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There are some ppl that will but for a price and cant guarantee you will see one and you pay for all ur own needs


I am totally okay with paying my own expenses, and even driving myself. I have a truck that i don’t care about getting hail damage/body damage on. Do you know any people who will do that?


I doubt someone would tell you where to go, what to do, or even let you just follow along in your own truck unaccompanied because of liability. At the same time, I don't know if any of them will let you just ride with them because of liability as well. It can be very dangerous to do. But there are some who do tours. You just have to find them. I would look on fb or YouTube to see if you see anyone who offers them. I'm assuming they don't go as close or as fast as stormchasers out by themselves, to make it a little safer.


There is someone I follow on tiktok @thetwisterhunter who has mentioned that he has ran tornado tours before. I believe it’s more in the Oklahoma Kansas area though but may be worth checking out.


Yes! I told my husband that's what I want for Christmas this year. A tour next spring. I live in KS! I think it would be super fun, and I wouldn't mind seeing a tornado, too! I've seen a landspout before, but I'd love to see another one! 😁


I live in Kansas too and have also seen a landspout, I’ve been trying to do my own chasing but it seems every time there’s a good cell I have to leave to get back to town for work so i have yet to see a real one like I want


What's funny is that I actually saw the landspout in Colorado, not Kansas. They get a lot of landspouts there, apparently.


I believe it Colorado gets plenty of tornados but a lot of them are on the smaller side. I saw mine on accident, just wanted to drive around in the country a little outside my town not even knowing there was storms and then there it was.


We get them, just out east where the landscape is pretty much an extension of Kansas.


Colorado? Dewpoints in the 50s? Upper level winds out of the east? You get a landspout, and you get a landspout! Everybody gets a landspout!


Should be on fire this afternoon. #alwaysakron


Yep. I’m deciding if several hours of driving around the Eastern Plains is just what I need after a long week at work, or if the prospect of getting my car smashed by softballs is enough of a disincentive for me to stay home and watch my car get pounded by ping pong balls in the parking lot for the second time this week.


I just need someone to tell me where a tornado might be. That’s it.


Meet me in NE CO in about 3 hours. Good chance today


Would take me close to 7 hours to get there :(


Okay, literally just download radarscope and go drive around omaha outskirts tomorrow. Also looks like a nice setup


I have it already it’s amazing. Can I PM you?


Absolutely. Im a wealth of knowledge, been chasing since i was 15 haha


I wish I did I've been in 3 tornados but never got to see one and like you I would love to see it as long as no one gets hurt


How about some research on safe storm chasing and storm analysis?


Do a tour! Jason Weingart was amazing.


I'm saying this as somebody who is super poor... I really want to storm chase and see a tornado! but before I would ever do that I would go on a storm chasing tour with professionals in a caravan. They're expensive but you're kind of paying an insurance.. tornadoes are liability and that's dangerous but some of the tourists include room and board with the payment. I've seen them range from between $750 to 3,000.


I have a friend who’s done it multiple times now through, “Tempest Tours.”


Are you, by chance, in the 🌪️Tornadoes and Severe Weather group on Facebook?


I am!


Thought I recognized the similarities from a post I saw earlier. I know I charge per day but I don’t get out your way very often.


I'd take you with me, but I'm up in Minnesota. The severe weather/tornadoes have been lacking up here for a few years. Honestly, if you spent a year watching Skip Talbot and other videos on how to read radar on apps like Radarscope, then you could safely chase yourself. I also suggest taking a storm spotter class. There aren't any more classes up by me until next spring. They usually have classes from March-May. I'm pretty sure it's the same down by you. https://youtu.be/bq0-QXXtOro?si=_TzI6Q-Nhav0B9sW (Here's a link with good information.) Also, always have a south and east option open for you to escape when viewing a tornado. Try and avoid "core punching" at all costs. That's where you drive through the center of a supercell and will get your car destroyed by hail. Oh, and avoid high-risk days and night chasing.


Take the NWS storm spotting classes and do some research, then go out on your own.


I will


It’s on my bucket list. I’ve always been scared of storms, but also fascinated. I’ve been getting so much better about being scared and now I want to face that fear by seeing an actual tornado (preferably one over an open field and far away from where I live lol). I’d do anything to be able to go on a storm chase tour. Unfortunately, as someone who is disabled and super poor, it’s just not really feasible for me.


It is at the top of my bucket list. I want to sooo bad!


You don’t know how to safely chase but you want someone to tell you where a tornado will be? That’s a bad idea for a lot of reasons Also, tornados are mesoscale events… so someone might have a general idea of where they could possibly be, but you can’t pinpoint until they’re either happening or imminent (and even then, there’s no guarantee they actually form)


That's why he's asking someone who is experienced to take him? He never said he wants someone to tell him where a tornado will be.


I responded to the wrong post, but that is one of the things they asked for https://www.reddit.com/r/stormchasing/s/XfVwbDGPCK


Bad idea. If you want to do this, your only option is to pay 1k dollars and go on a storm chasing tour, where they drive you around. I recommend you learn how to storm chase instead, safely, and maybe if you really learn it well you can go alone next year. Look up MetEd meteorology course, it’s free and online. Search storm spotting, supercells, tornadoes, etc. Take a storm spotting class from your local nws (it’s free) and become a certified storm spotter. Watch a lot of YouTube, I recockmend “skip talbot”s educational videos. Trust me, it will be a lot easier and more satisfying Z


I agree. You definitely need a year or so to watch a ton of videos and really educate yourself. Plus, the storm spotter class is a must. Honestly, driving to work every day is more dangerous than tornado chasing statistically. Every storm chaser will tell you that being on the road is by far the most dangerous part of chasing. You also don't need to get close like most chasers these days. A tornado is still incredible/beautiful to see from a couple of miles away.


Sometimes going on a chasing tour is the safest and fastest way to learn how to chase. That’s what I did back in 2016.


If I could I would, but I can't


So I wont


Not to be blunt, but. You're gonna die.