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I find sparkling water like Bubly is my go to if I'm not drinking alcohol. It has a bit of a "bite" to it that is reminiscent to alcoholic drinks.


Sparkling water carried me through my early months of sobriety. Now I'm more of an iced tea guy in the evenings


Sugar in the evening doesn’t bother you then. Or is it unsweetened tea?


Always unsweetened for me or some chamomile if it's chilly out or I need to relax more


I’d go with unsweetened as well. Chamomile sounds good right before bedtime.


I think I need the “bite” too. It matters somehow.


Coca Cola because my drinking problem extends beyond alcohol lololol


Haha! I guess problems come in all sorts!


I drink a gallon of water a day now, so I'm def drinking something all day. It takes a lot of effort to drink that much water. I'm on a medication that requires lots of water to prevent kidney stones.


Drinking a lot of water (not excessive of course) is a good habit. Glad to see somebody else who feels like they should drink something all day!


I mean, I did it to myself, family history and all. I was dumb and slipped into daily drinking anyway and eating like crap. I had to quit alcohol & crap food all at the same time. The damage is done, but I feel much better now. Now it's like instead of "where's my next cocktail" it's "where's my next healthy meal and how is the water where I'm going." Life is good.


r/hydrohomies Sparkling water, flavored water, hop waters, occasional tea


Hop waters! We grow hops just for the fun of it! Ima look into this!


Give it a go! Local breweries are making them more now. Lagunitas and Sierra Nevada make good ones distributed nationally. 0 calories or alcohol and have that little hoppy taste. Varies by type used and sometimes flavored. I find myself going for them over NAs more often because no tummy gas or calorie cost. H2O still the best though. Let us know how the homemade version turns out!


Definitely!! Looking at them rn!! lol!


Sounds almost like NA beer! Does it taste similar?


What is hop waters? Hearing that for the first time. I can surely look it up, and I will, but I would like to hear it from you first, if you don’t mind. :)


They don't taste precisely like beer but are refreshing sparkling water that's hop flavored. First tried one at a wedding last summer from a groomsman whose wife was pregnant. I thought "ooh this tastes nice and different" then drank a bunch of bourbon all night because that was more than 200 days ago, but it planted a seed. I've seen Sierra Nevada Hoppy Refresher and Sierra Nevada Hoppy Splash at Walmarts in the NA section. Some local breweries make them. I don't get them as often since they cost about as much as a beer 6 pack, but similar to when I liked craft beer, I like seeing what different choices of hop strains do for the flavor profile and trying local types when I travel. I like some more than others and relish that they are just straight up infused sparkling water, not brewed. Don't want to oversell it as the best thing ever by any means, but it's a nice treat and I find them refreshing and healthy and mixes it up a bit.


Oh and they are sparkling? I am sold! :) Thank you for a truly refreshing option! That could work for me.


They are super good mixed with lemonade too! Very refreshing in the summer!


V8 and lime seltzer with tajin and lime


Interesting choice. That sure is a lot of lime! Takin has lime in it as well, right? Well, I could like it. I like the “refreshing” idea, so thank you!


Lime seltzer. Aldi brand is the best.


Love Aldi’s products! Love their sparkling water varieties as well.


Lots of coffee, powerade, diet coke and water. never been big on sparkling water. i feel the same though! i need a drink with me at all times.


Yay! Another one after my own heart who needs a drink at all times! :)


I have a little canister machine to carbonate water, and I’ll make a big bottle of that with ice and squirt some koolaid concentrate in there to help me stay hydrated. Otherwise, I spent the money I would have spent on booze on a fancy espresso machine instead so I’m making iced lattes every morning now. It’s a luxury and is finicky as hell to get right and holy cow it can get expensive but it’s also a significant upgrade to an otherwise mundane part of life.




Like, over buying cans of polar or whatever? Absolutely. Especially if you’re into the fancier stuff like Spindrift.


You will definitely save money on a Soda Stream vs. buying cans. One Soda Stream CO2 cartridge will make \~15 liters of seltzer. A refill Soda Stream CO2 cartridge is \~$17 but you can sometimes find them for less.


So, part of it is to find a substitute for the “ritual.” I feel that too. Would you agree that there has to be a ritual of some sort to replace it? Maybe not for everybody, but I think some people do need it.


Making coffee has always been a ritual for me, serving various purposes at different times of my life. Making espresso has a ton of room for little flourishes and special touches and data gathering and etc. It’s something I look forward to when I’m getting down to sleep at night.


Making real espresso can definitely be regarded as a ritual. I am with you all the way. This is an important aspect. Great thinking.


Wholly agree. Half my problem seems to be finding a replacement for the physical habit of 'going for cold ones', as well as a replacement for *what* to drink. Like OP, I drink a drink of some sort all day long. I don't like fizzy anything though...


I like hot beverages because they burn a bit going down like alcohol did. I drink lots of fizzy water. It was hot outside yesterday and I had 6 fizzy waters while friends were drinking beer.


I guess some people like you and myself need the “bite” or the “burn.” I hope it is ok to at least crave that much.


Topo Chico lime


Topo Chico lovers unite!


Spindrift! So refreshing. I like the Lime ones


Depends on the day, I'll usually do 3 cups of coffee and glass of water at work, and a protein shake most evenings before bed. I've found some tasty caffeinated seltzer waters for the weekends, and milk with any meal that involves carbs. A lot of recovering alcoholics find themselves drinking fruit juice due to the high sugar content.


Protein shake before bed? Interesting. How’s that working for you?


It's a easy/healthy way to leave myself feeling full/satisfied which helps fall asleep sooner.


Sounds like a good strategy. I like your way of thinking. Could work for me too.


Well. The rest of my stop drinking recipe was melatonin, ice cream, and Benadryl. The holy y trinity to guarantee a good nights rest ;-)


I definitely drink coffee, water, and tea non-stop. But without any vices I could drink water like a monster. I think it works, personally for me. Also have hyperhidrosis. But I didn't know that for the last 15 years of my life, just kept drinking water, etc.


There need to be a drink, right? I am not alone, yay! :)


I have ADHD and I’ve learned it is a common neurodivergent thing to have about 2 or 3 beverages going at any given time. So I usually have a container of plain water I bring everywhere with me, in the AM I’m having coffee and then later in the day I have a sparkling water or soda.


Do you think the need to have a drink at all times might be related to ADHD then? You know what, I have suspected that for some time now.


Oh for sure. Neurodivergent people are also more likely to abuse alcohol. It comes with the territory of struggling to relax socially… I abused alcohol in order to “mask” more easily when out at bars/parties/family gatherings, although it would take me about 2 decades of doing this, before consciously understanding it was adhd-related. I don’t think I’m “just neurodivergent”, though. I definitely think I’m a neurodivergent alcoholic. I won the gene that makes me want something like alcohol to hide behind, and also the gene that makes alcohol way too powerful over me to be able to control my intake of it.


Coffee, Tea, Kombucha. Sparkling Water, Water!


Kombucha! Now, that is another refreshing suggestion!


For me it was a combo of finding replacements and breaking habits. I drank all night, every night, and usually all day on weekends. So there were certain activities I had to break myself of the habit: cooking, playing video games. With things like that, the habit was so ingrained it made me crave booze, so I either didn't allow myself to drink anything until I broke that association (like with cooking) or I'd avoid the activity until I was stronger in my sobriety (like video games.) Ever since I was a kid, I've always drank a lot of liquids, so I can't really speak to what's "normal." But I still drink a lot of liquids throughout the day, just no longer alcohol. Regular water (sometimes with a chlorophyll supplement, and sometimes with fresh basil and lemon), a TON of sparkling water (my fav brands are Aldi and Waterloo, followed by Bubly), hibiscus iced tea (or any other iced tea I make with the random assortment of teabags I have), hot tea when it's cold outside, coffee all year round, and ONLY when I was sure it wouldn't affect my sobriety, I discovered I'm one of the people who isn't triggered by NA replacements. I also looked up and made some mocktails, like my favorite is muddled mint, club soda, watermelon juice, and fresh lime. After almost 20 years of excessive drinking, I'm learning that it is absolutely possible to both live and ENJOY life without booze, and there are all kinds of drinks out there that I like.


Thank you dearly for the thorough and insightful answer! Breaking habits is key. I guess that is something I need to overcome as well. They all go hand in hand. You are absolutely right. It is just so tough. But I guess you have provided me with an invaluable clue on how I can succeed.


You are so very welcome, I'm glad I could help in any way. I'm proud of you for coming here and asking.....seeking advice and support is the perfect starting point to setting yourself up for success, and over the past 2.5 years since I started working to get sober, with my own slip-ups and relapses, this community has been nothing but encouraging and loving. Glad you're here 💜 Oh! One other thought: When it came to breaking the habits and activities I associated with drinking, my therapist talked to me a lot about changing people, places, and things. So one thing I did was actually seek out some different hobbies. Like if I was taking a walk or exercising in some way, I couldn't be drinking (plus moving your body helps replace the dopamine you'd usually get from drinking.) I also have always wanted to be artistic but I don't really have that skill naturally, so I got some supplies on sale and started putzing around with watercoloring and making little books....for me, keeping my hands busy was key! And I actually find it really soothing. Also keeping my mind busy was another trick....so if I was playing with watercolors I'd also listen to a podcast, or I started choosing TV shows or movies with subtitles because they required me to concentrate, and I also rediscovered my love of reading and have been reading like crazy. Before I started drinking I was always in a book, but I slowly lost that pastime over the years because I was often too drunk to see the words. So maybe there are some things you could start exploring for yourself? Might you be interested in finding simple yoga videos online? Would you like to play with paints or pastels? Sometimes I just want to do random shapes and colors on my own and sometimes I follow YouTube videos because there are a MILLION out there. The other thing I started considering recently was trying to find a cheap used acoustic guitar and a workbook and see if I could learn. And because these are new activities that I don't psychologically connect to alcohol, I'm perfectly content with my bubbly water or tea.


I tried NA beer yesterday and became a fan. Really good!


I guess I could like that. Don’t you feel like there is a chance of relapsing because of that though? I am genuinely curious.


Idk… in my case, it really helped my craving (I had a couple of those). But I really don’t know…


Herbal raspberry lemonade tea on ice. I have a special cup with a plastic straw I got from Walmart. It's bpa free. I also like the seltzer waters. Lately, I've been mixing them with juice. For example, I get a brand thats organic. It's called, "berry good lemonade" by *honest* brand. It has no added sugar, and way less sugar than most juices, without any artificial sweeteners because those are gross haha. it's almost sour and quenching. I mix this with lemon lime seltzer and it's so good. You can mix any juice with any flavor of seltzer that accompanies the flavor of the juice. I just prefer the organic because it's way less sugar. Very hydrating, and good if you are still trying to lose weight.


Now, that is an original idea! I love it.


It's hard but you godda do what you godda do. The herbal teas have been helping so much. They are so natural. I get mine from a local tea store. Just herbs in a bag, and a little tea strainer.. I find that the act of making my tea, (adding the herbs to the little ball strainer) is a nice distraction, I replace that routine with the usual shooter binge... almost like a fidget replacement, or a ritual replacement to rewire my brain. I find that drinking the tea helps me get flavors, without so much sugar, if any at all. Putting ice in it makes it refreshing. I take the cup in the car with me as well because it has a cap that screws on (this helps me if I get any of those dreaded "*passing* *the* *liquor* *store* *cravings* ") it helps to have the healthy stuff near. When I drink it I know I'm healing my soul capsule.. much needed healing. And I know I'm closer to shedding that booze bloat, flushing it out with every sip. Good luck to you on your journey friend :)


Such a wonderful attitude! Thank you so much, my friend! Eloquent points you have made. :)


Day three, but I'm motivated! Tired of feeling this way. I already feel better. No more hangxiety, sleeping the afternoons away.. we are better than this!!! 💗


I would like to believe that we are, too. Day three is no small feat. Just hang in there. I believe in you. :)


Thank you my friend we are in this for the long haul 💗😁


Please keep me posted. I would love to hear from the Fellowship of the Long Haul!


You as well!! 😊 🤞 We got this indefinitely


Sparkling water. Limoncello lacroix is my jam.


Limoncello? Wait a minute…


Try it I’m tellin ya


Will do, my friend! Thank you for the recommendation. Sounds like it could be my jam as well!


Kombucha. The brand Health-Ade has a Cayenne Cleanse flavor that hits the spot for when I'm craving a jalapeno margarita


Very interesting substitute. It might work.


I like to make pitchers of sugar free Crystal Light. Usually their fruit punch but also their pink lemonade. I’m also a fan of Coke Zero (black) and Cherry Coke Zero (Cherry black).


Sugar free works better, right? I could do without the sugar spike.


I honestly don’t know, I gave up sugar before I quit drinking alcohol.


Just ordered a mocktail


What kind of mocktail?


Nothing beats ice cold water. I drink it all day everyday.


I almost dislike any water that is not cold enough.


Topo Chico, sparkling water. I believe you can get it in the US. NA beer in social situations.


It is kinda strong, right? The “bite” helps replace the feeling from drinking alcohol I guess.


The bubbles do the work.


Sparkling water. Polar is my go to brand.


Sparkling water is a strong contender. Polar is kinda bland for me. However, I am only speaking based on their plain one. Are the flavored ones any good? Any favorites?


My favorites are lemon, black cherry, and strawberry watermelon. You can definitely tell the flavor is there, but it's not as strong of a flavor as soda.


Water, so much water. I also usually have several coffees in a day, sparkling water, and I've been investing in a really good tea collection - mint, herbal, caffeinated, you name it. I also NEVER let myself 'waste' calories on energy drinks or boba tea but now, basically anything is better for me than ethanol ;-)


725 days without “ethanol.” Kudos to you! Avoiding calories is a great idea. A collection of tea sounds great! Thank you!


sorry I wasn't clear - when I was drinking I 'saved' all my 'drinking calories' for booze. Now I let myself enjoy an energy drink or boba tea or really, whatever because any drink is better for me than alcohol is (for me)


Iced tea is my jam right now


I see some clustering under iced tea. I guess I should consider it more seriously.


I make it myself so it's a lot less sweet than what you get from the store. 4 quarts of water, a heaping spoon of honey, a dash of sugar, some fresh mint leaves, a couple slices of lemon, and two or three bags of classic lipton tea. Put it in a big pitcher and serve over ice, delicious.


I love really cold water…. It is so satisfying. Yes, I am the person carrying the huge tumblr with water and LOTS of ice. It hits the spot everytime… If I feel like something sweet, I do like a hibiscus tea infusion and that is really nice cold.. maybe some honey and lemon for added zest :)


I love cold drinks as well. That is part of the equation I suppose. I should invest in a good tumbler maybe.


Water, flavored water with caffeine, sometimes I mix water with a zero 7-up to get the carbonation. I average about 100-200 oz a day. I nerded out and bought one of those bottles that remind you to drink with a light ring. I thought I was drinking way more. Also I’ve found more water = more energy. It’s like caffeine to me. I also like a nice tea sometimes at bedtime - usually tecco dark chocolate. I also use Torani sugar free syrups in water sooo yummy!! I am guilty of the occasional SB refresher and I absolutely love Dr Pepper Zero and their summer flavors.


Water with caffeine?! I am learning so much from this thread. :) Very refreshing ideas. Thank you!


Yes! Mio is my go to rn, also crystal light has caffeinated versions!


My wife has just turned me on to dirty soda. Right now it's black cherry soda and coconut cream. So good.


What is dirty soda?


Soda and heavy cream


Wow! Sound heavy yet fun!


I remember years ago when I sobered up, I said ‘ You mean I have to drink MIX?!’ I always have options available. I drink Diet Coke, water, sparkling water, excellent coffee, herbal tea, lemonade, apple cider, etc. For parties, I often drink Tonic water - blends right in with the drinkers.


I can agree with all of the above, but just tonic water on its own? I’m not sure if I can do that. 1) It tastes so bitter 2) I would be looking for gin (I guess) :)


I remember going into rehab this time, and someone pointed out I literally always had a diet coke in my hand everywhere I went. There was/is something about holding a drink or drinking it that I think is just part of a habit from the drinking days. I think that's just something my brain knows I can get away with. It's satisfying to just grab your drink and take a swig every ten minutes. So, no. You are definitely not alone!


Like 7 cups of tea per day. Yerba mate, green tea, all the herbals. I'm a teafiend


Sparking water, coffee, tea, soup.


Get yourself a Sodastream.


I drink a lot of herbal tea. Both hot and iced


Apart from tea, coffee and sparkling and still water, my 'special treat' drink is kombucha. It reminds me of sparkling wine, which was my fave back in my active addiction days. It comes in all imaginable flavours, apart from 'natural', which is reminisce not of tea. Maybe not for everyone, as it may be triggering, and also some brands have up to 0.5% alcohol. Though most don't, you have to check before ordering, if that bothers you. Will be brewing my own soon :)


All kinds of tea and lots of water with fresh or frozen fruit to sweeten it a bit. Wine, especially sangria was my go to when I was drinking. Now I enjoy NA Mexican bottled sangria for a treat.


Coffee, water, and a good bit of soda 860 days af :)


Soda stream make sparkling water cheaper


I make really nice tea in a teapot, several times a day. English Breakfast tea. Usually I make it with teabags, good ones, and occasionally with loose tea - which the best, by far, but more clean up. I drink it with a little dash of milk. It soothes, refreshes, and dispels any little urge for the devil's water. Some evenings, I will have a Guinness 0.0%, or a really inexpensive 0% beer from Lidl called Perlenbacher that is very good.


Cream soda. Tea. Cold brew tea. I'm also making home kombucha. It's super easy and you can add different fruits. My favorite is pineapple booch. I've also made spirulina and passionfruit and honey booch. Boba. Homemade matcha latte Boba or snow bubble. I started on sparkling water but it eventually became too acidic for me and started giving me reflux.


I am on my second purchase of Moment drinks…botanical sparkling waters. At first I thought it was silly but now I actually look forward to them.


I'm the same, I need to drink a LOT regardless of whether it's alcoholic or not. I probably get through about 5 litres of water a day plus tea etc. I go for sparkling water - like someone else has pointed out l, it has a bit of a bite to it.


I get cranky if I dont have access to my fizzy water. I bloody love the stuff.


Morning coffee, occasional tea, soda water from Sodastream, and kombucha… recently gotten into homebrewing kombucha to save money and fill up my own Sodastream canisters.


Love the latest Alcohol Free( some have a very low amount of alcohol bust still classed as a/f) beers they really do taste as good if not better than the originals. Erdinger and Lucky Saint here in the UK are 2 of my favourites but most brands have really upped their game in the last few years.I don't find them a trigger at all in fact quite the opposite without them I think giving up would be much harder. The above are more for a treat when out with friends and the odd one at home in the evening to [unwind.Health](http://unwind.Health) wise I drink a home made smoothie with fresh strawberries, banana, spinach and blueberries most days.Tates yummy too.


Sparkling water, Kombucha, coffee, sometimes non-alc beers but drink them a lot less than when I first stopped drinking, sometimes Coke Zero.


As much water as I can stand. Sugar free, non caffeinated sodas if I need something "stronger"


I’m constantly drinking something! Coffee, sport tea, sparkling water, Spindrift, more coffee, obviously tons of regular water. For a treat I love Oddbird dealcholized sparkling rosé or Untitled Art N.A. dragonfruit sour. So good!


I’ve been adding green tea bags to my water bottle and sipping on that all day. Green tea has health benefits.


Homemade lemonade, I make just enough for one cocktail glass at a time. For me the ritual is a big part. So I still drink out of a cocktail glass. Helps with the sugar cravings as well.


I'm not successfully at a day 1 right now, but last time I had a nice long run I was drinking sparkling waters, infused water (strawberry-basil is excellent), kombucha, iced tea, coffee, and smoothies. Right now I've been enjoying hop waters as well. I am also going to grab some roobios tea, as I saw research about it helping the liver. Just had my liver ultrasound recently and I need to help it out. I've been rather rude to it.


Zero sugar monster


I’ve gotten into espresso and making my own flavored lattes. I want to like sparkling water, but it was just not enough for me UNTIL I started adding a twist. Apple cider vinegar. Change the whole game for me. Now I’ll mix that maybe add some syrup or throw in lemon or lime or cherry. It bites back and it is good for you :)


Hey, I have to have something to drink all the time, too. It keeps me sober, and if that's what it takes, sip away! Studies have found that drinking at least 3 cups of coffee a day accelerates the healing of the liver (American Liver Foundation). Also, coffee and tea have some good antioxidants. Sugary and colored sodas are not recommended as they can contribute to fatty liver disease. 🙃


What broke the spell for me was a daily cup of tea made from amanita muscaria once a day. Activates the GABA receptors in a way that is not damaging as alcohol, kills the craving for alcohol and kicks anxiety to the curb, at doses low enough to avoid any intoxicating effects.


I make a cappuccino in the morning first thing, then I drink water most of the morning. At lunch I drink either a juiced sparkling water (Spindrift or such) or unsweetened iced tea. Water in the afternoon, and another Spindrift or two at night. Sometimes milk with a cookie before bed.


3:1 ratio of Sparkling Ice and Diet Ginger Beer. Nice little bite, no calories, no guilt.


Iced tea. I brew a mix of herb teas and I include a bit of hops, so its bitter and tickles my inner hophead. Normal people would use unkind words and foul language to describe the taste. I sometimes add juice from ginger root for different bite. Some people drink shots of it, but that is wayout of my league.


I like adaptogenic teas myself.


Sparkling water, tea, NA beer, NA cocktails, and sodas with bitters.


I need a drink at hand throughout the day. I drink tea in the morning because I am not a coffee drinker. I drink sparkling water with Mio flavoring in it starting at lunch until about 5 p.m., then I switch to regular water for the rest of the night. I think it’s the routine for me. What time is it? That tells me what to drink next.


I know it sounds crazy, but drinking urine for a little while helped me get off the "always drinking something train." The great part is, because I don't drink booze, my urine is pretty clear—basically like flat water. Piss doesn't work so well in my soda stream.


Nothing beats Cherry Coke Zero from those touchscreen Coke machines.


Water throughout the day, with a cup of coffee in the morning, tea during the early afternoon, and sparkling water during the late afternoon/evening


I started drinking a lot of sports drinks and coffee


I just got a ninja thirsti (sparkling water maker) a few weeks ago. Been going in heavily on that. Also lots of herbal tea. When I'm out I carry a collapsible water bottle and drink packets with me.