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A girl in my class. Hell no… I was young and stupid abd scared. I asked her out to prom but started hyperventilating and even tho she kind of said yes, she just avoided me the whole night. But I can’t blame her, how could high school me even think I deserved to be with a girl like her…


Ive posted my story here before. But it was unbelievable how we started dating. Was at school before school started all kids sat in the cafeteria to gather before school. One day a friend of mine asked if i thought X girl was cute. I said yes. He goes over to her and asks the same thing but about me. She said yes. We both smiled at each other from across the area we were at and i motioned her to come over to which she did. We talked and laughed and when i say we hit it off well its a massive understatement. I kissed her a few minutes later. And it wasnt a quick kiss. We kissed deeply for a handful of seconds. For months afterward she would refer to that moment as "the kiss" always telling me no boy ever kissed her like that. We went on to date 4 years and were madly in love for a time. Edit: my friend who asked me if i liked her was a friend to her as well. IE a mutual friend. Same friend would get insanely jealous of me and her. To the point he would hug on her and try kissing her. Yeah. We arent friends anymore.


We met when we were 16 and became best friends. At 25, we decided to give a romantic relationship a try, which lasted for 5 years. I wooed her last summer. We don't talk anymore.


My first love is the General Lee car. I fell in love with him when I was 2 years old when the Dukes of Hazzard was first on TV. I have it tattooed on my leg. If I ever see it, I'm going to steal it, get in a police chase, and jump something.


amen bro amen


I was also woo'd by this amazingly beautiful young girl, I felt like the luckiest guy in the world.


apparently i did and we managed to date for a while but later i found he wasn’t the guy i really wanted. now im with my dream guy been together for 7 years 😛


My first true love, I dated out of sympathy. His father passed away a week after we met and I felt bad for him. I did not find him attractive at all but kept talking to him and hanging out with him. My heart attached to him so hard, I thought I was going to marry him. He broke up with me after a year. I was devastated.


My first love was Kathy Ireland, but she was a poster lol


Yes, successfully wooed him. Turned out to be a total dick. I walked after almost 5 years. I’m his one that got away.


We were both dating others besides each other. She wasn't my first love at the time. Just someone I liked. She gave me a talk, and she was telling me about wanting to be with one guy only. I was thinking she was letting me down gently. I was a good sport about it. Basically said thanks for going out. Good luck with the other guy. That sort of thing. Then she told me it was me she wanted to be with. We lasted about 4-5 years.


I was only 13 and he was 15. His brother was dating one of my friends and they set us up without telling us. He was a bit of a nerd, but I thought he was cute. We got along well and hung out just as friends for a while. Now, this was 1984 or so and he gave me a card asking me to "go with him." That's how we phrased asking to be exclusive back then. I can still remember how intensely I felt about him.


My high school boyfriend I kind of wooed him. He played sports it was basketball season and I was a cheerleader. He was a sophomore and I was a freshman. We had the turn about dance coming up (where the girls ask the guys). Seems so dated now. I had heard he thought I was cute but he had dated the sophomore cheer captain the year before. I asked her if she cared she said no. We were all stretching and she basically in front of the whole squad says you can’t ask him, I changed my mind and I’m going to. Shortly after he comes out of the locker room and I stand up, walk over and ask him to the dance. He says yes, I say cool I’ll call you later and went back to my spot and kept stretching 😂 I wasn’t going to let that other girl take away my chance. I was painfully shy growing up and this was like my moment of learning to not be. He said yes immediately and we dated all through high school 😂 I took him to the movies a few weeks before the dance. The other girl was pissed but got over it


Her attitude was the proverbial when ya give 2 dogs a bone, and one doesn't want it- but takes it so the other dog doesn't get it. Glad it worked out for ya.


Yep, that was definitely what was happening there. Mostly I was proud because I was painfully shy as a kid and I learned if you just start talking and saying what you need to say there’s kind of no turning back once you start 😂 I count back from 5 and go. Still use that occasionally as an adult


It took me quite literally 2 years to actually ask her out even though towards the end, I knew for a fact she liked me back (lots of unfortunate circumstances I swear I'm not that much of a coward). Asking her out was one of the best decisions of my life and we've been happy together since


I was too scared to make a move. She was just too perfect. Bless her for being patient with my shy introverted ass😂. I guess one day she had enough and just asked me if she could send me a pic of herself that she really likes. I of course said yes but found it weird that she asked because she just used to send her selfies. What I got was the lingerie pic of her in black. I was floored and speechless for a while. I then called her and we had a talk. We dated after that. I am so thankful for her, for making the move. Otherwise, I am pretty sure I would've never.


My first love successfully woo’d me


She wooed me. Never had feelings for any female before actually dating.