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This looks like the Inside of one of those claw machines with all the toys and goodies. Wow. All that is sensory overload!


Ha, yes. Other than filming I usually workout in almost complete darkness. The reflective tape on the safety arms helps prevent me from walking into them. ...and those dancing bears golf head covers on the monolift arms keeps my head safe pretty often.


Why do you have the weights on in that order?


Good question. The bar is 10 lb so the 1st inside plate is a 5kg (11 lb) then I put 2 on the other side then match the right. Keeps it from tipping. Bar is now 55 lbs with clamps. All the plates outside those initial ones are greens. Either 25 lb or 10kg (22 lb) On each set I added another green to the bar until hitting this max weight today which was 247, there's 1lb red plates next to the collars. That is the mystery of the ๐Ÿฆ HD bar solved.


Thatโ€™s what I was thinking. Iโ€™m sure this is some form of heresy


Good lifts! And that gym looks sick ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Thank you! ๐Ÿ™


Tell me more about this bar!


It can handle 600 lbs. It flexes just a little. Your 1rm will be ever so slightly lower. Pause benching feels fantastic. The center has a kevlar wrap on it and it's so thick, and fabric like, it doesn't hurt the chest to lay it on it. That wrap is for squatting friction, it came on the bar. Bar weighs around 10 lbs, load a single 10 lb plate on each side first to avoid tipping. Expensive but worth it. I'm sore from pickleball and overtraining a bit and this bar feels like it's rehabilitation for the aches. https://www.bandbell.com/product/rhinoflex-hd-bar/


Thanks for posting a link to the bar! I read it's description and still don't understand what it is used for. What does this bar target and assist with?


Interesting. Now I want one, lol.


Because it vibrates ever so slightly it's much less taxing on joints. It can actually rehabilitate sore connective tissue and assist in recovery. Yesterday I was a bit too sore to bench but it was my bench day so....I used this bar instead. Not only did I get my 247x5 like I was supposed to but actually doubled it for a massive pr! On a very sore day after a pickleball tournament I made a PR! If I was using my steel barbell I'd still be sore today. Think of it as a specialized recovery tool but if you use it regularly it can prevent the soreness to begin with, prehab. That's pretty much it. Just very comfortable to use