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This is just like the gun control issue. Everyone talking about everything but the root cause. Maybe because the root cause is unfixable barring complete revolution 


Exactly. Liberals and conservatives are equally responsible for the housing crisis. The bourgeois captured system refuses to allow housing to be anything but an exploitable commodity. It is literally what they get elected for, to continue the gamification of the market. The difference between the liberal and conservative movement is that the conservatives are willing to effectively exploit liberal failure for their own propaganda, but liberals aren't willing to do vice versa. For how long has Fox news banged that drum? How many comments do you see on 'LA homeless' videos that blame liberals wholesale, implying Reoublicans would fix it? Homeless encampments seem to exist in every major American city now. If there's one good-but-not-actually-good thing that can come from America's collapse, its the collapse of the housing market. There will be more cities like Detroit within a decade. Infrastructure will collapse and areas will become decayed ruins. At least the dirt poor will be able to 'afford' shelter at that point.


> There will be more cities like Detroit within a decade. Infrastructure will collapse and areas will become decayed ruins. At least the dirt poor will be able to 'afford' shelter at that point. That's a thing of the past. Blackrock will just buy those cities on the cheap


Can't tell if this is a Robocop/OCP reference.


Lmao I was just talking about real life. That is what life has come to though


Bad urban planning and bad tax code means cities can't sustain themselves anymore due to the insane hidden costs of SFH even without being completely mismanaged into the ground for a generation with things like absurd pension crisis's or selling parking meters to private companies.


It's not even SFH, but the [insane minimum lot sizes and low maximum FARs](https://ternercenter.berkeley.edu/research-and-policy/sb-478-far-lot-size-requirements/) that force massive infrastructure maintenance costs. Many old American towns and cities as well as mid-sized European cities have large stocks of SFH that provide a net tax revenue to the city compared to their infrastructure and other service requirements. The difference though, is that in those cities, the majority of lot sizes for a SFH is under 5,000 square feet / 460 square meters and typically fall around 2000-2100 square feet or 200 square meters, and don't have a maximum FAR or Floor Area Ratio restriction. In the study I linked, about 75% of municipalities had a maximum FAR of 0.5 or lower and 2/3 had a minimum lot size over 5,000 square feet or higher for SFH. You end up maxing out at 8 dwellings per acre, and usually end up with less in residential area density. Compare that to a common 32*64 foot lot or 10x20 meter lot for SFH. Even with 3ft/1m side setbacks, you can still fit a 1300 square foot house on those lots with a small back garden/yard. Fitting at least 15 dwellings in an acre, even with roadways, is possible and opens up opportunities to support light rail access to those dwellings within walking distance to the station.


pray tell what "massive infrastructure maintenance costs" are you talking about the utilities I pay for already, electric, water and sewer? the telecommunications that have nothing to do with government except extorting franchise fees? the roads that haven't been (or needed) paving in 25 years since they don't degrade because freight doesn't travel over them? this shit is such a canard it's not even funny - you can go live in megacity one, leave the rest of us to do as we please.


[There's a $786 billion backlog just in road infrastructure](https://infrastructurereportcard.org/cat-item/roads-infrastructure/) This month a section of the [Teton Pass](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/landslide-wyoming-deepens-disparities-ultra-wealthy-local-workers-rcna156574) collapsed, [Sections of California Highway 1 have been continuously collapsing since 2023 with the latest in March of this year](https://www.independent.com/2024/04/10/roadway-collapse-on-californias-iconic-highway-1-disrupts-coastal-travel/) and another collapse in [Nashville in February](https://www.wsmv.com/2024/02/05/downtown-nashville-road-collapse-repairs-underway/) I understand that construction costs are inflated in the United States, but even if the backlog was overestimated by a factor of 2, the current amount of spending by local, state, and federal government is nowhere near the actual amount needed.


literally 2 of your 3 examples have absolutely nothing to do with municipal budgets. and the third is in the most built-up area of Nashville - completely contradicting your point that singe family residences overly burden municipal finances.




SFH = single family homes Probably talking about the especially low-density neighborhoods with large lots and therefore significantly more water pipe and street surface per taxpaying household that needs to be maintained. Much more efficient, infrastructure-wise, to have rowhouses or apartment blocks.


single family housing think traditional houses. American consumers REALLY want them for various reasons but from a tax and infrastructure perspective they are a complete nightmare for cities taking in way more tax money to support than they pay in taxes.


sigh. yet another "le urban planner" type here to tell us all about the evils of single-family homes you only need to look at unincorporated portions of metropolitan counties to know how abslutely full of shit you are. what tax revenues are utilized up by single family residences themselves, exactly?


Sewers, roads, cops, etc etc etc the same things all housing needs which are vastly cheaper to provide when the population density is higher and it also allows you to put more housing together which leads to more tax for less space.


policing is not "vastly cheaper" to provide in urban areas compared to rural/semi-rural/suburban areas. there's comparatively little crime in less dense areas so you don't need the same density of policing and most people, if it's an issue, self-police if you catch my drift. on the other hand, crime goes up disproportionately when density increases, which makes policing more expensive in dense urban areas. sewers are paid for by developers or you have septic. literally have *never* seen any sewer maintenance in any residential area i've ever lived in - cities, on the other hand... you can't just hand wave this argument away with latin abbreviations - i'm specifically asking you *why* and *how* low density housing is more costly, not just repeating your claim in tautological fashion. >which leads to more tax for less space. why is this a care or concern if the antecedent point - that low density housing absorbs disproportionate tax revenues - hasn't even been established. more feed for the beast and shitty bureaucracy i guess.


It's fixable but constitutes would get mad money is funding education for the poors. Then when by some miracle it does get funded, it gets absorbed by grifters.


>Liberal Massachusetts has some of the finest public schools in the country, while liberal Washington and Oregon have below-average high school graduation rates. I'm begging you... please stop using graduation rates as a metric of education quality.


The worst high school in my area graduates more than 90% while chronic absenteeism hovers just over 60%. And neoliberals wonder why inner city kids aren’t employable. They’re often illiterate but still get the diploma


Enforce the rule of your kids have to go to the school which your policy changes education criteria for and suddenly there would be an immense amount of rigor and care.


Portland only has 2-3 small private schools, so this isn't really the situation. The loophole for Oregon's politicians is that they're often childless gays or lesbians.


As someone who is openly bi and willing to wear a pride flag shirt in Saudi Arabia, I've talked to a few. All I can say is this is why I support President Xi with surprise at his success all things considered. There are transgressions so dumb they will destroy public society. Whenever there is an article printed about China in western media I honestly have to go to China to verify because you never know. Western propaganda is very hard to cement out there and it's not due to the great firewall for the most part it's due to stories like this: [China executes two for tainted milk scandal](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5AN0YM/). The social contract says you live in a just society, and you contribute and build, your kid dies and the justice you get is "sorry it's going to depend on culture war temperature" and Xi does that. They see what you have they'd rather have logic. Most internet using adults can get around the great firewall, it's mostly for show now and honestly useful for kids. America doesn't need to be China but to make propaganda about it to make a failed social contract look intact is wild. I was never bullied so it's why I wear this so the kids can see the farce that some of this is. Adults need to understand there is no pride to be had hiding behind identity politics while letting children suffer. They understand all the wrongs of hubris, megalomania and the such, they have felt it. That is insane of them.


Or even better: abolish private schools and federalize schooling. All schools get the same budget that isn’t and can’t be supplemented by property tax. The rich and poor go to the same schools with the same amount of funding. Whatever level that is up to everyone now, and it’s in everyone’s interest to keep it high.  It’s never a child’s choice to be born in a poor area to poor parents. Their education shouldn’t be limited because of something they have no control over. Even if this doesn’t totally fix the cultural degradation downstream of generational inequality and lack of education, it’s still one good step. 


But poor schools get more funding than rich ones on a per student basis. Schooling needs to be addressed at home with parents and social norms.


But that's never going to happen. It was bad in the 80's/90's when I grew up, and now? The phone is the babysitter. I have to constantly talk to my 7 year old and explain what his "friends" are talking about, because the parents are letting them spend hours unsupervised on their phones/computers. This is in a mid/upper mid class setting btw.


Yes this would be ideal. I'm trying to be practical for US people's sake. I can say with certainty that India is being failed and it can be done since and understanding of the underlying culture, subtext and more importantly resources and delivery I do have. Truly utter failure of a situation quagmire in a love of fantasy and all the wrong parts of the religion. Literally all the wrong parts. On top of the final irony, if all the men are doing performative hoopla all the time, how is anything getting done? This isn't just a control of religious stuff, this is the modern day, look at the companies that produce petrol, bitumen, etc. I mean utter failure that I surmise probably started with corruption of the press. You cannot have public trust if you make eight calls of consent before journalistic integrity. Your flair makes me chuckle, I found out about the public perception of feminism long after understanding it's use in philosophy so I truly was astounded when I learned it was woke now. Also why are these kids nowadays so horny and sexless that feminism is a sexual word? How is a word sexual. Hagel honestly born at the wrong time, probably would be fascinated with this phenomena. I truly don't know how long it will take to get public schooling in the US though, or through which methods to implement it.


I don't think this would work unless you enforce bussing kids from rich areas to poor areas because normally kids just go to whatever school is in their neighborhood which obviously can be a rich or poor neighborhood.


Yeah I'm not sure for the US. Like I said my domains do not include public policy nor civil engineering but in India I can say with certainty the rich have failed the people, because I understand none of the problems can be excuses when all of the problems never had to happen.


I don't think that is necessarily a huge problem. I'd guess that the high school I went to had a higher-than-average median income (because cost of living is higher here), but honestly it was a big mix of kids from 3 different towns and you'll get rich kids mixing with poor kids. Even though it was white af I think I got a pretty good exposure to all classes and level of income. I think the issue where some public high schools will be almost all rich kids would be in very specific urban/suburban areas. I don't think this shit has to be perfectly representative. I just think rich kids need to be exposed to poor kids. I really don't think I'd have gotten this experienced if I was sent to a private school.


That’s not so impractical in dense areas where rich and poor are only blocks to a couple miles apart. Though even in rural areas, if all the rich kids stayed together, forbidding the schools from generating additional funding through their parents could be implemented. Not sure about the discrete mechanisms of enforcement.. maybe audits? Or creating a “reward the snitch” system? 


From what I have seen it would just lead to things like rich people home schooling their kids or hiring private tutors or moving to other nearby towns. The town I grew up in was a real dump and bad so anyone with money like professors, doctors, etc moved out to a nearby town that was a different school district. Rich people rightfully are not putting their kids into bad schools especially if those bad schools have ghetto kids and I say this as someone who grew up around ghetto people it fucking sucks. Now part of this is not the kids fault hard to pay attention when the last time you ate was yesterdays school lunch, but their is insane amounts of behavior differences and other things in poor neighborhoods and rich neighborhoods. I had to learn to throw hands real fucking young because of where I grew up for example. I still remember one kid who got kicked out of literally every pre school in town because his behavior was so bad to the point he twice broke a chair and tried to shiv a worker with the broken piece. Would you want your kid anywhere near someone like that?


Mate I went to Eton private school glazed for it's pedigree. Do you want to know why the Nepali prince in 2001 left the school and killed the whole royal family? You don't want to know any of it since the parents there choose for this to happen. Remember there is a folly in private school and hubris in man when herd socialization is how humanity has raised it's children and the larger the sample size the better the outcome in terms of immune complex creation, social behaviours, and ability to form bonds. Ignore the new flair, I do like it though. I didn't learn any of what I said myself, I asked a teacher with a PhD in childhood education to help me and paid for their time. I just wanted to know how hard it would be to teach kids. Did you know all you have to do is not lie, engage their attention span per grade level, and understand your domain to teach at that level. In this day and age you can even google when you don't know how this teaches good habits. How you discipline a student time out. If you're engaging the students they want to be in the class and herd mentality will win out and they will come back quiet as long as you do not hold a grudge as a teacher that is dumb. Do you know how I have helped that kid before in the past. My instance was realizing that there was an individual who was using shelter to basically make his kid respect him, when what he hasn't been respectful at all. How I fixed it was beating the hell out them to validate the child's rage, going to court, saying why I did it, and paying the fine for assault to show there is consequence. However that's not your responsibility to fix that is on the school board in the area. What's ghetto behaviour though? Is it the stuff that is broadcast in the media as bad or the stuff hidden as good. Things to ponder before assessing private school is better than public school. To my experience in private school the law works on parental pedigree. Not what they put in the brochure.


I’m struck by your posts as the way you write is indicative of a brain tumor. Get yourself checked soon.


I’m struck by your posts as the way you write is indicative of a brain tumor. Get yourself checked soon.


Right but we have to also ban home schooling—basically, rich or poor, no one gets to opt out of the public system. 


Fuck no. You can’t prevent people from trying to make their kid’s better. Your proposal is just a race to the bottom.


I'm guessing that 95% of people who homeschool their children are either very religious or are qanon (or similar). In theory I would like to agree that parents should be able to homeschool their children but in practice I'm not sure I've *ever* met a homeschooling parent that wasn't a Jesus freak or Q-Anon-levels of crazy. They also are way too gullible about stories of "schools are teaching children that it's wrong to be white" or "they are putting litter box in schools to accomodate furries!", stories that I've seen this subreddit take too seriously as well. There's a huge amount of unwarranted confidence that they know more than the schools on all relevant subjects, when many of these people didn't even go to college. Also the kids come out socially retarded. Overall, it'd probably be better for the most amount of people if we banned homeschooling. More kids are getting fucked up by homeschooling than are getting fucked up by lack of homeschooling.


Well you gotta quantify make and better and try and what happens if try doesn't work in this thought excercise. Emotionally declaring I know all about childhood development is unhealthy behaviour.


I am not trying to be a dick about this but then it would just lead to afterschool cram schools and similar like we see in parts of Asia. I just don't really see a workable solution because we are addressing the symptom of bad schools not the disease which is poverty causing the symptom of bad schools.


Sure, and I’m not opposed to radical changes and frankly would like to see them, butI think both/and approaches are usually more effective long and short term. We can’t end capitalism in 5 years but we could substantially reinvest in public schools and remove the parachutes the rich use to jump out of the plane they’re trying to crash. 


Once they pull their kids out, they’re not trying to crash anything. It’s not even on their radar. Ask yourself why poor Vietnamese immigrants can come to the US and, in 1-2 generations, send their kids to Harvard, while others who have been here for hundreds of years can’t. Everybody pussyfoots around “culture”. There are cultures in the US where education is paramount and there are others where it’s not. If you try to refocus the “nots” to perceive education as crucial, then you’re “not respecting the culture”. I don’t feel we need to respect a culture which has such low levels of success because they have little to no focus on education. Until those cultures turn themselves around, you can throw money at this, make up all sorts of new and ridiculous teaching/learning techniques and you will never get anywhere. Phonics/grammar/spelling Math Geography History Languages Some sort of economic training Do all this without the political bullshit AND force parents to discipline and help educate their children and you will get results whereas throwing money at the problem won’t get you anywhere.


You might be right I admit I am pretty biased against public schools after horrible experiences so I am more willing to throw out the baby with the bathwater than might be necessary.


New England has been the most educated part of the country since the English first settled America. The early Puritans were already educated and middle class when they came to America. There's likely not a lot of policy that's influencing this outcome.


I've always hated the "nine nations of north america" theory. But this logic, New England would still be the most religious and "sex-negative" part of the country...but it simply isn't. And proponents of that theory use a weird pseudo-freudian explanation of "the impulse is still there, but redirected into other avenues", which is unconvincing. Demographics changes over centuries means NE isn't going to be really too close to what it was in the 17th century. The puritan movement didn't even last a hundred years. Not saying culturally New England isn't different, but it's not because the puritans were. NE is the most educated because it's been the most rich, and stabily rich, for centuries


I mean, are you saying that northeastern liberalism doesn't have a huge touch of puritanism in it?


There may be parallels on a surface level especially with the second definition from wiktionary ("Extreme strictness regarding moral scruples. "), but I'm not sure there's a clear and consistent throughline through the centuries. I don't know why northeastern liberals are the way they are exactly but I think it really comes from wealth and distance from other sorts of people, and maybe a sort of insecurity. Same as with most American liberals, who just really like to show themselves as superior compared to the troglodyte "flyover country" MAGAites (as they put it). These are all based off cultural and economic changes measured over the past few decades, not centuries. Having grown up and lived in New England my entire life, I really don't think it's that bad. You'll see the black lives matter signs in Springfield or Burlington but not too many where I live. I really associate the most wokescoldy behavior with the Bay Area or the pacific northwest than around here, but then again I'm in a Republican town. And liberalism is marked by *not caring* what people do...there is little concern here for premarital sex, being gay, for smoking weed, for getting tattoos or whatever stereotypical youthful folly thing. They may be strict about some certain things like language or "cultural appropriation", but this seems more of a religious conviction than liberalism per se. Personally I call it radlib but there's always been a sort of contradiction there.


You can't even trust them at all. When WA graduation rates appear to improve in the next few years, please know that they are just graduating everyone - even kids who did zero work all year. They make them take a 2 week make up and give them a good old "P".


There's obviously a class dimension here, but it's funny he says that there's more homelessness in CA than in New England. Isn't one sunny and warm, and the other has winter? Also - he went on a book tour, and saw people willing to acknowledge the gap of intention and outcome? That's some bougie observation lol


Man US liberal antics are something else, one of them told me they found a sure-fire way of getting good drugs. Now I didn't want drugs but was wondering wtf this overshare was about. We went in this dude's bmw suv into a rough area of town, and this dude beckons over a homeless person and hands him a 100 out of the window and says "I would like some cocaine." Yep non-sequitur just like that. I would imagine it was something to do with pure drug supply originally but when I saw him do that I was floored. More floored when he was wondering why this dude wasn't coming back. He did not know this dude, we just went into a random part of town. Next day I went back there without him wasn't even asking around, just walking about getting to know the area. That same dude comes up to me and offers me the money and says sorry. I told him to keep it, said he was a stronger man than I. If you do not understand how utterly disrespectful of an act I witnessed this fucker do you are the US liberal. Once again though me walking around getting to know the area was going to the corner store asking about the area and checking stufƒ out holding a 1L pepsi and taquitos. I do this most places I go if I want to check stuff out, it's literal common sense. I would rather go there than ever hang out with that dude again because he's in charge of safe supply??? Of what? He's unsafe supply himself.


I only got so far before I hit a paywall and the archived links aren’t up yet, but right off the bat the article starts talking about how there is more homelessness on the west coast than there is in red states. I’m not trying to defend blue states democrats running the west coast, but the homeless issue is just as much the fault of the red states. I used to work in a homeless shelter, currently work in social services, have had quite a few conversations with different west coast homeless people over the years, in fact, today for work I’ll be doing outreach at a large homeless encampment giving out food, hygiene kits, etc.. and I’m pretty certain majority of them are economic refugees from back East, more than people who are from here originally and lost their homes. The ones who aren’t are usually Native Americans or people from here with severe disabilities/addiction issues. (IME) They move here out of the Midwest and south chasing the American Dream(go west, young man), but after they realize that dream died several generations ago, they stick around because it’s a milder climate and there’s lots more social services for the homeless. The cultural battle is between people who want to just “clean up the streets” (I.e. run them out of town) and those who want to provide housing and wraparound social services. I suspect the “run them out of town” crowd has largely won in states like Florida (as mentioned by the article) hence the appearance of lower numbers of homeless


> archived links aren’t up yet You need to cut the `?smid=em-share` off the URL to get the actual [archive link](https://archive.ph/BBTIV). It seems the bots archiving major sites normalize the URL to get rid of this cruft, but not the AutoModerator.


Thanks. Yeah after reading the rest I think my comment still stands. Although id agree a shift away from ideology and towards pragmatism is a desperately needed shift. Getting solid data on the homeless population would be such a massive game changer. I know it’s damn near impossible with such a transient demographic, but we are basically in the dark with trying to advocate on this issue. Money gets poured into these short term projects, like homeless shelters and transitional housing that all looks super great on paper and in articles, but then falls to shit in a year time, and all those individuals are back out on the streets and even more hopeless and cynical about their conditions.


100%. I think the cynicism is very realistic when it’s the 8th fresh faced kid in a row visiting your spot to try to help you, just like the last one and all the ones before that. They won’t be back but you’ll still be there. By the time they begin to learn anything about it, they are gone.


And I dont blame the people who get burned out and walk away from the work either. Passion-exploitation is huge with non-profits and agencies. People care about things like helping the homeless, or environmentalism, or animal welfare, or whatever the agency/non-profit is about and the people who run these know this, so they cut wages, overwork their employees and under-resource them. I end up working unpaid overtime a lot and dipping into my own pocket to make things work out all the time, because I care about the work I do, and I know I won’t be able to sleep that night if someone came to me for help, the very specific kind of help that my program is supposed to provide, and because of overhead dysfunction or funding issues or whatever i can’t access the money, and so I find myself sitting at home after work spending my own money to order some food to this pregnant lady with three kids in a hotel somewhere or running some big gofundme for the elderly couple to by an rv as they are getting booted from the shelter. It’s demoralizing. Eventually people in the field just start saying “no” and sustain moral injury, become callous, or leave and work for some exploitative corporation.


I had that experience of passion exploitation canvassing in White Pine, MI and other hollowed out places. I did better learning and talking to people about how they perceived things vs raising money and honestly it felt exploitative of those communities in the end. Exploited by resource extraction industries until they withdraw and destroy the local economy. Then perhaps well meaning but poorly understanding and short term engaging activism. Chalk that one up to youthful naivety and shady advocacy orgs.


Yep non-profits are absolute ungovernable cancer. The government needs to take all that money and do it themselves with accountability. I have argued with a SFO liberal who knows the treasurer based off their own numbers if they took that same tax money, and applied it vertical integration wise, they could solve San Francisco homelessness. I mean the whole plan look at the numbers on the city tax income. I already know contractors etc around there so I use them as an example. It's just sheer apathy at that point to say to me "ahhh not sure about that." Which translates directly into "my love of apathy and own voice exceeds my desire to do anything about this problem I have asked you about." It translates directly with QED. They even of course think I'm doing all this discrete math for them, not so I don't catch a assault charge at points. They go away when I tell them that autism is not a super power it's truly a learning disability, a child does not do discrete math out of a love of the subject. However a autistic child with just enough aptitude discovers that discrete math, once bounds in reality are placed create cubic order, little blocks in reality, that have to exist or the universe has to be an energy less void. All you got to do is a little math. The amount of hours I put into discrete math by high school would probably be post-doctoral. I refuse to get credentialed in this field due to my love of both academia and math, since if both Trinity and Oxford have on file transgressions of academic misconduct so severe, it would mentally devaste me..." Just hit them with harsh reality, or they think harsh and they'll leave you alone and you're off the hook for any child abuse they do this way too lol


Brother my cyncism is very real and lived experience am so jaded with US liberal nonsense. What system is this where if you have the means to, that helping the homeless end result is going pick anywhere else please, because you're worried about them being victimized again. I know I have a massive bias due to my only relation on math essentially but you can't fake relate to someone.


> cultural battle is between people who want to just “clean up the streets” (I.e. run them out of town) and those who want to provide housing and wraparound social services. The real battle is between people who want to "help" by spending hundreds of millions on studies and NGO executive salaries, and people who are fed up with the streets lined with tents and knife-wielding fentenyl fiends.


Yeah people sayings liberals want to provide housing are nuts these west coast cities are putting millions and in California’s case billions into NGOs and programs not housing. People get to the just get rid of them phase because decades of liberal “helping” hasn’t done anything.


Nobody wants there to be knife wielding fentanyl fiends on the streets.


Yes they do. They support anything that makes life worse for normal, decent people.


Who is "they"?


A special type of radlib who thinks anything that hurts "oppressors" is good to the point where they don't so much cut off their nose to spite their face as take a chainsaw to it. If you're not ready and willing to embrace chronic corruption, migrant rape gangs, shambling fentanyl zombies, widespread homelessness, rampant theft, and more you're an evil white (*not* capitalized) oppressor who deserves it. They know nothing but resentment and spite.


Not only is this true, but i've had interactions with people who \*think\* this way. Theyre off their rocker fucking nuts.


Fuck yeah. Youre 100% right.


Even in Chicago, there’s a push and pull because of fundamental structural issues remaining unchanged. You can access soup and maybe a bed, but what about real work? And if you get work, how do you maintain it while going home to a dangerous encampment every night? How do you do that if you’re a woman with children who are too young for school? How do you avoid having your kids taken from you and sent somewhere you can’t see them? How do you survive cold winters outside?  For some, the obvious answer is: take the soup and the coats and find a really big tree and panhandle for a propane heater. Because there’s no real means of reintegrating into society. Not when you’re already in the encampment. For some, who are homeless but have a couch in someone’s basement, things become radically less difficult—they are still very difficult, of course, but the simple nature of knowing you will be safe while you sleep is incredibly important psychologically. 


I think the milder climate is a big aspect of it. Yeah, blue areas like Chicago might have less homelessness, but imagine being homeless in Chicago- as soon as winter hits you're going to try to move somewhere easier to live.


Yes and no, I understand that the US media does this, so this no shade to you. But if I am a induvial and one place welcomes me and the other doesn't I go to the one that welcomes me willingly and try to seek that place because Maslow's hierarchy says I need to find myself belonging somewhere. I am that homeless man, because he is me. This is the fault of US media and propaganda. Just asinine amounts of nonsense pumped out. I can actually point out the small sections in the US that have done homelessness properly and it's so simple. Effort and care, equals feeling needed and wanted, and whatever curable ailment I have mentally I have to want to fix it to succeed, but I have to see a future for myself worth doing this for. I am not being this curt for the love of the homeless but for the annoyance at US media. There is a simple elegance to the way both the Christian man in Texas and I think lady in Mass? or whereever it is succeeding do it. Both of them seem to be going around the shelter provided and asking people how they doing, how their day was, listening to them, and for some reason they remember all they were told, as if they do care, slowly but surely I realize it's not a lie, they care. When I tell them this in Seattle when they ask, or even prove it, since it's honestly like the thing to do if you can but I am one man, and what I cannot do is talk to everyone, but know I have a 100% success rate myself at curing homelessness and it's not because I am a magical Indian sage you absolute assclowns in Seattle. Evan, the now CFA certified financial analyst was once homeless in Seattle. I am very proud of him that is a hard ass exam to pass. He allows me to share his name and also shares my frustration. I can connect with people on things I enjoy because it's genuine. Math is a love of mine. What it took for Evan to snap out of his issue was someone coming up to him and asking why he was doing a integral for stock market analysis on cardboard, and being offered a notebook since the math looked right, and he was struggling to put it all on his cardboard. This is not a hallmark moment, he lives in Norway now. Am very happy for him, Seattle you suck, your justice system sucks, rehabilitation huh. Seattle cops you're just as bad as LA county. Lazy evil cunts to charge a homeless man with a crime so severe he was forever barred from being productive the way he wanted to. If you don't know who did the crime to pin it on a homeless person randomly should be public execution honestly.


I don't really think it's because of some blue/red policy divide. There are lots of places in red states that are shitholes too. That being said, I hate how libs go on about praising about how states like California and how it has the "5th largest economy in the world" and what not, and get mad at you whenever you point out the numerous problems. Like that doesn't mean a Republican is gonna fix those problems.


To be fair the article specifically addresses that - he a. Points out all the various metrics by which blue states, on average, outperform red states and b. Cites specific ways that the west coast has worse problems than other typically blue areas (or at least, worse problems than the northeast)


I've been stationed to or deployed to different Army bases in red states and say for sure there are many red states that are shit holes. You couldn't pay me to live in Oklahoma for example. Or Texas. There's something about Army base towns being shitholes too and its fucking depressing just thinking about it.


Noticed this guy goes about comparing states. I haven't verified; but saw that a lot of times when comparing Blue vs Red states; the repubs say "check where all the crime is happening and it's probably a Democrat mayor". Any truth to that? Did a quick check of TN on crime map and the red does seem to center around Memphis and Nashville; both which have Dem mayors.


To be fair, virtually all medium and large cities have Democrat mayors and haven't had a Republican mayor for at least a decade. I took a quick look at the wikipedia list of mayors of the top 50 US cities by population and the 2009 version of that list, which is the oldest version with parties included. Interestingly, the number of Democrats was 36/50 in both lists, but some cities switched. Looks like San Antonio, Dallas, Honolulu, Fort Worth, and Omaha switched from Democrat to Republican or Independent during that time, while San Diego, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, Charlotte, Tucson, and Colorado Springs went from Republican to Democrat or Independent. NYC went from I to D, and Miami went from I to R. The only ones to be Republican the whole time were OKC, Mesa AZ, Fresno, Bakersfield, Virginia Beach, and Arlington TX. Virtually every other city you can think of above a couple hundred thousand has been D the whole time. It would be far from scientific, but I think it would be interesting to compare those four groups to see how the crime stats trended in each. I might take a crack at that after work, lol.


Crazy stat! Hey if you end up doing so, would be interested to see.


That would be interesting for sure


That brings up a weird issue for me. I keep hearing two things online: (1) Conservatives talking about how blue states and cities are falling into complete Mad Max; and (2) Lib types talking about how much better blue states are than red states by every metric. Whatever people's objections to Kristoff and this op-ed, it at least gives me some way of squaring the circle regarding this rhetorical mess.


Bigger cities have more people which will always mean more crime. Bigger cities tend to be liberal. I don’t think it’s an issue of who’s in charge.


In addition cities also have a high concentration of people in poverty in a relatively small area, poverty and proximity both increase crime as well.


In Switzerland, benefits are tied to your hometown. If you move to Geneva and need help, you get support for the first 12 months. If you are not back on your feet by then, you are considered to have a more structural problem, and you have to move back to your hometown to get further support. Their reasoning is that it's cheaper to provide support away from the biggest urban centers, and they have a social interest in avoiding ghettos of poverty, and freedom of movement is a reasonable sacrifice in exchange for social support.


This is why statistics measure per-capita and not a straight number of crimes. It already takes into account the larger population.


I’m still skeptical.. For example, rural tweakers have the incentive to travel to a nearby city for a crime spree opposed to hitting their hometown, because everyone will know immediately who did it.


Why would they go across the state to a city when they can hit the next town over? Or the inverse using this logic; why wouldn't a city person just rob the suburbs/rurals if it's about getting away with it? This reminds me of the "they are bringing in guns from out of state" talking point when gun control fails (IE: Chicago) which then follows asking why the state where those guns supposedly originate from have less crime even though it would be easier to get guns there (and arise less suspicion)? This train of thought would basically _excuse_ the cities this author talks about as well. It just sounds like an easy way for political leaders to wipe their hands; "Welp, nothing we can do about it, just part of living in a city!"


Also understanding how tweakers work, being in Vancouver right now, they wouldn't go to the next over to do anything, it's closest, enough, for next hit of ice. How do I know this, multiple in person interview longitudinal analysis aka asked the tweaker. Astounding that you have people believing the fantasies a tweaker tells are reality, versus what they tell when they're in recovery or what they do. Well at least Edward Bernays would be proud of the media.


You have your heart in the right place but the true hate crime is the joint mis labelling and misdirection on both populations by your government who does have agency. White tweakers aren't trying to commit hate crimes on black people en masse, same goes for black tweakers. They are tweaking looking for that next hit. The one good thing I see in Pennsylvania specially that area if you know how to look for it, you see true racial unity. heart-warming.


So why haven’t we used meth to solve our race problem? We could all be living in meth-induced racial harmony ✨


Because of the Dutch. Assholes won't match demand for supply. Selfish fucks with their loud ass wooden shoes.


All the crime that is happening is the taxation without representation or services that is occurring. It doesn't matter what level of performative, guilt led recidivism, etc is happening, public officials need to face more consequence.


I am not a unitedstatian. However, I once heard from a liberal defender on /b/ an interesting conspiracy theory. That being that in western red states, police officers will arrest homeless people and give them basically two options, transport to california or prison and most choose transport. Now I don't believe that this is happening on a large scale because housing prices obviously have much more to do with it, but I though I'd share this.


That's not even a conspiracy theory, thats just a fact. I've seen it happen multiple times when I worked a city clerical job in arizona. Government entities in small towns openly buy tickets for homeless people to ship them "just one town over where they can get better help" or sometimes straight to Cali/coastal state. Sometimes homeless people would just come in and ask for a ticket since their buddy got one before. It's a win/win for them (small town gets rid of junkie/hobo + homeless get better climate and more support services for free), but a loss for the receiving states.


I saw similar happen with people with disabilities in my home state of Minnesota because Minnesota provided more help and resources states nearby like Wisconsin would tell people with disabilities to move or even sometimes pay for a bus ticket.


I read a article a decade ago about hawaii doing this.


Stay out of Malibu, deadbeat! Keep your ugly fuckin' goldbrickin' ass out of my beach community.


Mr Treehorn treats objects like women, man.


Why do people treat the world like it has some magic nonsense bro. It's always magic this magic that. Never the reality. I keep telling people I have the magic multi year Chinese visa since public goods should be universal anyway there is agreement to let them have it to, same as my mother. I know many brilliant scientists through her and the most awe inspiring thing I have seen is a sixty year old lady hand crossing wheat plants at 9pm on Saturday with the singular goal to make it head blight resistant, so that it would grow in the coming hotter and dryer climate֫. Thankfully next gen sequencing data is 2d linear, for I truly do not have the math competency myself to justify me being the bioinformatics professional. I am competent but this is a wheat genome research scientist with so much pedigree and respect in her field, when she sent out a request for 400 different organically growing wheat lines world wide, I realized the quantity when each bag germinated. 400 beige pouches showed up off one email. Wheat is a hexaploid genome, what she did was deduce the mutation combo favourable to what she wanted and then used mendelian crossing to create it and make viable. The NRC of Canada of all things, the agency who honoured Fleming's request for penicillin, decides to without consult assign me to the project saying I placed top in the exam. Was there an exam to test competency. No. Thankfully fired whoever that was and new checks and balances. Usually they hold a world wide basically open contest to assign a student or expert to her. Do you want to know the peak of brilliance, she is able to look at the wheat genome in 2D and get all way to 350 ligand peptides off the genome, with conformation in her head. Does anyone hear wanna guess what kind of math is able to calculate out the articulations this woman will make in regard to specifics? 2D genome is relatively easy even ngs data with the appropriate degree. Man the older I get the more I am certain jealousy and misdirection in academia will be humanity's early end. Also am never posting in that smarmy git Steven's subreddit again. Been with dude since SC2 but to see him do that to poor Dr. Finkelstein, facing an onslaught of propaganda, weary in the mind. Did he not see that the Zionist even did not join in on his argument, he made his. Holy hell. No wonder academics don't like media appearances, least lex lets people talk and agrees to terms that they're comfortable with for the appearance.


Damn flair goes hard though. Rock on young man, rock on.


Yep total conspiracy theory because it allows people to pout the agency on a big bad shadow government when it's just because they don't' care. I will accept don't care 100% over telling me that the government the us government has that kind of directive and agency. If I have just finished somehow taking care of five infants with colic when I thought it was windows server upgrade time, and you tell me they're boss baby. I will go to the fish market and buy a full sized tilapia and smack you with it repeatedly.


> I will accept don't care 100% over telling me that the government the us government has that kind of directive and agency. The whole idea was not that the feds are behind this but that state governors and sheriffs do this on their own accord. Or even individual policemen.


Yes. Oh I just realized your flair. If that's you that is the answer I agree with. I just don't understand this whole system of policing. Why per county policies but same uniform? Because I was confused when the republicans upped Singapore I just went there and asked the commissioner. The answer of trying to uphold a semblance of equal justice tracks everywhere else in the world but US police man. Where do they get this massive amount of hubris. Also a grown cop in uniform trying hide like a lost child is about as cute as mad cow disease in humans. I thought this dude was an adult so when he said he wanted to know how signapore ran their stuff I said I'd bridge that gap for him since I don't go around having the intricies of Singaporean law memorized right. Like I can't even begin to imagine what that's about, but on top of the structure another difference I see is accountability. If you look into the history of scandal with Singapore's police they seem to do things like investigate for possible racial discrimination even on officer suicide. They investigated this off one Facebook post, determined it was interpersonal bullying and misconduct and did a review of their policies and assessment along with a new frame work to follow to do it better. Off a officer's suicide. Not even public related. I think that would help with the policing shortage frankly. Every part of that process is laid out for public interest. I don't see this in the US and I been to a lot of counties to see if anyone is doing this. Just hubris and hero complex with the inferiority complex multiplier.


Yes and they are bumbling idiots. To assign over arching agency to a bumbling idiot is wild. There is nothing hidden, to have stuff hidden you need someone willing to keep the oath. How much money will you take to hold oath and how much does the us pay its govt employees.


When you believe children are the future so much that you put them in charge right now. Lord of the Flies, every fucken time.


California is very beautiful It’s a shame


I have such a love for California but absolutely abhor what its become. and it has taught me an important lesson on why overpopulation is a thing and why it should be avoided. It seems to precede a host of other problems like crime, bad administration, corruption, etc.


Um… The reason why the northeast has less homelessness than the west is… WEATHER. Not better liberals.


Well if the liberals want the truth it's a combination of performative activism, apathy, guilt, aversion, and then the cycle of apathy guilt and aversion. This is actually word for word also in a certain little book called the Codex Latinnicus. I'm doing this citation for humour don't use it seriously. In that book this exact concept means God no longer loves you. Huh look at that, Godless heathens after all. Top kek as they used to say.