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Out of 10 comments 6 are sucking Putin's cock and one is somehow confused as to why this is happening. If there's any topic that outs this sub as being full of fake leftists it's Russia, people here will literally defend a right wing government repressing leftists because muh NATO or some shit.


easy calculation: NATO / NATO-Allied = bad Borderline Fascist Regime but opposing NATO = Good


Putin is a counter-revolutionary Neolib from the same Lib ass Leningrad Law clique as the rest of the counter-revolutionary Yeltsin white traitors. No leftist should simp for Putin, he even floated bringing the fucking Romanov's back.


Shut the fuck up, go back to playing vidya games real leftist revolutionary


I bet a part of you secretly wishes you there in Russia. Not to agitate for revolution or support local worker movements, but so that you serve in the police or intelligence services and get to be the ones locking up dissidents and torturing leftists like your heroes in the KGB used to.


Why did they do this?


Because they are just as fascist as the West. Russia isnt some anti imperialist country


> Russia isnt some anti imperialist country depends on who you ask. In Africa this is a very popular sentiment. If you ask the Baltic states however they may physically harm you just for asking that kind of a question


the same can probably be said about most major powers. To some they are imperialist and to some not. The only country that is imo as close as you can get to being anti imperialist is china. Ultra capitalist countries like Russia and the US only do things that will increase their profit / power. Nothing else matters


If Russia was imperialist, they would yoke Ukraine with $200 billion+ in debt like the West has done. Instead they are liberating Ukraine from that debt and telling US/EU bankers to go fuck themselves Go learn how the actual fascist West works before talking about imperialism


Lmao i dont even know how to respond to that. The part of my family still in Ukraine feels really thankful for being "liberated" by Russia not like entire cities are getting bombed to hell. Thank our lord and savior Putin. You can be against western imperialism without sucking russias dick. It could be shocking to you but Russia isnt communist anymore. Their people are dirt poor while the billionaires that run the country are sucking the country completely dry while gobbling up all the industries that was built by the USSR and meanwhile a self proclaimed communist is supporting them, i would find it funny if it werent so stupid


That's what it takes to stop NATO. You think whining on the internet is the way to go? Your family is doomed to pay $200 billion+ to faceless US/EU bankers the rest of their lives and [have their land sold off to foreigners](https://privatization.gov.ua/). What are you doing to save them besides being a whiny bitch?


It's easy to call someone a whiny bitch when they had to leave their country because they got invaded by their much larger neighbor isn't it? When you fight for your existence you have to take every help you can get. I know NATO is shit and they dont care about us but what are we supposed to do? I suppose you dont speak russian so you dont know how they talk about us and what a lot of people want to do if Ukraine surrenders. My grandparents were always proud to be part of the soviet union and still are diehard communists and even they dont want anything to do with modern russia and you know why? Because they are anti completly anything marxism stands for. The only real communist country left that opposes the imperalistic west is china and if russia was more like them I would WANT to be part of it again but never current russia.


To be clear, there is no shame in being a victim of Western imperialism. There are billions of victims of Western imperialism, some brutalized worse than others. What I'm attacking is vacuous leftist ideology that occupies a fantasy middle ground where you sanctimoniously condemn anyone and everyone but you do nothing yourself. And worse, you attack people that do take action. This is the leftist ideology that predominates in the West for decades. NATO is a brutal imperialist military that's killed millions of people in Iraq, Libya, etc. In order to stop them, you have to fight them. They don't negotiate. But idiot leftists don't think about what it will take to make their fantasies into reality, it will require putting up a fight. They prefer to bend over their entire lives while pretending they're holier than thou. I have zero respect for that. I respect action. The labels don't matter. Russia has the wrong labels, but has stopped NATO's encroachment in its tracks. Redarded Western leftists have the correct labels and correct beliefs, and they're useless sacks of shit. You're right, China is doing great. But they're tied to the Western war machine, they're the factories for America. Until they can decouple, their hands aren't clean either. Russia and the former Soviet Union are self-sufficient and have stood head and shoulders above others as independent. That deserves respect in itself.


No cap I don't care about anarchists or antifa individuals. I don't think they should be tortured but maybe just a talk with a trusted adult on why they are childish.


Did you even read the comment? Many of them are Marxists. Are you a communist or a reactionary with a red paint?


Sad that I have to share such an amazing flair with someone who has such gay and cringe views.


> gay and cringe Anarchism.


Are you an anarchist? I can't imagine why you'd be so upset.


Anarchism is cringe, but maybe it's just me, but I think you should have a problem with people getting arrested for their views, regardless of what those views are.


No I think they're pretty regarded, but anyone who has no problem with a corrupt oligarchy imprisoning people for dissenting political views because you personally view those opinions as wrong is even more regarded.


I don't really think anarchism is a political thing. Its so childish I don't really care if they get in trouble (Still do not like the torture though). Notice how I excluded making these comments about the imprisoned socialists or communists.


Anarchists are criminals


The country is at war. A war forced upon them by the USA and NATO. What ever mistakes and crimes of censorship and repression the Kremlin may be guilty of, not a single case can be worse or more significant than the persecution of Julian Assange for exposing war crimes.


Ah yes the US and NATO forced them to roll tanks across the border.


>NATO Superfan lol