My face is much less red and puffy. I feel like I’m connecting with my husband (not long deep conversations, but even the quick little chats feel more meaningful and real). Sleep is better. I could go on. IWNDWYT🩵


My mental health is the best it’s EVER been and it has completely changed my life. I never realized how bad alcohol was for my depression, suicidal ideations, anxiety, or over all well being. All my life I’ve dealt with some form of mental illness and the past year is the first year I’ve ever felt this stable and healthy. It’s a pretty big deal and I’m super grateful.


Six years sober. Hands down the best decision of my life. I picked up shadow boxing, swimming, surfing, yoga and now going to the gym. My girlfriend can't keep her hands off me. Constantly getting groped. Not complaining


Day 5 (for the 2nd time this year). Mornings are fantastic. Anxiety simply *vanished* - loads more energy, house clean, my follow-through is better in every aspect - from answering emails to completing laundry. And I know it only gets better. Evenings are boring. Letting myself just binge-watch TV and eat ice cream. ANYTHING but taking a drink.




Love this phrase. <3


- Emotional regulation - I actually can face my feelings now, and even though that’s hard sometimes, I get over things way faster and more effectively! - Better memory recall - I no longer tolerate being in places or talking to people that I don’t enjoy. If I’m not having fun, I can go do something cooler :) I used to waste so much time being drunk in places I didn’t like with people who were no fun at the end of the day. - I can go to concerts on a “school night” because I won’t be hungover for work the next day - I can help people in an emergency at all hours of the day - friend had a seizure and while all our other friends were drunk, I was able to spring into action The list goes on!! IWNDWYT! 🫶


1. Going out to dinner is affordable 2. I have more of a social life because I'm not sitting and drinking by myself. 3. No more urinary incontinence 4. Clearer head 5. Lost 50lbs and am not as interested in shit food 6. I sleep so much better 7. Being the only one without a hangover at family functions is beautiful to me 😂 8. Not being nauseous and run down all the fucking time 9. Like so much more.


My wife trusts me. My family doesn't worry about me. I keep the plans I make with others. I am never too drunk or hungover for anything, ever. I have been able to help others in recovery. My body is healthier. My mind is healthier. I don't smell like beer or booze. My apartment is cleaner. I can be reliably woken up in an emergency. I can remember what I did and said the night before. I have no fears of doing something stupid that I will regret when I am sober. I snore and grind my teeth less when I sleep. I don't wake up with a paper tongue and shedding gums. I do not get anxious when I cannot drink. I never have to worry about having "enough". I let myself feel my emotions and I move through them with as much grace as I can muster. I feel proud of myself. I am excited about the future. I am more kind to everyone. I get to watch my badge and NoMo app grow. I can and have forgiven the past actions of myself and others. Just off the top of my head. With y'all until my bedtime around ~1230 AM CST.


23 months in. Feeling less lousy contributes to being in a better mood, making better decisions and being less of a burden and annoyance to others.


I've sobered up gradually over the last couple years. Lots of false starts, lots of day one's. I've seen lots of health changes in that time. I used to have terrible diahrrea every day. I don't now. My sleep is one of the first thing that cleared up. The first 3 weeks sober I had terrible insomnia. Now I drift off to sleep and only wake up 2 or 3 times to urinate. If I have a relapse, my sleep is the first thing that suffers. I've lost almost 30 lbs in that time. My body fat percentage has gone from 35% to 25%. Of course, diet and exercise have a lot to do with that. I used to have very bad arthritis in my knees, elbows, shoulders and spine. Now I can walk and lift weights without any joint pain. I still don't push my knees too hard. I ride a bicycle instead of doing squats and leg extensions. My face isn't puffy and purple anymore. My eyes are clear and not bloodshot. I don't get out of breath going up a flight of stairs. I don't live off my credit cards anymore. My marriage is improved because my wife doesn't tell me "don't drink too much" every time we go visit her family. My relationship with my daughter is improved since I'm not an emotiionally immature drunk.


Taking solid poops is kind of an amazing thing. Furthermore, while I am feeling healthier in general in the gut department- and this is pretty superficial of me to fixate on, but hey- I’m barely a month and a half in, but I feel like I can already tell a huge difference in the appearance of my stomach/midsection.


I’m about 3 months sober and I’ve lost a bunch of weight and am def the most shredded I’ve ever been. I usually try to workout daily even when drinking and never saw the gains like I have recently. I also sleep better, don’t act like an asshole to my amazing wife that I’m lucky to be with, don’t embarrass myself by saying something stupid all the time that I later regret, etc. Those are just a few reasons that I’ve personally appreciated.


Mine; 1. Reduction in anxiety and depressive symptoms. 2. No more hangovers. 3. More energy for fitness leading to a 12kg weight drop. But most of all, I’m proud of who I’ve become and am starting to forgive myself for who I was. Fuck alcohol. IWNDWYT


Being able to be there for and take care of my dogs. When I was drinking, I was staying out all night, then sleeping most of the next day away.


The best part is saving money. I was drinking every single day and living paycheck to paycheck, often times being down to my last $20 and deciding to buy a bottle of booze instead of food because “i won’t have an appetite anyway if I just drink”. Since I quit drinking I have so much more money left over, it’s almost like having an extra source of income!


I'm four days too after I wrecked myself last time and I felt disgusted with the act of drinking so much. I am very quiet now and I realize how much I messed up my life with drinks. Today the withdrawal and anxiety are waning and I feel fresh. I had vivid dreams and I sleep so deep I drool which does not happen when I'm heavily dehydrated. I joined reddit and this community to find people who have the same problem and I feel optimistic. However there is alchohol plague all around me and I will need to stay away from all that.


Waking up feeling well every day! Not wishing I was dead! Feeling a deeper connection with my friends.


No regrets when I’v been out socially. Wake up the next day with no what did I say.


In the first week, I saw on my fitness watch that my resting heart rate dropped nearly ten beats per minute! It has stayed that way. Knowing that my heart is healthier has been a huge motivator!


**On your list** \* improve fitness -> check \* weight loss-> check \* fix mental health -> check \* mend relationships -> check **Off your list** \* better sleep -> check \* money savings -> check \* higher self esteem -> check \* high work performance -> check The part of "mental health" is so broad, it trumps everything else IMHO. And it all happens by itself, when the poisonous chemical is no longer in my body! Magic! IWNDWYT One Day at a Time!


I am able to connect with other humans for what feels like the first time in my life.


So proud of you all. I am considering right now, just changing the amount of days a week I drink. Many years ago, my room mates and I would only drink on weekends. Then, when I met my now husband, we would do the same. Look forward to the weekend because we could let our hair down and have a few drinks. Now, many many (30 years) later, we seem to drink daily. Sometimes just a few glasses of wine, sometimes more. I’ve been really wanting to drink less days, but not making the change. The excuses are the typical ones. Stresses of life. My elderly mother with dementia lives with us and I use that as an excuse to have a drink around 5 pm. I feel like I have good control of it all, but would like to go back to only weekends. My hubby wasn’t feeling well this past Monday so we both haven’t drank since Sunday. It’s Thursday and I’m seriously considering this being the time to wait until tomorrow to drink and then do that every week. It’s hard though, isn’t it? I’m going to try diverting my attention later today so I wait one more day. I think the husband will be having beers because he has golf league later and I heard him loading the cooler. Wish us luck. And good luck to you all.


Oh man I did that for a while. So exhausting. What a load off to just cut the crap out of my life completely.


Wow, this hit me hard. I hadn’t considered how much more load it may be to constantly TRY to moderate. To be honest, the more I sit here trying to think about how am not going to drink and listening to podcasts about how to be either get sober or moderate and have control, the more I think about drinking. Not because I actually want to, but because it’s what’s bouncing around in my head. I think diverting my attention and doing some productive things that give me peace or feeling of accomplishment might be a better idea for me.


Along with what everyone else is saying, I have more time for hobbies! I have read 8 books this year and am able to garden, crotchet, knit and bake. When I was drinking I didn’t have time to do anything else! Much more fulfilling being sober.


Laughing with my grandkids is number one. Being healthy and going hiking with them, regaining the respect of my adult daughter (who’s now my best friend) running six half marathons in the last seven years…. I could go on and on. LIFE is worth living! Serving others, waking up without shame and dread. Best wishes to you! IWNDWYT


I gained self respect and dignity, and the respect, admiration, and devotion of my family. Over 3 years sober☺️


Day 641, I appreciate the clarity I’ve gained and the absence of hangovers


Self respect. I keep plans I make. I show up on time. I can make my best impression. I’m reliable.


6 years on May 24. The best benefit for me is I don’t wake up feeling bad physically and emotionally. I don’t wake up thinking “Oh shit….what kind of damage have I done?” You can do this. Keep reinforcing the fact that you are a person who doesn’t drink. Reinforce that every day, find something to focus on (start a side hustle, hobby, something). Rinse and repeat every day and one day you will turn around and it will have been 6 years. 😉🤞 Good luck with this!


Better sleep, way more energy. More money. I can make commitments and know I'll follow through with them because I won't be drunk or hungover. No more skulking around feeling subhuman.


Way more motivation. At work & home. I eat more because I’m not drinking my calories in the form of beer. Not much more money saved yet because I’m still working thru the sugar addiction in the form of candy & Red Bull


One of my favorite benefits is no longer needing to ask what the benefits are. But rather knowing, feeling, and experiencing how much better life is 100% across the board. To get to the point where you never "miss" it, and don't envy others who still drink. To stop wondering when the "lottery of benefits" (i.e., weight loss, focus, energy) comes flying in. I got a new life and a new me when I quit the liquid poison. Loving every new day!


That even as my life seems to be coming unraveled, at least I'm better able to deal with it than if I were drunk.


Fitness: I have energy and WANT to move, alcohol robbed me of that Weight: hasn’t gone down significantly but I LOOK like I’ve lost ten to fifteen pounds alone, my face no longer is puffy, I see my jawline, no more inflation inside me is a game changer Mental health: I used to have anxiety so bad when in a vehicle, recently took a road trip and the anxiety disappeared Relationships with people have improved, my mental clarity and lack of anxiety have given me a clearer and more sympathetic attitude. Towards everyone.


I bought a truck, a nice one. With just the money I don't spend on drinking.


I’m in way batter shape at 34 than I ever have been. It doesn’t take me nearly as long to recover from workouts and I am able to train jui jitsu on top of my normal workouts. Sobriety is amazing.


Literally everything is a benefit and the longer you go the better it gets. Remember your fondest days before alcohol abuse? Nostalgia aside and aging, you can get close back to those days before it all went wrong. Just gotta have the mental fortitude to go out and get crap done 👊 I believe in you.


Best benefits: rapid weight loss, no puffy face, no heartburn, no hangover, save money, better relationships, better work, better at hobbies, better mind set, better digestion, better stamina, Lower cancer risk, lower liver failure risk, no risk of DUI and significantly less legal risk. The list goes on and on and on and on. I highly recommend reading or listening to This Naked Mind


Less chaos in life. Even bad days are easier to manage.


Where to begin. Clearer mind, better self esteem (who am I kidding, having self esteem at all), better skin, face isn’t puffy and red anymore, mental health and mood has improved, I don’t get embarrassed about things I may have done or said when I’m around others, my fitness and stamina have increased tenfold. But I think the most amazing one for me is the ability to genuinely enjoy things again. I’m not so anxious about alcohol to notice how lovely things and experiences can be. I’m present for my life.


Better sleep Clarity of thought leading to better decision making


I'm 3.5 years sober I found benefits slow to come but they did. Where to start. I saved my marriage as I can control my anxiety and don't lose my temper. I look 10 years younger also was able to save more money work more instead of getting wasted and paid off my house. I'm excelling at my job now as I'm awake alert and never call in sick. I'm always available for my son. I'm always happy and one drink will take all away. I've changed so much I'm the person I always wanted to be. You are doing awesome NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF! Sobriety is the most amazing gift you can give yourself. ❤️


Being 100% present with my friends and family. Allowing myself to feel my emotions, good or bad, it’s all much more manageable without drinking. Having time, energy and extra cash to try new things and find enjoyment in the small things.


Sleep is amazing No stomach issues Anxiety virtually gone Marriage is better More engaged with kids Work is better More energy Not endangering myself and others on the road Overall health is better Other than that not much


No more hangxiety , no more waking up at 2 am and regretting all the nonsense i have done and spoke while i was high on alcohol,


All the money you save can be put towards things that bring you joy! I've collected over 50 houseplants and 35 japanese maples! My skin looks better, not bloated or red. Sex drive is through the roof. Lost 40 lbs and 6 inches off my waist. Just to name a few of the positives.


I haven’t stopped completely but I have stopped Monday through Friday . I was drinking 4 nights a week. Firstly I wake up at 5 better sleep better bowel movements more motivated to hit the gym in the morning . No brain fog . Better mood . I have lost a significant amount of weight more sex drive . Idk just all around feel better


Just over a month here and I think my favorite benefit is mornings. Waking up refreshed, with energy, mental clarity, ready to do what needs doing. Sober, clear-headed school runs. I don't go back to bed after getting my daughter on the bus anymore. I'm one of the first to sign in for the workday. People can rely on me to do more than the minimum. Losing weight slowly but surely -- down 5 lbs, but honestly the decrease in bloating/puffiness makes it feel like a lot more. I have a jawline again and my belly is much less prominent. Blood pressure is back in the normal range after too long at like 160/110, and I have blood work scheduled tomorrow that I hope will show that my cholesterol and blood sugar are back toward normal, too. Resting heart rate has dropped by 10 bpm (still pretty high though but whatever, it will take time). No fights with my husband since we stopped drinking. We've been to movies for the first time in years. Out to eat and lingering over food, not throwing back booze. No more suicidal ideation. No more "maybe I should just drive into the ocean." An actual excitement for the future, sometimes, even. And when I think about it I'm overall less irritable. I *feel* irritable moment to moment -- but when I look at how I handle that, it's almost always calmly and kindly. Pride. <3


Knowing I can be relied on by my daughter honestly. She’s so little and vulnerable.


Saving money and losing weight but as of recent my favorite benefit is serenity and being able to get through life’s challenges with relative ease and success.


I’m almost to 8 years. I was someone who never thought I would quit drinking. The best benefit is being able to remember everything and not feeling like absolute shit in the morning. I do what I say I’m going to do. I live by the rule of being honest and myself. I can’t be myself if I drink. Good luck to you! One day at a time. ❤️


This! Being honest and true to myself is the best gift.


It really is the best gift you can give yourself! Keep up the good work! ✌🏽


You too!


Not hating yourself regularly is nice!


Not having hangovers, not having mood swings, not being stressed and anxious all the time, not being irresponsible, not getting liver disease, not getting heart disease, not getting dementia


Clear thinking, rational thinking and not catastrophying erything


1 benefit is I am available 24/7 if someone needs me. I'm not loaded or passed out or withdrawing. Before, I was available, maybe 4 hours out of the day, to be actually useful. Everyone knew not to call on me because I was very sick.


Having a home and my own family.and a relationship with my whole family again. Have a job. Used to be homeless, in and out of jail. Family couldn't trust me.couldnt hold a job before.


Big solid shits


More money, energy and motivation. No humiliation or embarrassment from forgotten drunken nights. I lost a lot of water weight from my body and face and generally feel much healthier in my day-to-day :)


I’m not sober now, but not being bloated and fat is nice


Not getting fired, loosing spouse, DUI, heath issues (some permanent), list goes on and on


Sleep. And it’s not just the joy of sleeping through the night and waking up refreshed. Getting good sleep has a ton of positive downstream effects on mental/emotional and physical health. The book “Why We Sleep” by Matt Walker was a huge eye opener for me and was one important factor in my deciding the become sober.


Being able to think rationally, patience, and not constantly thinking about alcohol.


- Lost over 50lbs since I changed things up - Being able to walk a mile in the southern heat without being drenched in sweat - Sleeping through the night (and falling back asleep immediately those times I do wake up) - Not having to apologize to friends or family for destructive behavior - Not passing on the couch at 8-9pm and having my kids wonder why Daddy is asleep so early - Being able to argue constructively with my girlfriend instead of immediately resorting to dismissal and self aggrandizement - Saving money (I was up to like 3-4k/in alcohol/“entertainment” spend.. that’s going into an account for a vacation next year) It goes on…


I'm on my 7th day and I already feel better! I'm not as tired and I was having weird skin reactions/issues. Haven't had any for 2 days. Same with sinus issues. I had trouble sleeping bc i had such bad sinus issues and thats been clearing up. I'm going to guess a lot of odd health things were related to my drinking. Edit: I'm a really good singer and another thing I just noticed is my voice is getting back to what it used to be!! Probably bc my sinuses aren't clogged up. It feels really good to be back!


Hey day 4 too! I ended up having a random day off today and just doing everything to not get beer.


1 year 5 months. I have time back. I was wasting whole weekends drunk and watching TV or whatever, thinking I had “deserved a rest” and that it was a nice way to spend a sunday. Fuck that! I only get so many weekends, in the last year ive spent more time snowboarding, concerts, walks, basketball games, running, going to tag sales/out to dinner/random adventures/just going to fucking costco or whTever with my wife . I can still watch TV and chill on a sunday, but i can also do all the other stuff as well You name it, you get actual time to do stuff back, and you actually can do said stuff!


I'm feeling great every morning! Usually, I have a deep restful sleep. No more stomach and gut issues. Saving money and improving my health. No regrets about stupid things I said or did the night before. Being clear-headed..those just off the top of my head


Sober sleep is the absolute best.


I’m +\- 13 years off and a lot of the short term benefits are mentioned here and they’re all magical in their own way. But the best thing it’s done for long term is it has given me an enormous point of personal pride. Having a quick answer when I ask what I like about myself is incredibly valuable to a guy who spent a lot of time with no answer.


2.5 years, and managing my mental health became SO MUCH easier after PAWS passed. This vastly improved my relationships, and my husband and I are closer than ever.


I was feeling sick and out of it the other morning. I called in work sick and didn’t have the paranoia or guilt about trying to cover for a hangover. My conscious is so much more clear!


Way less anxiety in general. Not waking up every night feeling like I'm choking from horrid reflux. Finally after a year+, weight loss. Sleeping better and getting real sleep, and feeling good every morning and not like I've been hit by a truck.


Keeping up with little habits, like flossing or taking vitamins. I wasn't flossing while I was blackout drunk and I wasn't taking vitamins while I was vomiting from a hangover. It's just so much easier to keep up with these little compounding habits when alcohol isn't a part of my life. I also think I have the mental capacity to be a better partner and friend. I'm not spending so much energy hating myself or regretting my actions, so I can do things like send the text message where I check in on a friend who is going through a hard time.


69 days in, weekend binger (former), feeling massively better across the board. Favourite things: 1) A feeling of peace and joy that has descended on me like a gift from above lol! But really .. my mental health over all has been hugely, surprisingly, improved! Could it beeeeeee that my chronic anxiety and stress was really a lot to do with my drinking ? I mean.. it’s been a revelation. 2) Fresh beautiful weekend mornings. When I’m in the garden early on a Saturday morning feeling zippy and happy, with my coffee, golden early morning light, watching the dog run around for her morning frolics, smiling away to myself - it’s a wonderful feeling. 3) Skin looking good 👍 4) Sleeping way way better 5) improved confidence which I thought would be the opposite but lo, here I am Socialising with my seltzer and having a nice time !!! 6) Improved digestion - I was plagued with acid and ulcers and whaddaya know they’re gone. 7) A whole host of minor health complaints mysteriously improved or disappeared - including years of mid spine back ache, blurry vision from time to time, mysterious pains in my right side, bloating, sinus issues, random food intolerances 8) A renewed love of things I enjoyed as a kid like silly movies, sweets and fun drinks . It reminds me of how I felt at sleepovers and weekends as a child . I’m not suggesting that adopting junk food bingeing is a good idea but there are little innocent treats that give me happiness now and I love this !!! 9) FREEDOM!!! To drive any time and go anywhere any time of night or early morning. Driving to restaurants quite far away coz why not - places we had basically ruled out due to hassle of getting there (when drinking with dinner was a must) 10) Time .. I feel like drink stole so much time and often memories of that time were gone or hazey. I feel like life is just better now and I get more of my own time back !


I’m not crashing cars, wrecking relationships, blowing wads of money, driving drunk, getting relieved of duty, blacking out, my kids have never seen me drunk, the list goes on and on. I’m grateful to be clean and sober.


I just feel FREE. Every activity isn't centered around drinking before, during, or after. Or trying to stay within a certain number of drinks. Or looking up beer and liquor options at restaurants. Or what if they don't even serve alcohol?! What time can I start drinking? Because I'm 100% going to keep going all day. Try not to be tanked when my husband gets home. Try to get the kids settled and in bed early so I can really let loose. Or buying Pedialyte because I'm anticipating the hangover. I could go on and on, and those are only the mild situations. I allowed alcohol to control so many aspects of my life and who I was. I'm very grateful I was able to claw myself away from that. And I've planned for relapse, I know they day will come when I think I can drink "normally." I've got some ways to deal with that, and that's helping me get through day after day. You've got this. Keep your freedoms.


My favorite is just the increased feeling of clarity and control I get. When I’m drunk or coming off a bender my senses are dulled and it feels like I’m flattened down to two dimensions. But when I spend a week or two alcohol free I can feel my perception start to expand and spread out across time and space the way I’m supposed to be, if that makes sense


No longer keeping secrets is a huge weight off my soul. Once my drinking progressed to the point where I had to hide it, I hated that I was being dishonest with people I love, friends, and coworkers. Getting back to being my genuine self instead of carrying shame around all day is absolutely the best benefit to my mental health, relationships, job, and overall happiness. I've been sobe 8 years, but I felt this benefit beginning in the first month.


Driving without the fear of a police car behind me. \[Sometimes I still get that from old habits.\] Losing weight; your liver cannot process out the fat in your diet if it's too busy detoxing. That was a big one for me. Knowing I can face my husband and kid sober. Waking up without a hangover or worse, a complete blackout on what I might have done the previous night. And saving some money by not wasting it on alcohol. Those are the first things I think of. There are others. I've been sober for 24 years this last time. Prior to a very bad relapse I had almost 10 years.


453 days sober. Fitness - I completed my first half marathon in April & will be doing my second in July. Weight - through calorie counting & dedicating time to exercise I have lost 30kg, Mental Health - for the first time in over 10 years I am completely un medicated & have never been in a better position mentally. (I am a big advocate of taking medication if need be so I know being unmediated isn’t an option for everyone) Relationships - lost a fair few people, but turns out as time has gone on that those people weren’t really my people. I am a more present mother, more attentive, calmer, more fun and all around a better influence on my child. For me - everything in my life has improved due to not drinking. I am finally living the life I’ve always dreamt of living. IWNDWYT 🌻


I was working out while I was using. Even hungover I'd have to bang out a workout. What's weird is that since I cut out alcohol I have gains I never would have thought I'd have. I thought I plateaued and was just maintaining not getting fat. Now I'm jacked and I'm not doing anything different except not drinking


It’s 11:30am and I’m getting off work, I have the rest of my day to go and I plan on making the most of it. I would not have woken up for (or even considered getting) a job that starts a 5am, nor would I be looking at the rest of a whole day as an opportunity, if I was still drinking. When I first got sober I went “well shit this is too much free time, what am I going to do/I’ll be so bored” but TIME is my greatest sober gift to myself now.


More money, better sleep, skin looks better. My resting heart rate has dropped.


I battle depression and I'm in the middle of dealing with my shitty childhood so I can be a better dad to my 3 and 5 year old kids. Alcohol numbs me to things and keeps me in a low feeling. No drink has kept me level and clear. My kids getting the dad they deserve is my benefit.


More energy, way less anxiety/paranoia (not none, but almost none comparatively), better skin, actual memory.


When you begin sleeping normally, you'll realize just how long you've been slowly going insane due to sleep deprivation. There is no anxiety cure like a good night's sleep.




Lost weight, sleep better, sex is better, can always drive, no regrets, I can trust myself, in the moments and present for the people I care about. There are more benefits, but I think sobriety has made my life better period. Been sober for almost 3 years.


Not crashing your car(s). Not being in a perpetual state of withdrawal, not getting fired at every job, not destroying your relationships and embarrassing yourself, not doing other drugs because you’re drunk af, not being homeless, not waking up with bad injuries, not being hospitalized a few times a year. Just to name a few. And yeah, your fitness level and mental health will improve the longer you are sober.


I'm just over 6 months sober. Being sober has helped me maintain motivation and focus on my appearance. This morning I weighed in 49 lbs lighter than when I started. Ive gone down a shirt size and lost over 4 inches on my waist. That's all food, not exercise. When I was drinking I didn't give a fuck what I looked like and ate too much junk food. I have more energy, focus, I sleep better, I just feel better all around. There is no physical downside to sobriety. It can be tough mentally some days but it does get better.


Intellectual, cerebral engagement for hours on end. No distractions while reading for hours. Performance is better if I had a run in the morning.


So many benefits. I have a daily reminder on my phone which goes off once a day to say, “you always has superpowers, you just chose kryptonite before”. I’ve come to learn that how I feel now is how I am supposed to feel. I’m a lot more motivated which has lead to improved performance at work and I’m regularly lifting weights. I lost about 15lbs and now reasonably lean (but not muscular yet) My anxiety has reduced significantly to a point where my worst days today similar to what my best days were when drinking. Reduced brain fog means I can take more enjoyment in so many other things now. Recently went for a meal with family on a Sunday lunchtime. If I had been drunk on the Saturday night I would have just spent that meal feeling hungover and wanting to go back to bed. Financial benefits are great. Bad things don’t happen so often. When I was drunk my behaviour could get me into trouble. One accidentally text my boss drunk, got into fights, insulting people, even got bitten by a dog when out drunk. If you keep going I reckon you’ll find your own benefits which mean the most to you. IWNDWYT


CONFIDENCE!!! You will come into your own self without booze. Real courage instead of liquid courage.


Life is short. If you're lucky you'll wake up one day and it will mostly be over. You'll just be waiting for the end. That's why I'll never waste another day drunk. Sober life is too precious to piss it away.


I'm just 6 days so far and it goes without saying I'm not waking up hungover every day or every other day, but also when the hangover has "worn off" I'm not constantly getting acid reflux all day. I used to barely be able to bend down without a throat full of acid, now nothing at all. No more sneaking cans into the recycling bin, or even sneaking them into my car to take to the bottle bank because the recycling bin is embarrassingly full No more waking up and remembering I cooked/ordered a ridiculous amount of food last night which I'll probably throw up this morning No more waking up at 4am on the sofa or at my desk, usually soaked in beer, because I fell asleep/passed out holding a can again. No more driving to the shop every other day before my partner is home to make sure I'm fully topped up on beers to drink after she goes to sleep. I'm ashamed and embarrassed to be typing some of those but I'm proud they're behind me


I’m a little over 2 years and everything you mentioned, is better. I dropped weight, my marriage became infinitely better do to me being more present and less a combative drunk fucker. My kids and I are amazingly close and our time together really feels like we are connected. Mental health, I just generally feel waayyyy more positive and upbeat about life. It does feel a bit like that optimism you had in your early teens. Feel mentally much more sharp, fast and clear. It took me 7 months though to feel any change. I was a real unhappy, pissy dude at 6 months sober, thinking all the benefits were b.s. so keep it up!


Self respect


I am 5 months sober and I noticed that my mood is better. I react better to stress and I feel more in control. I also appreciate the little things. The wind, the birds, those small ways people show you they care, all those things that would blend into the background of an alcoholic's mind.


Good sleep, improved fitness and mental health (no more anxiety or depression), and a greatly improved relationship with my partner - the invisible barrier of intoxication is gone, and we can be open and trusting. I also have the energy and desire to set goals for myself and put in the work to achieve them!


I have a life. I’m living. That’s not dead or alive, no. In December I pulled up a random number generator, gave it the window of 1-365 and off it went. I next put 201 into the calendar and circled July 20, a Saturday. There’s nothing there, yet. And, perhaps that day passes and nothing particularly adventurous happens. However, were I to do that 1/1/2020 to 7/20/2020 drinking would have been in the calendar, as it would the day prior and the day after. In fact, all of my days would have read the same. Instead, I may be in the mountains on my bike, the beach with a kayak, a date with my wife or a movie with my kids. I don’t know. I have a life. I’m living. I am passionate about cycling, I’ve made new friends, amends with a few older friends. I’m in control. I’m honest and act with integrity. I can be taken at my word. I make promises and plans and, I keep them. In short, I have become what I’ve always wanted to be. I am happy. I am content. I am fulfilled. I am alive. And, IWNDWYT. 


I’m now able to be a decent person pretty much all the time, and I respect myself for it


Not sure is this will help you or not, but for me none of the "secondary benefits" really worked. "Yeah if I don't drink I won't have a hangover tomorrow and I'll be able to get in better shape etc, but that's all in the future so right now, bottoms up!" The only thing that works for me is deciding that I want to be sober *right now* more than I want to be drunk *right now*. Of course how to get to that point...is the point.


Good sleep, no hangovers


Driving to the store for ice cream at 9:00 at night because "Hey! I am sober!"


Living and experiencing life again. The blinders are on when we are drinking, recovering from drinking, or thinking about the next drink. Life is beautiful and majestical. There are infinite benefits to sobriety and infinite negative benefits while in the cycle.


I would say the peace of mind of knowing what you did the day before. Not dreading the moment someone tells you they can’t believe what you did or say. Not waking up with hangovers..


Came here to say- YES- to all of the above posters! I started this journey for health reasons- and my husband’s ultimatum….and OMG, why didn’t I do this sooner??? I feel like a brand new person. Just dealing with the guilt now that it took me this long (mid 40F).


Going to bed sober and waking up not hungover makes me feel so proud of myself! It has affected my self esteem in such a positive way.


Liberated mental real estate.


Never having remorse for last night's behavior and no hangover.


Saving money. Lack of a wine barrel.