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Just refuse to do it, and get a job not doing that. I always worked in summer camps as a kid and had a great time. You can call up/contact any local daycamps and see if they have any open positions. But really any job not doing that, that will actually pay you, will be better.  Next, if your dad is just going to take all the money anyways, spend as much of it as possible immediately. Try to spend it on experiences that you will enjoy rather than stuff, because he may just take away anything you buy.  If you are too afraid to defy him like that, and plan to give him the money, you should still try to get a different more enjoyable job. You can convince him by telling him you will make more money at any other job, so it benefits him as well. If you get a different job, you can also try lying to him about how much money you made, giving some to him, and keeping some for yourself that he doesn't know about. You can try to get a job where you get tips, so you won't have to tell him an exact amount.  Those are all my ideas. Sorry your dad is such a dick.


The dad's a massive dick and the kid is beaten down enough to defend an AH forcing job for them to rob them of their wages. Good old emotional abuse and manipulation.


First off don’t call my dad a dick. As much as he might be unfair he is one of the most valuaeable people in my life and I ain’t gonna let anyone disrespect him even tho he might not care time to time. Second I talked to him and he told me that if I go for 2 weeks then I might be able to quit if it damesges my schedule too much


Respect works both ways. Why should the commenter blindly respect your dad when everything you've said about him says otherwise?


Ig ur right that he can be unfair but yall ain’t got the right to call him a dick


If this were me, I would just refuse to go to work. If your summer is going to be wasted and you're gonna do it for free, they can just ground my ass. It's better than the alternative. This is assuming your parents aren't physically abusive in addition to them being jerks about your summer.


How will you get there?


There's a lot you CAN do, but probably won't. You sound like a pushover.


You are fucked for at least 4 more yrs bruh. Your parents suck. You need to get outta there asap once you become an adult. Start working on that now.


I wouldn't do any of that. Let them be mad. Your getting under paid and not being able to keep any of the money. That is child abuse.


Report him to your department of labor equivalent. Tell them you aren’t being paid correctly, fairly, at all, and that they are threatening to give your pay to someone else completely. Don’t be afraid to tell them you’re being paid under the table too if that’s what’s happening. Go scorched earth lil homie.


Life lessons huh?      Firstly get a bank account to have the checks deposited into, so you're keeping your money.  Work the two months, call board of labor for your country.   Teach some life lessons. 


The most important thing is how you feel and the emotions you are experiencing. I think your objective should be to communicate your feelings effectively and work towards a solution that maximizes your happiness. This is how I would do it. Write down some bullet points about how this is unfair and how it makes you feel, then try to talk to your parents about them. First, talk to the one you think you will be able to convince more easily; if you manage to convince one of them, go talk together to the other one. Try to keep the conversation focused on your points, and remain calm. In case you are not able to talk them out of it, try doing the minimum work required: - Clock in and out without doing any overtime. - Only do what you are strictly required or asked to do, nothing more, nothing less. - Do not let anyone overwhelm or overwork you; try to understand how and when to say 'no.' - Prepare a bunch of excuses to use (e.g., heat, tiredness); try not to blame other people when not necessary. - Keep tips for yourself when possible. - Try to vent as much as possible! With your parents (*only* if you feel like it), with coworkers, with friends, with us, or with anyone you feel like it. Remember, it is important to take care of your well-being; do what causes you the least stress, both in the medium and long term. Keep us updated if you feel like it!


Tank it. Fuck everything up and do everything wrong until they fire you. Just make sure none of your "mistakes" connect directly to money. Make them think you're an idiot. Don't let them use you. This is the morale of I, Claudius. Pretend to be retarded.


You're 14, and you're otherwise wasting your summer by spending it on Reddit. However, tell your dad that if you're going to work, then you need to be hired and paid properly, just like any other employee. Being family doesn't mean that you get to be treated like a slave. Not sure where in Europe you are located, but I'd assume that it is somewhere that does have labor laws for minors.


Best advice right here op.


Do they not tip where you are? Here in the US the hourly is low for waitstaff because you get a ton in tips. If so suck it up, pocket all of the tip money and hide it. If there are no tips report the owner to authorities for breaking the law for not paying enough but don’t give your name. Quit the job and volunteer at a dog rescue telling pops that he was right about the lesson. It is about working hard even if the pay sucks. You figured you could really learn the lesson even better if you worked hard for nothing.


Yeah. I’m sure this violates some child labor laws. Don’t do it. Refuse. Agree only if you get paid via paycheck and get to keep 51% or more if your income. You should be allowed to keep it all in my opinion, but this is you showing compromise to your unreasonable parents.


Considering his dad wants to teach life lessons, work it and call the board of labor afterwards. 


This is all over the place


Don’t go he can’t force you


I would continually attempt to sit down and have a rational conversation with pops if at all possible. Write down some bullet points and also have a plan as to what to say when he asks you what you are going to do all summer in lieu of working at your cousin's place. Really think everything through as he'll throw stuff back at you that you'll need to be quick to answer. Explain that you had plans doing this, this, and this, or whatever it may be, and you were hoping that your summer would not be ruined by dedicating your time to a job that which doesn't pay much at all nor would you be reaping any of the monetary benefits of the work. I'd also throw in the "I only have a few more summers to enjoy before I go work forever, and I want to enjoy this one with my friends". Then ask him if he remembers his summers with his friends and what they did, and, hopefully, that'll make him see a bit differently. 


Be the worst staff member ever. Drop or spill everything, over customers if possible. Break as many plates and glasses as you can. If you are cooking, put way too much salt in. Don't wash up properly. Be rude to customers. Be late. Forget to do things you are told. Clean poorly. Leave things in the way so people bump into them. Be slow. Tell customers things like the cook has really bad hayfever and is constantly sneezing and has a runny nose. Or the server never washes their hands. Fake a sprained wrist. Pretend to faint. Say you are not being osid and forced to work here. Really lay it on thick. Your family sound like assholes. Leave home as soon as you can.


Pretending to faint will get them good. I actually used to faint all the time due to low blood pressure, and it upsets everybody. If you do it enough it becomes a liability.


So maybe you need to go to college. W her you can make mega bucks. Or be like the rest of the people work for very little money and never get a head.


Keep the tips and put them away so they can't find them. Tell dad, sorry, I won't be able to design anything, since I won't be on my computer


Your father is an entitled wank, and your mother too from the sounds of it. Joy


Paragraphs work…


Not if they aren't utilized.


Wait a few years, you'll realize your dad ruined your whole life.


Then go N/C. In a few short years we'll be reading posts from your dad on r/AITA


Steal a little money from the cash register each day. Make your own money 💰


Don’t do this…


become ungovernable.




No, it isn't.