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I slept like shit last night because of the heat. Yet even on 5 hours of broken sleep I still feel 100 times better than when I was drinking. And I have to agree about the poops. It is so nice to have a healthy poo every morning. IWNDWYT!


The sleep! Omg, I can’t believe I didn’t mention it. I may only get 5-6 hrs per night, but they’re effective hours. I’m not exhausted all day after waking up. I also have more than enough energy & motivation rn to go back to the gym for the first time in many, many months 💪🏽 I’ll be doing that in about an hour! Edit: I ended up going just a little over an hour ago. I got caught up in other stuff and decided to go at night. Still trained hard! Back at it on Thursday 🙏🏽


That gym isn’t going to know what hit it!


I'm only 15 days in and for the first week I slept hard and deep. Now I'm back down to like 6 hours but even that is GOOD sleep. I wasn't hungover often but I was tired and looked it. I feel great in the mornings, even if not being a morning person I still feel tired and don't want to just jump out of bed at least I feel rested.


I can relate. I didn’t get to sleep until after midnight because some road rager last night on my way home had me all worked up. Had to wake up at 5:30 for work. Still felt better this morning than when I was still drinking.


A couple of things I think about when I encounter people like that. First, their actions are more of a reflection of who they are than who you are. Second, you had to deal with them only for part of one evening. They have to live with themselves every day, all day.


Turns out it was a bunch of young kids… maybe drunk. It scared me a bit because at first they were behind me on my ass. Hi beams. Intentionally swerving left and right to fuck with me. I wasn’t even going slow either. Going at least 5 over. I tapped my breaks. They didn’t stop. I tapped them harder. Still nothing. Tapped them even harder the 3rd time and they swerved around and passed me. I caught up to get their plate number and they put on their turn signal and pulled to the right and almost stopped. So I was going to pass them and then they gassed it. Did this about 5 more times (I was on the phone with 911 at this point). Once I got the plate number to police I stayed way back and then turned off on a side street. About 5 minutes later and a quarter mile up the road, they had 4 patrol cars on them. Little assholes.


Wow. What a mess. I have had people on my tail similarly. There’s a spot near my house where the speed limit goes from 55 down to 45. I was going 60 in the 55 and someone was on my tail, like nearly touching me. I slowed to 45 in the 45, because there are always cops there, and they started with the lights and honking. Eventually they tried to pass me on the shoulder in a right turning lane, fell off of the side of the road, jerked back on, gunned it, and then actually turned right at that turn. The one time there wasn’t a cop clocking people in that neighborhood… Frustrating anyway.. glad you’re past it. Way to go on nearly a month, btw!


Thanks! Congrats to you too for 48 days :) Yesterday for me was 4 weeks and tomorrow is 1 month! Woot woot!


Great job on 9 days and the healthy poops 💩 😂 I’m gonna try to remember everything that got better but whenever I make these lists I always forget something: -acid reflux is gone -no more weird and horrible abdominal pain -no more feeling like I’m about to die from hangovers -BP and heart rate down (off the meds) -lost 26 lbs and counting -skin is glowing -sleep is so much better -anxiety and depression are now very minimal and very manageable -I have more money -I am now adulting (eating healthy, exercising, taking care of my skin/hair properly, dressing better) -self esteem/confidence is up -brain is braining better (focus, memory, problem solving) -I have made a bunch of new friends and my social life is much better than before -I am a more present mom -I have hope for the future. (I have hope for the future guys, I’m actually excited and not just sitting there like everything is horrible, when will this nightmare end) The… end?


The acid reflux was a big change for me too. I got to a point that I was so paranoid that it wasn’t reflux but actually was esophageal varices about to rupture. I’m now sleeping through the night, my brain fog is going away, and my throat is no longer constantly sore. Wild.


I didn’t put two and two together but I take much better care of my hair as well! My nails are also a lot healthier.


I’m a year in and my hair is thicker than it’s been in years.


Omg. Me too! My hair was such an unexpected surprise! It’s a lot thicker than it was a year ago!


Brain is braining better hahaha this is my favorite and yeah, same 💜


I love this. Thank you. So inspiring. All wonderful things, outcomes, wow. nice


I like waking up early and feeling refreshed with full memory of the night before and not hungover and embarrassed with myself.


Yes, no matter how I felt I denied the fuzzy head the next morning. I can’t believe how much clearer my mind is.


Do you ever get those moments in the morning when you’re feeling a little off for whatever reason, and you do a memory/body scan of what could be causing it, and as your mind passes over “hangover,” you have a momentary feeling of dread, followed by a rush of relief as you realize alcohol isn’t causing you discomfort anymore?


Yes! It’s so nice to immediately dismiss hangover as a possibility.


Seriously so freeing. Do you have those moments frequently after all this time in your sobriety?


Not that frequently anymore thankfully. You?


That’s nice to hear! Occasionally but not regularly


I do this all the time! I even have dreams where I drank and “knew” I was going to feel hungover in the morning. It’s so weird! But then the relief that comes with remembering I don’t drink anymore is awesome!


Oh the sweet, sweet joy of realizing your nightmare is just that!


"I can also brush my teeth & tongue without gagging/vomiting." HOLY SHIT I THOUGHT I WAS A UNICORN WITH THAT PROBLEM


I also thought this only happened to me ‘cause I never see anyone mention it! I have to be so careful in the morning I don’t get a wrong angle or let the toothpaste foam too much or I projectile vomit into the sink


I couldn’t brush my teeth with normal toothpaste without gagging. The only thing I could use was a charcoal mineral based toothpaste and a water pik flosser.


This is the true benefit of the internet: finding anonymous people with similar experiences to yours, helping you realize a lot of us are on this planet together and going through similar shit




I mean I had this problem before I was drinking


Huh, is this a drinking problem?? My ex always used to say this (I thought it was from drinking). Why does it make you more likely to gag?


Upset stomach from drinking then touching the back of the mouth/ tongue just made my gag reflexes go crazy. I'm on day 8 and I've had no problem brushing my teeth!


*"what other benefits have you noticed..."* How long do you have?




I’m here whenever you feel like discussing anything, bro. 😊


I ate super spicy food last night and I dont miss alcohol shits. But the digestion versus the indigestion, the skin, my hair, my face, my body dysmorphia, my personality, my confidence, my sex drive, my energy, my life. Everything. Yea, pretty much everything.


Damn. I’m the opposite about sex drive, mine was so high while drinking and now it’s so low. Plus I experience a lot more anxiety in the bedroom than before.


My sex drive was always high, but it’s even higher now. My anxiety is crazy, like a full day panic attack kind of crazy. But I’m clear in my head now. I’m motivated. I know it will pass. I’m not sweating so much anymore. I’m able to breathe through it all.


wow damn


Sex. I was uninterested and sexually dead while drinking. I remember thinking before I would crack my first drink that I was choosing that over sex because it killed my drive and performance. 5 years into no booze and I’m laying more pipe than my local Union shop. Never expected this. Also losing 100 pounds and lifting weights has helped a ton, however, quitting booze opened this amazing door.


this is really quite heartening and hopeful. I haven't had much sober sex the past few years and it felt like something I "should" be enjoying versus actually enjoying in the moment. (I also have been really anxious about communicating in bed // asking for what I want so that's another journey I suppose). Looking forward to what's to come.


I also struggled with communicating my needs and desires and found it really difficult, however, it is worth it. It is hard to be that vulnerable, however, I found that using the same vulnerability I found quitting alcohol to be really helpful. You are spot on as I also found it to be truly another ‘journey’ within the quitting alcohol journey, however, the mind blowing sex has been worth it. I would also note that it took time and practice before that mind blowing place was reached. I hope you find the courage to lean into it because it really is a very special part of the human experience in my humble opinion. Take care.


Mine is not living my life with chronic anxiety. I’ve always had people say they have panic attacks and anxiety - that to me only sounded like heavy worries or a 20 minute panic attack. Even my therapist didn’t seem to understand my anxiety. I would have all-day anxiety (fight or fight fully activated), heart-racing, dissociation, chronic vertigo, inability to think or focus on anything but the fear I was feeling, inability to nap or sleep it off because my mind was racing with doomed thoughts. Sometimes my body would be shaking. Basically some form of psychosis, it felt like. Now that I don’t drink, I don’t get that anymore. I have had little moments of vertigo or dissociation, but they last like 10 minutes. Not 24+ hours. I can’t even begin to express how incredible it is to not suffer day-to-day like that anymore.


I had the same thing! I am so thankful I have managed my addiction and only have the occasional and normal anxiety flare up for a short time. I can actually function like a real person now and take care of myself without being a dizzy shaking anxious mess hiding under the blankets!


Let me ask you: were you drinking daily? Because I can relate to you, although I only drink on weekends. I workout regularly, do therapy every week and I'm taking an antidepressant to deal with this all-day anxiety. I'm trying to stop drinking at all to see if it gets better


I did drink every day, but even when I had sober streaks, and picked up drinking again - it only took a couple weekends of binges for the anxiety to start up again. Hopefully you’ll find the anxiety goes away with no drinking. It seriously was the root cause of my psychosis style anxiety.


It will get better. I promise. My anxiety was so bad, even when I was just drinking weekends. I couldn’t even go to the grocery store, couldn’t bear interacting with a cashier, couldn’t bear talking to strangers. Now I *work* at a grocery store, I *am* a cashier, I easily chat with hundreds of strangers a week, I get consistent comments on how good I am at talking to people, I’ve gotten multiple letters and cards from customers thanking me for making their day. The difference in my anxiety levels since cutting alcohol completely … it’s honestly indescribable.


thanks for your sharing! And congratulations on your new life! :)


Former weekend drinker here! I had the same experience with anxiety, panic, fight or flight, disassociation, borderline psychosis. Prozac took the edge off, but quitting drinking put it to bed completely. 10/10 recommend.


thanks for your sharing! It seems even if it's a few days a week, alcohol can damage us really bad, isn't it? 😭 I'm on my way to stop too!


You've got this! 😀


I used to drink 3 days a week and then towards the end just one or 2 nights a week and I had a lot of anxiety and depression. Managing that was like a part time job in itself. But since I quit drinking about a year ago my anxiety and depression is minimal. I still have flare ups because that’s life, but it is night and day compared to where it was. To put this into context too, since I quit drinking I have moved city, got a new job and bought a house - all huge life things that would have derailed me years before - and I’ve dealt with it really well. You are just a lot more confident, positive, energetic and resilient when you quit booze altogether. I wish I had known this in my twenties


thanks for your sharing! It's funny isn't it? By drinking for a few days in a week we might think we don't have problems with alcohol, but it seems it doesn't matter that much the quantity but the consistency


The hangxiety is crippling.


Not having that pain under the lower right ribs. Not having to worry if I still reek of booze at work. Not having to count minutes until I can clock out and go drink. Not waking up and immediately needing to vomit/choke down alcohol to prevent vomiting. Not having to plan my day around rotating different liquor stores. Not having my doctor give me 'the look' when my labs come back. Being able to be fully present in the moment for my friends and family 💖 I have hundreds more :) Edit: my life is far from ideal, but at least it's manageable


Ugghhh. The “choking down alcohol to prevent vomiting” is insane to think about in hindsight. It was part of my daily 7:00 am wake up routine. Wake up, pour a glass of vodka, chug it. Maybe throw up. Keep doing it until I keep 3 or 4 drinks down and feel “normal” enough to log into work. It’s crazy how absurd it sounds, but at the time your mind just made it seem acceptable.


This is me.... God I want to get better, trying to taper.. ugh I will be you eventually friend 🧡


Don’t be afraid to seek help, no matter how big or small. Having a group of friends or even one friend that takes you seriously about wanting to stop goes a looooooong way. Good luck!


I just need to stop, slowly slowly I will get there 🙏 This sub reminds me why I want one less drink, I wanna hit that 0 and start the counter myself


We’re all cheering for you!


I've been in that hell too. Tapering never seemed to work for me, it was always all or nothing. The good news is that it's possible to crawl out. I believe in you.


Keep coming back to this page. It’s a lifeline.


wow shit yea


I'll just pick something random from the grab bag of thousands of things that are better (literally)... "Not having to figure out what I lied about when drunk"


I sleep through the night now. My shittiest sleep in the last 8 months has been better than the best sleep from the last 20 years prior.


Besides money!!! You mean besides the $19k that I haven’t wasted and the almost $4k that I’ve squirreled away? Or besides all the cool things that I’ve been able to buy myself with that saved money? The money is a huge deal!!! My toes! I have stepped up my feet cleaning game. Now, instead of keeping a rotating stock of beers in my shower(yes there was always a can or two of beer in my shower, I’m sure the wife loved that one…) I now have a foot scrubbing brush and a pumice stone. I put lotion on my feet. Lol. And overall just a better awareness of hygiene. I just installed a bidet!!! And memory!! Holy shit I just thought it was how I was. But I actually remember stuff. And motivation!! I used to think I was a high functioning alcoholic but I was soooooooo far behind on so many projects. Now, I just go go go and I’m getting so much done. Feels really good!


Experiencing genuine fun and true happiness. Alcohol made me think I was happy and having fun, but I wasn't.


Yessss!!! My joy returned. I’m used to it now but about 6 months after quitting I felt it for the first time in YEARS. The French call it frisson and I really missed it


Congratulations! That's when I started to feel it, was 6 months. I started drinking as a teenager and drank through my 20s, so I don't think I've been genuinely happy since I was a kid. I always thought I needed alcohol to have fun. I'm 30 now, and I feel like my life just started! I'm so excited to live and see what this life has to offer. I do so many exciting things, and I get to wake up feeling amazing and ready for the new day.


Thank you for this! I am only 1.5 weeks in and feel very flat. Your comment gives me hope that better things will come!


I can walk outside my condo, talk to neighbors, and not worry about how visibly drunk I look/sound.


Exactly!! Now i realise i dont hate my overly friendly neighbours and the cup of tea they always invite me over for is not going to.cut into my drinking time and i dont have to hide from them when theyre here. All my neighbouring houses are holidays homes so theyre only here in school holidays, long weekends and random weekends throughout the year, when the weather is good here at the beach. This mean on all the best sunny beach days I would be inside drunk with the curtains drawn . What a waste!! Now i wave over the fence and say "put the kettle on, ill be over shortly for a chat" like some kind of normal human. I barely knkw myself now but im really starting to like me.


Yeahhh this is the one. I used to stumble outside trying to walk to the liquor store and thought no one noticed my slurring or tripping over my own feet. I’m not embarrassed to talk to or see my neighbors anymore!


I also don't hide when a neighbor knocks on my door for something random because I can't form a sentence.


Brushing my teeth twice a day instead of passing out every night and forgetting to do it before bed is pretty tight. Not being an emotional wreck is awesome too.


Yas! Same! My oral hygiene is so much better now!!


Not having to feel bathing suits / smell hair to find out if I went swimming with my kid last night :( I remember when she was younger, she would occasionally ask me to skip a day here and there when buying beer. She doesn’t ask anymore, because I would buy the beer no matter what. Can’t say for certain I’m done, but I am done for today.


I hate it when my kids talk about me being drunk or passing out. I missed a lot of events that I attended but don’t remember because I was drinking, yet aware of what was going on because I was a functioning alcoholic.


Thank you for sharing things like this. It reminds me that I made the right choice by stopping when my kid was still a toddler.


Yeah I don't like remembering those days. I'd have been drinking all day, and not gotten too sloppy ... but the memory is more like watching a movie than actually remembering. IWNDWYT


This was the worst for me. I wasn’t a horrible drunk but I was a volatile one that you never knew which one was coming out. I hate she went through that with me. I know I’ve said awful crap and she’s been ashamed of me at times. Now it would truly shock her to see me pick up a drink. I did apologize to her but what made it different this time is I changed my behavior. That’s when she forgave me and that’s when I could start to forgive myself. Now, I don’t really entertain many stories about my past drinking because it’s in the rearview for us both. I take a few minutes every day to feel really grateful she can be proud of me today.


Congrats on 15 days! Keep it up. IWNDWYT ☺️




My period comes on the same day every month. I started drinking shortly after womanhood, and I had never experienced the "myth" of a predictable period! I had no idea what alcohol was doing to my body.


I didn't know it would affect even that!


Not having to wear oversized shirts because I’m not constantly bloated and my organs aren’t in a constant state of inflammation.


Walking past a window and seeing my profile and not thinking “that lady is pregnant” before realizing she’s me (and I’m not)


I remember. It’s cheesy, but I remember. When I walk my dog. When I go to a concert. When I have good times with my family. I can get up early as fuck and go fishing with my grandpa. He’s not that young, soon he’ll stop fishing, I want to cherish those moments with him as long as I can. If I drink I cannot get up and be functional in the morning. Fishing is lame after midday. I can drive, whenever I want. I don’t have to think about when the alcohol would be gone in my system so I won’t have the stress to be randomly arrested. No fear of killing someone too. My body feels better. Now I puke only when my young nephew gives me the flu. The way it’s supposed to be. I can talk properly too. I was eating my words when I was drunk, now it’s clear when I talk. I also remember the topic of discussion so it’s easier to chit chat with people lol I also drink water! A lot!


I can sleep for 9 hours IN A ROW and wake up feeling refreshed instead of like garbage. It’s amazing. It took several months for me to get my brain rewired and stop the 3 am nightly panic attacks but wow sleep is so good now.


THIS! I routinely woke up anywhere from 2am to 4am, then would need to take some meds to sleep one night after 3-4-5 nights of crappy sleep. My snoring has also stopped completely.


Did you lose any weight? Sometimes that can help with snoring!


Yes, 20 lbs, I think it’s a combination of all the good things that accompany cutting alcohol!


After three years I’m still waking at 3am feeling some dread but I go to the bathroom, put on a funny YouTube video and I usually get back to sleep. I’m sure it’s because I’m getting old (63) but the sleep I do get is quality


I’m still having sleep issues 3 years in as well. I’m 36.


Being comfortable in my own skin. Not having the complexities of maintaining fictions or other lies to myself or anyone. ( huge life hack)


Yes, lying about how much I had or denying I had anything.


This is so great!


After 46 days: Sleeping through the night. No longer up from 0300-0700, then back to sleep until 1100 and waking up finally at noon to start the day. This is huge and sets up everything else imo. Face shape is coming back instead of just a puffy, red blob. I don’t know if I’m losing weight but my body feels better overall. No bloating, clothes fit better. More energy, focus, mental clarity. No more constant diarrhea. I poop once in the morning, without needing coffee, and then I’m great for the day. Over 40,000 calories saved. I wake up in the morning knowing exactly what I did last night. No more entire conversations I don’t remember, embarrassing text messages. I know it sounds dramatic but my whole personality has changed. I am SO much calmer, my mood is more steady, I’m more patient, more caring….I respond to things instead of reacting. I have a few serious mental illnesses and they are finally improving because (shocking), my meds are working better. I also feel just happier to do little things. Lemonade at the market with my kid. Reading. Just…being alive.


I lost 10lbs or more. No more GERD. I noticed that my hair is thicker.


It gives me a chance to repair the damage I’ve caused and it strengthens my relationships. It’s deeper than the liquids i consumed and I learned how to do the work of recovery by being around other people who work on sobriety. I’m able to process major life events that I’ve thrown into a deep well and tried to cover up and wash down with booze. It can be gruesome work for me but I don’t have to do it all on my own. I don’t think I do any of the work on my own actually and I’ve made some good friends along the way. My world got smaller and smaller as I continued to drink but that’s not what it’s like anymore. I also poop like a champion. All my little webmd illnesses that I self diagnosed myself with have all gone away with this one simple trick


My gums don’t bleed when I brush my teeth. I also enjoy food again.


THIS - my gums bled every time I brushed my teeth for as long as I can remember. Quit drinking and it miraculously stopped. Go figure.


I'm just over a week sober, and I'm having solid bowel movements again. Also my appetite is back, I'm starving all the time!


Woohoo! And that’s just week one! Congrats! IWNDWYT


I don’t miss drunk texts. Drunk texting was really problematic for me. Also, sleep is so much better. IWNDW🫵T.


I actually take the time to do other stuff besides drinking or sleeping it off. I got my degree and doubled my salary several times over the years. I no longer work for minimum wage!!


Lost weight, depuffed my whole body actually. But the freedom and relief from not having to work so hard to hide how drunk I was at all hours. Being able to laugh loudly without the suspicious looks...walking a straight line easily. Not having to sneak booze.... not drinking out of a flask in bathroom stalls. Releasing the shame that a liquid substance has total control over you and you know it. I love being sober. It's such a better life. I am my true self. No tequila mask needed to face life.


Lots of the general physical and mental improvements others list. Unexpected benefit: my voice. I am less likely to mumble or be anxious in standard interactions like ordering a meal or small talk. I just generally refound my voice.


I'm really happy that I don't shake and tremble anymore, and the neuropathy in my legs is long gone.


I'm more irratable, bored, and have gained weight lol. But I've also got more energy, sleeping better, and don't have to track a trail of lies anymore. Overall a win.


More energy, better skin, less puffy/inflamed, getting sick less, gradual weight loss


I absolutely despised waking up drunk, laying on the couch, and just staring at the ceiling. Even worse was having to gather myself together and show up late. It didn’t matter officially because I was on a separate schedule than my boss, but it mattered to me.


Laying there deciding whether I was going to have just one chug/swig before heading to work - no one will notice I always told myself.


I think despite drinking water and electrolytes, I was dehydrated all the time. I had terrible leg cramps and fatigue, which have pretty much gone away. Same with neck and upper back pain. I'm also generally more happy and less agitated.


Just a few... Real Sleep, Dreams, Less anxiety, Deeper connection to this life, Confidence, Happiness, Enjoyment of mornings, Food tastes better, Better skin, Improved memory... Congratulations on 9 days.


Only on day 5 but a fun one I've noticed is my cat being more cuddly:D She was never unloving and I always made sure she was looked after but I think being able to run around with her and talk at her more has made her happier :)


Everything you said + no reflux/heartburn & my face & skin look a-fkn-mazing.


Not skipping carbs! I used to pass on bread so time because I didn’t want it to soak up any alcohol. Now, being on the bread! 🥖


My creativity returned. When I was younger I drew and painted but stopped after I started working a lot and drinking to help me deal with the stress I felt (I know, LOL). My creative mind suddenly woke up. I started making Barbie art and bean mosaics. I’d done them back in the 1990s but put them aside. I’ve been showing my work in galleries around town and sold almost everything I’ve made. I stopped drinking some time mid-2021 (not sure exactly when) and haven’t drank except for an incredibly painful toothache last year—I tried holding a mouthful of alcohol on it in desperation and ended up swallowing it, though it didn’t help. [Examples of my bean mosaics](https://imgur.com/a/jRWksrM)


Those are cool! Congratulations on reawakening your creative brain!


Thanks! I’ll never be in a museum because I love making silly art, but I enjoy making it and the extra money is nice, too


Those are incredible! I don’t know what I was expecting with the term “bean mosaic” but it certainly wasn’t that! 🤩


Besides just the $ I spend, I make more $$ because I am more productive during my working hours. Doesn't take me the first 1-2hrs of the day to get going and all. I can read a lot more books. Gets hard after even just 1 strong drin(not to mention remembering what I read). Better sleep quality, more likely to eat meals(tend to avoid food at times when drinking alcohol), better sleep quality, my apartment is a lot cleaner, less fights with my girlfriend, clearer thought patterns/less anxiety, and better overall impulse control are all at the top of my head. I'm sure there are more that I don't really notice/not remembering now.


Finding out who your real friends were all along and which 'friends' were just perpetuating their own alcoholism by delighting in seeing you (me) in the same establishments. Then virtually disappearing altogether, only to pop up in conversation with the real friends who tell you just how much you're being belittled and socially alienated in your absence.


LOOOOOOOOOOOTS of time on my hand. Being able to wake-up for work on time without having to rush to get ready. Being able to actually show up to events without worrying about reeking of alcohol.


Quality of sleep! … and no more shame-overs lol I blacked out all the time and it was horrible.


Not feeling like you’re going to get fired every day you show up to works been pretty cool.


Whiter teeth as they're not being stained by drinking cocktails containing bitters lol, an improved relationship with my wife (better mood and less volatility on both sides), and more importantly than anything, my ability to chill has returned. There's less mental chatter and negative self talk, more a sense of peace. I'm also enjoying TV shows more because I can concentrate on what's happening and remember what happened in the previous episodes :D


- I'm able to actually parent my 4 year old now - I've lost 1.5lb ( :_) ) - No chronic anxiety all day at work - No vaping to deal with my chronic anxiety (day 8 nic free!) - Drinking way less coffee to deal with hangover, which leads to even less anxiety - Way more, better quality sex - Related, wife likes and respects me a lot more these days - I've saved $2,000, which I've decided today I'm going to put towards college - When something shitty happens, I'm actually capable of dealing with it without shattering my inner balance - Way more compassion towards other people - Waking up sober with full memories of the previous night (I finally remember movies, books, and TV shows...) - I keep my space cleaner and tidier - More motivation to work out - I know for a fact that I smell better


Honestly? Knowing & recognizing how I feel on the day to day. I abused alcohol to drown out my emotions. When I stopped drinking I was surprised about all the things I could feel/was feeling. It’s more a blessing than a curse, but it definitely took me for a surprise. Knowing how I really feel about something or someone helps me make better informed decisions about everything <3


Weight stable without effort, glowing skin, and a deep feeling of self respect.


Increasing credit score.


Not being paranoid about my health after a binge :)


Many things in my life have improved. Better sleep, relationships, anxiety, finances, career, energy, confidence, diet, exercise… I’m sure there’s more but that’s a good start.


I found myself again. My real self. Before the alcohol took over. I also found my child self and overcame some serious shadows and obstacles in a feat of self love.


I went from doctors telling me that my blood pressure was pre-hypertension to a doctor telling me I have the blood pressure of a teenager. This happened in one year of sobriety.


More motivation to do things around the house or things that will pay dividends like exercise.


My anxiety and depression has decreased significantly. I suffered from "hangxiety" a lot and would get into depressive episodes after getting drunk/blacking out. I would think that all my friends hated me and get super suicidal....turns out, alcohol really damages my mental health. I've been sober 80 days and haven't had a depressive episode or those thoughts at all since quitting. :) My family, spouse and friends have noticed a huge difference :D


I’m not completely sober but have been flirting with the idea. For now I’m trying to drink a lot less, limiting myself to maybe 5 or so drinks on a night out instead of 20+. I was getting so tired of constantly blacking out. And already I have felt such a difference. Not shitting my pants 24/7😂, less acid reflux, no more constant vomiting or stomach pain even while sober, a flood of memories coming back, better skin, not constantly bloated, waking up after a night out with no anxiety & wondering what i’ve done, etc. I didn’t think it’d make a difference but here’s to no more blackouts & crazy binge drinking! Never thought I’d see the day where I could control my alcohol intake but it feels good!


Truly happy for you. I can’t moderate. I could be the one asking questions at a presidential debate, and I still wouldn’t know how to moderate. Kudos to you, friend.


My wife has a different kind of glow in her eyes when she looks at me/she's more playful with me and smiles alot more around me. I've only been sober 8 days as well. I don't know if this is a benefit but more of an observation, but I game a fair bit. And I've noticed alot of the group I play with talk about drinking ALOT. I probably did as well, but it stands out alot more now.


For me the best benefits come from working a program of recovery, not simply taking away the alcohol and being sober.


Y'all are saving money? 😳😂


Sleep is great. The overall 'fog' in my mind being gone. Having more energy. Being able to drive to the corner store at 10pm because I want munchies. Not dealing with what to do with all the empty beer cans. I'm a better pet owner, cuz my dog gets more walks. So much.


So weird but I am so grateful to not get those awful soul jarring hiccups. They used to last for ages. Haven't had hiccups in a long while. This is minor compared to all the huge changes. Health, finances, relationships, mental stability. The list goes on and on. Grateful for my sobriety everyday.


My sleep is so much better. My stomach feels better. Bowels too. Knee arthritis pain doesn’t wake me up. Less anxiety.


I’m not a terrible giant asshole all the time… IWNDWYT


I'm no longer terribly angry at all times.


I don’t try and kiss people that aren’t my boyfriend :-)


I run a lot, and my knee always starts to hurt very quickly, and then after 10km I had to stop because of the pain. Now I can run double the distance before I start to feel anything, and my new max distance is 15km. That's absolutely awesome.


I bruise a lot less easily. And I enjoy remembering what I did the night before.


Better quality sleep, more clarity, much much improved mental health re anxiety, arrhythmia with palpitations gone, fewer headaches, happier personality, better digestion, better skin, random backache gone, liver functioning better, better faster immune system, diet has been completely cleaned up, more energy, more confidence, more enjoyment of eating, more enjoyment of movies and shows I’m watching in the evening, improved memory, improved mental agility and sharpness, improved work performance, more positive and optimistic, feel physically and mentally much better off. And I’m spending less money.


Being able to drive into the late hours of the night.


Happiness 😁🙏


Mental clarity!!!! Being able to process thoughts and emotions, plan for the future.


As others said, glowing skin and the bloat is gone. For the first time in years I look at myself in the mirror thinking, DAMN who is this sexy bitch? lol


I actually make progress learning to play my instrument.


I can follow along with TV shows because I remember the previous episodes! Same with reading books. I can drive safely at any time.


Before: I had so much shame and guilt. I was always insecure. Hangxiety. Shit sleep. After: realize I was playing life on hard mode. stop drinking. gain capacity. it's not all rainbows and roses, but it's real, and I am building a life I don't want to run away from.


My memory is better, I have much better stress tolerance, I know myself on a much deeper level, and I feel more comfortable and confident in my own skin.


My underwear is too loose. I have never had to buy underwear because I lost weight. I’m now at my ideal weight by cutting out alcohol and the poor decisions that go with it . Damn!


My whole body and face are dried out and puffy all the time when I’m drinking. It also made my joints hurt. Right now I am hydrated, moisturized, slim and the only pain in my body is from working out yesterday. I feel super healthy and strong 💪 😎


31M. Only at 76 days. Taking two online classes, junior level college at USA. They’re so easy. I had horrible memory during active use and for a while after sober, and I’ve had a lot more sobriety this year so far, so I’m so happy about that. I feel like I’m in high school again, my memory retention is great! I can work out like crazy, sleep like a baby, and I can eat and enjoy eating !! 😭😭😭 I’ve spent so many weeks of my life not eating so I could drink, and then not eating because I wasn’t hungry, and then not eating because of acute gastritis/ nausea/ vomiting. I still have dreams of drinking and it’s so weird to feel conscious in them and say “wait a minute, I can’t drink. Nope, not even one sip. Doesn’t matter if it’s wine!” And then waking up relieved I chose not to drink most of the time is such a gift.


While my goal was controlling my drinking, not complete sobriety, the main benefit I noticed was that when I do drink- it isn't to get drunk. Which in turn means I no longer suffer from hangovers nor do I make a fool of myself. My biggest regrets were a result of alcohol. Controlling my drinking means I make less of those bad decisions, therefore carry far less shame, which does wonders for the mental health and self esteem.


Ahhh. Another poop thread. Besides poop Sleep Energy Patience Memory Happiness Relationships Skin Weight Not smoking Able to do my hobbies Focus Memory


Freedom, sweet freedom 🫶


I haven’t gotten sick with numerous colds and viruses as well as migraines and constant headaches, which is the reason I stopped drinking. Also, my anxiety is mostly gone. Just a few weekend drinks Fridays and Saturdays battered my immune system.


Sleep, mood, energy are all big ones for me!


Over a year in, I can probably count the number of restless nights I’ve had on one hand so far this year. Before, the majority of nights were restless (unless I drank enough to black out, which doesn’t really count). I find food more enjoyable, I probably eat more sweets like cake and ice cream but I find it much more pleasant to enjoy a cupcake after dinner than an entire bottle of wine.


My skin is clear, my face has thinned out and I have way more energy


Ironically, my time. I used to drink to make the time pass by faster, but after quitting and picking up my hobbies again, I find myself frustrated that there's not ENOUGH time in a day to do everything I want to do.


The change in sleep quality and mood are unreal. Nothing short of magic.


Healthy poop posts are my favorite :) it’s hard physical evidence that your body is healing. Congrats! IWNDWYT


Im starting to trust myself. So now I can book an appointment for Monday morning and am pretty confident I will be there, Want to do a work zoom after 4pm? No stress. Where as before I would be 4 or 5 drinks in and be ashamed of myself. If I say I'm going to do something, I actually will do it!


My nails!!! I’m not picking at them or drunkenly ripping them off any more!!! Im cooking more meals for my family! High five!! IWNDWYT


A good B.M. is critical. For me, waking up and being able to look in the mirror and not be discussed by the blotted individual with glazed over eyes I grew accustomed to seeing. It's actually rather pleasant looking at myself now.


It robbed me of my confidence and I struggled through some critical years in my career. Would have crippling performance anxiety and imposter syndrome. Without alcohol in my life, I have flourished in so many ways and am practically fearless in my career. I also have almost no connection to it anymore. I have drank some in my pretty long stint of alcohol sobriety and it made me very sick, terrible hangover. I’ve completely lost my taste for it, thank goodness.


I swore I had IBS when I drank, my stomach hurt daily but now rarely does. It hurts right now because I just had a Magnum ice cream but can you blame me


I’m a better person to myself and the people around me❤️


Less stress and anxiety. Clearer thoughts. More confidence. More hope. Less depression. More drive to do the little things like clean up after I'm done with something, chores, work.


I used to keep a note in my phone about what my mom and I talked about during a call 🤪


Better sleep. Feeling more present and clear minded. I don’t get the shakes every afternoon. Lost 70 lbs. No more insane anxiety to the point of puking every day (not due to hangover just because I was so anxious). Not dehydrated all the time. No longer having to hide my drinking from family and friends. No more planning my time around acquiring enough alcohol to last me the day. Better memory. The saved money is pretty nice too 😅


I actually enjoy waking up in the morning!


Better sleep, more solid poo, less guilt and shame, skin looks better, feels better, don’t wake up feeeling like I got hit by a train like back in the days when I’d drink whisky nightly until blackout or pass out


There are a couple of things that I really like since I stopped drinking. Not feeling like shit waking up, sweating and other things. But the one thing I have noticed since I stopped.....how boring everything is. Even my wife noticed it as well. (She kinda quit to support me). Doesnt bother me if she does. But she said the same thing as well. Everything we did before compared to now. Is boring.


Not worrying about what I said the night before is the best. I got BAD.


Staying hard for more than 5 minutes


Wake up without the urge to throw up


Getting more enjoyment out of shared experiences with my family-especially my husband, my sisters, and my kids-than I did while drinking. I am actually making memories instead of prioritizing always having a drink in my hand and at the end of the day not remembering shit.


Are we supposed to be saving money??? Shit…


No hangxiety or post morning texting apology tours


I can wear contacts! I never could before because my eyes were so dry and irritated. I have no problem now


Overall anxiety levels have reduced for me. So day by day I just feel so much better than before. I’ve also lost a bit of weight and now sit pretty much where I want my weight to be


Woah woah woah woah woah. You mean you guys are saving money??? *closes Amazon app*


I think despite drinking water and electrolytes, I was dehydrated all the time. I had terrible leg cramps and fatigue, which have pretty much gone away. Same with neck and upper back pain. I'm also generally more happy and less agitated.


Most recently I’m really enjoying how my body moves with ease.


Tons of people say that exact thing early on! Good for you! IWNDWYT


Every single aspect of my life has improved in a noticeable way over the past five years, one month, and eight days (who’s counting though?).